Ships Unless They Carried He Spoke of "Supporting" MEBA in the American Ing Speed
'i \'' iiV • • . YoK XIX No. 1 SEAFARERS LOG J • OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION • ATLANTIC AND GULF DISTRICT • AFL-CIO • .. ."M SIU PREPARED IN ? • ft -Story On Page 3 k f Arf cfm/vc fAAAf Hospitalized New Orleans Seafarers, like men in other ports, got Christ- Vffff fSf fffua Vffccr* mas boost in form of $25 bonus from SIU Welfare Plan. Welfare repre sentative Vic Miorana (seated, left) delivers cash to (1 to r) Martin Kelly, Seno Desoso, Charles Dor- rough, Clovis Coates, Michael Muzio, Demetrio Zerrido. Seated is Mike Liuzza, a visitor. •.•4: : hife. Sea Transportation Service. (Story on Page 2.) rA January 4, 1957 Page Two SEAF ASERS IPG .Shown here at Jacksonville, Fla., where she was crewed by Seafarers, Carib Queen is kicking off first true US "roll on- roll off service." Converted LSD, which normally will carry loaded truck trailers to Caribbean ports, will see first service under MSTS charter, transporting Army supplies to Germany. Carib Queen Begins K-' MSTS Trial Voyage In the latest issue of the "Pilot" Curran resumes Erratic could be another name for NMU President JACKSONVILLE—-With appropriate fanfare and dedica Joseph Curran. his onslaught against the SIU lor acting against his unique notions of trade union behavior. In the tion ceremonies the SlU-manned Carib Queen has embarked His inability to control explosive emotional out bursts, resulting from real or fancied grievances, course of that attack, he tipped his mitt as to his on her maiden voyage as the first true full-sized trailership. real concern by sneering "egg crate ship" at plans After touching at San Juan and-t- ~~ only serves to add to a record of inconsistency and to build a low-cost passenger liner for.
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