YODER FAMILY INFORMATION--CYBERSPACE EDITION-2003 Published by the Yoder Family Newsletter, Goshen, Indiana. Data originally copyrighted by Christopher Yoder 1992,1994. MELCHIOR YODER LINE- Part TWO M24 thru M25 Expanded and Presented by Donald G. Honeywell, September 2011 These files contain a collection of Yoder family data which has been assembled since 1983 by the Yoder Newsletter (YNL), P.O. Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527, for subscription information and content update, write Chris Yoder, 551 South Maple Street, Saugatuck, MI 49015 or E-Mail at:
[email protected] In addition to being available for order on disk from the YNL, these files may be accessed over the Internet at: http://www.yodernewsletter.org/nonamish/m24-m25.html Where an individual's Social Security number (SSN) is mentioned, birth and/or death dates have been derived and/or verified from Social Security Death Index at: http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com/ Some information has been derived from Descendants of Joseph G. and Barbara Garber Grable, 1998, by F. Thomas Gayman. We apologize in advance for any typographical errors in this work. Please help us correct and extend any of the information in these records. **************************************************************************************************** M24 Elizabeth Yoders born 17 August 1803, probably in Jefferson Township, Greene County, PA. Residence: Amity, Amwell Township, Washington County, PA 1850-1881. "Lived in a stone house in Amity." m. circa 1822 at Fredericktown, Washington County, PA to Zachariah D. SHARP (born 20 December 1800 in Waynesburg, Franklin Township, Greene County, PA; s/o Isaac Sharp and his wife, Mary Wolverton -- died 19 September 1874, aged 73 years, in Amwell Township, Washington County, PA.) Zachariah was a blacksmith.