Neoteny Sexual Maturation Progress but with Certain Arrests in Physiological Development

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Neoteny Sexual Maturation Progress but with Certain Arrests in Physiological Development N Neoteny sexual maturation progress but with certain arrests in physiological development. Madeleine K. Meehan and Todd K. Shackelford Neoteny is arguably demonstrated in many Department of Psychology, Oakland University, modern animals such as species of gobies, ter- Rochester Hills, MI, USA mites, mayflies, cicadas, crustaceans, jellyfish, and the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) (Skulachev et al., 2017). An axolotl is an aquatic Synonyms salamander that retains its gills and remains in water throughout its life. Most salamanders have Juvenilization; Paedomorphism; Paedomorphosis an aquatic larval stage and emerge from the water as metamorphosed terrestrial adults capable of reproduction and with lungs instead of gills, Definition whereas axolotls reproduce while exhibiting fea- tures characteristic of juvenile salamanders Neoteny is the deceleration of the rate of somatic (Ridley, 2003). The age at which an axolotl repro- development, resulting in paedomorphism duces is not abnormally early for a salamander, (or paedomorphosis). suggesting that axolotl age of reproduction Neoteny is the deceleration of the rate of remained consistent with non-neotenous salaman- somatic development, resulting in paedomor- ders while somatic development slowed down – phism (or paedomorphosis). Paedomorphism is a evidencing neoteny rather than progenesis form of heterochrony characterized by the reten- (Ridley, 2003). Other amphibians display features tion of ancestral juvenile traits in descendent of neoteny similar to the Mexican axolotl, includ- adults (McNamara, 2012). Paedomorphism can ing the olm (Proteus anguinus) and the American be the result of neoteny or progenesis mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus); however, (acceleration of sexual development) and it is debate is ongoing as to whether these features important to distinguish whether apparently juve- are the result of neoteny, progenesis, or both nile reproduction is better explained by neoteny or (Wakahara, 1996). Similarly, research has not yet progenesis. The term “neoteny” was introduced identified the mechanistic basis of neoteny in axo- by German zoologist Julius Kollmann (1885)to lotls, and outstanding questions remain about the describe the retardation of physiological develop- functions of variations in salamander life history ment in species of amphibians that results in the strategies (Crowner et al., 2019). retention of larval traits in sexually mature adults Although the etiology and function of neoteny (Gould, 1977). In neotenic animals, growth and in axolotls remains unclear, research indicates that © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Vonk, T. K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, 2 Neoteny neoteny evolved in various nonhuman animals to aggressive male and prevent sexual coercion. facilitate coexistence with humans as a result of Female chimpanzees are routinely subject to sex- artificial selection. Neoteny is a feature of the ual coercion and unprovoked attacks apparently domestication syndrome, and many neotenous related to male control of food sharing mammals are domesticated. Common physical (Wrangham, 2019). Female alliances facilitate and behavioral traits of domestication in mam- female mate choice, which appears to be the mals (and animals, more generally) were identi- mechanism by which bonobos self-domesticated. fied by Darwin (1868) and include reduction of Throughout bonobo evolutionary history, females body mass, shortening of the face, smaller tooth apparently chose to mate with males exhibiting size, reduced sexual dimorphism because of fem- lowered aggression, leading to the unintended inization, and reduced skull volume (Wrangham, downstream consequence of neoteny. 2019). Humans have selectively bred animals for There is strong evidence that humans exhibit docility, and Belyaev (1969) demonstrated that neoteny. When a human is sexually mature, it has selection for lowered propensity for aggression the bulbous cranium, small jaw, and flat face of a in foxes produced a suite of phenotypic traits developmentally immature ancestor (Bogin, characteristic of neoteny and domestication syn- 1999). Compared to other primates, adult humans drome such as smaller jaws, skulls, and teeth demonstrate neotenous traits such as a lack of (Wrangham, 2019). Exemplary features of neo- body hair, central position of the foramen mag- teny visible in many domesticated mammals are num (which migrates backward in most other thus the unintended downstream consequence of primates), a high relative brain weight, persistence artificial selection for docility. Animals such as of cranial structures to an advanced age, absence dogs, cats, fancy rats, hamsters, ferrets, and rab- of brow ridges, thin skull bones, small teeth, later bits exhibit neoteny related to the domestication eruption of teeth, lactose tolerance into adulthood, syndrome produced by selective breeding by and no rotation of the big toe (Skulachev et al., humans. Natural selection presumably contrib- 2017). Other neotenous features in humans uted to the development of the domestication syn- include the form of the pelvis, the labia majora drome and neoteny in these species since in females, prolonged growth, prolonged infant coexistence with humans affords survival and dependency, a long lifespan, and short extremities reproductive benefits, such as access to human relative to body size (Skulachev et al., 2017). food and shelter. Homo sapiens reaches sexual maturity at a later Bonobos also demonstrate neoteny related to age than ancestral humans, demonstrating neo- the domestication syndrome, likely a result of teny rather than progenesis (Bogin, 1999). Studies sexual selection. Bonobos evolved from a shared have reported that neotenous features illicit more ancestor with chimpanzees between one million help, render babies cute, and that neotenized and 1.8 million years ago and, despite many female faces are more attractive (Jones, 1995; shared features, appear to demonstrate the domes- McArthur & Berry, 1987; Montagu, 1989). The tication syndrome whereas chimpanzees do not role of neoteny in human ontogeny and phylogeny (Wrangham, 2019). Adult bonobos exhibit phys- is a rich area of research that has produced a wide ical and behavioral similarities to juvenile chim- array of theories and findings. panzees, suggesting that bonobo development is delayed or occurs at a slower pace than in chim- panzees. Compared to adult chimpanzees, sexu- Cross-References ally mature bonobos have thinner limb bones, smaller teeth, and narrower faces (Wrangham, ▶ Adolescence 2019). Bonobo females do not face the feeding ▶ Artificial Selection competition from gorillas that chimpanzee ▶ Coevolution females face and are therefore able to form alli- ▶ Common Ancestor ances with other females to dominate an ▶ Developmental Arrest Neoteny 3 ▶ Domestication thyroid hormone dependent development. Frontiers in ▶ Domestication Hypothesis Endocrinology, 10(237). ▶ fendo.2019.00237. Domestication Syndrome Darwin, C. (1868). The variation of animals and plants ▶ Female Choice under domestication. Cambridge University Press. ▶ Feminization Gould, S. J. (1977). Ontogeny and phylogeny. Harvard ▶ Hominid University Press. ▶ Jones, D. (1995). Sexual selection, physical attractiveness, Homo Sapiens and facial neoteny. Current Anthropology, 36(5), 723. ▶ Human-Animal Interaction ▶ Husbandry 204427 ▶ Life History Kollmann, J. (1885). Das überwintern von Europäischen ▶ frosch- und triton larven und die umwandlung des Mammalia Mexikanischen axolotl. Verhandlungen der ▶ Natural Selection Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. ▶ Parenting McArthur, L. Z., & Berry, D. S. (1987). Cross-cultural ▶ Patchy Food Distribution agreement in perceptions of babyfaced adults. Journal – ▶ of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 18(2), 165 192. Pets McNamara, K. J. (2012). Heterochrony: The evolution of ▶ Phenotype development. Evolution: Education and Outreach, ▶ Phylogeny 5(2), 203–218. ▶ Primates 0420-3. ▶ Montagu, A. (1989). Growing young. Bergin & Garvey Richard Wrangham Publishers. ▶ Self-Domestication Hypothesis Ridley, M. (2003). Evolution (3rd ed.) Wiley-Blackwell. ▶ Sexual Dimorphism Skulachev, V. P., Holtze, S., Vyssokikh, M. Y., Bakeeva, ▶ Sexual Selection L. E., Skulachev, M. E., Markov, A. V., Hildebrandt, ▶ T. A., & Sadovnichii, V. A. (2017). Neoteny, prolonga- Species tion of youth: From naked mole rats to “naked apes” (humans). Physiological Reviews, 97(2), 699–720. References Wakahara, M. (1996). Heterochrony and neotenic sala- manders: Possible clues for understanding the animal development and evolution. Zoological Science, 13(6), Belyaev, D. K. (1969). Domestication of animals. Science, – – 765 776. 5,47 52. Wrangham, R. W. (2019). The goodness paradox: The Bogin, B. (1999). Patterns of human growth. Cambridge strange relationship between virtue and violence in University Press. human evolution. Pantheon Books. Crowner, A., Khatri, S., Blichman, D., & Voss, S. R. (2019). Rediscovering the axolotl as a model for.
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