Agenda Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority April 8, 2021
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Agenda Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority April 8, 2021 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT/CEO Jessica Sferrazza, Chair Daren Griffin, A.A.E. Shaun Carey, Vice Chair Richard Jay, Secretary GENERAL COUNSEL Jenifer Rose, Treasurer Ann Morgan, Fennemore Craig Carol Chaplin Nat Carasali CLERK OF THE BOARD Daniel Farahi Lori Kolacek Lisa Gianoli Art Sperber AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, April 8, 2021 • 9:00 AM Pursuant to Section 1 of the State of Nevada Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 (“Directive 006”) the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority will be hosting virtual public meetings until further notice. In-person attendance is not available during this time. Public Meeting Attendance Options: 1. To view this meeting on Zoom, visit, or visit and enter the Webinar ID: 867 0488 6701. 2. To listen to this Zoom meeting. dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter the Webinar ID when prompted. Public Comment: Public comment is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. Pursuant to Section 2 of Directive 006, anyone wishing to make public comment may do so by emailing comments to [email protected]. Comments received prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be given to the Board for review and will be included with the minutes of this meeting. To make a public comment during the Zoom meeting, please make sure your computer or device has a working microphone. Use the “Chat” feature to submit a request to speak. Indicate your name and affiliation, the applicable agenda item, and a contact phone number. When the time comes to make public comments, you will be invited to speak. Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action may be taken on a matter raised under general public comment. Public Meeting Notice: Pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of Directive 006, this agenda has been posted at: 1. RTAA Administrative Offices – 2001 E. Plumb Lane, Reno 2. Supporting Materials: Pursuant to Sections 5 and 6 of Directive 006, supporting materials for this meeting can be found at information/agendas-minutes. They can also be requested by contacting Lori Kolacek, 2001 E. Plumb Lane, Reno, NV (775) 328-6402. 1 Agenda Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority April 8, 2021 1. INTRODUCTORY ITEMS 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance 1.3 Roll Call 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons who wish to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (for possible action) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (for possible action) 4.1 March 11, 2021, Regular Board Meeting 5. PRESIDENT/CEO REPORT 6. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS AND UPDATES 7. RECOGNITIONS AND ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST 7.1 Recognition of RTAA Employee of the Quarter 8. CONSENT ITEMS (for possible action) The Consent Calendar contains routine items of business. Items in this section will be acted on in one motion, unless removed by a Board member. 9. INFORMATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 9.1 Board Memo #21(04)-13: Approval to Dissolve the Reno-Tahoe International Airport Users Committee and Transition To a CEO-Led Airfield Users Working Group (for possible action) 9.2 Board Memo #21(04)-14: Authorization for the President/CEO to Direct Funding for an Owner’s Contingency for the Passenger Boarding Bridge Replacement Project - Phase 2 at Reno–Tahoe International Airport, in the Amount of $300,000 (for possible action) 9.3 Board Memo #21(04)-15: Authorization for the President/CEO, or Designee, to Adjust Airport Improvement Program Cost Allocation Line Items to Maximize Awarded Airport Improvement Program Grants for Increased Construction Costs, as Well as to Authorize Additional Funding for an Owner’s Contingency for the Runway 16R-34L Reconstruction Project at Reno–Tahoe International Airport, in the Amount of $1,000,000 by Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority General Fund (for possible action) 9.4 Board Memo #21(04)-16: Authorization for the President/CEO to Execute Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with Granite Construction Company, Inc., on the Runway 16R-34L Reconstruction Project, at Reno-Tahoe International Airport, in the Amount of $215,282, for a Revised Contract Totaling $43,811,062 (for possible action) 2 Agenda Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority April 8, 2021 9.5 Board Memo #21(04)-17: Authorization for the CEO To Award a Construction Contract for the Federal Inspection Services Roof Replacement Project at Reno-Tahoe International Airport, with Western Single Ply, in the Amount of $300,000 and Authorize an Owner’s Contingency in the Amount of $45,000 (for possible action) 9.6 Board Memo #21(04)-18: Authorization for the President/CEO to Award a Contract to Preferred Truck & Equipment Sales and Service, Inc. for the Purchase of a 2021 Heil 40 Yard High-Compaction Front Loader Type Body Refuse Collection Truck in the Amount of $383,083.57 (for possible action) 9.7 CEO Public Safety Update 10. BOARD COMMENTS AND REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. PUBLIC COMMENT This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons who wish to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. 12. ADJOURNMENT Upcoming RTAA Meetings 04/30/2021 8:30 a.m. Board Retreat (The Chateau, Incline Village) 05/18/2021* 9:00 a.m. Finance & Business Development Committee 05/18/2021* 10:00 a.m. Planning & Construction Committee 05/20/2021* 9:00 a.m. Board of Trustees 05/20/2021 3:30 p.m. Airport Noise Advisory Panel (ANAP) 05/20/2021 5:30 p.m. Community Outreach Committee (COC) 06/07/2021 4:30 p.m. Quarterly RTAA CEO Users Committee Meeting 06/08/2021 9:00 a.m. Finance & Business Development Committee 06/08/2021 10:00 a.m. Planning & Construction Committee 06/10/2021 9:00 a.m. Board of Trustees 07/06/2021 9:00 a.m. Finance & Business Development Committee 07/06/2021 10:00 a.m. Planning & Construction Committee 07/08/2021 9:00 a.m. Board of Trustees 08/10/2021 9:00 a.m. Finance & Business Development Committee 08/10/2021 10:00 a.m. Planning & Construction Committee 08/12/2021 9:00 a.m. Board of Trustees 08/19/2021 3:30 p.m. Airport Noise Advisory Panel (ANAP) 09/07/2021 9:00 a.m. Finance & Business Development Committee 09/07/2021 10:00 a.m. Planning & Construction Committee 09/09/2021 9:00 a.m. Board of Trustees 09/13/2021* 4:30 p.m. Quarterly RTAA CEO Users Committee Meeting * Indicates meetings that do not fall on normally scheduled dates 3 Minutes Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority March 11, 2021 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT/CEO Jessica Sferrazza, Chair Daren Griffin, A.A.E. Shaun Carey, Vice Chair Richard Jay, Secretary GENERAL COUNSEL Jenifer Rose, Treasurer Ann Morgan, Fennemore Craig Carol Chaplin Nat Carasali CLERK OF THE BOARD Daniel Farahi Lori Kolacek Lisa Gianoli Art Sperber *DRAFT* MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, March 11, 2021 • 9:00 AM This meeting was held virtually Pursuant to Section 1 of the State of Nevada Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Members Present: Jessica Sferrazza Shaun Carey Richard Jay Jenifer Rose Carol Chaplin Nat Carasali Daniel Farahi Lisa Gianoli Art Sperber Members Absent: None 1. INTRODUCTORY ITEMS 1.1 Call to Order Chair Sferrazza called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dale Carnes, RTAA Fire Chief. 1.3 Roll Call Roll Call was taken by the Clerk of the Board. All Board Members were present for roll call. 1 Minutes Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority March 11, 2021 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (for possible action) Motion: Move to approve the agenda as presented. Moved by: Richard Jay Seconded by: Art Sperber Aye: Trustees Sferrazza, Carey, Jay, Rose, Chaplin, Carasali, Farahi, Gianoli, Sperber No: None Abstain: None Vote: Motion passed unanimously 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (for possible action) 4.1 February 11, 2021, Regular Board Meeting Motion: Move to approve the Minutes from the February 11, 2021, Regular Board Meeting as presented. Moved by: Richard Jay Seconded by: Lisa Gianoli Aye: Trustees Sferrazza, Carey, Jay, Rose, Chaplin, Carasali, Farahi, Gianoli, Sperber No: None Abstain: None Vote: Motion passed unanimously 5. PRESIDENT/CEO REPORT Ted Ohm, Senior Facilities Project Manager, presented a safety tip on ladder safety. For his CEO report, Mr. Griffin shared the winners of the 2020 We Move You Thrive Awards. 6. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS AND UPDATES Trustee Jay reported that the Users, Community Outreach and Airport Noise Advisory Committees are all going well. Trustee Chaplin reported that airport staff will be giving the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority an update on air service at their board meeting this afternoon. She also reported that at the Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority board meeting, they approved a facility operator for the new events center. She also thanked the airport for helping to coordinate the charter flights for the NHL event. Trustee Sperber thanked staff for keeping the airport running smoothly during the winter and reported that construction projects are ramping up. 2 Minutes Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority March 11, 2021 Trustee Gianoli reported that she is looking forward to when the Board can get back to in-person meetings and thanked the staff for all the hard work through the pandemic.