1 FAUST A Humanities Seminar Fall 2015 Meets Mondays, 9:00-12:00 for 10 weeks: October 5 th - December 14th Steven D. Martinson, Ph.D. Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Department of German Studies (LSB 308) The University of Arizona
[email protected] Course Syllabus Course Description “Faust” is alive and well. Emanations of “Faust” appear in literature and drama, painting and sculpture, opera and music, film and cyberspace. He has excited the human imagination for centuries and has permeated numerous cultures worldwide. But who was this mysterious alchemist or learned academician who dared transgress the borders of accepted knowledge and revel in the world of darkness which the Church condemned and against which it warned? Not only Adam and Eve, but also Faust ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Perhaps Faust has a place in the human spirit and representations of Faust’s divided soul have something to say about human history. In this Humanities Seminar we will consider a wide range of Fausts that populate German and European literature, art, opera, and music and American movies and videogames. We will also search him out by surfing the Internet. While we certainly will spend time reading Christopher Marlowe’s Tragical History of Dr. Johann Faust and listening to Charles-Francois Gounod’s Faust opera, Franz Liszt’s “Faust”-Symphony, and Richard Wagner’s Faust-overture, among other things, the main focus of the seminar is on those Fausts that are entrenched in German culture. Therefore, a significant part of the seminar is devoted to discussions of Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Faust, including the often neglected second part of the drama.