Mark Bagley,Gerry Duggan | 168 pages | 14 Apr 2015 | | 9780785190684 | English | New York, United States Hulk Vol. 3: Omega Hulk Book 2 by Various | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble®

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Hulk, Volume 2 by Gerry Duggan. Illustrations. Writer Gerry Duggan kicks off a shocking new direction for the Hulk! saved Bruce Banner's life, but at a strange price. Who or what is Doc Green, aka the Omega Hulk? And why is he targeting - and "curing" - the Hulk's Gamma-powered extended family? is the first to face the sinister Doc, but he might not survive his prescription! Next, Doc Green takes on Skaar - but when someone else intercedes in the battle, all hell breaks loose! But when it comes time for Red Hulk to take his medicine, there'll be mass smashing and widespread destruction! Guest-starring Kitty Pryde and Daredevil! And oh yeah -who shot Bruce Banner to begin with? What impact will this have on one of the most dangerous super beings on the planet? Collecting : Hulk Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2, Annual Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published April 14th by Marvel first published March 3rd More Details Original Title. Hulk 2Hulk Single IssuesAnnual 1. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Hulk, Volume 2please sign up. Lists with This Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. Sort order. Oct 10, Terence rated it liked it Shelves: marvel-unlimited Bruce Banner's Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 was severely brain damaged so his friend Tony Stark decided to put extremis in his brain to repair it. Stark did better than simply repair it he transformed Banner's brain and The Hulk's brain or Doc Green as he likes to be called Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. So Doc Green isn't simply the strongest there is, now he's also the smartest. He also has a plan to rid the world of gamma weapons. So depending on how old or how long a person has been reading comic books will determine how genius some ideas s Bruce Banner's brain was severely brain damaged so his friend Tony Stark decided to put extremis in his brain to repair it. So depending on how old or how long a person has been reading comic books will determine how genius some ideas seem. I remember the last time Hulk was smart. Anyway Doc Green is going around curing people capable of Gamma transformations regardless of if they want to be cured or not. The doctor is also having house calls with anyone who may think of using gamma radiation as a weapon. Doc Green is kind of Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 prick because of how he's going about things. Plus if anything he's removing any threats to his strength if he decides to take over. Jul 15, Dan rated it really liked it. New incarnation of the Hulk but don't call him that Apr 03, David rated it liked it Shelves: comic-books. Not sure I care for where this is heading. Getting Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 of all the other hulked up supporting cast? I love A-Bomb and the rest. Aug 11, Alex Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 rated it liked it. If you were never a fan of the Hulk "family", then this is the story line for you. After the events of the last volume, Banner's intellect has magnified significantly due to the extremis that Stark injected into him. This also means that Hulk, or Doc Green as he now prefers to be called, is now super smart as well. With his newfound super intelligence, Doc Green has decided: 1. He wont turn back to Banner so he can maintain control of his life, and 2. Every other Gamma hero or villain is a danger If you were never a fan of the Hulk "family", then this is the story line for you. Every other Gamma hero or villain is a danger to the Earth. He goes about setting up fail safes to keep Banner in line, and also, starts going after every member of the Hulk family to "cure" them. Its an interesting premise by Duggan, which actually works well to thin out the many hulked out characters currently in the Marvel Universe at this point and time. It seems that Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 cures actual do just that - cure the person, but Doc Green definitely has some kind of nefarious plan with the revelation that there is something else in the "cure" that he is keeping secret. Really interesting intro by Duggan to setup Hulk as the villain, but with the added advantage of super intellect. This is definitely only half the story, so I look forward to Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 the next volume and see Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 it all leads. Jun 15, Dean rated it really liked it. Wasn't sure I would enjoy this, but can happily say I was very wrong. Essentially an Armour Wars for the Hulk, he is on a mission to de-power all gamma created weapons, be they things or people. It makes for a fun ride, well executed. The new persona of 'Doc Green' is a nod to the previous intelligent Hulk, but Banner himself is not part of this version. Smart, but with a streak of nastiness. The art is excellent throughout, the collection as a whole being very strong. I'd recommend this one. Mar 08, Chad rated it really liked Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. There's a new Hulk out there and he's a dick. Gerry Duggan is killing it at Marvel these days between Deadpool, Nova and the Hulk, he's making some of Marvel's best books. Nov 12, Lionel rated it liked it Shelves: comicsgraphics Some funny bits and references doesn't make up for the rest. It is basically 50 shades of hulk. Apr 03, Vishualee rated it really liked it. We finally get some answers for the question that haunted Volume 1 - Who shot Bruce Banner in the head? The people who did it are revealed and their Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 for doing it. That's not all. A new, dangerously intelligent Hulk, fresh out of college of Extremis, invites you to his lab. Just don't make him fractious, because you wouldn't like him if he gets fractious. He is now a walking-talking dictionary, and knows his science and technology. With his civilized appearance, you may reconsider certain n We finally get some answers for the question that haunted Volume 1 - Who shot Bruce Banner in the head? With his civilized appearance, you may reconsider certain notions about the Hulk. The new Hulk becomes fractious if anyone calls him by his name. He is no longer Hulk, or Banner. He is Doc Green. Hulk, Volume 2: Omega Hulk, Book 1 by Gerry Duggan

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Home 1 Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. But there's no happy ending in sight as mistakes are made and science runs amok! As Doc Green's wayward artificial intelligence continues causing problems, the Doc trains under and hires Deadpool for a very sensitive mission! But will Deadpool really betray Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 Hulk, his former boss? Green Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 Red clash in an epic and violent grudge match between the two titans! And as the U. The Omega Hulk saga ends here! But what is Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 Green's startling secret? Collecting Hulk Product Details. Related Searches. Cable Vol. Collects Cable From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the infant mutant messiah, he's had only one goal: keep Hope alive until she can choose her own destiny. Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 now, stranded on a planet in View Product. Vol. Collects Captain America The odd saga of Dimension Z continues, with the shocking But even as gets everything he wants, a traitor strikes. Conan the Barbarian Vol. The many loves of Conan! Beyond his lusts for ale, battle and gold, there have Beyond his lusts for ale, battle and gold, there have been many women who have captured the Barbarian's heart over the years. But nothing is sacred when the Crimson Witch strikes - and twists what Drax Vol. You know him as the heavily tattooed muscle for everybody's favorite spacefaring super team, but You know him as the heavily tattooed muscle for everybody's favorite spacefaring super team, but what does Drax do when he's not Guarding the Galaxy? Pursue his own bloodthirsty quest to achieve his destiny and slay Thanos, of course! Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3: War of. Collects Guardians of the Galaxy Can the Guardians stop the War of Kings? The silent king Black Bolt and the tyrant Vulcan square off in interstellar combat with the Guardians stuck in the middle trying to restore the peace! Vol. Team Hawkeye head back to the future! Kate Bishop and Clint Barton are thrown together Kate Bishop and Clint Barton are thrown together in a new adventure spanning three eras! First, past and present lives collide as Kate and Clint face a threat that will challenge everything they Moon Knight Vol. Collects Moon Knight Marc Spector — a. When Marc wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and Moon Knight Volume 2: Blackout. Season Two of Moon Knight begins with a new creati ve team When the entire city is thrust into darkness by a strange new threat, Moon Knight must use all of his weapons and personalities to defeat a Hulk Vol 2 24 | Marvel Database | Fandom

But, before he can declare himself Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 the new ruler of the United States, he is confronted by Bruce Banner, the one true Hulk. The Red Hulk is shocked because he thought he stripped Banner of Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 ability to Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 the Hulk ever again. The Hulk mocks him for being wrong and the Red Hulk leaps at his long time enemy and the two begin trading blows outside the White House. The Hulk grabs his red counterpart in a bear hug and orders him to surrender or he will suffer even more pain if he refuses. The Red Hulk does refuse, but the Hulk overpowers him, striking him so hard that he fractures the Red Hulk's skull, much like the Red Hulk did to the back in the beginning. The Hulk can understand why Ross did that to the Abomination, as their mutual enemy was responsible for killing , and up until he became the Red Hulk, there was nothing Thaddeus could do Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 it. However, when she tries to get in the middle of the fight, she is stopped by the She-Hulk. She strikes back against Jen Walters, but this only angers Jennifer, who pronounces herself the one true She-Hulk, knocking the Red She-Hulk with a powerful blow. Seeing his daughter getting struck down, the Red Hulk manages to fight free from the Hulk and leaps away. The Hulk then orders A-Bomb to protect Betty, orders the She-Hulk to stop attacking her, and Lyra to protect innocent people in danger. He then takes off to Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 the Red Hulk once and for all. At that moment at the US Treasury, the remaining members of the Intelligencia are robbing it of all the currency inside when both of the come crashing down in the middle of the building. They continue battling it out, the Red Hulk begins generating so much power that he gets dangerously close to critical mass. He strikes the green Hulk with such force it causes a massive explosion. In the aftermath of the blast, the Red Hulk believes his foe is destroyed and proclaims himself the strongest one there is. However, the Hulk crawls out of the crater and asks the Red Hulk if that is all he's got. The Hulk then claps his hands together with such force it sends the Red Hulk crashing into the Lincoln Memorial. He then orders the Red Hulk to surrender unconditionally, warning him against reverting back to human form and making a return as General Ross. However, the Red Hulk explains that he cannot change back to human form anymore. The Hulk can only laugh, pointing out that after all the years he spent chasing after the Hulk he has made himself on and that is all he has left. The Hulk meets Steve Rogers there and tells him that they have a use for Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 Red Hulk, as his unwavering loyalty to his country will allow them to use him against Hulk-level threats. They go down into the holding area where the Red Hulk is being contained. Once they come face-to-face with Ross in his cell, he remarks that he was wondering when they were going to come to him and ask for help. Characters in this story make appearances in other events between the pages of this story. The affected characters are:. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Part of the " World War Hulks " event. Alternate Covers:. Dale Keown Variant. Hulk Vol 2 Joe Quesada. Cover Artist. Irene Lee. Jeph Loeb. Ed McGuinness. Mark Farmer. Morry Hollowell. Richard Starkings Comicraft. Mark Paniccia. Audrey Loeb. Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2 Brizuela. Nathan Hulk: Omega Hulk Volume 2. Previous Issue. It was your idea to fake my death You planned this all along I can't ever be Ross again Categories :. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. October