Bally Municipality 384 Grand Trunk Road : Bally : Howrah
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2654 2236 2654 0079 Bally Municipality 384 Grand Trunk Road : Bally : Howrah. 2654 7052 [email protected] www. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Notice No. : WBMAD/ULB/BM/NIT‐02(e)/2015‐16 Memo No: BM/00003/PWD/MUNI/15-16 Dated -16.04.2015 Separate tenders are invited by the Executive Officer Bally Municipality on behalf of the Board of Councilors for the works mentioned in the list given below, through electronic tendering (e- tendering) from eligible and resourceful contractors having sufficient credential and financial capability for execution of works of similar nature. Intending bidders desirous of participating in the tenderare to log on to the website and click on to the “e-procurement” link provided. They may also visit the website for the tender. The tender can be searched by typing the NIT No in the search engine provided in the website. Bidders willing to take part in the process of e-tendering are required to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from any authorized Certifying Authority (CA) under CCA, Govt of India. (viz. NIC, nCode Solution, Safescrypt, e-Mudhra, TCS, MTNL, IDRBT ) DSC is given as a USB e-Token. After obtaining the Class 2 or Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from the approved CA they are required to register the fact of possessing the Digital Signature Certificates through the registration system available in the website. Tenders are to be submitted online and intending bidders are to download the tender documents from the website stated above, directly with the help of the e-Token provided. This is the only mode of collection of tender d o c u m e n t s . Details of submission procedure are given below under “General terms and conditions and information”. Last date & time of submission of bids online is 30.04.2015 at 13.00 Hrs The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of the NIT carefully. He should particularly go through the eligibility criteria required and satisfy himself of the requirements for eligibility. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required. All information posted on the website consisting of NIT, BOQ, Corrigendum & Drawings if any shall form part of the tender document. LIST OF WORKS N.I.T No - WBMAD/ULB/BM/NIT‐02(e)/2015‐16 Sl Name Of The work Name Of Executing Estimated Initial Time No. Agency Amount Put Earnest Allowed For to Tender Money Completion Deposit 01 Construction of Boundary Wall Bally Municipality, 257397.00 5148.00 30 Days. of Urdu Girls School in Ward no Govt of W.B -27 (new-18) under Bally Municipality 02 Construction of Concrete Paved Bally Municipality, 398350.00 7967.00 30 Days. Road & Drain from holding no - Govt of W.B 35 Satya sadhan Dhar Lane up to holding no -26 Sailen Dhar Road in Liluah ,Ward no 28 (new) under bally Municipality 03 Construction of Concrete Paved Bally Municipality, 475119.00 9502.00 30 Days. Road & Drain from holding no- Govt of W.B 48/L/3 Rabindra Sarani up to the junction of Rabindra Sarani in Liluah ward no 35( new) under Bally Municipality 04 Construction of Children Park Bally Municipality, 478447.00 9569.00 30 Days. within 8 no. Colony Rabindra Govt of W.B Sarani in Liluah , ward no 30 (new) under Bally Municipality 05 Construction Of Concrete Paved Bally Municipality, 321056.00 6421.00 30 Days. Road & Drain from holding no - Govt of W.B 19 Satya Sadhan Dhar Lane up to the junction of satya sadhan Dhar Lane in ward no 28 (new) under Bally Municipality 06 Construction Of Concrete Paved Bally Municipality, 413502.00 8270.00 30 Days. Road & Drain within bye Govt of W.B holding 22 Kumarpara Road in Liluah , ward no 33 (new) under Bally Municipality 07 Construction Of Concrete Paved Bally Municipality, 473113.00 9462.00 30 Days. Road & Drain from holding no - Govt of W.B 51/2 /E Rabindra Sarani up to holding no -48 ,Rabindra Sarani in Liluah ward no 35 (new) under Bally municipality 08 Construction Of Guard wall near Bally Municipality, 294451.00 5889.00 30 Days. holding no -48 Rabindra Sarani Govt of W.B in Liluah , ward no 35 (new) under Bally Municipality 09 Construction of New Surface Bally Municipality, 276644.00 5533.00 30 Days. Drain along Chakpara bye Lane Govt of W.B within Udaygarh in Liluah , ward no 35 (new) under Bally Municipality. 10 Construction of Drain starting Bally Municipality, 386596.00 7732.00 30 Days. from holding no 59 , ,rabindra Govt of W.B sarani upto Mahanala along Kumarpara lane in Liluah , ward no 21 (old) 33 (new) under Bally municipality 11 Renovation of Drain along satya Bally Municipality, 158069.00 3161.00 30 Days. Sadhan Dhar lane and Sailen Govt of W.B Dhar Road, Liluah ,in ward no 28 & 29 under Bally Municipality 12 Improvement of Ramlochan Bally Municipality, 2481623.00 49632.00 30 Days. shire Street from the junction of Govt of W.B Girsh Ghosh Road up to the junction of Asutosh Mukherjee Road in ward no -13 (new -15) 13 Improvement of Girish Ghosh Bally Municipality, 1540005.00 30800.00 30 Days. Bye Lane (near R.K. Roy Govt of W.B Schooland Thakuran Pukur area), in ward no .25 (new) under Bally Municipality , 14 Raising and refixing of 20 nos. Bally Municipality, 112421.00 2248.00 30 Days. Manhole Cover within Govt of W.B Ramlochan Shire Street under Bally Municipality , Ward 13 (old) 15 (new) 15 Improvement of Bank Danga Bally Municipality, 498405.00 9968.00 30 Days. lane (partly) and bye lane in Govt of W.B ward no 6 under Bally Municipality. 16 Improvement of Roads in Bally Municipality, 448500.00 8970.00 30 Days. Various position in ward no 6 Govt of W.B under Bally Municipality 17 Improvement of some Concrete Bally Municipality, 117438.00 2349.00 15 Days. Road and Surface Drain within Govt of W.B ward no 7 under Bally Municipality 18 Improvement of Hari Charan Bally Municipality, 390432.00 7809.00 30 Days. Banerjee Lane (partly) and other Govt of W.B different places in ward no 11 under Bally Municipality 19 Improvement of Some Surface Bally Municipality, 456788.00 9136.00 30 Days. Drain at Bireswar Chatterjee Govt of W.B street within ward no 01 under Bally Municipality. 20 Improvement of Concrete Road Bally Municipality, 369300.00 7386.00 30 Days. and pipe railing of a road side Govt of W.B drain of Banku Behari Ghosh lane ward no 11 , under Bally Municipality 21 Construction of different guard Bally Municipality, 499381.00 9988.00 30 Days. wall of drain and tank , patch Govt of W.B repairing of concrete road at different place in ward no -10 under Bally Municipality 22 Improvement and Repairing Bally Municipality, 277157.00 5543.00 30 Days. work of some surface Drain at Govt of W.B Goswami Para Road within ward no 3 under Bally Municipality. 23 Improvement of Ghoses bye lane Bally Municipality, 199499.00 3990.00 15 Days. from junction of Daw temple Govt of W.B Road to junction of Ghoses lane in ward no-8 under Bally Municipality 24 Improvement of Fakir Ghosh Bally Municipality, 498922.00 9978.00 30 Days. lane and M.L.B. road bye lane Govt of W.B and other different place in ward no 09. 25 Improvement of Krishna Bally Municipality, 335160.00 6703.00 30 Days. chatterjee bye lanes in ward no Govt of W.B 06 , under Bally Municipality 26 Improvement of K.P. Kumar st. Bally Municipality, 450570.00 9011.00 25 Days. in ward no 09 under Bally Govt of W.B Municipality 27 Improvement of Panchanantala Bally Municipality, 499565.00 9991.00 25 Days. Road from Madhab Mukherjee Govt of W.B Rd. junction to Padma Babu Rd Bridge stair in ward no 3 under Bally Municipality. 28 Improvement of Some Concrete Bally Municipality, 193019.00 3860.00 15 Days. Roads and Surface Drain and Govt of W.B Construction of Slab within ward no 26 under Bally Municipality. 29 Improvement of Rajkrishna Bally Municipality, 499391.00 9988.00 25 Days. Kumar St. (portion ) and Pal Govt of W.B Bagan Lane (portion ) in ward no 11 under Bally Municipality (*) For Consortiums, criteria to be followed as per clause 5 of General Terms and Conditions and information. Finance Officer cum Executive Officer Bally Municipality General Terms and Conditions and Information 1. Eligibility for participation : Contractors, Enlisted or outside bonafide, Registered Engineers Co-operative Societies, Consortiums and Partnership firms registered with the State Government and contractors of equivalent Grade / Class registered with Central Government / MES / Railways for execution of civil works are eligible to participate, depending on the criteria as detailed below. Joint venture firms are not eligible to participate. 2. Participation in more than one work : Any contractor can submit tender published in NIT, depending on his credential and financial capability, details of which are given later. 3. Submission of Tenders 3.1 General process of submission Tenders are to be submitted online through the website stated. All the documents uploaded by the Tender Inviting Authority form an integral part of the contract. Tenderers are required to upload all the tender documents along with the other documents, as asked for in the tender, through the above website within the stipulated date and time as given in the Tender. Tenders are to be submitted in two folders at a time for each work, one is Technical Proposal and the other is Financial Proposal.