Roanoke Valley, Blue Ridge Parkway Trail Plan Final Draft 1/28/04
Roanoke Valley, Blue Ridge Parkway Trail Plan Final Draft 1/28/04 Compiled by Blue Ridge Parkway Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission National Park Service, Rivers & Trails Program and The Roanoke Valley Blue Ridge Parkway Planning Team Acknowledgements The Roanoke Valley, Blue Ridge Parkway Trail Plan is the product of a collaborative effort among many groups and individuals that provided their time, expertise, and suggestions throughout the plan development process. Specific thanks go to the following planning team members, field crew participants, and technical experts for their support and assistance. Roanoke Blue Ridge Parkway Planning Team & Technical Support Rick Baker, Blue Ridge Parkway Brian Batteiger, Valley Area Shared Trails Coalition Scott Bedwell, Virginia Dept of Conservation and Recreation Liz Belcher, Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission Matt Chumbley, City of Roanoke, Parks Department Barbara Duerk, Pathfinders for Greenway Roger Ellmore, Virginia’s Explore Park Dawn Godwin, National Park Service, Rivers & Trails Program Bill Gordge, Pathfinders for Greenways Kenny Harris, City of Roanoke, Engineering Department Aaron Hofberg, County of Roanoke, Department of Community Development Larry Hultquist, Blue Ridge Parkway Gary Johnson, Blue Ridge Parkway Tammy Keller, Blue Ridge Parkway Eric LaPrad, City of Roanoke, Parks Department Ursula Lemanski, National Park Service, Rivers & Trails Program Anita McMillan, Town of Vinton, Planning Department Patty Mead, Virginia’s Explore Park Matt Miller, Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission Linda Oberlender, Pathfinders for Greenways Janet Scheid, County of Roanoke, Department of Community Development Donnie Underwood, City of Roanoke, Parks Department Thanks also to the International Mountain Biking Association, National Park Service Rivers and Trail Program, and Beneficial Design for assisting the planning team with trail assessment and analysis, database development, and trail design.
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