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A D 'Rales Subscription Rates 1 Business 0Iroctory..$5/Mon Ouurtcr Page ---------------------------------------------— ----------------------------------- A d 'Rales Subscription Rates 1 Business 0iroctory..$5/mon Ouurtcr page....... If yon reeiove your mail | Half Page........... in Milo....... Full Page............ $15.00 Out of Milo area...... $20.00 Classifieds......... Notices.. ........... I) S A............ nvn-rmr, *$24.00 j Thankyous.......... Ilahy & Wcddinji Out of country..........$30.00 ! Annouineements. News items, reportsIMMtll/(5 H Single copy................. Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, NO LETTER WILL BE PRINTED WITHOUT A SIGNATURE. The Can Opener is printed on the LAST MONDAY of each month, unless otherwise stated in the calendar on the back page. PLEASE HAVE ALL ITEMS IN FOR THE PAPER NO LATER TH A N TH E WEDNESDAY BEFORE PRINTING. You may mail them to : MILO CAN OPENER BOX 12, MILO,,ALBERTA TOL 1L0 or leave them at Jamies Ag store in Milo or Fax them to us at 599-3 835 or Give them to one of the following people: Sheila Winch, Levona Dixon, June Beckner Marina Vannatta, Carol Henry, Zola Webber, Sue I vers, Ellen Watt, Joanne Monner or Darlene Phillips. Goods & Services jS teiijh t Cfteatt <£ pim ple &cotiabaflh The Bank Of flova Scotia SDUTHERn CRERTI0R5 □RflCE BRDD Ralph & Darlene Grcws\^ lA dttagen Don Kinney LARRY VAN WATT A Local made handcrafts 6 4 1 - 3 6 4 4 jB ujinej’-r Hours: Bus. 599-3898 641-2390 Mon-Thurs 10:00-12:00 \\^Home 599-3892 1:00-3:00 \ox 99 Milo, AB Keeping the oountry in. Friday 9:30-12:00 TOL 1LO music 1:00-5:30 PHILLIPS FERTILIZER GAMON HOLDINGS Village of Milo RilD CHEmiCRL MILO LTD. Residential & Custom Blending . Soil Commercial Sampling . Custom. OILFIELD TRUCKinG Spreading . Spreader LOTS Rentals . Urea . Avadex UJRTER HRULIRG Water . Power . Gas Elephant Brand Dry CRR UUR5H Office hr. Tu e & Thurs & Bulk PH. 599-3931 9-11 a.m. Lomond 792-3757 Ph 599-3883 M ilo 599-3766 MILO CAFE o h Home l l l l Hardware) CHH1ESE & lilESTERR WAJER HAULING WATER TAKE OUT ORDERS GRAIN L.H. Phillips & Sons Ltd. PH. 599-3832 FERTILIZER Box 39 MACHINERY 599-3784 Milo, Alberta TOL ILO TUES - SAT 8 - 8 HAY XJZ4059 Tel. (403)599-3766 SUN 9 - 8 Closed MON. Hopper Trailer & Hi-Boy Work Beer & wh> wHhmeab GflRT RUTDmOTIVE Llcienced Mechanic fort Patricia LaPierre -Auto and Truck Repair PHOTO ENCOUNTERS -Exhaust repairs/pipe ben din g Co-ordinator: 120 Centre S tr. N Will Pick Up & Deliver HELEN SHIELD Box 3068 Call GORD NELSON High River, Aftwrta 599-2302 TOL1BO 599-2152 W E WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR ADVERTISERS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT. WITHOUT THEM WE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PRINT THIS PAPER FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF OUR READERS. | POOLvStrenqhtenlnq Agriculture ^LM ary K ay Gountry Styles — and proving it every day FOR ALL YOUR GRAN MARKET NG COSMETICS Hair Design AND AGRO PROOUCT NEEDS Open Please caS anytime Tuesday thru Friday M8o 599-3866 Queenstown 599-2151 Irene Henry jPhorve for Appointment 599-3940 DENNIS CYR 599-3745 599-2134 DARRYL ANGLE 599-3949 (no appointment necessary WAYNE HALM 599-2162 Wednesday 9 - 1 2 ) $' YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED ___________________________ nelson Taxidermy B & B Soil & Service JBirds Hugs COURTRY fish .Lifesize Mounts Manager: Monty Beagle CRRPET J3ig G am e H eads CRRE Bus-. 534-3828 Specializing ire Bernardino Nets'on Carpets and Upholstery Re*. 534-3748 RVs. Autos. Windows and Exterior Home (403)534-3764 Cleaning SHERRITT FERTILIZERS Box 224 Box 187 Ross and Shirley ZeuNke Arrowwood, AB TOL 1LO Arrowwood, AB Box 566 Utican, AB ToL 2B0 ph 485-6359 Pontiac-Buick C hev-G M C Chev-O lds T r u c k s :■ Dr. John M. Helgers 2 Dentist BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADS WORK FOR YOU ONLY $ 5 .0 0 PER MONTH BUD'S SERVICE (i9 6 0 ) L td P.O. Box 398 114 Third Avenue North Bassano, Alberta Vulcan, Alberta TOL 1LO Ph: 641-3828 (403)485-6008 United Farmers of Alberta Queenstown Co-operative Limited Seed Cleaning CPV e % a/r#n Bat Gauthier T h e Bulk Fuel Agent Association Ltd. R o s e M a r i e Gauthier’s Bulk Fuel 599-2150 C O L L E S d c t i o n When cleaned seed is sown Box 58 Cleaner crops are grown Milo, Alberta Bus. 59 9-3 731 DARLENE*' PHILLIPS ED POSEXN - manager TOL 1L0 Res 599-2153 5 9 9 -3 7 9 1 COUNTRY STYtES HAIR DESIGN WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS AUGUST 1ST THROUGH AUGUST 10TH I WILL BE BACK TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 HAVE A NICE SUMMER ! X A a or I 'Y A l NOW AVAILABLE ^ , , FOR CUSTOM GRAIN HAULING ^ FOR CANADIAN & USA PICK-UP OR DELIVER CONTACT GARRY UMSCHEID 599-3784 MOBILE- 651-043 1 OR GRA-NAE HOLDINGS fW endlel 54 6-4227 The True Cost of expertise to see that many assump­ tions are being made that are simp­ SEPARATION listic nonsense. Some people assume, for example, the continuation of a This country may break apart be­ common currency, a common inter­ cause too many Canadian believe the national trade and a stabilizing costs would be minimal. fiscal structure. This is not a credible scenario, even in a spirit Canada starts in grave danger of of harmony and selflessness— and joining what the late American his­ history warns us that emotion can­ torian Barbara Tuchman has called not be kept out of the picture. the March of Folly--a path that has Political separation would see ■■ led many nations to ruin or decline. the emergence of two weaker re­ According to Tuchman, nations gional currencies, provoking a host march towards folly when they adopt of economic problems. The Canadian policies contrary to their self- dollar would be undermined by a interest. A better alternative is greatly weakened economy, and nei­ available,but they are unwilling to ther the Canadian nor the Quebec consider it. Early in mankind's currency would be the reliable and long march of folly, the Trojans internationally respected medium of hauled the wooden horse inside their exchange we now enjoy. Canada and walls, despite being warned it was a Quebec would have less ability to Greek trick. More recently, Winston finance growth, development, jobs, Churchill was widely ridiculed for environmental initiatives and insisting that democracy was under social needs. threat. Separation also means losinb the Now Canada seems to be embark power of the federal government to king on its own march of folly. Too help smooth out economic cycles by many Canadians are indifferent to a transferring funds from strong possible breakup of the country; provinces to those that are rela­ too few have really begun to dis­ tively weak. Without the combined cuss the issues. strength of the country as a whole, Marches of folly are made pos­ the economically weak provinces sible by the existence of danger­ would suffer a dramatic decline in ous delusions. It is the delusion government services and an increase that a national breakup would be in taxes. relatively smooth and involve only Ironically, the nations of Europe minimal costs that risks sending are drawing closer at this time. Canada down this road of folly. They have buried the deep wounds of A recent poll reported that 51 a millennium of conflict, and are percent of Canadians surveyed out­ yelding sovereignity to create the side Quebec believe that if Quebec world's biggest common market. The separates, the economy of what re­ European's know what we have for­ mains of Canada will be unchanged- gotten: In unity there is strength. or even stronger. Who are these In this 125th anniversary year of people? How much time have they Confederation, we should be celebra­ spent thinking about what would ting our achievements. A 1992 report really happen? of the United Nations Development That separateion would be rela­ Program, rating countries on aj tively easy and without cost is broad scale in terms of economic not just a dangerous delusion: it prosperity, longevity, living stan­ is a real-world impossibility. The dards, equality of the sexes, racial costs would be huge and long las­ equality, distribution of income, ting, and paid by everyone in and human freedom, ranked Canada Canada--in Quebec, and in every first in the world in terms of other province and territory. No quality of life. one would escape lightly. Observers abroad can only shake It requires no constitutional j their heads and ask, Don't CAnadians O'-'- • v. o ~ . :*ni 5*"•? v.hat thev. arc * - Corvt '/fieyt / L'sst of' ^eparaTjot/ Qjmi/ Uheels of 2V d u.stnj m flilo ! realize what they are risking? Work has started on the new seed­ Well, here's one Canadian, a son cleaning plant located just north of Saskatchewan, who cares passion­ of the village. Also, construction ately about keeping Canada together is in progress on the new v i n age from British Columbia to Newfound- fire hall. It is across the street to the south of the Community Hall. land. Let's not join this March of Folly! Along with these two projects and Condensed from a speech 2 road construction crews there are by ALLAN R. TAYLOR about 15 or more trailers parked in town. ALLAN R- TAYLOR is chairman and chief executive officer, Royal Bank of Canada. His speech was made to the bank's annual meeting of share­ holders on January 23, 1992. Anne Rolphe: Brides and pregnant women are often radiantly beautiful, and happiness - not cosmetics - is the cause. A woman u W ' s J our S ' 9 whose smile is open and whose expres­ sion is glad has a kind of beauty n o : o matter what she wears.
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