Inside: Women's Soccer Makes Ncaa Division Ii National Tournament, Pg
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Wr^r VOL. 62 NO. 8 GLENWOOD HILLS. ERIE 1988 i Last Temptation * raises issues in Erie 9 Millcreek By Robi Taylor people are retelling the Jesus story, Merciad staff reporter it's better than not telling it at all," he added. Throughout history an uncon- He also stated that any retelling ventional vision like The Last in any artistic form i s ' ' h i g h l y desir- Temptation of Christ might have able" because it stimulates an open started heresy trials and burning at discussion of the theologic issues. the stake. Garrelts is also the director of But in 1988, pickets, boycotts, the Films for Discussion series. and bannings are the preferred When discussing the modern methods of protest, even as far as style of r e l i g i o u s film, G a r r e l t s says taking the issue before Congress in that he prefers films in which Jesus an attempt t o get the film denounced is portrayed in a contemporary set- JESUS CHRIST (played by Wlllem Dafoe) speaks to aThe film was canceled in Erie following a brief run at as sacrilegious. i ting, such as The Grapes of Wrath crowd in the controversial movie ' 'The Last Tempta-a Millcreek theater. Erie Mayor Louis Tullio and his or One Flew Over The Cuckoo's tion of Christ" J • Photo courtesy of Universal Studios. wife Grace tried to get the film run Nest, where the main characters are they'd make sure we had the oppor- that they didn't know anything Tubinger's Hengel as stating, "We out of the Erie area by using boy- a modern version of Jesus. These tunity to see a wider range of films, about," Garrelts said. £ can, of course, discuss our different cotts and talking to District Attor- are "more interesting and more ef- and a wider range of art,'' Garrelts As a religionist and a film ex- pictures of historical Jesus until the ney Rusty Cunningham in an at- fective" than the "historizations" said. t pert, Garrelts said he feels that the end of time. But to examine the tempt to get it declared obscene. of T h e L a s t T e m p t a t i o n Of C h r i s t "I should think they'd be totally issues in The Last Temptation are biblical text and fail to deal with "In a recent interview, Dr. or Jesus Christ, Superstar. concerned with the fact that Erie of a scholastic nature and should be questions about the truth about faith George Garrelts, religious studies Although Garrelts found The itself no longer has a movie thea- left to the biblical scholars.* And the is quttriminierestmgf** , * and philosophy department direc- Last Temptation of Christ "over- ter," he added, fir y f movie itself should b e left to the film | The problem is if Jesus is made tor, stated, "I was unpleasantly rated" and "rather pedestrian," itis The process of shrinking Erie's critics to work out, but it should not to be uninteresting, in a movie or the surprised by that move on the part of still a healthy alternative to the more cultural base is what concerns Gar- be withdrawn from p u b l i c view. Bible, no one would follow Him. the (Erie) City Council and by violent films such as the Rambo relts. "That is an alarming thing Time Magazine quoted the book Mayor Tullio and Grace Tullio." series or the Senwarzeneggar films. that we" might be getting *'I guess it must stem from some "I feel that the energies...should be into...whereby people would be kind of fundamentalist type of con- more devoted to upgrading the censoring movies, books, and art- viction and a failure to realize that if quality of movies in the sense that work that they hadn't even seen or Co-presidents named for newly founded Pre-Law Society By Tina Fielding Merciad staff reporter Seniors Sean Gibbs and Ava Rotell have been appointed co-presi- dents of the newly founded Pre-Law Society. Bob Hvezda is the adviser. Hvezda is the Cooperative Education Coordinator. | I 1 . Gibbs is a sociatscience major from Minneapolis, and Rotell is a political science major from Farrell, Pa, J f The Pre-Law Society plans on becoming an active club on campus. ~Z^ ^ working to become officially recognized by the Mercyhurst Student Government, and to become involved in the academic celebra- tion. U The club will aid members in making the right choices in scheduling classes, joining clubs and participating in activities that will help them be accepted to the law school of their choice.! Members of the club will be able to ask questions about the application, preparation and location of the LSATs. Being involved in the Pre-Law society is an asset for students in all majors, even those who have not yet made up their mind about going to law school. It can aid in obtaining valuable leadership skills. H. M. S. Pinafore The club hopes to bring in guest speakers and take trips to n e a r b y law schools including Pitt, Duquesnc and Dayton, g THE MERCYHURST COLLEGE students, faculty Debbie Schmidt, and Caryl Unseld. The Pre-Law Society is a fun way to make a decision about law taffin the Little Theatre production of the Gil' The play is running Nov. 3,4, and 5 at 8 p.m. in theschool , as well as meeting new people and gaining leadership skills. Baker Little Theatre. Tickets are $6 for adults, but free£ to There will be a Pre-Law meeting open to everyone Nov. 9, at 8 p.m. Kirsten Hauser, Reg Harrison, Kim Krigbaum, Johnthe Mercyhurst community with ID or Preside fit'sin 205 Main. Buckley; (front, from left) Cheryl Burgard, Julie Deets,Card. * INSIDE: WOMEN'S SOCCER MAKES NCAA DIVISION II NATIONAL TOURNAMENT, PG. 8 PAGE 2 The Merciad NOVEMBER 3,1988 Athletic Director responds to golf situation, allegations of lack of communication DearEditor: Late Monday, Oct3, while attend- team, did anything to advance the j I would appreciate the opportu- ing the ECAC Convention (I was communication cause. I regret that nity to respond to reporter not in Erie as Mr. Clark's most none of the golfers chose to contact McHugh's Oct 13 Merciad article recent article suggests), I was noti- me before the Oct 13 edition of the WM. ROGER CLARK, the new curator for the Cummings Gallery, will and your Oct 13 editorial regarding fied by Assistant ECAC Commis- Merciad, I further regret that Mr. be featured in the November show in the Cummings Gallery Nov. 6 - Nov. the 1988 Mercyhufst Golf J e a m , sioner, John Garner, that, because McHugh questioned me very 28. There will be an opening reception on Sunday, Nov.6 from 3-5p.m. in *We regret the late entry. We of our late entry, we could not play briefly in preparing his story. I the Cummings Gallery located in the Hammermill Library. further regret that some young men at our proper alignment site without did not get an opportunity to play in causing appreciable problems for "There are plenty of this fall's Eastern Collegiate Ath- the Tournament Committee. Gar- Carini's Pizzeria letic Conference (ECAC) qualifier. ner asked if we would be willing to people at this college But let's see if your treatment of switch sites—to play at Rutgers,NJ, who wear several hats.' iSpecial on a large 16 in. pizza - fresh and homemade Golf Coach Bob Powell ' 'fits the instead of Lancaster, PA. -John Leisering crime." | .4 There were two hitches though: $4.99 Coach Powell was greeted by first the Rutgers qualifier would be might have been able to shed some seven golfers when classes resumed held on Wednesday, OctS, instead light on the situation. I could have i i Cheese and one item this fall. The NCAA requires an of Thursday, Oct6, and second, told him about the ECAC and Save 20 of Carini's pizza coupons and get a free large pizza institution to have at least five p l a y - Coach Powell was out of town and NCAA Tournaments. I could have ers for a meet to count The ECAC, would not b e back in the office until told him about the physical condi- meanwhile, mandated a conference sometime Tuesday. Given the late- tion of two of the golfers (informa- member to enter a minimum of four ness of the proposal and given the tion readily available from our head and a maximum of five e n t r i e s for its inability to reach Coach Powell, I trainer or the college's director of October Golf Tournament ; thanked Mr. Gamer for the offer Health Services) and the co-op Before the .first full week of and bowed out of the Tournament conflict of a third. And I could have classes had concluded, however, this year. I called Greg Yoko again shared with him individual and Coach Powell was hit with disap- and asked him to notify Coach team results for the fall. Noneof that pointing news. One team member Powell. Our not participating in the would have changed anything re- was diagnosed as having a lower ECAC's fall tournament contrary garding the ECAC Tournament, but back problem and his availability to Mr. McHugh's article, has no the information might have pre- was on a meet-by-meet basis, sin relevance to the nationals.