

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Worship 2 Go 3 Learn 4 Pray 5 Bless 6 Turn 7 Rest In giving 1 Take time to Read Luke 1:30. Set a timer for The angel From what generously, St. What word or listen closely What are you three minutes. blessed Mary could you rest in to someone afraid of that Silently repeat with the gift of Nicholas turned order to receive words from from a sense worship today you may not keeps you from this prayer: presence. renewed life? ordinarily take saying “yes” “Here I am, God.” To whom can of scarcity to Take as long as have found a a posture of home in your seriously, or who to God? you give the gift you are able to has a different of presence abundance. find that rest heart? Share What do you these words perspective than this week? today. you. Pray to hear need to turn with a friend or from in order family member. them as God hears them. to be generous of heart?

8 Worship 9 Go 10 Learn 11 Pray 12 Bless 13 Turn 14 Rest Set aside 30 Advent 2 Read or watch Read Luke 1:45. Offer a prayer Call or write a Reflect: Where What part of your local Consider how of thanks for family member have I fallen minutes to gathering for news. Where is your faith is a each person with whom you short this week? rest, pause, and worship fills your reconciliation blessing. Share you encounter desire a closer How can I make breathe deeply heart with hope? needed? Pray your faith story – both stranger relationship. amends? Give with a friend or for healing. with a friend. and friend – Share with them thanks for the family member. silently or aloud. how they are gift of fresh Give thanks for a blessing. starts that we the restorative have through power of love in God’s grace. relationship.

15 Worship 16 Go 17 Learn 18 Pray 19 Bless 20 Turn 21 Rest Turn away from Choose to Read Luke 1:64. Keep a lookout Identify a blessing In Genesis 1-2, Advent 3 the busyness of Pray for each take a different When Zechariah for anyone who you have that God calls the the week and person as route to work, could finally might seem you could give creation “good” turn toward they receive to school, or to speak, he began lonely, stressed, away. Share this and rests. What someone who . play today. Who by praising God. or sad. Offer this blessing with can you proclaim gives you life or Imagine who or what did For what can simple invitation: your church, a to be “good” to whom you you would like you encounter you praise God? “May I pray for local ministry, or instead of “not give life. to see at church differently? Share on social you?” Then offer your community. enough” as a Give thanks. next week. Invite media or with prayers – silently witness to God’s them to join you. a friend. or aloud – on love for the their behalf world today? as you move through your day.

22 Worship 23 Go 24 Learn 25 Pray Advent 4 Go out into your Read :8- Linger before neighborhood 10. When has Day leaving worship today. Where God surprised Read Luke 1-2. today. Ask God do you see God you? Share with Give thanks to prepare and at work? What a friend. for the birth send you on a attributes of of the Christ- journey into the God’s love are child. Pray that world to witness visible? Ask God you may follow to God’s love to show you Christ on how you can his Way of Love celebrate and with your whole join that love. heart, mind, body, and spirit.