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AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING EUMETNET AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING EUMETNET between the following National Meteorological Services (NMS): 1. NMS Austria, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, a governmental research organisation, established by imperial decree on 23 July 1851 which has been amended by the research organization law Forschungsorganisationsgesetz BGBL Nr. 341/1981, represented by its Director Dr. Fritz Neuwirth, having its registered office at Hohe Warte 38, A-1190, Vienna, Austria; 2. NMS Belgium, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, service of the State with separated management, created by Royal decree on 21 December 1986, with VAT number BE0349.294.822, represented by its Director-General, Dr Henri Malcorps, having its registered office at Ringlaan 3 , 1180 Brussels, Belgium; 3. NMS Denmark, Danish Meteorological Institute (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut), a state institution created by parliament decision in December 1989, with identification number 1815 9104, represented by its Director General, dr. Peter Aakjær, having its registered office at Lyngbyvej 100, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; 4. NMS Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Ilmatieteen laitos), an institute created by the law of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Laki ilmatieteen laitoksesta 22.12.1967/585, with VAT number FI02446647, represented by Director General, Prof. Petteri Taalas, having its registered office at Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI - 00560 Helsinki,
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