Congressional Record—House H5748

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Congressional Record—House H5748 H5748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2018 making appropriations for the Department By Mr. SMITH of Texas (for himself, tions to establish rates of postage for pack- of Defense for the fiscal year ending Sep- Mr. BERA, Mr. BABIN, Mr. PERL- ages shipped by priority mail from the tember 30, 2019, and for other purposes, and MUTTER, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. ROHR- United States to a foreign Army Post Office, providing for proceedings during the period ABACHER, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. POSEY, Fleet Post Office, or Diplomatic Post Office; from June 29, 2018, through July 9, 2018 Mr. KNIGHT, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. WEB- to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- (Rept. 115–785). Referred to the House Cal- STER of Florida, Mr. BIGGS, Mr. DUNN, ment Reform. endar. Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana, Mrs. By Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of Ms. CHENEY: Committee on Rules. House LESKO, and Mr. WEBER of Texas): New York (for himself, Ms. BASS, Mr. Resolution 965. Resolution providing for con- H.R. 6226. A bill to direct the Secretary of O’HALLERAN, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. COHEN, sideration of the bill (H.R. 200) to amend the Commerce to provide for civil space situa- Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. PAYNE, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and tional awareness services and information, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. Management Act to provide flexibility for and for other purposes; to the Committee on CORREA, Ms. TITUS, and Mr. MCGOV- fishery managers and stability for fishermen, Science, Space, and Technology, and in addi- ERN): and for other purposes (Rept. 115–786). Re- tion to the Committee on the Budget, for a ferred to the House Calendar. period to be subsequently determined by the H.R. 6232. A bill to limit the separation of f Speaker, in each case for consideration of families including an individual with an de- velopmental disability at or near ports of PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- tion of the committee concerned. entry; to the Committee on the Judiciary, Under clause 2 of rule XII, public By Mr. SMITH of Texas (for himself, and in addition to the Committee on Home- bills and resolutions of the following Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, land Security, for a period to be subse- titles were introduced and severally re- Mrs. COMSTOCK, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. quently determined by the Speaker, in each ferred, as follows: WEBER of Texas, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. case for consideration of such provisions as LUCAS, Ms. ESTY of Connecticut, Mr. By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself and fall within the jurisdiction of the committee ROHRABACHER, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. Mr. CONNOLLY): concerned. H.R. 6219. A bill to support the independ- HULTGREN, Mr. BEYER, Mr. KNIGHT, By Ms. MOORE: Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BABIN, Mr. MCNER- ence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity H.R. 6233. A bill to amend the Child Abuse NEY, Mr. BIGGS, Mr. TONKO, Mr. MAR- of Georgia, and for other purposes; to the Prevention and Treatment Act to ensure SHALL, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. DUNN, Mr. Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addi- that child protective services systems do not TAKANO, Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana, tion to the Committees on the Judiciary, permit the separation of children from par- and Ways and Means, for a period to be sub- Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. NORMAN, Mrs. LESKO, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. HURD, ents on the basis of poverty, and for other sequently determined by the Speaker, in purposes; to the Committee on Education each case for consideration of such provi- Mr. BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. POSEY, and the Workforce. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Mr. LOUDERMILK, and Mr. ABRAHAM): By Ms. NORTON: committee concerned. H.R. 6227. A bill to provide for a coordi- nated Federal program to accelerate quan- By Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- H.R. 6234. A bill to authorize the Secretary tum research and development for the eco- fornia: of Veterans Affairs to provide support to uni- H.R. 6220. A bill to restore the fair housing nomic and national security of the United versity law school programs that are de- mission of the Department of Housing and States; to the Committee on Science, Space, signed to provide legal assistance to vet- Urban Development, and for other purposes; and Technology. erans, and for other purposes; to the Com- to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in By Mr. MARCHANT: H.R. 6228. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. addition to the Committee on Financial enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the in- By Mr. TIPTON: Services, for a period to be subsequently de- crease in the estate and gift tax exemption H.R. 6235. A bill to amend title 18, United termined by the Speaker, in each case for made by Public Law 115-97; to the Committee States Code, to prohibit the use of unauthor- consideration of such provisions as fall with- on Ways and Means. in the jurisdiction of the committee con- ized unmanned aircrafts over wildfires; to By Mrs. COMSTOCK (for herself, Mr. cerned. the Committee on the Judiciary. LIPINSKI, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Ms. By Mr. AMODEI: By Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS: H.R. 6221. A bill to require the Secretary of EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. H. Res. 963. A resolution electing a Member the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- MARSHALL, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. KNIGHT, to a certain standing committee of the Mrs. LESKO, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. tion of the Carson City Mint 150th anniver- House of Representatives; considered and sary, and for other purposes; to the Com- WEBER of Texas, and Mr. BIGGS): H.R. 6229. A bill to authorize the programs agreed to. mittee on Financial Services. of the National Institute of Standards and By Mr. NORMAN (for himself, Mr. By Ms. MENG: GIBBS, Mr. BIGGS, Mr. DUNCAN of H.R. 6222. A bill to improve the specialized Technology, and for other purposes; to the South Carolina, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. training requirement for federal personnel Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, and Mr. who have substantive contact with unaccom- nology. ROKITA): panied alien children; to the Committee on By Mr. GRIJALVA (for himself, Mrs. the Judiciary. NAPOLITANO, Mr. NADLER, Ms. SCHA- H. Res. 966. A resolution in the matter of By Ms. MENG: KOWSKY, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. Maxine Waters; to the Committee on Ethics. H.R. 6223. A bill to reauthorize the Child JUDY CHU of California, Mr. By Mr. GALLAGHER (for himself and Advocate Program; to the Committee on the CA´ RDENAS, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. NOR- Mr. MOULTON): ´ Judiciary. TON, Ms. VELAZQUEZ, Mr. POCAN, Ms. H. Res. 967. A resolution expressing support By Mr. HECK (for himself and Mr. POE BROWNLEY of California, Ms. ESHOO, for the designation of October 23 as a na- ´ of Texas): Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- tional day of remembrance of the tragic 1983 H.R. 6224. A bill to require reports by the fornia, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. HAS- terrorist bombing of the United States Ma- Secretary of State, the Secretary of the TINGS, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. CLARKE of rine Corps Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon; to Treasury, and the Director of National Intel- New York, Mr. TAKANO, Ms. PELOSI, the Committee on Oversight and Govern- ligence relating to construction of the Nord Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California, ment Reform. Stream 2 pipeline, and for other purposes; to Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. DOGGETT, By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in ad- Ms. JAYAPAL, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Ms. himself, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. COURTNEY, dition to the Committee on Intelligence LEE, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. CARBAJAL, Ms. (Permanent Select), for a period to be subse- Mr. SERRANO, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. SCOTT LOFGREN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. MICHAEL F. quently determined by the Speaker, in each of Virginia, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. LAMB, case for consideration of such provisions as SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. PASCRELL, Ms. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. RUIZ, Mr. SOTO, Mr. concerned. Ms. BASS, Mr. SOTO, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. YAR- By Mr. SMITH of Missouri (for himself, GOMEZ, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. DESAULNIER, MUTH, Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, Mr. Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, Mr. CART- DOGGETT, and Mr. TONKO): SWALWELL of California, Mr. COHEN, WRIGHT, Ms. GABBARD, Mr. DAVID H.R. 6225. A bill to permit occupational Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. EVANS, Mr. therapists to conduct the initial assessment CARBAJAL, and Mr. NORCROSS): visit and complete the comprehensive assess- H.R. 6230. A bill to amend the Fair Labor JEFFRIES, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. POCAN, ment under a Medicare home health plan of Standards Act of 1938 to provide increased Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. care for certain rehabilitation cases; to the labor law protections for agricultural work- CASTOR of Florida, Mr. BEYER, Mr. Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- ers, and for other purposes; to the Com- TONKO, Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New tion to the Committee on Energy and Com- mittee on Education and the Workforce. Mexico, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. THOMPSON merce, for a period to be subsequently deter- By Mr. MACARTHUR: of California, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- H.R. 6231. A bill to amend title 39 of the MCNERNEY, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. sideration of such provisions as fall within United States Code to direct the Postal Reg- ESPAILLAT, Mr.
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