Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of

Dalmuir Barclay Church (Scottish Charity No. SCO13599)

1 Durban Avenue Dalmuir West, G81 4JH


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton

Mission Statement


Dalmuir Barclay Church can be found to the west of Clydebank which sits on the north bank of the about eight miles west of . The Church sits at the heart of the suburb of Dalmuir overlooking the junction of Dumbarton Road with Mountblow Road.

Dalmuir Barclay Church is the result of four unions over time: Dalmuir Parish Church, Ross Memorial Church, Dalmuir Overtoun Church and Barclay Church, .

The Church is a multi-purpose building, approximately 18 years old. Its fabric is sound and in excellent condition.

The Church has a Sanctuary (it can accommodate 250 people), large hall to the rear, two meeting rooms, vestry, foyer (fellowship area), large kitchen and storage areas.

Sanctuary Large Hall


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton

The Congregation

There are 207 on the roll with a good age range. Our Church draws its congregation from all areas of the town but mainly from the areas of Dalmuir, Mountblow and Old Kilpatrick.

Average Sunday morning attendances are around 80 including all age groups. The children are present for the first part of the service and then leave the service for their own classes. There are Creche facilities for pre-school age children at each service. The congregation takes its responsibilities for the Safety and Protection of Vulnerable Groups seriously and has an accredited Safeguarding Co-ordinator. Sanctuary

The congregation has a very big heart and provides much charitable giving, both locally and overseas. We have just completed a three year overseas mission programme supporting the Emanuel Hospice and the Christian Agency for Social Action (CASA) in Oradea, Romania for which we raised £18,000. We also support local charities such as Erskine Hospital, St. Margaret of Hospice and the Preshal Trust. Once a month, we provide a short service of worship at Frank Downie House, a local care home.

The Parish

The Parish has a population of 8,000 with 3,987 households.

There is no large scale industry in the parish although there are a few small business outlets. There are a number of pre-school nurseries and at the other end of the age spectrum there are several small estates of sheltered housing, two residential homes and a nursing home. The Golden Jubilee Hospital also lies within our parish boundary. There is a wide variety of shops, including hairdressers, bank, dentist, Co-operative supermarket, library, golf club, post office, pharmacy and various take-away facilities.


Clydemuir Primary School is sited some 100 metres from the church and has a good reputation and is well supported. The Minister of Dalmuir Barclay is Chaplain to the school and the school visits the Church for its end of term services. Clydemuir was very supportive of our Romanian Fundraising by running various activities and raised £5000 towards our final total. Our previous Minister was also part of the Chaplaincy team at Clydebank High School.


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton


The Sanctuary and halls are used extensively during the week. Our Sunday Café, for primary school children, has on average 10 children each week and there is also a Crèche available every Sunday. Tea/coffee is served each Sunday after our morning service providing a time for fellowship and conversation.

During the six months of the year when our worship is at 10 am, we have a monthly Breakfast Club, prior to worship, for children and adults alike. Our monthly Quiet Time is attended by a small but enthusiastic group of people. This is a gentle time of meditation, prayer and quiet music.

There is a very active Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during school term time which is run by two of our Elders and attracts over 40 toddlers with their parents/grandparents.

Tea at Three takes place on the first Wednesday of the month and is well attended with over 30 people coming from both the Church and local community. The Girls’ Brigade Company meets on a Wednesday night and has over 20 girls enrolled. Our DB Voices rehearse on a Wednesday evening.

There is a Lunch Club every second Friday which attracts upwards of 50 people mainly from the local community. A two course hot meal with tea/coffee is served. Our kitchen is regularly inspected by the local authority and we have a current Food and Hygiene Certificate.

Pastoral Care Team supports the Minister and the Elders by providing additional visits to members of the congregation who are housebound or unwell.

The Stewardship Team is preparing for the second year of our Stewardship programme. The first year focused on ‘Giving’ and we will now be looking at ‘Talent’.

Our annual Christmas Tree Festival is very well supported by church organisations, local businesses and the community at large. We usually have over 20 trees and standing room only for the ‘switching on of the lights’.

The Church has an annual Christmas Fayre which is again well supported and a highlight of our Church calendar.

There are a number of organisations who rent our premises including the Sequence Dancers, Mummers Theatre Group, Al-Anon Support Group, Dance Classes, Taekwon-Do class. It is also well used by West Council for elections, councillor surgery and various meetings.


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton


Music is an important part of our worship and we have an electronic piano/keyboard. Our services are enhanced by DB Voices, who periodically sing at the start of our service. The Church is fitted with a new sound system and there is an acoustic loop for those with hearing aids.

Church Magazine

DBC News is published four times per annum and is produced on Church equipment. It is distributed to every member of the congregation. A weekly Order of Service is provided for each Sunday service.

Kirk Session

Dalmuir Barclay adopted a Unitary Constitution in 2006 and all congregational business is overseen by the Kirk Session. The number of ruling Elders is currently 16. Our Session meets ten times a year and all Elders’ districts are covered. The Session Clerk is Mrs. Janice Dinning.


The Congregation’s finances are in a satisfactory condition and all allocations to Mission and Renewal Fund and the Ministry Fund are fully paid.


Our Church building was opened in 1995. It sits in its own grounds and to the rear there is a car park for approximately 30 cars.

The Fellowship Area (foyer) is a welcoming space with leather sofas and coffee tables and provides a relaxing atmosphere for the congregation and visitors to the Church.

The Sanctuary has a high ceiling and is fitted with two rows of windows. The Communion Table and Lectern are at the front of the Sanctuary on a raised area. Our tapestry cross depicts the area in which the Church is situated. Fellowship Area

Our Church seating is flexible to complement our multi-functional space.


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton

Other accommodation in the Church consists of two meeting rooms, Vestry, Male and Female toilets and a Disabled toilet/baby changing area. There is a well fitted large kitchen, boiler room and storage areas.

There are two hall keepers and a team of Church cleaners (all voluntary members of the congregation) who ensure that all the facilities and the building are cared for and maintained to a high standard.



Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sundays of March, June, September and December. Holy Communion is also celebrated on Maundy Thursday evening. Dalmuir Barclay takes its role as a parish church seriously and is welcoming to all. The previous Minister conducted annually on average 4 Baptisms, 2 Blessings, 4 Marriages and 35 Funerals.

Other Local Churches

There are six other Church of Scotland congregations within the Clydebank area. There are several Roman Catholic churches as well as Apostolic, Methodist, Pentecostal, United Free, Wesleyan Reform Union Central, Salvation Army and a number of other meeting houses within the area. Dalmuir Barclay is part of the Clydebank Churches Together group.

Worship in Dalmuir Barclay Church

Services are held every Sunday at 11.30 am (January-June) or 10.00 am (July-December). While routine services follow a standard format which is laid out in the Order of Service, different formats are used on certain occasions.

The Girls’ Brigade also has an annual Dedication Service.

Dalmuir Barclay holds studies during the period of Lent and has daily services during Holy Week with additional services at Christmas.

A Bereavement Service is held early in December for a time of reflection and thanksgiving.


Parish Profile – Dalmuir Barclay Church Presbytery of Dumbarton

The Way Forward

 Pray that the person to lead us will have a strong sense of the Holy Spirit calling them to us.

 The Lord Jesus Christ will be at the centre of all they do.

 Will be a good communicator to all ages and will be sensitive to the needs of others, especially at times of bereavement, baptism and weddings.

 Have a good sense of humour.

 Someone whom we can love and support in their ministry to us, and us to them.

 We are a very adaptable congregation and, like Peter, always willing to step out the boat.

Tapestry Cross in the Sanctuary