Radioactive Equipment DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT WITH RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL REQUIRES EVALUATION BEFORE DISPOSAL Contact the Division of Research Safety if you see the following equipment. Aircraft Gauges, Timepieces, Ceramic Plates Alnor Dew Pointer Switches, and Breakers Inside Electrical Switches Devices from the 1910s Quickly determines dew These 600-pound though the ‘60s used points of gases. Some switches have ceramic radioactive paint for glow- contain a label indicating plates containing in-the-dark applications. radioactive material. radioactive material. Compound: Radium Compound: Radium-226 Compound: Thorium Densitometers or Soil Corning Uranium-Glass Emergency Signs Optical Filter Density Gauges An optical filter to A tool that measures Glow-in-the-dark devices, transmit or absorb light the density and inner like exit signs, may con- in the ultraviolet, visible, structure of the test tain radioactive material. and infrared spectrum. material. Compound: Tritium (H-3) Compound: Uranium Compounds: Americium/ beryllium and cesium-137
[email protected] | 217-333-2755 Gas Chromatographs Geiger Counters Ionization Smoke Detectors Chromatographs that Civil defense Cold War Some smoke detectors, use an electron capture Geiger counters often especially older mod- device contain a sealed included chips of uranium. els, contain radioactive radioactive source. sources. Compound: Uranium Compounds: Iron-55 Compounds: Am-241 or nickel-63 or nickel-63 Liquid Scintillation Photographic Lenses Radioactive Power Counters Resistors These devices contain