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Digital TV Equipment and System Catalogue 2017 Digital TV Equipment and System Professional IRD Encoder & Transcoder Remultiplexer/Scrambler Modulator & Transmodulator Modular Headend System IPTV Solutions Contents Digital TV Content Processing Platform Modular Digital TV Headend DMM-1000 DCP-1000 01 IRDs DCP-3000 07 DMM-1510P 85 DMM-2200P 88 DMM-2410D 90 HEVC/4K Equipment Encoder / Transcoder DCH-6000P 14 DCH-6100P 17 DMM-1300EC 92 DCH-6000EC 20 DMM-1520EC 93 DIH-6000V 22 DMM-2410EC 95 Multiplexer / Scrambler Professional Headends DMM-1400MX 97 DMM-2200MX/2200DX 99 Professional IRD DMM-2200TP 101 DCH-3100P 24 DCH-5200P 26 Modulator / Transmodulator DCH-5500P 30 DMM-1300TM 102 DXP-3800D 34 DMM-1400PM 103 DXP-8000D 37 DMM-2410TM 105 DXP-3400PA 39 Professional IRD and Modulator Modular Analog TV Headend DMM-1000AS DXP-3440DM 42 DMM-1701PM 108 Encoder / Transcoder DMM-1701IM 108 DCH-3000EC 45 DMM-1701M 108 DCH-5200EC 47 DMM-1701LD 111 DXP-3800EC 49 DMM-1701CA 112 DXP-4800EC 51 DXP-8000EC 53 DIH-4000V 55 CATV Modulator Bank SMA-1600 Encoder and Modulator SMA-1600M 114 DXP-3410EM/4410EM 57 SMA-1600M-UV 114 DXP-8000EM 60 SMA-1600EM 115 EM-101 63 Re-multiplexer 117 DCH-5100MX 66 IPTV/OTT solution DXP-3800MX 68 Modulators / Transmodulator DCH-3000TM 70 DCH-5100TM 73 Accessories DCH-2000AD 76 DCH-2000AV 79 DCH-3000AL 81 Company Profile The Company Founded in 1994, PBI (Pro Broadband Inc.). manages to develop and manufacture high quality and state-of-the- art products to meet the digital market demands. With over 20 years of expertise in consumer electronic software and hardware engineering, PBI embarks on an advanced design, manufacturing and integration program in the industry of Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications. Technology PBI leverages its core hardware and software technology across three fast growing markets: Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications. PBI's technology is based on years of research and development experience in DVB and MPEG standards. We have made significant investments in developing software for conditional access,common interface, interactive middleware and addressable signal decoding. We have successfully achieved a high level of embedded system integration in digital CATV headend broadcasting V\VWHPKRXVHKROG,5'VDQGPLFURZDYHDFFHVVDULHV,QDGGLWLRQWRWHFKQLFDOSUR¿FLHQF\RXUSURGXFWGHYHORSPHQW EHQH¿WVIURPZRUOGFODVVFRVWHI¿FLHQWHQJLQHHULQJDQGKDVVWURQJUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKNH\LQGXVWU\SOD\HUVVXFKDV ST, NEC, OKI,Panasonic Siemens, Philips,Nagra,Irdeto, Viaccess, and so on. Products Committed to the development of headend production, PBI has a world-wide application in the digital and analog CATV network. The digital headend equipments range from MPEG-2 digital encoder, digital multiplexer, professional QPSK/QAM transmodulator, QPSK/QAM modulator to scrambler; the analog headend equipment varies from adjacent modulator, FM radio modulator and combiner etc. All headend equipment are in line with QDWLRQDOVWDQGDUGVRI&KLQDDQGKDYHEHHQFHUWL¿HGE\WKH1DWLRQDOJRYHUQPHQW¿UP&&&DQG6$5)7(TXLSSHG ZLWKDQDGYDQFHGDQGVSHFLDOL]HGSURGXFWLRQEDVHDQGFHUWL¿HGE\,62DQG,62V\VWHP3%,LVD professional STB manufacturer. PBI's products include digital Satellite/Cable/Terrestrial STBs, HDTV receiver, IP+DVB receivers, Mobile television receiver, and PVR receiver. Integrated varied CA system and middleware, PBI STB enables program encryption and interactive applications. PBI is also a full range C/Ku-band LNB manufacturer for all different applications in the whole world. Low-Cost Operations At PBI, we leverage talent and resources around the great China area to develop, manufacture and market our products. Product development is done in Beijing , tapping a wealth of highly trained, cost-efficient resources. Project management is planned in Chung-Li (Taiwan Silicon Valley), gathering sufficient material/components DQGIDVWPDUNHWLQJLQIRUPDWLRQHQYLURQPHQW0DQXIDFWXULQJLVSHUIRUPHGE\3%,,62TXDOL¿HGIDFWRULHVLQ&KLQD )XUWKHU5 'RXWVRXUFLQJLVREWDLQHGIURPVHOHFWHGVRIWZDUH¿UPZDUHSDUWQHUVLQ,QGLD&KLQD7DLZDQDQG)UDQFH . PBI management team works together to set strategy and guide the company at cost efficiency to meet the worldwide markets competition. Service PBI emphasizes services by providing fast reaction and on-time delivery to meet customers'needs. Hardware has become a basic tool since the digital information era has begun, thus, the quality of the software is also what we promise to PBI users. With our prompt product logistics, we are able to build a fast reaction, on-time engineering service, and low-cost manufacturing hub in Asia for our OEM/ODM customers. The 21st Century Target :HEXLOGRXUVHOYHVDVRXUFXVWRPHUV RZQDI¿OLDWHG5 'DQGPDQXIDFWXULQJFHQWHULQ$VLD:HKDYHPDGHHYHU\ HIIRUWDQGLQYHVWPHQWLQ5 'SURGXFWLRQLQYHQWRU\DQGORJLVWLFUHVRXUFHVWRIXO¿OOFXVWRPGHVLJQUHTXLUHPHQW Nevertheless, our best performance is our customers'satisfaction. We will continue to make every possible effort to achieve our corporate goals - a major OEM/ODM supplier in Asia at Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications. So Please, Team-up with PBI-Brighten Your Digital View! Digital TV Equipment and System DCP-1000 'LJLWDO&RQWHQWV3URFHVVLQJ3ODWIRUP '&3EULQJVDFRPSDFWDQGÀH[LEOH VROXWLRQVWKDWDOORZWKHXVHUVWREXLOG RUXSGDWHWKH'79RU,379KHDGHQG WRPHHWDYDULHW\RIUHTXLUHPHQWVRI WRGD\¶VQHZQHWZRUNDUFKLWHFWXUH '&3LVD58FKDVVLVZLWKVL[ LQGHSHQGHQW,2PRGXOHVZKLFKEH FDSDEOHRIWUDQVIRUPLQJLQWRGLJLWDO KHDGHQGDVFKDQQHO+6' HQFRGHUFKDQQHO++'HQFRGHU FKDQQHOVDWHOOLWHFDEOH,5'RU FKDQQHOGHFRGHU7KHVL[,2PRGXOHV DQGSRZHUVXSSO\DOOFDQVXSSRUWKRW VZDS 0DLQ)HDWXUH 6XSSRUWÀH[LEOHFRPELQDWLRQRINLQGVRIIXQFWLRQDOPRGXOHV TV Content Processing Platform Digital 0ESVHIIHFWLYHELWUDWHWKURXJKSHU76,3SRUW 6103 :(%0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP 5HGXQGDQW3RZHU6XSSOLHV ´[8(,$VWDQGDUGFKDVVLV 0RGXOHFDQLQGHSHQGHQWO\ZRUNZLWKPLQLFKDVVLV AV/CVBS DCP-1000EV4 1 AV/CVBS DCP-1000EV8 2 DVD/HDMI DCP-1000EH4 3 DVB-S2 DCP-1000DS2 4 DVB-C DCP-1000DC2 5 IP Set-top box Internet DCP-1000AV SDI/HDMI/AES & XLR 6 IP IN IP OUT No.3 Feng Zhi East Road, Xi Bei Wang Town, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100094, China Tel: +86-10-57802000 Fax: +86-10-57802016 E-mail: [email protected] 1 Digital TV Equipment and System '&30) 'DWD3URWRFRO UDP 6WDWXV,QGLFDWRU/DPS [/('3RZHU *UHHQ $ODUP 5HG &RQWURO3URWRFRO ,&03$53,*03YY 3K\VLFDO )URQW3DQHO 3RZHU6XSSO\ '&9$0D[ [5- *E( %DVH7 '6 3RZHU&RQVXPSWLRQ 0$;: '&'$$9 2SHUDWLQJ7HPSHUDWXUH aņ 76,3DQG&RQWURO3RUW [5- *E( %DVH7 (9(9 ņ Digital TV Content Processing Platform Digital 6WRUDJH7HPSHUDWXUH a (+ 2SHUDWLRQ+XPLGLW\ a 1RQFRQGHQVHG 86%3RUW [86% 8SJUDGH 'LPHQVLRQ ġġPP %XWWRQ [,3UHVHW :HLJKW 1Kg '&30) 'DWD3URWRFRO UDP 5HDU3DQHO &RQWURO3URWRFRO ,&03$53,*03YY 0RGXOH6ORW [6ORWV 0D[(IIHFWLYH%LW5DWH 0EVSHUSRUW )URQW3DQHO 2WKHUV 76,3 ġ5- *E( %DVH7 3RZHU6XSSO\ $&9+]$0D[ &RQWURO 1 ġ5-%DVH7 2SHUDWLQJ7HPSHUDWXUH aņ 86% [86% 6WRUDJH7HPSHUDWXUH aņ 6WDWXV,QGLFDWRU/DPS [/(' 2SHUDWLRQ+XPLGLW\ a 1RQFRQGHQVHG No.3 Feng Zhi East Road, Xi Bei Wang Town, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100094, China Tel: +86-10-57802000 Fax: +86-10-57802016 E-mail: [email protected] Digital TV Equipment and System %ORFN'LDJUDP DCP-1000MF Functional Block Diagram TS/IP TS/IP TS/IP TS/IP TS/IP TS/IP Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Interface6 Interface5 Interface4 Interface3 Interface2 Interface1 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold finger6 finger5 finger4 finger3 finger2 finger1 eMMC Flash CPU IP SWITCH DDR Power Power Mangement LED RESET KEY G_Ethernet USB TV Content Processing Platform Digital Input Supply Ethernet LED*11 Reset Key*2 RJ45*2 RJ45 USB (QFRGLQJ0RGXOH '&3(9 FKDQQHO+(QFRGLQJ0RGXOH '&3(9 FKDQQHO+(QFRGLQJ0RGXOH '&3(+ FKDQQHO+(QFRGLQJ0RGXOH No.3 Feng Zhi East Road, Xi Bei Wang Town, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100094, China Tel: +86-10-57802000 Fax: +86-10-57802016 E-mail: [email protected] Digital TV Equipment and System 9LGHR,QSXW FRPSUHVVLRQ&RGLQJ $XGLR,QSXW &RPSUHVVLRQ&RGLQJ ġ&9%6DŽ'&3(9Džġ&9%6 &RQQHFW7\SH (PEHGGHGDŽ'&3(+DžRU$QDORJ DŽ'&3(9Džġ+'0,DŽ'&3(+Dž &RQQHFW7\SH +%303DŽ&$%$&Dž+3-3(*0-3(* DŽ'&3(9(9Dž &RPSUHVVLRQ6WDQGDUG 03(*/D\HU,, %DVHOLQH &RGLQJ6WDQGDUG 6DPSOLQJ)RUPDW <&E&U 03(*$$&/&+($$&DŽ99Dž &RPSUHVVLRQ%LW5DWH NESVa0ESV 3DVVWKURXJKDŽ(+Dž 3DŽġDž#+]+] 0D[ 6DPSOLQJ5DWH .+]DŽ(9 &KDQQHOVRQO\Dž (9Dž 6037(0a0EV 76RYHU,3 LDŽġDž#+]+] 6037(a0EV &RQQHFW7\SH [5-Lj%DVH7 9LGHR5HVROXWLRQ SDŽġDž#+]+] 0D[LPXP(IIHFWLYH%LW 5HFRPPHQG 0 6037(0a0EV 5DWH &RPSUHVVLRQ%LW SDŽġDž#+]+] (QFDSVXODWLRQ 6376 5DWH+ 6037(0a0EV 0XOWLFDVW3URWRFRO 8'30XOWLFDVW,*03Y (9(93DŽġDž#+] &RQWURO 0RQLWRULQJ 6037(0a0EV 5HPRWH&RQWURO 6103+773 (9(93DŽġDž#+] 8SJUDGH :(%+773 6037(0a0EV 9LGHR5HVROXWLRQ LDŽġDž#+] 3K\VLFDO 5HFRPPHQG 6037(0a0EV &RPSUHVVLRQ%LW 3RZHU6XSSO\ '&9 L ġ #+]6037(0a0EV 3RZHU&RQVXPSWLRQ : Digital TV Content Processing Platform Digital 5DWH03(* 9LGHR5HVROXWLRQ 9HUWLFDO +RUL]RQWDODGMXVWDEOH 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH aņ 'RZQ6FDOLQJ UHVSHFWLYHO\DŽIUDPHUDWHLVQRWVFDODEOHDž 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH aņ $VSHFW5DWLR 6HOHFWDEOH 2SHUDWLQJ+XPLGLW\ aQRQFRQGHQVHG %ORFN'LDJUDP DCP-1000-EV4 Functional Block Diagram DCP-1000-EV4 TS/IP AV In1 CPU SYSTEM Gold finger Extension Interface Power SPI Power Input Flash Supply AV In2 G_Ethernet RJ45 Video & Audio CPU & Decoder Encoder USB USB AV In3 DDR LED LED AV In4 RESET KEY Reset DCP-1000-EH4 Functional Block Diagram DCP-1000-EH4 TS/IP HDMI In1 CPU SYSTEM Gold finger Extension Interface Power SPI Power Inpu Flash Supply HDMI In2 G_Ethernet RJ45 HDMI Receiver CPU & Encoder USB USB HDMI In3 DDR LED LED HDMI In4 RESET KEY Reset No.3 Feng Zhi East Road, Xi Bei Wang Town, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100094, China Tel: +86-10-57802000 Fax: +86-10-57802016 E-mail: [email protected]
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