NEWSLETTER February 2020 NUMBER 48 Officers: Other Trustees: Peter Almond Chairman Roger Williams Vice Chairman David Jones Secretary Jon Matthews John Pullen Richard Day Treasurer Barry Sowerby Stella Watling Registered Charity no: 1180926 Please address all enquiries to: The Secretary, Friends of Northwood Cemetery, 194 Newport Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7PU; Tel: (01983) 298445 Email:
[email protected] Website: Chairman’s Report Firstly, here’s an update on some items mentioned in the November 2019 Newsletter: The Isle of Wight Council has awarded the Island-wide Grounds Maintenance Contract (for the next 5 years) to the incumbent contractor John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance Ltd. It is our intent to meet with the local manager on a quarterly basis to monitor the application of the contract to our 10-year Management and Maintenance Plan. We have received quotes for the renovation of the stone border of the Civilian Mass Grave and the Board now needs to find significant funding; specifically, we are exploring the availability of grants. Sadly, this is time consuming and will delay matters beyond the 78th anniversary of the Cowes Blitz which will take place over the week-end of 2nd/3rd May. It is now expected that the IW Council will go ahead with the formal 8-week Consultation period on the issue of “dogs in public places”. If so, then the Board plan to reiterate its position that dogs on leads should be permitted in Northwood Cemetery; what we would expect is that the Council provides more effective policing.