PARISH PRATTLE Issue No. 62 Halton-with-Aughton August / Sept 2011

Welcome to this edition of the Prattle! If you didn’t manage to attend the recent ‘The Happening’ at the Centre@Halton then read all about it inside. A big thank you to those key individuals and all the volunteers that made it happen! Also inside are lots of updates on events and clubs going on in the village, including some worthwhile charity events. The Parish Council wants to hear from any landowners interested in new tree planing schemes, or any parishioners with suggestions for tree planting in public places; there is some timely advice about pets and heatstroke, and a host of regular articles. If you have any comments or suggestions or want to submit an item for the next edition just email us on [email protected]!

CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE PRATTLE ARTICLES TO THE EDITORS, JAN & DAVE:[email protected] WHAT‛S ON to: [email protected] ADVERTISING copy to: HELEN on 812679 DISTRIBUTION: CAROL on 811444 WRITTEN ARTICLES: FAO CAROL @ EXPRESSIONS HAIR or tel 811444. DEADLINES for Oct/Nov Advertising Rates: Copy: Wed 14th Sep 11 Box Ad: £10 Adverts: Wed 14th Sep 11 Double Box Ad: £20 Delivery: Fri 7th Oct 11 Classified Ad: £1 - 20 words All adverts are published in good faith. The Editorial team can offer no guarantees as to the quality of services advertised. THE CHURCHES OF HALTON-WITH-AUGHTON

ST. WILFRID‛S, HALTON THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Rector Minister Rev. Pauline Bicknell, Rev. Yolande Burns The Vicarage, 2 Summerfield Drive, The Manse, 11 Marine Drive, Slyne, LA2 6AQ Tel: 822128 email: [email protected] Hest Bank. LA2 6DZ Tel: 824027

Services in August Services in August 7th 10am Parish Communion 7th Rev. Yolande Burns 14th 8am Holy Communion 14th Rev. Tom McInerney 10am Morning Prayer 21st Rev. Yolande Burns 21st 10am Family Communion 28th Mr. Norman Boothroyd 28th 10am Morning Prayer Services in September Services in September 4th Rev. Robert Canham th 4 10am Family Communion 11th Rev. Roy Chapman th 11 8am Holy Communion 18th Rev. Yolande Burns 10am Morning Prayer 25th Rev. David Greenwood 18th 10am Parish Communion (St Wilfrid’s School starters service) 25th 10am Morning Prayer ST. SAVIOUR‛S, AUGHTON Services in August 14th 11.30am Holy Communion & ST. JOSEPH'S R.C. CHURCH Baptism Saturday Vigil at 6.30 pm, Sunday Mass 28th 11.30am Morning Prayer throughout the year at 11.00 a.m. Services in September Clergy: Fr. Andrew Broster, 11th 11.30am Holy Communion Deacon Stephen Pendlebury, 25th 7pm Harvest Festival St. Joseph's Church Slyne Road, Lancaster, LA1 2HU From the Aughton registers: Tel: 01524 32493 Wedding: 18th June Graham Drinkall & Lee Wallace Page 2 From the Halton register: one thing in common – they accept me Baptism: for who I am. They accept me wheth- 3rd April Harrison George Lucas er I’m up or down, smart or casual, fat or thin and it’s wonderfully reassuring. 22nd May Molly Betsy Parkinson We may have a difference of opinion 19th June Olivia May Watson sometimes, I may not always like (or Molly Beth Alex take) their advice but I know they are Watson there for me, supporting, not judging, Sophie Ruth Medcalf and that is a great reassurance to have. 3rd July Jackson Martin I didn’t watch the TV series ‘Friends’ Billy Martin but I know it had (and still has) a huge Wedding following. There is something about 9th July Stuart Prior & Sally watching the interaction between peo- Lewis ple who know each other well and are Funeral at ease with one another which is reas- 13th July Marjorie Mattinson suring and encouraging – it is also an experience we can relate to. We all need people with whom we can share the significant, or not so signif- Dear friends, icant, events of our days. There are I’ve been thinking a lot about friends many songs and poems written about and friendship recently. There are friends, and the modern generation some friends who I have had for a short frequently ask one another about how while, see often and am very close to; many friends they have on Face Book – there are some friends I’ve known for further evidence of how key friends years and, although we’re close friends, and friendships are to our lives. location means I tend to see less often; How is your circle of friends made up? there are some who I’ve known for a Who would you count as your closest long time, speak to rarely, but as soon friends who never let you down – even as I do I can pick up exactly where I if you don’t share the same opinion left off; and there’s another group of sometimes? Who accepts you as you people who have been friends in the are no matter what your mood or cir- past, and I might still wonder about, but cumstances? they’ve long since dropped off the Thank God for those people and the Christmas card list. gift of friendship. Whoever these friends are – male or female, long standing or more recent, Pauline close by or based miles away, they have

Page 3 THE CENTRE @ HALTON Halton Community Association Charity No. 506984 / Bookings/Information 811444

THE HAPPENING The Winning Our local Member of Parliament, the Programme was No.101 - unclaimed Honourable David Morris MP, officially If you didn’t manage to get down to opened the area with the unveiling of a the Centre over ‘The Happening’ week- plaque. After lunch there were demon- end, then you missed out on a superb strations showing the function of all the celebration for the completion of the new equipment. outside sports and recreation area. Saturday was a Gala day. The place was Friday was the official opening. Brian buzzing. The skate park was heaving the Jefferson gave a presentation, ex- whole weekend. The MUGA, or ball park, plaining the project and thanked all offered football skills, followed by a the funders, businesses and volunteers wheelchair basketball match. Children who helped in so many ways to achieve played endlessly on the two new play- this great asset for the village and the grounds and the field had games, races, surrounding community. stalls, orienteering, scout skills, music Maggie Howarth, who designed and and Bay Radio to name but a few. made a fabulous mosaic and ran free The evening brought live bands. The workshops where villagers made weather was fantastic and people just ‘people’ for the walk through history didn’t want to go home as they were tiles, was presented with a bouquet of having such a good time. flowers.

KITCHEN INSTALLATIO NS Architectural & Building N orth W est Ltd Surveying Services German Kitchens by “Schuller” A local family firm with over 15 years experience and our reputation built PLANNING/ BUILDING CONTROL APPLICATIONS upon recommendations. FOR EXTENSIONS, NEW HOUSES, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES INCLUDING ALTERATIONS & Visit our showroom by appointment REFURBISHMENT. Unit 3, Low Mills, Mill Lane, Low Bentham Stuart McMinn BSc HND ABEng West Winds, North Rd, Holme, Tel 015242 63388 or 07831 151839 Nr , Lancs. LA6 1QA. [email protected] Tel / Fax 01524 781081 Mob. 07729845147 Email [email protected]

Page 4 end. Your help was invaluable; we could Elliott Gorst not have managed on our own. We at the Centre are absolutely Painter and Decorator chuffed to bits with the finished arti- Specialising in: cle, something we & the Parish Council Artexing Interior Design have aspired to providing for the com- Paper Hanging munity for a long time. Feature Walls All we ask is for you to come along, Colour Effects bring your family and friends and en- Marbling FREE joy the facilities. Spraying ESTIMATES Please treat the community facilities Exterior with respect, which I am sure you all Tel: 811819 or 07961 616933 will, and it will provide pleasure for Sunday was competition day on the everyone for a very long time. COFFEE CENTRAL (volunteer run) skate park and on the football field. I was working inside most of the time on Please ring Eileen 812488 if you can the Sunday but saw loads of children help either occasionally or as a regular playing football and plenty of proud covering a 2 hour slot. children and parents during the presen- Come and see for yourself what we tation of prizes. have on offer. Why not accompany the The skate park competition was loud, kids to the play areas, then while they exciting and highly entertaining, but a are enjoying themselves outside you bit scary to watch. The young men and can relax with a coffee either upstairs boys are so very talented and must have or watch them play from the entrance nerves of steel. One young man even canopy seating area. competed having broken his ankle only SPEEDY COMPUTER REPAIR! days before. He, along with many oth- ers, practiced daily for this competition Call out service: In house since the new park was completed a few repair / pickup & drop off. months ago so I suspect there would Quick, friendly, efficient, have been no stopping him. No fix no charge I do not have any winner’s names but I Call George on 07857122396 am sure they will be posted somewhere in due course. Operating on behalf of the Multi- All in all it was a very successful three media shop, Burton-in-Lonsdale. days. I personally would like thank all of the many volunteers who helped our small band of organisers over the week-

Page 5 NEW CLASSES, GROUPS & CLUBS FUTURE EVENTS NEWS CASINO NIGHT – Sat 3 September. KIDS CLUB will continue throughout BON GIOVI A TRIBUTE NIGHT – Sat the summer for 3 days a week as a 24 Sept 7.30 -12 Tickets £12 811584. HOLIDAY CLUB. (Louise 811811). CEILIDH – A date for your diary 22 Wed STREET DANCE & Thurs ZUM- Oct with Striding Edge. BA have decided to continue year GENERAL round. The AGM arranged for Wed 27 July New Class, ZUMBA – Jade, Wed – 8.30 was postponed due to lack of time for – 9.30 733465. preparation. ‘The Happening’ took all GYMNASTICS – Summer holiday ses- our time. A new date has not been set sions Aug 17 & 24 (Helen 812571). yet. I will not be standing for Chair this Thursday CIRCUIT TRAINING has year at the AGM but will continue with been renamed TOTAL BODY CONDI- all my other commitments for the Cen- TIONING. tre. New class BEGINNERS CIRCUITS – We will need a chairperson, a secretary Sunday 10 – 11am all year info and other members. Please ring 811444 07811868851. for information. KNITTER NATTER HOME CRAFTS – Do come and get involved with your will now be weekly, from Tue Sept community centre & meet new friends. 2-4.30 Coffee Central. Free. You can join the committee, offer a The ‘Whats on’ pages in the Prattle few hours volunteer work, join a group, lists all regular clubs, groups and class- attend a function or meet for coffee @ es held at the centre or alternatively- Coffee Central. If you get involved, you visit The Centre @ Halton’s website. Beginners Circuit Training Sundays 10am-11am The Centre @ Halton Starting 14th August Get fit, have fun, tone up, make new friends! £4.00 per session Contact Sadie: by email on [email protected]. Website Mobile: 07811868851

Page 6 will be surprised how much is going on DISPATCHES FROM THE at your centre. WESSIES EMPORIUM If you are interested in receiving info about The Centre please email Maureen Papers? we sell 'em ! Richardson to be included in her mailing list. (Her email address is Hairstyles? we gel 'em! [email protected](. Magazines, ice cream, and toys! CENTRE AVAILABILITY Taters? we got 'em! There are still a few slots available for regular hire. Most weekends are availa- Flowers? we pot 'em! ble for parties etc. Top-ups for girls and for boys! During the School holidays, availability So next time you’re needing, is greater as many clubs & groups follow the school timetable. Glasses for reading, Ring Carol 811444 for Hall Hire Infor- Or cards for your loved ones or mates, mation. Come on into Wassies, (I know! I know! bear with me), Carol Holman You lads and you lassies, (see it works Chair & Bookings 811444 don’t it ?),

Thanks to Nigel Harrison of Northern For all things at reasonable rates! Hi-Tech for donating The Happening Boom! Boom! banner at the mini roundabout and for installing the new road signs at the HALTON VILLAGE NEWS 811401 entrance to the Centre @ Halton. I would also like to say a big thank you on over the last few years. to the couple of people who got involved We have lots of events at the Centre and helped out during the last week of already on the calendar and are look- preparations, to the small band of peo- ing for volunteers to help run them, ple who volunteered their time putting but, most of all, come down have a up the marquees in the heavy rain on look and enjoy what we have to offer. Friday and kept helping all the weekend and thank you to the many people who Thank you! came forward and helped out on the day. I hope that people in the village come Maureen Richardson forward to join the HCA Committee, Fundraiser, Halton Community which has been running at a bare mini- Association mum, during all the work that has gone Page 7 RE-ENERGISING HALTON growing the business to be self-sus- Ten years of challenge, investment taining in its new building. & achievement! Thirdly to Carol Slinger for twenty Looking out over the Recreation Area plus years of community commitment from the Centre on the occasion of The as a Parish Councillor, Parish Clerk and Happening, I couldn’t get the melody of with HCA. Throughout the works Carol “It’s a Kind of Magic” out of my head. has had responsibility for the financial Both the opening event and the week- records and accountability, and worked end public days were just the most tirelessly in the background to ensure wonderful showcase for the new play delivery of the best quality at tightest and seating areas. cost possible. The foundation of this development There are many other truly remarka- work goes back to the creation of a ble people who have helped to create Parish Plan in 2003: that Plan was very the Recreation Area, and we thank much informed by the Village appraisal them all for their contribution. The carried out four years earlier and by Happening brought out many volun- residents through questionnaire and teers to help erect tents and run the exhibitions. café and stalls, but the organisation It’s been a long and turbulent ride to was left in the hands of the few volun- bring all these dreams to reality, with teers who had developed the project. setbacks and disappointments along We hope that given the hugely suc- the way, but throughout, the volun- cessful event of 9/10th July the vil- teers of this community are to be com- lage will respond and form a small mended for not just completing these organising group to repeat the occa- works over such a long period, but for sion next year. doing so in such a wonderful manner. This Big Lottery Fund grant, adminis- Thanks go to Maureen Richardson, tered by Groundwork, was just one of who has raised the amazing total of seven awarded in the UK for a Commu- £1.5million for the benefit of this com- nity Open Space Project. That’s how munity, and in doing so, was awarded special this Halton achievement is – Lancaster District Volunteer of the Enjoy!!! And volunteer, to help us keep Year in 2010. She continues to contrib- achieving. ute widely and was central in planning the Happening event. Secondly to Carol Holman for Chairing the Halton Community Association through five of the most turbulent Brian Jefferson years imaginable, and in the process Page 8 VILLAGE NEWS

HALTON TUESDAY CLUB Abbeyfield U.K. for allowing us to use The club is coming to the end of anoth- their premises for our fortnightly er successful year. Since the 31st of meetings. August 2010 we have had a very varied programme. Some of the highlights Mabel Glass were visits from Mrs Weymouth and the school choir, two visits from the very versatile Stardust Entertainers, NEWS FROM LANCASTER Mr James Liveley catered most profes- COHOUSING, FORGEBANK sionally for our Christmas party and Demolition of the unusable buildings also for the birthday party of one of was completed on 18th May. The hard- our members. Our club trip was in May, core has been crushed to make aggre- a scenic coach ride finishing up at Ash- gate. We shall use that for levelling ton Hall Garden Centre for afternoon off and for building up where needed tea. Thirty of us went, including the so that the floors of our homes are six residents of Abbeyfield. We were feet above the footpath and safe from looked after very well by the staff who a ‘one in a thousand years’ chance of were most helpful and made us feel flooding. We trust that melting of the really welcome. ice cap and sea level rise from global Our new session starts on Tuesday, warming does not take us into a ‘one in August 30th at 2pm in Abbeyfield on ten thousand years’ scenario the week Beech Road. We are most grateful to after we move in!

TAYLOR SCHOOL OF DANCE & THEATRE ARTS Co-principals: Isobel Taylor & Wendy Taylor * BALLET * TAP * JAZZ * ACROBATIC * MODERN * DRAMA * SINGING * * YOGA * MUSICAL THEATRE CLASS * For children aged 2 ½ years upwards

Fully registered for examinations with I.S.T.D. The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Recognised as an Awarding Body by the Qualifications & Curriculum Authority ANNUAL SHOWS – EXAMS – FESTIVAL WORK CLASSES HELD IN CARNFORTH, HALTON & KENDAL

Enquires: 01524 736320 Page 9 Specialists in Hog Roasts tions. However the upper footpath will Barbecues, Weddings, Corporate Events, remain open and the closure order on Office and Garden Parties, Funeral Teas the lower footpath will only be used Why not let us do the hard work and for as long as it is essential on health take the stresses and strains of food and safety grounds. Access to Forge preparation for your event? We are Bank Weir will still be possible via the CATERERS upper footpath. The houses are due to a friendly family run business be completed in phases between April contact us for a quote 2012 and November 2012. Telephone: 01524 811564 In June we enjoyed a pleasant picnic at Mobile: 0780 791 7020 Forge Bank. The group continues to welcome new joiners and to bond. We Beechdene, Halton Hall Halton-on-Lune LA2 6LP scooped the prize in a quiz night at the Gregson in Lancaster and have enjoyed The crushing machine included a mag- various social outings. Stalwart volun- net to strip out metal for recycling and teers have formed regular work par- the main timbers have gone for recy- ties removing litter and clearing the cling as wood chip. Nothing untoward site. We look forward to The Happen- was discovered under the old buildings. ing at The Centre and hope to join in Oak seedlings that had already been with your celebrations which coincide removed have been safely stored for with our AGM on July 9th. later replanting. One of our members As usual, you can, by request, tour the was asked why he had planted an oak Mill if you might be interested in rent- tree hedge on his allotment! ing spaces for a business, organization, We have been on tenterhooks lately with our bank, Triodos, asking us to renegotiate the terms of our loan. HOLIDAY IN TENERIFE? Lending agents are rather jittery at the moment, as you know, and co-hous- ing presents a challenge as it is so innovative. By the time you read this, our building contractors, D Whittle Construction of , should have initiated work on Please ring Mike or Val for more in- site on July 4th. They have obtained a formation on 01524 811817 temporary closure order on the lower Or Email to: [email protected] footpath because this was deemed nec- for information leaflet essary under health and safety regula-

Page 10 office or workshop. Contact and shows and with TV appearances on [email protected]. Tour of Britain, Sky Sports, Blue Pe- If you want to chat to us we are always ter and BBC London news. at the Whale Tail in Lancaster on the Ben said: 'It's been great to watch 4th Sunday of the month for an 11am the cohousing project over the years brunch. as it's come through the planning And, as we have a very few houses left stages. It's very exciting to know for sale, what would it take for you to that it is going to happen. I'm proud take the plunge and join us by buying one to be a groundbreaking Halton lad, of them? performing all over the world, and I'm proud that this project has chosen my TRAIL BLAZING PROJECT village for its groundbreaking eco-de- sign - hopefully it will be another rea- OPENS WITH TRIAL BIKING son for Halton to be world-ranking!" DISPLAY This significant stage in the develop- ment was also marked with a ‘Boundary Walk’ by the future resi- dents round the whole area along the river that is Forge Bank. To see photos of Ben’s amazing display please visit our blog on the Project’s website:

Ben Slinger, Halton's 'local hero', cele- brates the onset of the build at Lancas- Dawn Keyse ter Cohousing's Forge Bank ecological cohousing development at Halton. Ben, 20, a member of the GB Cycling Team and a former International Trials Cy- Mark Jonathan White cling Junior World Champion, is no BDS (hons), BMSc (hons) stranger to Lancaster Cohousing's site. A warm welcome awaits you from our He has used the Lune river bank along- trained and friendly staff. side the site for many years to practise Telephone or call in for more information. his amazing bike skills, which include Opening Hours hopping up steps and boulders on one Monday to Wednesday: 9.00am – 5.00pm Thursday (late night opening): 1.00pm – 9.00pm wheel, six foot jumps, and fantastic Ashfield House Dental Practice spins. Ben's professional trial bike dis- 66 Main Street, High Bentham play team has featured at many events Tel. 015242 64813 Page 11 Reliable, ex-Grammar School, home from university. Available for ba- bysitting, childcare, shopping etc. CRB checked. Reasonable rates. Rebecca 811052 URC NEWS Coffee Mornings There will be no coffee morning in Au- gust as many people are away on holiday. The September coffee morning will be held on Saturday 3rd when your host- esses will be Barbara Wilkinson, Dor- othy Yates and Catherine Marshall. Do Cllr Paul Woodruff was re-elected come and join us for a good chat, limit- for the fifth time on May 5th to less cups of coffee and the chance to represent Halton with Aughton on buy some delicious home-made cakes. Lancaster City Council. On Friday Women's Guild 20th May Cllr Woodruff became the The new session starts on Wednesday Right Worshipful Mayor of Lancas- 14th September at 2pm. The theme will ter; his wife Dee became the Lady be "Harvest" and the speaker is Mr. Mayoress. Kelly France. Gifts of fruit and vegeta- Cllr Woodruff thanks everyone who bles will be auctioned at the close of the has supported him over the last 16 meeting. All ladies will be very welcome. years and is looking forward to repre- For further information please contact senting the entire ward and residents Mary Curwen on 811414. for the next four years. 3 BED HOUSE He remains a Free Independent at WANTED TO RENT the Council without party political at- tachment. 2 ADULTS relocating to Lancaster As for the Mayoral Year The Mayor Cohousing at Forge Bank require a 3 and The Mayoress look to fulfil their bed unfurnished house to rent until the duties with great pride, enthusiasm, project is completed. This would be a and vigour, as our delightful city de- minimum period of 12 months from serves. end of August 2011. Thanks again to EVERYONE for your Lancaster/Halton area continued support. Please ring Dawn on: 07515 426670 Paul & Dee Woodruff


With the season in full swing this is a brilliant, winning nine out of ten. Lauren very busy time of year at Torrisholme Burgess, who only joined the club CC. The first team is having a great in May, has proved herself to be very year and it is hoped that they will con- capable of competing against boys and tinue to challenge for promotion to the has taken many wickets, James Pyburn Premier Division. After a slow start the and Elias Read also played well when young second XI have gained momentum selected. recently with three wins from four; The Under 10 group was so large that it however the loss of their Halton native had to be split into three groups at Captain Mark Cottam to a leg injury, some practices. Coach Martin probably for the rest of the season, Edwards pursued a policy of giving as will be a big test with the 'Holiday Silly many players experience of competitive Season' coming up. cricket at possible, and over 30 players The club has decided to enter a team in were used in the 6 games (5 wins) with the Palace Shield Sunday league next local lads Jonathan Barker, Callum Park- year, the intention being to offer sen- er and Joe Squire amongst those get- ior cricket to a large group of juniors ting a run out. We are currently and some players who cannot play on arranging at least one friendly for this Saturdays, or do not get selected. If age group and will also run a practice any local players would be interested in game to introduce the lads who will being involved in this team, which will move up to Under 12 next year to hard play 14 to 16 games per season, contact ball cricket. Mark Drinkall as below. The competitive junior season is nearly at an end, with the youthful Under 16s PAINTER & DECORATOR (many of whom are still under 14) having had a tough season, winning two games LOCAL TRADESMAN out of ten. Local lads Ted Mossop (who also captains the Under 14s) and Han- nes Read have performed creditably. The Under 14s have played well, winning eight out of ten; this is a very strong age group and we may have to run 2 teams next year. Skipper Ted Mossop has had an outstanding year J.J.METCALFE with the bat. The Under 12s have been 01524 811045 Page 13 Once again the club is in the debt of the coaches, Martin Edwards, Paddy CLASSIFIED ADS Hunt, Paul Kingham and Sean McGui- gan, and of support staff like Neil FOR SALE Troughton, Karen Gibson and Karl Hansson, who all give up their time to Antique Stone Sink originally from a run practices, teams and events for Halton farm. Enquiries Tel. 811530 the junior section. This year we plan to ~~~~~ run the Junior Presentation Evening at B & Q Cordless Hedge Trimmer 18 volt. the club on Friday 9th September at 46cm-18inch cutting blade. £30. Tel. 7pm, all players, parents and friends 811530 are invited to meet up on that night to ~~~~~ celebrate the achievements of the Black & Decker Garden Leaf Vac/blower. junior players. £20. Tel. 811530 ~~~~~ Any queries about the club can be LAURA ASHLEY curtains, cushions and directed to Mark Drinkall on throws. Marciana Cranberry pattern 01524 811939 / 07738 252449 or at: with tiebacks for pole fitting. 4 Cran- [email protected] berry 20x20" cushions/covers, 2 Lem- ington small cushions/covers, 2 Mark Drinkall cranberry/cream Lemington throws, ALL IN NEW CONDITION. Tel: D.Stackhouse 811497

All Aspects of Domestic & Commercial Works Undertaken · Rewires & New Installations · Fusebox Upgrades

· Alarm Systems · Shower Installations

· Inspection & Testing · Fault Finding

Office: 01524 230534 Mobile: 07946 161 306 Email: [email protected]


Tel: 01524 811392 OPENING TIMES - TUE to SAT, 9 - 5 Air conditioning & answer-phone REDUCTION DAYS FOR SENIORS - GENTS - CHILDREN

A thank you to the businesses that made cash donations:- Parkinwoods Services Ltd Bay Scaffolding Pink Skips Leading up to the fundraising night I started raising money using collection I hope everyone had a great night! A tins, selling wristbands, cash donations huge thank you to all those that sup- and selling raffle tickets for the night ported us on Saturday 25th June 2011 which raised a total £417.66. I also in the Halton Social Club. completed a sponsored walk up and To Jean and Tony for helping to set down Snowdon on 11th June which everything up, to Ken and Mel for being raised £384. And finally on Saturday our duo on the mics and music, to Mel- 25th June we raised a fantastic anie for cooking the meat and potato £648.34. A grand total of £1450. pies, to Andy for running the roulette, Thank you again! to the bar staff and finally to all those that donated prizes:- Claire Hoswell Borwick Caterers Halton Village Newsagents BED AND BREAKFAST Halton Village Shop Accommodation available The Greyhound in Halton at Lancaster Vue Cinema ”Little Acorns” Greenlands Village Farm Bill & Alison Green 811408 And the local community. Brochure available Page 15 The Friends of LRGS present ... Martin Roscoe Gala Piano Recital 7.30pm - Friday 16th September Lancaster Royal Grammar School Assembly Hall £12 Adults £10 Concessions £5 Students Tickets: Lee House, LRGS, East Road, Lancaster, LA1 3EF, Tel: 01524 580600

Burton & Rigby Educational Foundation, Aughton (in the Parish of Halton with Aughton) The trustees of the Burton & Rigby Educational Foundation will be meeting in September 2011 to consider applications for grants on behalf of pupils and students attending educational establishments other than primary schools.

Under the terms of the trust the trustees will consider applications from candidates who are boys or girls resident in the Parish of Halton with Aughton who, in the opinion of the trustees, are in need of assistance. In the allocation of benefits the trustees are required to have regard to the promotion of education in accordance with the principles of the Church of .

Applications, in the form of a short letter, should be sent to Mr C. J. Carr, Clerk to the Trustees, Burton & Rigby Foundation, Lune Cottage, Aughton, Lancast- er LA2 8LU by Friday 16th September 2011. The letter of application should include the full name and age of the pupil/student on behalf of whom applica- tion is being made, together with the details of the school or other educational establishment which he or she attends.

Page 16 ENJOY-A-BALL After our successful Easter Camp, you will be pleased to learn we will be running Holiday Camps throughout the summer with Halton Kids Club starting Tuesday 26th July through to Sep- tember. You can join the fun Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Halton Community Centre from 10am - 4pm. (Option to drop off at 8am and pick up 6pm.) If your child is interest- GIRLS & BOYS ed in joining the fun of Enjoy-a-ball, AGE 3 – 9 advance bookings are also being taken FUN FILLED BALL for September. Contact Paul at SPORTS [email protected] or on “Your Kids will love it” 07879896156. From September Summer Camps also available in other FRIDAY from 12 noon venues on Monday and Fridays. I HALTON COMMUNITY would just like to say thank you to all CENTRE kids and parents for their support so Call HOTLINE for far and look forward to seeing you at further info… the Summer Camps and classes again Paul on 07879896156 from September. Paul Darwent Anne Salmon Soft Furnishings—Halton Consult * Design * Create * Supply *Fit Quality, Service and Affordability are my priorities in helping you achieve your dream home interior. ¨ Roman Blinds ¨ Box and Scatter Cushions ¨ Custom made Curtains ¨ Swags and Tails ¨ Pelmets / Valances ¨ Tiebacks ¨ Track Fitting Service Available For a Free Home Visit and Estimate Tel : Mobile 07831 329469 or 01524 69220

Page 17 Furnace Nursery Full day care 0-5 years at the family-run Barn Furnace Barn Day Nursery, Foundry Lane, Halton 7.30am – 6pm Day Monday to Friday Early Years grant received; Nursery employer vouchers accepted Holiday Club? Are you interested in a Contact Louise on holiday club being run in the tel: 811811 or village? 07786 633865 Phone Louise to register your [email protected] interest to look into viability

Halton PreSchool Halton Kids Club 9.30am – 12 noon Before and after school care Monday to Friday 8-9am and 3.15-5.45pm during term time Monday to Friday in The Centre@Halton during term time in Age 3+ The Centre@Halton

Early Years grant received; Employer vouchers accepted employer vouchers accepted


A very big THANK YOU to our faithful skate park so all help is needed from volunteers for a successful number of 6pm to 9pm. Unless we get the support months since opening last year. We for this we will not be opening and l am have gone from strength to strength sorry to those of you who would like to thanks to your support. Thank you to buy a drink and a cake during this time. our customers who have helped to Volunteering is one way of ensuring we make this venture the success it de- will be open. serves to be. Look out for the OPEN sign and pop in We hope to be able to open during the for that drink! school holidays 7 days a week and can The Happening was an event to remem- do so only with the help of more volun- ber and the committee and volunteers teers. Just email me with your contact are still recovering.... Thank you to the details and l will slot you in for as many volunteers who turned up time and again or as few hours that you can manage. over the week-end to offer their help Ask any of the volunteers if they enjoy and support. You were all fantastic and their time at Coffee Central and they we really couldn't have done it without all say the same. you. Come along and try it and if it's not for Our new venture into the Knit 'n' Nat- you l will be very surprised. We all ter took off slowly but we hope to have enjoy our time there and we have some more people next season and will start wonderful customers. We also now on Tuesday the 6th September at 2pm have a couple of girls who are complet- to 4:30pm. As usual from 2 - 3:30pm ing their Duke of Edinburgh Award and will be for over 18's and then when we are maintaining the 5* status we mums and dads collect their children achieved. Summer opening hours:- From Mon 25th July to Sun 4th Sept. (with help and support of volunteers) Respiratory Physiotherapy & Buteyko Teacher available to treat Mon to Fri: 11am to 5pm your Asthma, Hyperventilation and Sat & Sun: 10am to 5pm many more breathing problems. Please look for posters later in Aug for new hours in September. Alison Harrison CSP If l can ask for more volunteers we Registered with the Health Professions Council may be able to open during the evenings when many people pop down with young Tel : 01524 549683 children after their evening meal and [email protected] spend time in the play areas and on the Page 19 from school we can have a session for them until 4:30. This is a self help D.C. Seward group that is Knit 'n' Natter / Craft & Chatter and will be every Tuesday af- PAINTER AND D ECORATOR ternoon during term time in Coffee Central. Bring your own craft items and Serving Halton & surrounding pass on your skills to all. Coffee Central areas for over 20 years. will be open for your tea/coffee etc. Lune Valley Voices began meeting in Enquiries welcome Coffee Central and has also gone from ESTIMATES FREE strength to strength so much so that we now hire the large meeting room 01524 811281 upstairs and sing our hearts out. You do not need to be able to read so don't be shy. Just come along, we are music ~ just be able to sing. We sing all very welcoming and have a lot of fun harmonies and all types/languages too. as well as singing. From African healing songs to 'HELP' P.S. Don't forget the Ceilidh on Oct by the Beatles and all in between. This 22nd! Again it is the wonderful Strid- is run by More Music of ing Edge who will be performing. and Lune Valley Voices are being asked Thank you all again for your continued to perform at a number of events support! throughout the year. Our next is at The Docks in Preston and then More- Eileen Prince-Jibson cambe Festival. H.C.A. Events Co-ordinator We have a number of men in our choir [email protected]. and we do have room for more singers A SYMPATHETIC AND UNDERSTANDING FUNERAL SERVICE Serving the Lune Valley for over 150 years We’ll take care of all the arrangements with care and sensitivity Call us 24 hours a day PRESTON IRELAND BOWKER Paul Wilson Dip.F.D. : David Wood Dip.F.D. Tel: 01524 64023 20b Queen Street, Lancaster. LA1 1RX Page 20 W.I. NEWS

A.G.M. News present day – some made in cotton, On Wednesday, 16th March, seven la- some in cast iron, wood and whalebones. dies from Halton W.I. travelled by Some was underwear for men who, it coach, sharing with Caton ladies, to the seemed, were very vain in those days. Annual General Meeting (Spring) at Time for lunch – a brief meal in a local Southport – held in the Southport The- hostelry and a quick march past the atre on the promenade. This was a very shops! suitable grand building – with 1,700 The afternoon session began with an ladies in attendance. introduction to Michael Portillo. He That size of gathering produced a shared jokes and information about his rousing rendering of Jerusalem at the own family history and his involvement beginning of the meeting. After all the in making the T.V. series. There was guests had been welcomed there was a some talk around politics but nothing talk on ACWW – our charity in Africa. too deep. He was an interesting speak- There were then presentations to la- er. dies who had been W.I. members from Later the N.F.W.I. Committee mem- anything from 15 years to 70! bers outlined their forthcoming plans: The guest speaker was from Saltmarsh Arts and Crafts – courses to be Corsets, Crinolines and Camisoles – a held and venues knowledgeable lady who enlightened us County Show – in Garstang – and on underwear from 1600s to the “On with the Show” in September.

Tuesday 10:00-12:00 (Term-time only)

£2.00 per family, includes drinks, fruit and biscuits Craft Toys Music

Page 21 The Countryside and Environment Com- Our May meeting was Resolutions mittee plan a variety of walks of dif- Evening. This year we had the choice of ferent lengths – e.g. a forest voting to campaign against the growth adventure trip to Grizedale – then a of mega farms or the closure of small bat walk in September; a money man- local libraries. After discussion time agement course is available; ‘Ladies in when members could put forward their Harmony’ in April in ; a three personal views we all voted for our day trip to Hampton Court including choice. The campaign against mega the Flower Show, July 8th, 9th and farms won by two votes. 10th. Jane G then presented us with a well The October Council meeting is to have thought out quiz on ”Books”. She cer- the Symphonetta Orches- tainly made us earn our Jacob’s Join tra. supper. Competition winners this There was a draw for the Denman month, Royal Wedding memorabilia as Bursary and a Denman representative the subject, were Sandra and Jane. spoke on the courses and accommoda- Eight ladies met at The Top Shops for tion at Denman. our visit to The Bay Horse at Arkholme. After expressions of thanks the meet- After a short game of musical chairs, ing closed with The National Anthem. which entertained the other diners, we We returned home after an interest- finally settled down and waited………for ing and informative day in Southport. our lunch. The waitress was excellent once the food was ready. Between us June Moss we sampled curry, pie, fish, gammon and jackets. The dog was very friendly too. We held an Open Evening in June and welcomed back Mr. Natlacen from A Special Treat for Church Mouse Cheeses in Kirby Lons- Feet dale for a cheese and wine tasting. The fruit platters and selection of cheese biscuits made an attractive addition to the cheeses. This time he brought us a selection of five very different chees- es to sample: Bright Blessed Crest REFLEXOLOGY which he literally dreamt up, a brown porter cheese, a goat’s milk blue 01524 812375 cheese, a cheese which looked like a 07731 460197 sponge cake and fortunately, tasted much better than it smelt and a basket-

Page 22 ful of Lancashire Black Bombs. He also entertained us with many interesting Lunesdale Camera Club and humorous facts and stories – a Meets every fortnight most enjoyable evening. The competi- tion, Something Mousy, was won by Eve- from Tuesday 13th September lyn Stickland with Andrea coming at 7.30 in United Reform second. Church Halton. On Friday, 17th June, The Ladies who Lunch lunched at The Toby Carvery at The Shrimp. 5 Photographic Competitions Jane Mealor and her team’s Cream Tea each year. was held on Wednesday, 22nd June and, as usual was a great success and includ- Beginners welcome! ed a free raffle. There will be no meeting in August but on 21st of September the topic will be Talks and Presentations “Balloon Over Windermere” by David Ellis. There will be a Coffee Evening at 2 Pine Close on Friday, 26th August at Further details: 7.00pm in aid of Premature Babies. John Beasley 812176 Wendy Shanks

R & M DAWSON LANDSCAPE AND STONE MASONRY SPECIALISTS Advice-Design-Construction STONEWORK- natural stone walling, facing, pillars and arches LANDSCAPING- flagging, decking, fencing and turfing DRIVEWAYS- block paving, gravel and tarmac GROUNDWORKS- drainage, concrete bases and foundations Mini digger hire

For a friendly local reliable service please call for a quote Richard 01524 770568 Mark 01524 812242 Mobile 07881464856 Page 23 WHAT’S ON IN HALTON-WITH-AUGHTON? All events are at The Centre @ Halton unless specified otherwise AUGHTON VILLAGE HALL: THE CENTRE @ HALTON BOOKINGS 812344 BOOKINGS 811444 WEEKLY EVENTS Zumba J:. 8:30-9:30 733465 Weekdays Mon - Fri Kids Club: 8-9am, 3:15-5:45pm, Thursdays: 07816317310 Toddler Group: 12:30–3pm 812874 Pre-school: 9:30-12 daily, Louise 811811 Little Listeners Story Time: 2:30- 3:00pm term time, Library 811265 Mondays: Beavers: 6:30-7:30, Scout HQ - 811051 Taylor School of Dance: 3:15–5:15pm Total Body Conditioning: 7-8pm 811854 736320 Carpet Bowls: 7:30pm Aughton Hall. Halton Juniors Football: 6-7pm Under 8 811078 & 9yrs Damian 811232 Weight Watchers: 5:45-6:45pm 832522 Lune Valley Voices: 6.30 – 8.30 Eileen Zumba: 8:30-9:30pm 35936 812488 American Square Dancing: 7:30-10pm Fridays: Brian 811444 Enjoy-a-Ball: (term time) 12-1pm & 1- 2:30pm (pre-school age) 3:45-4:45pm Tuesdays: (5-6 yr-olds) 07879 896156 Chimps Toddler Group: term time URC [email protected] 10–12 noon 811854 Indoor Bowls: 1:30–3:30pm 811198 WEEKEND EVENTS Knit ‘n’ Natter, Crafts & Chatter: 2- Rough Stuff Cycling: info 811843 or visit 4:30pm free. Coffee Central English Country Dancing: 8–9:30pm Halton Juniors Football: 2-8yrs Satur- 412754 days: 10–12noon Damian 811232 Cub Scouts: 6:45–8pm term time, Halton Rangers under 15's Football: Scout Hut HQ 811051 Sundays: M Wilson 811760 Halton Hangout: 7-9:30 (10-16yrs) Halton Juniors Football: Sundays: 11- 07761640251 12:30pm, Under 9yrs Damian 811232 Greyhound Quiz Night: 8:30pm Beginners Circuits: 10-11am Sadie 69251 Wednesdays: TURN TO PAGE 26 FOR EVEN MORE Gymnastics: 2.15-6:45pm 812571 REGULAR EVENTS! Street Dance: 7:15-8:15pm 35936 WHAT’S ON ENTRIES Email: [email protected]; Tel: 811444 ... Or Carol at Expressions Hair Page 24 MONTHLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS

August Sun 7 St John’s Hospice, ‘Walk in their shoes’ 11.30am Hest Bank to Flookburgh £10, must register! Wed 17 WI –Meeting at The Centre @ Halton 7.30 Cookery demonstration "Smart Starters" Mon 29 Aughton Village Show- 11.30-4pm Mon 29 Aughton Village Barn Dance – 7.30

September Sat 3 Casino night – The Centre @ Halton Sat 3 Halton Social Club in support of MacMillan Nurses, 8 till late Fri 16 Music for an early autumn evening, St Wilfrid’s, 7.30pm £5 Wed 21 W.I. - David Ellis, Balloon over Windermere, 7.15pm School Sat 24 Bon Giovi Tribute Nite, The Centre @ Halton

October Sat 22 Ceilidh – Striding Edge, The Centre @ Halton

November No date Hornby Drama Group production, ‘See How they Run’ - a Farce, at Hornby Institute

For Personal Caring Attention Cliff Small Funeral Service Independent Family Firm Private Chapels, Prepaid Funeral Plans Monumental Masonry

20 Brookhouse Road, Caton. Tel: (01524) 770886 (24 hrs) 33 Claremont Road, Morecambe. Tel: (01524) 424072 (24 hrs) 91 Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands. Tel: (01524) 736166 (24 hrs)


BUS SERVICES - Timetables are available in the library. No 49 Daytime, every 1/2 hr to Lancaster Halton – Lancaster 18 to and 12 past hour Lancaster to Halton 10 to and 20 past hour No 431 to Morecambe Mon – Sat. Halton War Memorial 9:16 & 13:33 from Morecambe (Morrisons) 12:35 & 16:30 Evenings and Sundays No 81A & 81B Halton to Lancaster at 10 mins to hour, hourly. No 81A Halton to via Caton, Hornby, , Arkholme - 2 hourly from 11:28 No 81B Halton to Kirkby Lonsdale via Caton, Hornby, Wray, Wennington - 2 Hourly from 10:28 OTHER SERVICES LIBRARY: Mon 10:30am-1:00pm, 2-5pm; Thurs 2-5pm, 5:30-7:00pm. 811265 SURGERY: Halton Medical Centre, 110 High Rd 811226. Mon to Fri 8:00am- 12:30 pm and 1:00–6.:30pm, Dr Hobbs & Dr Khattab POST OFFICE – (In the Pharmacy) Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30 – 12:30 & 1:00 – 4:00 PHARMACY – Mon – Fri 9:00-12:30 & 1:30–5:30; Sat – 9:00-12:30 tel 812149 POLICE PACT SURGERY: Second Wednesday monthly, 6:30-7:30pm, Cof- fee Central, The Centre @ Halton.

FORTNIGHTLY EVENTS 2nd Fri: Abbeyfield Coffee Morning, Tuesdays: 10:00am Lunesdale Camera Club: URC, 7:30pm 3rd Wed: W.I. School 7:15pm Jane 812176 812702 Abbeyfield Tues Club: 2pm. 3rd Sat: Salsa Night 7–12pm @ Centre 811940/811273 for times & dates 01253 401941 MONTHLY EVENTS Last Wed: HCA meeting 7:30pm 811444 2nd Wed: Parish Council Meeting, Last Fri: St Wilfrid’s Hall Nursing Home 7:15pm, The Centre 811933 Coffee Morning - all welcome. 2nd Wed: Police Surgery, Coffee Shop Last Sat: Scout paper collection @ Centre 6.30-7.30pm Last Sun: Quiz Night, Halton Social Club

Page 26 Halton Pharmacy

110 High Road Halton Lancaster LA2 6PU

Located opposite the Shops on Halton High Road, adjacent to Halton Surgery (Incorporating Post Office ~ open Mon Wed Fri) Customer car park for easy access

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm - plus Saturday morning Sign up for our FREE Prescription Collection / Delivery Service to your home Tel: 01524 812149 Fax: 01524 812168

Ash Trees Pharmacy Market Street Carnforth LA5 9JU EXTENDED OPENING ~ 100 HOURS

Monday to Friday 7am to 11pm Saturday 8am to 6.30pm Sunday 8am to 6pm Tel: 01524 727877 Fax: 01524 730421 Located 5 minutes from junction 35 on the M6


Since the last Abbeyfield report the event they always anticipate with plea- house has welcomed two new resi- sure. dents, who by now have settled in Finally I would like to pay tribute to well. We wish them a long and happy Geoff Cleaver who, as announced in the stay with us. At the time of writing last report, has had to stand down as we are also expecting a third new Chairman of the Committee as a result arrival. This would mean a full house of eyesight problems. Geoff has devot- of ten residents, and the possible ed an immense amount of time and ener- prospect of a waiting list. gy to Abbeyfield over the past 16 On Saturday 18th June we celebrat- years, and his work has been much ap- ed Abbeyfield Week with a strawber- preciated by all. ry tea, which was well attended and Dates: enjoyed by all. This, of course, was in Tuesday Club (every fortnight 2pm) addition to our usual round of social August 2, 16, 30; September 13, 27. events - Tuesday Club, coffee morn- Coffee Morning (2nd Friday in the ings, Sunday evenings and Thursday month 10am) August 12, September 9. afternoon music. Unfortunately, our Sunday evenings (3rd Sunday in the summer trips programme has been month 6.30pm) August 21, September curtailed by the illness of our regular 18. taxi driver, but we are looking for- Thursday afternoons 2.30pm every ward to a full resumption in August Thursday except when there is a Com- and September. However the resi- munity Tea in the School. dents were able to attend the Com- munity Tea at St Wilfrid’s School, an Keith Fenton Stewart Cross Ltd Eternal

Dormers Built / Refurbished Gardens Loft Conversions Garden Maintenance, Extensions Renovation and Construction & General Maintenance Friendly, Reliable and Professional Gardening Service from a Registered Knowledgeable Plantsman Velux Window Installer Most aspects of Soft and Hard Tel: 01524 811283 Landscaping undertaken Call John Elliott on (01524 811360) Page 28 1ST HALTON SCOUT GROUP NEWS

Scouts - The scout section has started Cubs – The cub section too has also up again and had been running for a few been very busy. Activities have includ- months now. Meetings are on Wednes- ed a hobbies and collectors night, look- day evenings from 6.45pm until 8pm, and ing at birds and mini beasts in the the scouts have been busy working to- hedgerow, outdoor games, completing wards their navigation badge, with some the science badge, fire lighting and of them attending the County Rally camp completing a very muddy assault at Waddecar Scout Camp for a weekend. course at Littledale campsite. We Numbers are slowly rising so if you are have lost some of the cubs who moved interested in joining and aged between up to scouts but are numbers are good 10½ and 14, then please get in touch. and there are some vacancies within Contact John Elliot on 811360 for more the section. Because the beaver sec- details. Girls and boys welcome. tion is currently suspended, we have Beavers – Unfortunately the beaver dropped the minimum joining age from section has been suspended since Easter 8 to 7½ years to allow the older bea- due to us being without a leader. This vers to continue with their scouting. section would be able to start up again This is good news as children can now if a leader or leaders can be found to join cubs six months earlier. Please run the section. There are plenty of contact me if you have a child wishing children in the village who were and still to join the cub section. want to be a beaver, and others that The scout group held its annual general would like to join the group but can’t meeting on 12th July 2011 and there because the section is without a leader. were several presentations awarded. If you are interested in becoming a Ethan Elliot received “Best Cub”, Har- leader, then give me a call on 811051 and ry Prescott received “Cub of the Year” let's get the beavers meeting again. TEMPTATIONS 31 Main Street, Bentham 015242 61868 All aspects of home and Selection of patchwork & other fabrics, garden maintenance covered haberdashery, beads, ribbon, etc. . Knitting yarn & patterns Cross stitch and needlecraft kits Tel: 01524 811 339 Craft books Ask about our classes in patchwork, Mob: 07989 962 399 knitting and crochet email: [email protected] Page 29 and Libby Elliot was invested into the cubs section. The meeting was followed ONLY THE BEST by a game of rounder’s and a BBQ for all the leaders, parents and children. FOR HALTON The scout group also helped out at “The Happening” in the village; some of the One of Derbyshire’s finest and most cubs helped to run stalls, the leaders experienced homeopaths is and scouts provided some races for all relocating to Lancaster Cohousing at the children who were there, the Forge Bank and is practising from scouts displayed a mock camp with Dacrelands Clinic at tents, camp gadgets and a real fire and members of the group were inter- DAWN KEYSE RSHom viewed live on Bay radio on the Satur- day morning. [email protected] The scout group are always on the look- out for extra help so, if you fancy a challenge and have a few spare hours 07515 426670 each week, why not give me a call and Now taking bookings from see if you can help. All the scouts, September 7th cubs, and the beavers work towards badges, which they wear with pride on Bring along this advert to qualify their uniforms, and they all follow a for a 20% discount balanced programme of activities. Full on a course of treatment training will be given and all adults are required to be CRB checked. If you Ring Dawn for more information are great with children and love to have fun then scouting is for you, so call me MARK WATSON now and have a chat or call down at a HOME & GARDEN meeting and see what goes on. MAINTENANCE The scout headquarters are on Foun- dry Lane, Halton and during term time, Digging, fencing, hedge the cubs meet on Tuesday evenings trimming, mowing, paving, planting, power washing, from 6.45pm until 8pm, the scouts on rockeries, rotavating, seed- Wednesday evenings from 6.45pm un- ing, spraying, strimming, til 8pm and the Beavers are currently 07759680938 turfing, not meeting. 07759680943 Demolition, dry lining Low Bentham (plaster boarding), insulating Anne Haythornthwaite lofts, pointing, rendering, 015242 62038 Cub leader No job too small, reasonable 1st Halton Scout Group rates, estimates given. Tel: 811051 Page 30 PARISH COUNCIL MATTERS Contact: The Clerk, Margaret Mason, 811933, [email protected] Full minutes displayed on Notice Boards and at IMPROVING THE LOOK OF OUR Local community groups are also involved VILLAGE in making the village look pretty. The WI are installing and maintaining two new We know residents want the village to flower beds on the High Road. Volunteers look as good as possible so the Parish are clearing out and planting new bushes Council is steering several initiatives to and generally doing regular maintenance deliver improvements, such as: of the memorial gardens; any help with - Becoming a pilot site for the Lune this is much appreciated. Valley Woodland Creation Project, (see There is little vandalism in the village and separate article); perhaps planting a row if adults could monitor anyone they see of trees on the grass verge on the Low committing acts of vandalism or criminal Road opposite the centre as a distraction damage please report it to the police. from the Mill Lane Development. Our local Community Service Officer is - A review and management of the an- Annette Hoover, telephone 01524 63333. cient woodland at Dalewood, which is op- The council welcomes input and ideas posite St Wilfrid’s Nursing Home has also from residents as we work towards im- been requested. proving the look of our village. Please contact any of your councillors. - Planting a rambler rector rose to train We are pleased that there will be nearly across the entrance to the cemetery and new outdoor play equipment donated from three white horn beams to the left hand Standen Park in Lancaster installed at St side of the entrance.

Plumbing; Gas (including LPG); Oil; Heating;

Complete Bathrooms; Lead work Specialist Tel: 01524 811742 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Mobile: 07713900773


Page 31 Wilfrid’s Park, as soon as the new safety surface is laid. Andrew Baxter

Councillor Joyce Beasley lectrical Domestic electrician based in Halton. LUNE VALLEY WOODLAND Everything from an extra CREATION socket to a full re-wire Lune Valley Woodland Creation - opportu- No job too big or too small. Fully qualified. nities and partnerships to develop new tree planting projects / promote tree For a free quotation, please call planting in Halton-with-Aughton Tel: 07896719310 The Parish Council is undertaking a parish or: 01524 811384 wide ‘Tree and Woodland Survey’ (to link in with the Parish Plan). The objectives of schemes, larger schemes, copse planting the survey are to establish: or planting strips (along the ). - What level and kind of support land - Scope interest and support for new owners need to benefit from grant fund- tree planting schemes / nature of such ing / to plant trees on their land. schemes – what does the community - Identify proposals (from land owners, want? individuals and groups) for new projects; This survey is being undertaken as part ranging from street trees, traditional of a county wide scheme in partnership orchards, remediation of existing wood- with Lancashire County Council, the For- lands, community woodland creation, estry Commission and Transition City wood fuel schemes, woodland from waste Lancaster. To assist with the survey we would like to hear from any land owners interested in new tree planting schemes or en- hancement of existing woodlands. We would also like suggestions from parish- ioners for additional tree planting in public places. Please contact Councillor Tim Sarney in writing or by e-mail with your ideas as follows: The Hermitage Lodge, Low Road, Crook O’ Lune, Lancaster. LA2 9HU [email protected]



CHAIR: Cllr. Brian Jefferson, Tel: 811837; [email protected] VICE CHAIR: Cllr. Carol Slinger, Tel: 811027; [email protected] Cllr. Steve Landles, Tel: 811110; [email protected] Cllr. Tim Sarney, Tel: 812114; [email protected] Cllr. Joyce Beasley, Tel: 812176; [email protected] Cllr. Ron Hepwood, Tel: 811700; [email protected] Parish Clerk - Margaret Mason, Tel: 811933; [email protected] Parish Council meetings are held at the Centre on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.15pm - all welcome! Vacancy Do you want to join the Parish Council? At present there are six councillors with vacancies for a further two. To ensure the council is representative of local residents’ views it is important that we fill these vacancies. To find out more contact Margaret Mason, the Parish Clerk ************************ LANCASTER CITY COUNCILLOR & MAYOR Cllr. Paul Woodruff, Tel: 811770; [email protected]

Holywell Care Services 54 Westminster Road [email protected] Morecambe 01524 418090 LA4 4JD 07886 719031 We focus on you, promoting your independence to suit your lifestyle and specialise in person-centred dementia care. We would like to know how we could support you. Please call Carol Lucas or Sabe Connor

Page 33 Have you seen our new website? We offer a dedicated, friendly service to pets and their owners based in a modern, fully equipped, purpose-built surgery. Please feel free to call in, meet the staff and tour the facilities. Lancaster Veterinary Centre, 195 Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA1 4HT Tel : (01524) 84 00 33

HEATSTROKE cretions from the membranes in the There is no doubt we all enjoy warm mouth and nose during panting. However summer weather but it brings with it evaporation is markedly reduced by in- the serious risk of heat stroke for our creased humidity or poor ventilation as canine companions. Heat stroke is a the air around the dog quickly reaches serious and sadly potentially fatal con- the same temperature as them. dition. Quick recognition of the symp- Conduction: Since dogs have hairy coats toms along with swift intervention is this is a very poor way to reduce tem- essential and even the most dedicated perature. or experienced dog owner can get caught out. 1 – 1 Computer Tuition P Get on the net Heatstroke occurs when your dog’s nor- P Use email mal body mechanisms cannot keep their P Digital Photography P body temperature in a safe range. Un- Write Letters P like us, who sweat profusely if we get Home Accounts too hot, animals aren’t as efficient at Don’t let another year go by wishing cooling down. Dogs have four basic ways you could do it. An hour of 1:1 tuition to cool down: is sometimes better than hours of book learning. Evaporation: Dogs only have a few John Airey sweat glands which are on the pads of 01524 770475: 0781 601 4773 their feet so cooling occurs mostly [email protected] through evaporation of saliva and se-

Page 34 Radiation: A dog with a heavy coat will - Being left in a car on a hot day – this radiate very little heat from the skin is the leading cause of heat stroke in surface. the UK. Leaving ANY dog in ANY car on Convection: This is the transfer of a warm (not even hot) day is taking a heat to a moving air current. Because of real risk – the temperature can climb their coats this too is poor but can be rapidly and all those precautions – wa- helped if you use a fan - the hot air ter, opened windows, fans – may not be next to the body is constantly replaced enough. by cooler air. - Over-exercising – many dogs just Heat stroke in dogs occurs when heat won’t quit; they will keep running, chas- production within the body overwhelms ing, retrieving until they (literally) drop. these four mechanisms responsible for On hot days it’s your responsibility to heat loss. On hot, humid days they are restrict their exercise. unable to cool their bodies effectively - Breed, age and body condition - young and their body temperature rises rapid- puppies and older dogs; overweight ly. A dog’s normal core body tempera- dogs; dog breeds with short faces ture is around 101.5 F. In heat stroke it (Bulldogs, Shar pei, Boxers, Pugs - they can quickly rise to 104 F or above. Once have more restricted ability to pant); the temperature rises about 106 F seri- double coated breeds (Chows) and cold ous, potentially irreversible, damage climate dogs (Malamutes, Huskies, New- starts to occur to the major organs. foundlands) – all these have an increase risk. Risk factors that can lead to heat - Unsupervised hairdryers or drying stroke include: cages at the groomers.

Design and manufacture of kitchens, bedrooms and finely crafted furniture. Contemporary and traditional. Fitted or freestanding. Sustainably sourced timbers. Non-toxic finishes. Also a new generation of Energy Rated, Timber, Sliding Sash Windows (can also tilt open for painting & cleaning) 25 years of fine furniture and design experience servicing the local community Mill Lane, Halton, Lancaster LA2 6ND Tel 01524 811968

Page 35 Charity Casino Night in aid of Cancer Care. The Centre @ Halton Sat 3rd Sep, 7.30 till late. There will be a bar, and buffet. Entertainment from musical duo "The Two of Us" ( and headlining is T ony Avalon, local singer ( Tickets are £20, and from this you will receive "£100 funny money" for use in the casino and slot machines. There will be a raffle with prizes donated from local business. For further info, please contact: P.J. Edgar Enigma Music Events Tel: 07921 990 295 Creating your event, piece by piece...

- Temperament (a dog who stresses or ing from Heatstroke you need to act get hyped-up will overheat much more immediately. quickly than a calm dog). ~ Remove the dog from the heat if possible by moving into shade or a cool- Heat stroke often starts with fast, er environment like an air-conditioned noisy breathing. The tongue and the car or building. (If you find a dog membranes in the mouth will usually be locked in a hot car and in distress bright red. The dog will often have phone the police or the RSPCA immedi- thick, sticky saliva and may vomit. The cause of the problem is usually evident Your first port by circumstances and the typical ap- of call for pearance of the dog. It can be con- Quality Cruises firmed by taking the dog’s temperature. If you don’t act quickly then the dog will become progressively Cruise unsteady and may collapse, they will Connections often develop bloody diarrhoea and Willow Mill, Caton untreated will lapse into a coma and die. For great deals and expert advice contact us today: 01524 771701 [email protected] If you suspect your dog may be suffer- ABTA no E4353 Page 36 ately – they will be able to legally break MICHAEL WILSON into the car. JOINER & FLAT ROOFING ~ Cool the dog with tepid water - either SPECIALIST immerse him in a bath, gently hose him • Time served joiner or apply cool towels to his body. DON’T • Flat roofing leave wet towels on your dog and DON’T • Fascias and guttering use very cold water or ice – it constricts • General property repairs the blood vessels in the skin and slows • Fencing cooling. FREE ESTIMATES ~ Contact your local veterinary prac- 01524 811760 tice – they will arrange an urgent ap- pointment to check your dog over and Mobile 07886119082 provided emergency treatment if ap- propriate. Successful treatment of dog suffering from heat stroke needs early require long term treatment. Sadly, intervention to reduce core body tem- each year, some dogs do not survive. perature, while providing support and Prevention is the key - keep your treating secondary. Don’t assume your canine best friend safe during warm- dog will “be alright in a while”. er weather!

Dogs will recover from heatstroke if it James Glass, is caught early enough. Some, however, Lancaster Veterinary Centre do suffer permanent damage and may

GWL Services LUXURY FLORIDA VILLA George W Leathard 5 bed / 3 bath home (sleeps 11), pri- Established 1995 vate south facing pool with * * * lake views. Within easy reach Interior / Exterior of Florida’s many attractions, Painting & Decorating beaches, and golf courses. Home Maintenance * * * Visit our web-site for more infor- No job too small mation and a 360° virtual tour or Good quality work at affordable prices call Jean - 01524 811600 - happy to Reliable and trustworthy Local to Halton help with flights, car hire etc. For free estimates telephone Discounts now being given. Lancaster 849495

Page 37 LANCASTER & MORECAMBE WELSH SOCIETY The Society is welcoming new members D.J.Platts to its meetings. You do not have to be (Of Caton) Est 1988 Welsh speaking as our slide shows and talks cover various topics. Some mem- GREENBANK . CATON bers do have connections with Wales in LANCASTER . LA2 9JD the past. Telephone: Our meetings are usually about once a 01524 770200 month and a warm welcome would be received should you wish to give us a APPROVED CAR try. BODY REPAIRERS Please contact Ceris Jones on 01524 903373 for further details.

THE CENTRE @ HALTON HALTON BABY AND TODDLER GROUP From newborn to preschool age New members always welcome Large variety of toys for all ages, singing and crafts

THURSDAY AFTERNOONS **** WE RETURN ON THURSDAY 8TH SEPT AFTER THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS**** 12.30 TO 3PM (TERM TIME ONLY) £2.50 per family – includes refreshments Feel free to bring your lunch

For information contact Jill 812874 or Jen 07970442457 Page 38 Join us on Saturday 3rd September 2011, 8pm till late at The Halton Social Club in support for Macmillan Nurses.

Roulette ~ Raffle ~ Auction ~ Snooker Egg and spoon race ~ Tombolla ~ Supper And lots more…. Come along and have some fun!!

HALTON SOCIAL CLUB Good News, “Our Help 4 Heroes” char- GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS ity night was a great success. Claire & Melanie organised everything and be- Bad News, The Club was broken into tween them raised over £120. on Sunday 22 May. Quite a large sum It was good to see the Club so busy and of money was taken along with a very everyone enjoying themselves. We strong heavy safe, all of the bottles of thank every one of you who helped in wine and spirits from the cellar, money any way, by donating fabulous items for from the charity boxes, raffles etc. the raffle and auction and for being so They emptied the cigarette machine generous on the night. and also took the large big screen T.V. We do hope you will support us again in This was very distressing for Tony, the future. Colin & Doug (our only committee mem- Thank You! bers) who have worked so hard to get the club back on its feet. We all wondered “Is it worth the ef- Tony, Colin & Doug, fort?” but we will bounce back again Halton Social Club with all the support we get.


N ei ghbourhood P oli ci ng Team i nfo For JUNE 2011 Crimes: Your Community Beat Manager is P .C. There was 1 crime reported in June, 4081 Li nda Head, and namely the theft of a pedal cycle P oli ce Community S upport Offi cer is which had been left insecure from PCSO 7061 Annette Hoover. outside the front of a property on Low They may be contacted by calling Rd, overnight 15-16 June. 01524-63333, or by e-mail to Incidents: [email protected]. Various incidents reported during the month, including youths outside the P hone: 999 emergency shops, a fly-tip, a suspicious vehicle, 01524 63333 Lancaster Control Room youths in derelict building and an up- to report an incident, a crime or require side down canoe in river (nobody a Police Officer to attend drowned). PACT: P ACT P hone S urgery: S econd W ed The next PACT meeting will be monthly, 6:30-7:30pm, The Coffee on Sept 14 at 6.30pm in the café at S hop, The Centre @ Halton Centre@Halton. Music for an Early Autumn Evening St Wilfrid’s Church - Halton 7.30pm - Friday 16th September 2011 Colin Parsons MBE FLCM Playing the fine Keates of Sheffield Pipe Organ – c1880 and Alice Dent (Soprano) ------Tickets £5.00 available in advance or at the door (Entry Ticket includes light refreshments) Tickets from: M Stoneham - 811659, G Wren - 811689 or E Shaw - 811126 Event in aid of Church Funds Page 40 JOTTINGS FROM THE PAST, NO 41...... By Bill Hosfield

THE STORY OF ‘SHEFFERLANDS’ had once stopped there. The story of In connection with the most recent the house begins in May of 1857, when publication about the proposed M6 link the nearby ‘Haverbreck’ Farm was ad- road, I was asked why the junction on vertised for sale and this included the the Halton side of the Lune was re- fields known as ‘Shefferlands’. The farm ferred to as the ‘Shefferlands’ round- was subsequently purchased by Edward about. The short answer is that Mason, who, in 1857, commenced the ‘Shefferlands’ is the name of the large building of his new home on part of the house that overlooks the proposed site, ‘Shefferlands’ after which he named the but what of the origins of this name and house. Work on the house went on apace what is the history of this house? In and by November of 1858, when the the mid 16th century there were sever- Mason family moved in on the third of al adjacent closes of land all named that month they were greeted by the ‘Sherforth Lands’ but by the end of the sign, ‘Welcome Home’ which had been 18th century this name had changed to formed over the entrance in flowers and the present day spelling, evergreens. (On a personal note, my own ‘Shefferlands’, and it is from this that grandfather worked on the building of house takes its name. this house as an apprentice painter.) In recent years the house has been Edward Mason was the brother of Tho- described as a ‘Georgian Manor House’, mas Mason who lived at Carus Lodge in a claim that is entirely without founda- the 1870s and they were both partners tion, as is the statement that royalty in the firm of Hinde & Co. Silk Spinners, Personal advice and professional solutions for individuals & commercial clients since 1819. Home visits and oaths taken, without extra charge, usually available on request. 7 Main Street, Milnthorpe T: 015395 62263 (solicitors) 2c Main Street, Milnthorpe T: 015395 64600 (estate agents) Page 41 Choice secondary Staircases; on the first 1st floor seven Bedrooms and Dressing Rooms, Bathroom etc. also spacious Blinds Cellars for Wine and Beer etc. The “The Blind Man” grounds comprising: Flower and Kitch- and Choose at Home Carpets en Gardens; Tennis Lawn and Or- chards” This sale also included the We are a local, family firm offering a friendly, former Haverbreck Farm. professional service, supplying and fitting all types of blinds, carpets, vinyls and Amongst the succeeding occupants of laminate flooring. Shefferland were the Garnet Family. We do free quotes and fast fitting. A red granite grave stone to the north Just leave everything to us. west of the tower of Halton Church Tel: 01524 36259 any time marks the grave of their daughter, Or 07796 914841 (mobile) Mrs Susan O’Donnell, aged 41 years, of Ridge Lane Mills, Lancaster. In 1878, and her stillborn child, who were bur- Edward Mason, like his brother Tho- ied there in July, 1908. A stained mas, was the subject of a press notice glass widow in the west wall of the under the Bankruptcy Act of 1869, with church is dedicated to her memory. In regard to a special regulation for liqui- December of 1917, Susan O’Donnell’s dation by arrangement of his affairs in husband, Major General Hugh connection with the firm of Hinde & Co. O’Donnell, C.B. D.S.O., died and was In 1871, Edward Mason, his wife and buried with her. The inscription on the five of their children were resident at stone records that he was the Colonel ‘Shefferland’, along with four female of the 6th Ghurkha Rifles. servants, and in 1881 the Mason family were still in occupation there, but in Bill Hosfield August of 1882, Edward Mason died and was buried in Halton Churchyard. Four years later, in November, Mrs Mason TIM DOOTSON died and was buried with her husband. Joiner & Builder Their grave that is marked by a stone cross lies to the north west of the All aspects of property lych-gate. maintenance & renovation When the house was offered for sale in For prompt attention call ... 1885, it was described as containing: “Tiled Entrance Hall; Drawing Room; 01524 732537 Dining Room; Morning Room; School Room; Store Room; Two Kitchens; Pan- Mobile: 07771 566994 tries and other Offices; principal and Page 42 High Road, Halton. LA2 6PS Tel: 01524 811063 and 07980 301653



THEY ARE THERE TO HELP WITH ALL YOUR MOTORING NEEDS Factory trained at Land Rover; Austin Rover; Mercedes Benz & Daihatsu Good knowledge of all makes and models. Please make use of your Local Garage Page 43 FORTHCOMING EVENTS HORNBY INSTITUTE

Internationally acclaimed Country come back the Chris Coull Quartet - Rock band, Van Downham will be ap- Chris Coull on trumpet and flugel horn, pearing live on Friday, 19th August, Dennis Freedman on piano, Rob Steels guest featuring Jerry Donahue of on bass, Jack Davies on Drums with Fairport Convention, Hellecasters and Special Guest Mike Hall on tenor sax. The Gathering. There will be a meet 8pm (bar open 7.30). Tickets £10. and greet with the band afterwards. This month the Farmers’ Market falls Gig starts 8pm, bar open at 7.30. on the 27th August, 10am-2pm. With Tickets £12. a growing variety of local produce, in- 60’s Night with Big G on Saturday cluding Mrs. Kirkham’s cheese, Swallow 20th August. 7.30-11.30 (Doors Barn olives, Kitridding meats, Jackson’s open 7pm) £6 on door. 60’s dress ice-cream, the Pudding and Pie café, Pye optional. All dances and music from Nanny fruit and veg, Elliot’s chutneys, a 60’s, 60’s quiz—prize for winning ta- selection of quality crafts, including ble, raffle, cash prizes for best Dizzy Lizzy Glass. Refreshments will dressed. be available in our café as usual. Local The Jazz in Hornby season contin- produce for local people. ues. On Friday 26th August we wel-

TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING Thursday 7pm-8pm £3.00 Adult Fitness class for all abilities FREE TASTER SESSION For more information and to arrange your FREE session Contact Maureen Richardson 01524 811854 Page 44 BON GIOVI TRIBUTE NIGHT


7.30pm – Midnight TICKETS £12





Back for a second year and even better than before!

BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 29th AUGUST 2011 Show 11.30 am – 4pm, Barn Dance from 7.30pm

Sheep Classes + Dog Show + Children’s Races Children’s Crafts + Bouncy Bungee + Poultry Tractors + Cakes + Vegetables + Flowers and much more…. Home Made Refreshments

Come along and join in the fun!

Fully equipped detached house with garden and balcony. Sleeps 6. Air-conditioned. Use of communal pool. Situated in authentic Spanish village, 15 mins to unspoilt beaches of Driveways...Decking...Paving... Costa de la Luz. Trees felled and hedges pruned... Easy access to Portugese Algarve and Fences and Gates repaired etc. beautiful Andalucian countryside. Also minor building work considered 50 mins drive from Faro Airport.


New Applications Applications Approved 11/00557/LB – Masonry repairs to 11/00274/FUL – Single storey exten- Lune Aqueduct for sion at Halton Green house for Mr LCC Road Traffic Regulation Act – Sellers – No objections 20mph speed limits in Halton 11/00319/FUL – Additional terrace House on Mill Lane East for Lancaster Applications Pending Cohousing 11/00428/FUL - Supply and installa- tion of frame mounted solar photo- Applications Refused voltaic panels in field at Halton Green 11/00270/CU – Change of Use for the West – PC objection lodged Smithy, High Road for Mr Shaw 11/00429/LB – Listed Building implica- tions of frame mounted solar photo- Margaret Mason voltaic panels in field at Halton Green Clerk to the Parish Council West - PC objection lodged Halton with Aughton


The Centre @ Halton on Wednesday! Who: For 8 -16 years, everyone When: Thursday 8.15 - 9.15pm welcome Cost: £4 per session Cost: £3.50 a session For full details contact Lancaster Dance Officer on: When: Wednesdays 7.15-8.15pm Tel: 01524 35936 or email:l For full details contact Lancaster [email protected] Dance Officer on: Tel: 01524 35936 or email: [email protected]

Page 47 Knit & Natter,

Craft & Chatter.

Every Tuesday from 2pm – 4.30pm At Coffee Central No cost – except anything you buy from Coffee Central!

Are you fed up of knitting or crafting alone? Do you fancy meeting up with like-minded people? Could you do with some inspiration? Could you offer craft tips? Do you like to Natter/chatter?

This is an informal group, still in its infancy. From Septem- ber, we will meet in the coffee shop in the centre@halton every Tuesday from 2 – 4:30. Adults only until 3:20 and then those with children can come after school. Just come along with the craft of your choice (your own tools and materials) and let us enjoy what transpires! We look forward to seeing you there. Kizzy & Eileen

Page 48