The JW.HAU CORK C ^ a Ts Senator Tobey Would Fall in His No General Reductions Year Non-Aggression Pact with Ru­ Today in for His Rewpis- Ed Negotiations Jsn

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The JW.HAU CORK C ^ a Ts Senator Tobey Would Fall in His No General Reductions Year Non-Aggression Pact with Ru­ Today in for His Rewpis- Ed Negotiations Jsn FHIDAT. MABC» 18,1840 ] ' .............. ......................... Average Doily Cifeolothra The Weather abittdirgtrr turotefl Brtatt lor Uie Meath #f Febraary. 1949 Foroeost of t . 8. taeatber Bnraoo Light ipum thhi aftaroeen aad 6q335 ta n l^ t, Runilay geaeraDy fair. CMaaral WaMara Oantai No. 4J alowly riatag tewpersfuiee fis ■toy win bold Ita railular ■*•?**"• Requiem Mass aftarneen. rat Town eveilng at 8 o’dock at tba Se^* Dressmakers Bawaa at gtiaat RocroaUt* Manche$ter^A City of Village Charm n«at apaaker wW ba Robert J- For Fra Reidy Handbags for Easter! ttOPtfOi* K , NalMii, «aagh- S 3 tt Wbowin apeak an OMAf* Reefers (FXIUKTEEN PAGES) PRICE THlCEE M ^niaM n. Mward Nairn ^^••iataiioa. TOa public la toaltad. VOL. LIX., NO. 142 (ClaaaiSad AdrarUatag ea Pag* 111 MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 16,1940 '■ Moont W ho pioeo, wm tho AnniTersary Senricea Patent Leathers S tS a o e at a M dal hbowof Boye of JObn Matber Cbaptei, Held at St. Jamea’a Boxy Swaggers -4 ! a t kar booM Tutaday aranlng Order of DeMolay, wUl ba guaata Doeskins MdMra oe tba prtmary at the momln* aervlca at Church Well Attended. Capeskin Leathers li'eatuie the Easter Styles In Eastern Pennsylvania Roads Eloodcil «C M tar Ooofregath^ 10:45 at the South MaUiodlat * _k a e b m Tuaaday avaalng. I Mdaoa la to be marriad on church. Rev. Vincent J. Hlne*. aa*l*tant Gabardines Senate Foes Give Finland Will fortify 1 ST to Bail Bldwall <d Rocky tUr.ftaWe V.▼# F.• • Tboinaa* gga/iiita» winowo*m ba tba pastor of S t James’* church, cela* Top Handle Styles Spring f • ,L - fiMt m»ker Jm t^U n la- I rated a solemn requiem high masa f / '■ . ' Beaiaat Rabakab lodge will teve ' stltute,.V........ fluiutoy_____ _ evenliif- ___ ataevan marking the flmt anniversary of | Un Fight Against o^M k at tha' Center ~ Congrega­ the death of Rev. WUllam P. Rddy u •Atld laing Syne” aoclal Mon- tional church. Hla topic will be Her New Frontiersf^^ Black ■ i w aauBliig to Odd Fallow; tall, "Planting tha Church In South to- for 19 year* pastor of S t Jam**'* Red Navy Coats ‘ilagtimlnf wlU a aupper at «:S0 dla." Mualc will be furnlahed by In the church at 7:30 this morning. DUaty Pink Turqublae Fitted mqdel* with emooto ehoul- tba dialnnanahlp of Mra. Gold Politics Curb Bill M Hoa Dowd. Ura. MUdrad Miller a man quartet and Erne*t Beng- Father Hlne* was amiUUnt to Ume Peel dere, buUt-up sleeves, flaring aklrta ■ton wUl lead the meeUng. Father Reidy at the time of his In alngle or douhle-breaated model*— i.‘>! > iS iM a to the deoorationa and Mra. loosely fitting boxy swaggem In aport -...I ■ditb W. Smith, the entertainment. death a year ago today and wa* * or dreaa materlala, all make' for a sue- Barkley Gets Agreement I Error in Ballot Elects , t o Reorganize Arni Mlea Alice Weed of the Hartford rik- » ■ ‘— noble grand. Mra. Anna E ^ . Theological »emlnary will •!*<■•* named as administrator of toe par- I cesaRil Eaater. Three for Two Vacancies biTlted Mra. Emma U NetUe- lah until the appointment of Rev. To Vote on Controver*! to nil that atatlon Monday on the DakoU Indian* at the meeUng of Center Church Profe*- William J. Dunn. $1 and$1.98 8ial Measure by .S ' Issaquuh, Wash.. March 16 No General Demobili|fg> r. and other officer* who I Judge Seeking io Hold Blonal Women'* club Tuewlay eve­ Th^r® was a larg® number In tne —(Jh—The ballot read: "Vote a aa far back aa 190C to oc- church, Including membem of | lierman Envoy | ! Post Until He is 100 otber Chaim. The obligation ning of neat week. Mia* Gertrude $10 .98- $ 29^75 111. Monday; Democrat- for three." tion Except for Carrier and Ml** Sally Jone* will Father Reidy'* family. Rev. Ed- The voters did and elected ba renewed. The offlcem are mWd Barrett wa* deacon and Itov, Split Not l.4>aviiig tain Classes Released to ^ ■ted to wear white. District be the hoeteaee*. the only three candidate* to the l.ebaiuin, Mo.. March 16.—■, i Thomas Stack, who wa* associat­ tw'o open positions on the City Tags Welles in lO—William H. Turner, Leba-; ty Mm. Elale Miller of Rock- ed with Father Reidy as •" assies . Any l.asting .Bitterness. Help with Ovil Reeoai^ and bar ataff ha* been Invlt The four South HJnd ffre o®*"’ Council. non'* 24 hour* a day police ' | panie* WUl combine In a eetback ant In Manchester, was the sub- "It wa* all an error," said Judge, filed for re-election with ' struction Work; party tomorrow evening at 7 deacon. kw.. Washington, March 16.— County Attorney B. Gray War­ Ciano Visit! a plea to be k’ept In office until | o'clock at the headquarUm of No. Mra John Barry presided at tb* (AP)—Senate opponents of ner. He declared the election he'a 100 years old. tion to Be Taken : Daugbtem of liberty No. 1J9. Ik 1 Company, Pinochle, chcckem, organ and toe church ®**®*^,*^,*JB' | will bo ruled void unless the D. Ik 1. win carebate It* 37th anni Because of Illness Rev. William ‘ the bill to curb political activ­ Turner. 95, ha* a ntandlng re­ spite Non-Ag{ ' with a dinner tomorrow dart* and bowling will also figure three candidates can settle the Muckrnson Shows Up al quest with potlre to call him on the program. A buffet lunch J. Dunn, pastor of St. James'* ities of state employes who , Situation among themselves. mg at 8:30 at the Garde Hotel, church, was not able to take part Rome Foreign Office Immediately after an arrest— Oause in Peace Treat^f ford. Mr*. Ellaabeth Hoti*e of will be eerved later on In the eve­ In the celebmtlon of the mass. are paid in whole or in part i day or night. He clalnta hla sys­ tford and Mm. Martha Cran- ning. from Federal funds gave up j Ten Minutes Behind tem saves th* city hundreds of Helsinki, March 16.— (AP)^ 1 who are In charge of arrange- their two weeks’ fight against | dollars annually by eliminating —Finland will begin immsdi^ utiti r®<jue0t the memberii to tne measure today. Only thel The U. S. Fact Finder. board for prisoners awaiting a ' ther *oon after 6 o'clock at the Census Fight hearing. ately to fortify her newh^l desire of many senators toj Rome, March 16.—(f)—German narrowed frontiers and to : get away from the capital for' Ambaseodor Hons-Georg Viktor organize her battered X Nutmeg Dlatrlct No. Jl. L. O. l«. Saint Patrick’s Day speaking | Is Likely to tartn meet In Orange haU tomorrow St. Patrick's Dance von Mockensen made a surprise despite the non-, toon at 4 o'clock. All dele- engagements prevented a The Schuylkill river, rising nearly a foot an hour overnight, brought this flood scene to East River visit to toe Italian foreign office Japs Protest clause in her peace are requeeted to report at Saturday session and a final: Go to Courts drive In Philadelphia, while other eastern Pennsylvtinla stream*, swollen hy rains, flooded other low­ today while Sumner Welles and with Soviet Russia, in j t time. Other membem who A t New X vote before nightfall. With lands snd highways. Highest water was reported along the .Srluiylklll and lA-hlgh valley*. ave received the eecond degrre itsllon Foreign Minister (Tount quarters declared ^ no senator dissenting, Demo­ Galeazso Cisno were conferring. Soviet Attack There will be no general _lie welcome to attend thla cratic Leader Barkley obtain­ Tobey Said lo Have Re- j The (Sermon ambasMdor's coll Kkaating. ___ LEGION HOME led to belief that he might have mobilization of the ed an agreement last night to ceived Many Offers | C oV erilO r Is taken an urgent message he want­ At Sakhalin except, for eertoin Mombem of the Addy family In LEONARD STREET vote on the controversial bill To Seek Injunctions { Rumania Can Not Pay ' ed delivered to Ciano before he which will be released t o! fldWa have been bearing on all Sweaters by 3 p. m., (e.s.t.) Monday. endec) hla conference with Presi­ with civil reconat 1aa tbU week, tho fact that Cap- Good-humored banter In the Against the Questions. Arrested by dent Roosevelt's fact-finder. Ger­ Drclarp Reds Fired on la Norab Addy'* picture appear- 9 closing houm of yesterday'* de­ man sources mid, however, that work after the coetly U «ad in an article In the Sunday Saturday Eve. March 16 S’JSssu.i? A wool *«phyrs» chenille and cotton. Sizes 34 bate gave surface indication*, at Washington, March' 16—(JP) — \ Nazis’ Security Price he did not Join the discussions. A Patrol; Signs of war, these sources said. kiMue of tb* magasin* of a New least, that toe Democratic split Von Mockensen remained at the The Ftaalsh goyeramaat i dany. She appear* to ta \ Dsneing 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. to 40. The "battle of the ceneu*" may j U.S. Official ’’Annual War” Appear I \ I which developed over the measure foreign offlca only 15 minutes. Th* toward th* future was i tag the regulation Army unt would not leave lasting bitterness shift from Oongres* and the White ! i Term* for Proposed | OrcIpFS American undersecretary of state, On Manchoukuo Line. by Fremler Rlsto Rytt, m. Without bonnet, and 1* play like the party division In the his­ House to the court*. This word who was accompanied by United to* Diet last Bli^t that the i ' a cornet.
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