Japan. J. Ichthyol. 魚 類 学 雑 誌 42 (3/4): 237-248, 1 995 42 (3/4): 237-248, 1 995

Midwater Fishes off the Pacific Coast of Boso Peninsula, Central Japan: Species Composition, Abundance, Biomass, and Zoogeographic Affinities

Masaki Miya,1 Motoomi Yamaguchi2 and Muneo Okiyama2 Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum and Institute,1 Chiba, 955-2 Aoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260, Japan 2 OceanResearch Institute , University of Tokyo, 1-15-1 Minamidai,Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan

(ReceivedMarch 27, 1995; in revisedform July 26, 1995;accepted July 28, 1995)

Abstract Midwater fishes were collected by oblique hauls between the surface and an average depth of 1290m, using a 10-ft Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl, at seven stations off the Pacific coast of Boso Peninsula, central Japan. A total of 1860 fishes (excluding larvae), representing 19 families and 66 species, were collected, with a mean abundance and biomass of 565 inds and 278g (wet weight) per 100m2 of ocean surface in the upper 1000m water column, respectively. Gonostomatids were most numerically abundant (75%), followed by myctophids (20%), melamphaids (1.4%) and sternoptychids (0.9%), while mycto- phids dominated in total biomass (47%), followed by gonostomatids (42%), melamphaids (3.1%) and bathylagids (3.1%). Of these, the gonostomatid, atraria, ranked top in both total abundance (52%) and biomass (26%). Zoogeographic grouping of the 66 species on the basis of centers of distributions/abundance in relation to water masses indicated that tropical-subtropical species were the most numerous overall (43 spp.), followed by wide-ranging (10 spp.), subarctic (6 spp.), pseudoceanic (6 spp.) and transitional species (1 sp.). Except for the transitional species, all zoogeographic groups were represented by at least one of the six most abundant species. Size-frequency distributions and other available information suggested that the study area was located at an interface between peripheral breeding populations of the tropical-subtropical, subarctic and pseudoceanic species, being a consequence of both the adjacent land mass and hydrographic conditions of the area, where cold, less saline waters originating from the subarctic region advected below the more saline, warm Kuroshio current flowing northeastward along the peninsula.

Aspects of reproduction, age and growth of Japa- part, including species composition, abundance, bio- nese midwater fishes have been studied for many mass, horizontal and vertical distribution patterns, relatively dominant species in the past three decades, and zoogeographic affinities, have not been docu- including bathylagids (Miya, 1994b, 1995), gonosto- mented to date, being available only for a group of matids (Kawaguchi and Marumo, 1967; Kawaguchi, specific taxa. Such one was myctophid investigation 1973; Miya and Nemoto, 1985, 1986a, b, 1987a, b, in Suruga Bay, central Japan, by Kawaguchi (1977), 1991), sternoptychids (Okiyama, 1971) and mycto- in which he detailed some of these biological aspects phids (Odate and Ogawa, 1961; Odate, 1966; Go et of the constituent species. al., 1977a, b), in addition to advances in taxonomic This paper reports species composition, abun- understanding of major taxa, such as gonostomatids dance, biomass and zoogeographic affinities of the (Kawaguchi, 1971; including photichthyids), stern- midwater fishes off the Pacific coast of Boso Peninsu- optychids (Haruta, 1975 for Argyropelecus; Haruta la, central Japan. The study site was chosen because, and Kawaguchi, 1976 for Sternoptyx) and mycto- while midwater fish faunal composition has been phids (Kawaguchi and Aioi, 1971 for Myctophum; investigated for typical subarctic (Pearcy et al., Kawaguchi and Shimizu, 1978 for Diaphus). In 1979) and tropical-subtropical areas (Parin et al., contrast, more comprehensive information on the 1976) adjacent to Japanese waters, there has been no midwater fish assemblages, of which the above are a such study in a transitional zone between the two

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Fig. 1. Locations of the sampling stations. Hatched area indicates an approximate boundary between Subarctic Water Mass and Central Water Mass in the Pacific Ocean (Sverdrup et al., 1942). The course of the Kuroshio current is superimposed on the basis of a weekly report (Kaiyo Sokuho) provided by the Hydrographic Department, Maritime Safety Agency of Japan. Depth contours in meters. major areas, which broadly corresponds to waters off September 1991, during cruise KT-91-13 of the R/V the Pacific coast of central Japan. Waters off Boso Tansei Maru, Ocean Research Institute, University Peninsula, in particular, are located along the edge of Tokyo. of the transitional zone, where the warm western A single oblique haul was made at each station, boundary Kuroshio current prevails at the surface using a 10-ft Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl (10-ft over colder, less saline subarctic waters advected IKMT) with a mesh opening of 5.0mm and mouth from the north (Yang et al., 1993). The study was area of 7.3m2 (Table 1). Wire (3000-4000m) was based on 1860 adult fishes taken by oblique-hauls paid out at a speed of 0.8-1.0m/sec and retrieved at utilizing a 10-foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl at the same speed. The ship speed was 2.0-2.5 knots seven stations off the peninsula, which primarily while the net was sinking and 1.0-1.5 knots during consisted of meso- and upper bahtypelagic micro- retrieval. The volume of water filtered, monitored by nektonic fishes. a flow meter mounted near the center of the mouth, ranged from 45,720 to 70,680m3, with a mean volume of 60,650m3. The maximum depths fished by Materials and Methods the nets were estimated from the records of the Time-Depth meter equipped with a temperature Midwater fishes were taken at a series of seven sensor (Tsurumi Seiki Co., Ltd, Yokohama, 2000-m stations (Sts. 2-8), situated off the Pacific coast of model), or if such were unavailable, from the rela- Boso Peninsula, central Japan (Fig. 1), on 4 and 5 tionships between wire length and angle during

Table 1. Summary of 10-ft IKMT oblique-haul data

*Crepuscular periods are defined as 1h before and after sunrise (0514) and sunset (1800). Those tows made exclu- sively between these two crepuscular periods are considered as day- and nighttime tows, while all others considered as crepuscular.

― 2 3 8 ― Midwater Fishes off Boso Peninsula

towing (Miya, unpubl. data). The maximum depths occurring abundantly or exclusively in the Central varied from 1150 to 1470m, with an average depth Water masses or more to the south (or Kuroshio of 1290m. Along with the trawl samples, CTD casts waters) and rarely or never taken in the Subarctic were made at the seven stations, and also at St. 9 Water Mass; 3) wide-ranging species (W): those

not limited to a single water mass, but occurring (37•‹00'N, 142•‹00'E), from the surface to 1000m. The samples were fixed in 5-10% buffered seawa- abundantly across several water masses, with the ter formalin immediately after collection. All mid- centers of abundance or distribution not lying in the water fishes were sorted in the laboratory, counted transitional zone between the above two water and identified to species where possible. Standard masses; 4) transitional species (TS/SA): those oc- lengths (SL) were measured to the nearest millime- curring abundantly in the transitional zone between ter. Sorted species were blotted and weighed to the the Subarctic Water Mass and the Central Water nearest 0.1g on an electronic balance. Larval fishes masses; 5) pseudoceanic species (P): those occurring were excluded from the analyses because the mesh abundantly along the upper slope of the land mass. size of the trawl would have undoubtedly allowed Since the first four categories (SA, TS, W, TS/SA) many to escape. are based on the water mass distributions demon-

Abundance and biomass per 100m2 of ocean sur- strated by Sverdrup et al. (1942), there are no "tem-

face standardized for the upper 1000m water perate" species in this zoogeographic scheme despite column were estimated by the following equations: the fact that the study area is climatologically tem-

perate and is located in the "northern Temperate" 100MD Abundance=N•~ region as biogeographically defined by Backus / VWF, 100MD/ (1986). The latter (P), on the other hand, corre- Biomass=W•~ sponds to those comprising the "mesopelagic bound- VWF ary community," recently defined by Reid et al.

where N is the number of individuals, W is wet (1991). weight (g), MD is the maximum depth reached by the net (m), and VWF is the volume of water filtered by the net (m3). These calculations assume that all Results depths were sampled equally. Although oblique

IKMT tows generally sample much volumes of water Hydrography around the maximum depths, this assumption was satisfied in the upper 1000m water column because The study area was greatly affected by the course all tows were made deeper than 1000m (see Table of the Kuroshio current, which was flowing north-

1). eastward along the southeastern side of the transect In order to establish zoogeographic characteristics on which the seven stations lay, during the study

of the study area, the fish species were classified into period (September 1991; Fig. 1). Effects of the the following five zoogeographic categories, accord- Kuroshio could be detected as higher temperature ing to their centers of abundance or distribution in contours at the surface (•†24•Ž) and higher salinity

relation to water masses and affiliation with the land contours between 50 and 150m (•†34.4•ñ), extend- mass. The first four categories are those for oceanic ing from Sts. 2 to 8 (Fig. 2), below which subarctic species, while the last one for land-associated species waters, characterized by a salinity minimum layer of for which no attempts were made to divide northern 34.0-34.2•ñ, advected in the upper mesopelagic zone

or southern components. Information on geographic (300-600m) from the north (Fig. 2). A strong distributions was taken from published records in salinity front occurred somewhere between Sts. 8 original/review articles for specific taxa, but not from and 9 (Fig. 2), the latter being located about one the secondary sources, such as regional synopses (for degree north of the former. No traces of newly- information source, see Table 2). Definitions for formed or decaying cold-core rings were detected. water masses in the Pacific Ocean follow Sverdrup et al. (1942). 1) Subarctic species (SA): those occurr- Species composition, abundance and biomass ing abundantly or exclusively in the Subarctic Water Mass and rarely or never taken in the Central Water Definite latitudinal changes in species composi-

masses; 2) tropical-subtropical species (TS): those tion, abundance and biomass were found to be lack-

•\ 2 3 9•\ M. Miya, M. Yamaguchi & M. Okiyama

Table 2. Summary of the catch data and zoogeographic affinity of the midwater fishes taken at a series of the seven stations off the Pacific coast of Boso Peninsula during a KT-91-13 cruise

― 2 4 0 ― Midwater Fishes off Boso Peninsula

Table 2. (Continued)

aTS-tropical -subtropical; SA-subarctic; W-wide-ranging; P-pseudoceanic; TS/SA-transitional species (for definitions, see Materials and Methods). bGeneric arrangement follows Dunn (1983). Senior synonym of Bajacalifornia erimoensis Amaoka and Abe (Sazonov and Ivanov, 1980). dRecorded for the first time from Japanese waters (identified by T.W. Pietsch). eIncluding two forms, Scopeloberyx ophisthopterus and S. sp, the latter of which is an undescribed species, being a more abundant in the study area (Y. Sato, pers. comm.).

ing, probably owing to the relatively homogeneous (see also Maynard et al. [1975] and references there- hydrographic features of the study area (see above). in for general lack of diel related avoidance).

This resulted in noticeably higher values of the A total of 1860 fishes, representing 19 families and percent similarity (PS) indices (Whittaker and 66 species, were collected at the seven stations (Table Fairbanks, 1958) between the species composition of 2). Myctophids were most speciose (30spp.), fol- the seven stations (21 pairs; mean•}SD=73.8•}6.4; lowed by gonostomatids (6spp.), sternoptychids range, 60.0-83.2). Since such values greatly ex- (4spp.) and oneirodids (4spp.). ceeded those obtained within the same zoogeograph- Mean abundance (inds/100m2) and biomass ic zones for vertically migrating midwater fishes in (g/100m2) among the seven stations were 565•} the central equatorial Pacific (mean, 42.3-53.7; 51 SD and 278•}70 SD, respectively (Table 2).

Clarke, 1987), all samples were assumed to be taken Gonostomatids were most abundant (75%), fol- from the same zoogeographic unit in the following lowed by myctophids (20%), melamphaids (1.4%) biological account. Furthermore, since there were and sternoptychids (0.9%), the four families com- no statistically significant differences in overall abun- prising 97% of the total sampled, while myctophids dance (Kruskal-Wallis test; p=0.507) and biomass dominated in total biomass (47%), followed by

(p=1.000) among day (Sts. 4 and 5), night (Sts. 2 gonostomatids (42%), melamphaids (3.1%) and and 7) and crepuscular (Sts. 3, 6 and 8) periods of bathylagids (3.1%), the four families comprising tows, all samples were treated in the same manner 95%. Of these, the gonostomatid, Cyclothone

― 2 4 1 ― M. Miya, M. Yamaguchi & M. Okiyama

Peninsula, the rare oneirodid midwater fish, Puck

pinnata, was recorded for the first time in Japanese waters. Although there exist no comparable faunal

lists for the study area, the species list is probably

accurate for all but rarely encountered species. The

total number of species recorded for the first time

from Sts. 2 through 8 showed a dramatic decrease

(22•¨13•¨10•¨97•¨3•¨3), indicating that most of the more common midwater species of the region

were represented in the collections. In addition, the

study took place during the season (fall) when abun-

dances of tropical-subtropical coastal and midwater

fishes are highest in the peninsula region (Miya et al.,

1994a, b) and in Sagami Bay (Miya and Yamaguchi,

unpubl. data; see Fig. 1 for bay location). Further-

more, the number of myctophid species recorded in

the present study (30spp.) were close to those re-

corded in Suruga Bay (37spp.), where extensive

samplings have been undertaken (Kawaguchi,


Comparable data for midwater fish biomass only

exist for the area, estimated by Gjosxter and

Kawaguchi (1980). They were based on oblique-

haul collections using a large-conical plankton net

Fig. 2. Temperature and salinity contours along a (ORI net; mouth diameter, 1.6m). Gjosxter and transect from Sts. 2 to 9. For locations of the Kawaguchi (1980) estimated an average midwater stations, see Figure 1. fish biomass in adjacent water north of the Kuroshio

current to be 550g/100m2, almost twice that of the atraria, ranked top in both total abundance and present estimate (278g/100m2). The former esti- biomass, comprising 52% and 26%, respectively, mate, however, had been multiplied by 2.6, a coeffi- with Gonostoma gracile being 2nd (13%) in abun- cient calculated empirically from catch comparisons dance and 4th (15%) in biomass. The myctophids, between the ORI net and a 10-ft IKMT (Gjosxter Stenobrachius nannochir and Lampanyctus jordani, and Kawaguchi, 1980), the latter of which is a more also contributed significantly to biomass, being 2nd effective sampling gear for larger midwater . (19%) and 3rd (18%), respectively. Other species Therefore our present estimate (278g/100m2) is did not contribute greatly to the total catch, all much closer to that of their original, plankton-net comprising less than 6% in both abundance and based data (210g/100m2), although the effects of biomass. various factors, such as differences in sampling methods, time and season cannot be identified. The

Zoogeographic affinities mean abundance was apparently an underestimation, because of possible net avoidance and escapement

Zoogeographic grouping of the 66 species in- through meshes, as exemplified by Gartner et al.

dicated that tropical-subtropical species were the (1988). The latter should have occurred for small, most numerous overall (43spp.), followed by wide- abundant fishes, such as Cyclothone alba (ranked 7th ranging (10spp.), subarctic (6spp.), pseudoceanic in abundance in the present study; maximum size, (6spp.) and transitional species (1sp.) (Table 2). 29mm SL; Miya and Nemoto, 1991), because it was far more abundant than its larger congener, C.

pseudopallida (ranked 3rd), in Sagami Bay, when Discussion estimated by a 10-ft IKMT with a mesh size of 0.50-0.69mm (463 vs. 277 inds/100m2; Miya and

Among the 66 species off the Pacific coast of Boso Nemoto, 1991).

― 2 4 2 ― Midwater Fishes off Boso Peninsula

The results of the zoogeographic groupings could Nemoto, 1987b). The third most abundant species, have been readily anticipated owing to the location the gonostomatid Cyclothone pseudopallida, a tropi- of the study area (60-80km offshore; bottom depth, cal-subtropical species (TS) broadly distributed in 1560-2120m; Fig. 1) and the prevailing hydro- the world oceans north of 30•‹S, also has a complete graphic features, being influenced by both the adja- life cycle in Sagami Bay (Miya and Nemoto, 1986a). cent land mass and the warm Kuroshio current The following three ranks were occupied by mycto- originating in the equatorial Pacific and prevailing at phid fishes, each affiliated with different zoogeo- the surface, above the colder, less saline subarctic graphic groups: the fourth most abundant was the waters advected from the north (Fig. 2). Species of tropical-subtropical (TS) cosmopolitan species, tropical-subtropical affinities are abundant due to the Ceratoscopelus warmingii, fifth was the pseudoceanic warming effects of the Kuroshio offshore, while sub- Diaphus garmani (P), and sixth, the subarctic Steno- arctic species are present due to cold waters at depth brachius nannochir (SA). None of these are known and inshore. As evidence of this, considerable num- to complete their life cycles in the study area or bers of boreal fishes have been collected in Suruga adjacent waters, which suggests that, in the Boso Bay (see Fig. 1 for bay location) and off Kumano- Peninsula region, species of strongly cold (SA) or nada, in deep waters to the south of the study area warm affinities (TS) may be at the edges of their (Kubota, 1972; Kodama et al., 1986), and a few zoogeographic range. Data on size-frequency distri- species (ca. 7%) taken in bottom-trawl catches off butions, minimum size at maturity (size of the small-

Choshi, northern part of the peninsula (Miya et al., est gravid females reported in the literature) and 1995), whereas coastal fishes taken from set-net maximum size of four species representing the four catches off the southernmost parts of Boso Peninsula zoogeographic affinities support this idea (Fig. 3). have comprised predominantly tropical-subtropical The size-frequency distribution of the protandrous species (ca. 70%; Miya et al., 1994a, b). Gonostoma gracile encompassed a broad spectrum, in Rather than being considered simply a heterogene- which juveniles and subadults (20-40mm SL), males ous assemblage, it should be noted that, except for (40-70mm SL) and females exceeding minimum the transitional species, all of the zoogeographic size at maturity (80mm SL; Kawaguchi and groups included in the midwater fish fauna off the Marumo, 1967), were well represented as definite peninsula were represented by at least one of the six size classes, being typical resident species with com- most abundant species (Table 3), which together plete life cycles. Such should be the case for the comprise 83% of the total abundance. The two most other two dominant species, Cyclothone atraria and abundant species were wide-ranging (W), pro- C. pseudopallida, although their small size classes tandrous gonostomatids, Cyclothone atraria and (<30mm SL) were not well represented in the pres- Gonostoma gracile, both of which are endemic to the ent samples due probably to escapement through western North Pacific and which have been shown to large meshes of the trawl (5.0mm). have complete life cycles in Sagami Bay or adjacent On the other hand, the above three myctophid waters (Kawaguchi and Marumo, 1967; Miya and species exhibited patterns notably different from that

Table 3. The top six abundant midwater fishes off the Pacific coast of Boso Peninsula: relative abundance, zoogeographic affinity, minimum size at maturity and maximum size

* For definitions , see text.

― 2 4 3 ― M. Miya, M. Yamaguchi & M. Okiyama

Fig. 3. Size-frequency distributions of the four of the six most abundant species, representing the four zoogeographic groups (TS, SA, W and P). Arrows and triangles indicate minimum size at maturity and maximum size recorded, respectively (for definitions, see text; for source of information, see Table 3).

of G. gracile, although differential net avoidance or tively large fishes, this can be seen in Figure 3, a escapement through net meshes might occur. Cera- considerable number having attained minimum size toscopelus warmingii (TS) exhibited two distinct at maturity (80mm SL; Miya, unpubl. data) and the modes of smaller size classes (ca. 25mm and 35mm largest (106mm SL) being close to the maximum SL) were recognized, with only a single individual size recorded in the literature (110mm SL; Wisner, (55mm SL, sex indeterminate) having attained 1976). Furthermore, no larvae and few juveniles minimum size at maturity (53mm SL; Badcock and (ca. 20mm SL) have been recorded in Sagami Bay, Araujo, 1988). Since the maximum size of this these facts together suggesting that, unlike C. warmi- species was reported as ca. 75mm SL (Wisner, 1976; ngii (TS) and D. garmani (P), S. nannochir (SA) is Nafpaktitis et al., 1977), the present sample appeared actively or passively transported only during sub- to comprise exclusively immature fishes, as did those adult and adult stages of its life history. Their adult of Diaphus garmani (P), no specimens having at- occurrences, therefore, does not necessarily indicate tained the minimum size at maturity (40mm SL; that it has a complete life cycle in the study area. It maximum size recorded, 60mm SL; Nafpaktitis et might be possible that the adult S. nannochir were al., 1977). Because larval and juvenile specimens of expatriates, as exemplified in Myctophum punctatum the two species have been recorded but mature adults populations in the western North Atlantic, which never collected in the central part of Sagami Bay were composed exclusively of very large individuals (Miya and Yamaguchi, unpubl. data), their re- with no indications of sexual maturation and lacking cruitment may have resulted from transport by the post-larvae (Zurbrigg and Scott, 1972). Kuroshio current during earlier life history stages The three patterns of occurrence discussed here, from more southern or more coastal populations. It which were reflected in the size-frequency distribu- should be noted that abundant occurrences of simi- tions of the relatively dominant species, may be the larly small and immature tropical-subtropical species case for most of the other, less abundant species, have been noted in the northern Sargasso Sea (30 although the small number of specimens and lack of 32•‹N) myctophid fish assemblage, where the effects- relevant biological information precluded more of the warm western boundary current, the Gulf meaningful comparisons. Because some relatively Stream, are similarly pronounced along the coast wide-ranging tropical-subtropical gonostomatids, (Gartner et al., 1989). Cyclothone alba (Miya and Nemoto, 1986b) and In contrast, the size-frequency distribution of C. pseudopallida (Miya and Nemoto, 1986a), and Stenobrachius nannochir (SA) was inclined to rela- subarctic bathylagids, Bathylagus pacificus and B.

― 2 4 4 ― Midwater Fishes off Boso Peninsula milleri (Miya, 1994b), are known to reproduce in Borodulina, O. D. 1968. and distribution of the Sagami Bay, it is clear that having a complete life genus Leuroglossus (Bathylagidae, Pisces). Probl. Ich- cycle or otherwise in the study area, is an individual thyol., 8: 1-10. species' characteristic rather than that of a zoogeo- Clarke, T. A. 1987. The distribution of vertically migrating fishes across the central equatorial Pacific. Biol. Ocean- graphic group. Nevertheless, it appears that the ogr., 4: 47-81. study area was located at an interface more or less Dunn, J. R. 1983. Development and distribution of the between the peripheral breeding populations of the young of northern smoothtongue, Leuroglossus schmidti tropical-subtropical, subarctic and pseudoceanic (Bathylagidae), in the northeast Pacific, with comments species, the location of which may shift according on the systematics of the genus Leuroglossus Gilbert. to spatial/temporal variations in large scale hydro- Fish. Bull., 31: 23-40. graphic conditions. Future, more extensive seasonal Ebeling, A. W. and W. H. Weed III. 1973. Fishes of the surveys of life histories will reveal whether or not western North Atlantic. Part 6. Order Xenoberyces (Ste- these midwater fishes with various zoogeographic phanoberyciformes). Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., affinities are characterized by having complete life (1): 397-478. cycles in the study area. Fujii, E. and T. Uyeno. 1976. On three species of the myctophid genus Notoscopelus found in western North Pacific. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 22: 227-233. (In Japanese with English abstract.) Acknowledgments Gartner, J. V., Jr., W. J. Conley and T. L. Hopkins. 1988. Escapement by fishes from midwater trawls: a case study M. Terazaki, S. Nishida and A. Tsuda organized using lanternfishes (Pisces: Myctophidae). Fish. Bull., the sampling program and the captain, officers, crew, 87: 213-222. scientists and students on board the R/V Tansei Gartner, J. V., Jr., P. Steele and J. J. Torres. 1989. Aspects Maru assisted in collecting samples. T. W. Pietsch, of the distribution of lanternfishes (Pisces: Myctophidae) from the northern Sargasso Sea. Bull. Mar. Sci., 45: 555- Y. I. Sazonov, Y. Sato and H. Endo identified one- 563. irodids, a platytroctid, melamphaids and macrourids, Gjosxter, J. and K. Kawaguchi. 1980. A review of the respectively, and P. A. Hulley confirmed the identity world resources of mesopelagic fish. FAO Fish. Tech. of "Myctophum orientale." S. Kimura provided oce- Pap., 193: 1-151. anographic information of the study area. We are Go, Y. B., K. Kawaguchi and T. Kusaka. 1977a. Ecologic most grateful to all for their help during this study. study on Diaphus suborbitalis Weber (Pisces, Myctoph- Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to idae) in Suruga Bay, Japan-I. Method of aging and its J. V. Gartner, Jr., P. A. Hulley and two anonymous life span. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 43: 913-919. reviewers for their many helpful suggestions in im- Go, Y. B., K. Kawaguchi and T. Kusaka. 1977b. Ecologic study on Diaphus suborbitalis Weber (Pisces, Myctoph- proving various versions of the manuscript. A por- tion of the study was supported by the Fujiwara idae) in Suruga Bay, Japan-II. Growth pattern. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 43: 1411-1416. Natural History Foundation. Gorbunova, N. N. 1972. Systematics, distribution and biology of the fishes of the genus Vinciguerria (Pisces, ). Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 93: 70-109. (In Literature Cited Russian with English summary.) Haruta, C. 1975. Taxonomy and geographical distribution Backus,R.H. 1986. Biogeographicboundaries in the open of the genus Argyropelecus (family Sternoptychidae) ocean. Pages 9-13 in A.C. Pierrot-Bults, S. van der from the western North Pacific Ocean. Japan. J. Ichthy- Spoel, B. J. Zahuranec and R. K. Johnson, eds. Pelagic ol., 22: 83-96. (In Japanese with English abstract.) biogeography. Unesco Tech. Papers in Mar. Sci. 49. Haruta, C. and K. Kawaguchi. 1976. Taxonomy and Paris. geographical distribution of the fishes of the genus Stern- Badcock,J. and T. M. H. Ara*. 1988. On the significance optyx (family Sternoptychidae) from the western North of variation in a warm water cosmopolitanspecies nom- Pacific Ocean. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 23: 143-152. (In inally Ceratoscopeluswarmingii (Pisces, Myctophidae). Japanese with English abstract.) Bull. Mar. Sci., 42: 16-43. Kawaguchi, K. 1971. Gonostomatid fishes of the western Bertelsen, E., G. Krefft and N. B. Marshall. 1976. The North Pacific. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 18: 1-16. fishes of the family Notosudidae. Dana Rep., (86): 1- Kawaguchi, K. 1973. Biology of Gonostoma gracile 114, pl. 1. Giinther (Gonostomatidae). II. Geographical and verti-

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cal distribution. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 29: 113-120. 329. Kawaguchi, K. 1977. Micronekton community-commu- Miya, M. 1995. Some aspects of the biology of Bathylagus nity of myctophid fishes (family Myctophidae) in Suruga ochotensis (Pisces: Bathylagidae) in Sagami Bay, central Bay, central Japan. Pages 235-268 in S. Nishizawa, R. Japan. Bull. Mar. Sci., 56: 173-184. Ishida and T. Kawasaki, eds. Communities and produc- Miya, M. and D. F. Markle. 1993. Bajacalifornia aequato- tion in the sea. Koseisha-Koseikaku, Tokyo. (In Japa- ris, new species of alepocephalid fish (Pisces: Salmonifo- nese.) rmes) from the central equatorial Pacific. Copeia, 1993: Kawaguchi, K. and K. Aioi. 1971. Myctophid fishes of the 743-747. genus Myctophum (Myctophidae) in the Pacific and Miya, M. and T. Nemoto. 1985. Protandrous sex reversal Indian Oceans. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan., 28: 161-175. in Cyclothone atraria (family Gonostomatidae). Japan. Kawaguchi, K., H. Ikeda, M. Tamura and S. Ueyanagi. J. 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Taxonomy and distribution of the mesopelagic fish Cyclothone alba distribution of the lanternfishes, genus Diaphus (Pisces, (family Gonostomatidae) in Sagami Bay, central Japan. Myctophidae) in the western Pacific, eastern Indian Deep-Sea Res., 33: 1053-1068. Oceans and the southeast Asian Seas. Bull. Ocean Res. Miya, M. and T. Nemoto. 1987a. Some aspects of the Inst. Univ. Tokyo, (10): 1-145. biology of the micronektonic fish Cyclothone pallida and Kobyliansky, S. G. 1985. Materials for the revision of the C. acclinidens (family Gonostomatidae) in Sagami Bay, genus Bathylagus Gi.inther (Bathylagidae): the group of central Japan. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 42: 473-480. "light" deep-sea smelts. J. Ichthyol., 25: 1-17. Miya, M. and T. Nemoto. 1987b. Reproduction, growth Kodama, K., M. Isotake, H. Kajihara, T. Yamanaka and and vertical distribution of the meso- and bathypelagic T. Kubota. 1986. Occurrence of some boreal zooplank- fish Cyclothone atraria (Pisces: Gonostomatidae) in ton in Kumano-nada, central Japan, in March and May, Sagami Bay, central Japan. Deep-Sea Res., 34: 1565- 1983. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 41: 71-77. 1577. Kubota, T. 1972. Appearance of a boreal lanternfish, Miya, M. and T. Nemoto. 1991. Comparative life histories Tarletonbeania taylori, in Suruga Bay, Japan. Japan. J. of the meso- and bathypelagic fishes of the genus Cycloth- Ichthyol., 19: 195-198. one (Pisces: Gonostomatidae) in Sagami Bay, central Masuda, S. and T. Ozawa. 1979. Reexamination of the Japan. Deep-Sea Res., 38: 67-89. holotypes of Bregmaceros japonicus Tanaka and B. necta- Miya, M., E. Higashitarumizu, T. Gonoi, T. Sunobe and K. banus Whitley. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 25: 266-268. Mochizuki. 1994a. Fishes of the Boso Peninsula, central Matsui, T. and R. H. Rosenblatt. 1987. Review of the Japan-I. Coastal fishes taken by set net off Ainohama, deep-sea fish family Platytroctidae (Pisces: Salmon- Tateyama. J. Natr. Hist. Mus. Inst., Chiba, 3: 109-118. iformes). Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., 26: 1-159. Miya, M., E. Higashitarumizu, T. Gonoi, T. Sunobe and K. Maynard, S. D., V. F. V. Riggs and J. F. Walters. 1975. Mochizuki. 1994b. Fishes of the Boso Peninsula, central Mesopelagic micronekton in Hawaiian waters: faunal Japan-II. Coastal fishes taken by set net off Chitose, composition, standing stock, and diel vertical migration. Chikura. J. Natr. Hist. Mus. Inst., Chiba, 3: 119-128. Fish. Bull., 73: 726-736. Miya, M., H. Toho and K. Mochizuki. 1995. Fishes of the Miya, M. 1994a. Cyclothone kobayashii, a new species of Boso Peninsula, central Japan-III. Coastal and deep- gonostomatid fish (Teleostei: ) from the sea fishes off Choshi. J. Natr. Hist. Mus. Inst., Chiba, 3: Southern Ocean, with notes on its ecology. Copeia, 1994: 195-215. 191-204. Mukhacheva, V. A. 1972. On systematics, distribution and Miya, M. 1994b. Seasonal occurrence of the deep-sea biology of the Gonostoma species (Pisces, Gonostomat- bathylagid fishes in Sagami Bay, central Japan, with idae). Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 93: 203-249. (In Russian notes on their reproductions. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 40: with English summary.) 433-440. Mukhacheva, V. A. 1974. Cyclothones (gen. Cyclothone, Miya, M. 1994c. First record of Cyclothone parapallida fam. Gonostomatidae) of the world and their distribu- (Gonostomatidae) from the Pacific Ocean, with notes on tions. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 96: 205-249. (In Russian its geographic distribution. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 41: 326- with English summary.)

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Mukhacheva, V. A. 1980. Review of the genus Ichthyo- the northern Pacific (Pisces, Bathylagidae). Trudy Inst. coccus Bonaparte (Photichthyidae). Voprosy Ikhtiol., Okeanol., 84: 209-221. (In Russian with English summa- 20: 771-786.(In Russian.) ry.) Nafpaktitis, B. G., R. H. Backus, J. E. Craddock, R. L. Reid, S. B., J. Hirota, R. E. Young and L. E. Hallacher. Haedrich, B. H. Robison and C. Karnella. 1977. Fishes 1991. Mesopelagic-boundary community in Hawaii: of the western North Atlantic. Part 7. Family Myctoph- micronekton at the interface between neritic and oceanic idae. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., (1): 13-265. ecosystems. Mar. Biol., 109: 427-440. Nakabo, T. (ed.) 1993. Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys Rofen, R. R. 1966. Fishes of the western North Atlantic. to the species. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo. xxxiv+1474 Part 5. Family Paralepididae. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. pp. Res., (1): 205-461. Nielsen, J., J. Badcock and N. R. Merrett. 1990. New data Sazonov, Y. I. and A. N. 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Species with English abstract.) composition of the family Astronesthidae (Salmonifo- Odate, S. and T. Ogawa. 1961. Study on the fishes of the rmes) in the north west Pacific. Voprosy Ikhtiol., 21: family Myctophidae in the northeastern sea area along 248-252. the Pacific coast of Japan. Part II. Susuki-hadaka, Mycto- Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson and R. H. Fleming. 1942. phum affine Temminck et Schlegel. Bull. Tohoku Reg. The oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general bio- Fish. Res. Lab., (19): 90-97. (In Japanese with English logy. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. xii+ 1087 pp. abstract.) Whittaker, R. H. and C. W. Fairbanks. 1958. A study of Okiyama, M. 1971. Early life history of the gonostomatid the plankton copepod communities in the Columbia fish, Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin), in the Japan Sea. Basin, southeastern Washington. Ecology, 39: 46-65. Bull. Japan Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., (23): 21-53. Wisner, R. L. 1976. The taxonomy and distribution of Parin, N. V. and N. S. Novikova. 1974. Taxonomy of lanternfishes (family Myctophidae) of the eastern Pacific viperfishes (Chauliodontidae, Osteichthyes) and their Ocean. NORDA Rep., (3): 1-229. distribution in the world ocean. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., Yang, S.-K., Y. Nagata, K. Taira and M. Kawabe. 1993. 96: 255-315. (In Russian with English summary.) Southward intrusion of the intermediate Oyashio Water Parin, N. V. and A. S. Sokolovsky. 1976. Species composi- along the east coast of the Boso Peninsula. I. Coastal tion of the family Melanostomiatidae in the Kuroshio salinity-minimum layer water off the Boso Peninsula. J. current zone. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 104: 237-249.(In Oceanogr., 49: 89-114. Russian with English summary.) Zurbrigg, R. E. and W. B. Scott. 1972. Evidence for Pearcy, W. G., T. Nemoto and M. Okiyama. 1979. Meso- expatriate population of the lanternfish Myctophum pelagic fishes of the Bering Sea and adjacent northern punctatum in the Northwest Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Bd. North Pacific Ocean. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 35: 127- Canada, 29: 1679-1683. 135. Pietsch, T. W. 1973. A new genus and species of deep-sea anglerfish (Pisces: Oneirodidae) from the northern Pacific Ocean. Copeia, 1973: 193-199. 房 総 半 島 太 平 洋 岸 沖 合 の 中 ・深 層 性 魚 類:種 組 成,豊 度, Pietsch, T. W. 1974. Osteology and relationships of cerat- 生 物 量 お よ び 生 物 地 理 学 的 特 徴 ioid anglerfishes of the family Oneirodidae, with a review of the genus Oneirodes Liitken. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los 宮 正 樹 ・山 口 素 臣 ・沖 山 宗 雄 Angeles Co. Sci. Bull., (18): 1-113. Pietsch, T. W. 1978. A new genus and species of ceratioid 1991年9月 に,房 総 半 島 太 平 洋 岸 沖 合 の7測 点 で 網 口 幅3m の ア イ ザ ック ス ・キ ッ ド中 層 トロ ー ル を 用 い た 中 ・深 層性 魚 類 anglerfish from the North Pacific Ocean with a review of の 傾 斜 曳 採 集 を 各1回 行 った.そ の結 果,19科66種,計1860個 the allied genera Ctenochirichthys, Chirophryne and Lep- 体 の 魚 類(仔 魚 を 除 く)が 採 集 され,海 面100m2下 あ た りの 豊 度 tacanthichthys. Contr. Sci. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los. Angeles (個体 数)と 生 物 量(湿 重 量)は そ れ ぞ れ565個 体 と278gと 推 定 Co., (297): 1-25. され た.こ れ ら魚 類 の 圧 倒 的 多 数 は ヨコ エ ソ科 が 占 め(75%), Rass, T. S. and A. A. Kashkina. 1967. Bathylagid fishes of ハ ダ カ イ ワ シ科(20%),カ ブ トウ オ 科(1.4%)お よ び ム ネ エ ソ

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科(0.9%)が それ に続 い た.一 方,生 物 量 で はハ ダカ イ ワ シ科 が 組成 と生殖 に関す る既往 の知見を検討 した結果,今 回 の調査海 最 も卓 越 し(47%),ヨ コ エ ソ科(42%),カ ブ トウ オ科(3.1%)お 域 は,熱 帯 ・亜熱帯種,亜 寒帯種 および陸棚種の繁殖個体群の よ び ソ コ イ ワ シ科(3.1%)が そ れ に続 い た.こ れ らの う ち,ヨ コ 周縁領域であ ることが示唆 された.こ れ は,黒潮の影響が強 い表 エ ソ科 の オ ニ ハ ダ カCyclothone atrariaが 豊 度 と生 物 量 の 双 方 で 層,そ の下層 にみ られる亜寒帯系水の存在,そ して陸棚 に近 いと 最 も卓 越 し,そ れ ぞ れ52%と26%を 占 め た.採 集 さ れ た66種 いう調査海域の特性に由来す るもの と考 え られ た. の魚 類 を 分 布 あ る い は豊 度 の 中心 と水 塊 との 位 置 関 係 か ら,熱 帯 ・亜 熱 帯 種 亜 寒 帯 種 広域 種 陸 棚 種,お よ び 移 行 種 に分 け (宮:〒260千 葉 市 中 央 区 青 葉 町955-2千 葉 県 立 中央 博 た と こ ろ,熱 帯 ・亜 熱 帯 種 が 圧 倒 的 に 多 く(43種),広 域 種(10 物 館 動 物 学 研 究 科;山 口.沖 山:〒164中 野 区 南 台1- 種),亜 寒 帯 種(6種),陸 棚 種(6種)お よ び 移 行 種(1種)が そ 15-1東 京 大 学 海 洋 研 究 所) れ に続 い た.ま た,移 行 種 を 除 くこ れ ら4つ の す べ て の カ テ ゴ リーが 優 占種(豊 度)上 位6種 中 に出 現 した.こ れ ら6種 の体 長

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