Firefighters Start Talking Before Leaders
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to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Dec 16, 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS 2 - MA KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright HOMES FOR RENT CL0THIN6 GTB increase Bird, Celts gun Candy makers, Manchester - For Rent - Very worm Nonwelglon Unique free standing unit. pullover sweater. 16er (26AL ctejavoos (uhen gets welcome down the Knicks on your marki One year old condomi Medium-large, excellent (ace^ on A Dier, 'cmx nium. Fireplace. 1 bed condition. Cost over $100. ESiauiraiTiiY/ nmm/ M»CELiAIIHN» mNe/ER^apE owether. ... page 3, ... page 9 ... page 13 room, both, fully ap- Sell $35. Call 646-4995.D tooWMla HUNGiPiLy pllanced kitchen, washer GNIUCMIE ESJREMOBELIIN pAPBnm a i SERVICES and dryer, central air. No Wishing will not sell any AT m . pets. $700.00 per month thing ... a low-cost ad In Licensed- loving mother- Ceilings and walls re- Name your own price — O dd lob s. T ru ckin g. Hom e plus utilities. Security dep Classified will. Why not Immedlote openings,* paired, doors and wln- Father and son. Fast, repoirs. You name It, we osit and refereoces re place one today! 643-2711. Manchester home. Reaso- dows repaired, extra dependable service. do It. Free estimates. quired. James R. McCava- noble rotes. 643-1713. shelving Installed. Call Pointing, Paperhanging & Insured. 6434304. 40 nagh , Real Estate, B e m lo Ot 646-3172. Removal. Call 172-8237. 649-3800.D Your local handyman I FURNITURE Paras Carpentry-All Coll John at 6434353 and Bolton-Lakeside year types of home remodeling please leave message. round clean 5 rooms, by experienced carpen NEATWB/ lorge living room with Lovely twin maple bed ter. C a ll D an a t 646-3793 or PLUMUNO fireplace. $800 per month. bookcase headboard. No 6834655. 649-8445. boxspring or mattress. HOUDAV CLEANMO Planning toentertolndur- Pogqrty Brothers — Ba $99.00 call 520-2942 during D B o Landscape- iHanrliPHtpr) Manchester — A City of Village Charm KfralJi ' Ino the tiolldoys but don't throom remodeling; In the day.o Carpentry 8 RgmodeHno Complete landscape se- hove time to prepare? We Bervlees - Complete stallation water heoters, I r JSTOREAND conhelpl Weoreoprofet- vlce, leaf and brush re 5C Beige Recllner - 1 year home repairs and remo garbage disposals; faucet "lO FFICE SPACE tlonol dednlng service repairs. 6494539. Vlsa/M - moved. Call David old, good condition. Cost with 10 vrs. exp. In tho deling. Small scale com 659-2436. over $225. Scotch rough, dependable eleon- mercial work. Registered, asterCord accented. Wednesday, Dec. 17,1986 30 Cents Manchester • 3 rooms gaurded. $75.00. Call 646- Ing. We do oil phoset of Insured, references 046- containing 400 square feet Hawkes Tree Service- g)tB5 6 byHEA. bw. 5186.0 cleaning plus party set-i 8185. on Center Street. Call ups, and clean-ups. Oiir Bucket Truck B Chipper. 6464042. service Is also avail, MI8CELLANE0U8 Stump removol. Free esti TV/STEREO/ wkly, biwkiv, ar monthly. mates. Special considera SERVICER TOWN OF MANCHISTIR, CONNECTICUT APPLIANCES Commercial cleaning Is tion fOr elderly and handi also avail. Call: capped. 647-7553. N O T IC E OP ROOMMATES ADOPTION OP ORDINANCE Firefighters E L B m n C A L WANTED Electric stove - 30 Inch, 649-0858 Art’s Light Trucking In accordance with the provltloni of Chapter 3, Sections 1 self cleaning. Cellars, attics, garages and 9 of the Town Charter, notice Is hereby given of the adop Vernon-House to share, Copper,$50.00. Coll 643- Your assurance of quick Dumas Electric — Having cleaned. Junk hauled. tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, professional M /F , non- 2809.D Electrical Problems? Tone Up Time - Chain Furniture and appliances Connecticut, on December 9,1986. response when you adver Need a large or a small smoker. Unusual loca tise In Classified Is that sows, snow blowers. Also moved. Odd lobs. Very ORDINANCE start talking S» tion. Plenty of room and Sound Design Stereo - Repair? We Specialize In offering a complete shar hOnest dependable B E IT O R D AIN ED , by the Board of Directors of the Town of our readers are ready to Residential Work. Joseph privacy. $350/month plus AM/FM, record changer, buy when they turn to the pening service. Quality worker. 25 years expe Manchester that the Town of Manchester convey to Morgan speakers.$25.00.Call 649- Dumas. Fully Licensed. Sharpening, 104 Hilliard Grant for the sum of $7,350.00 (Seven Thousand Three one fhtrd utilities. Call little ads. 643-2711. ' rience In moving. 646-9669 NAT evenings. 646-3419. 2287.0 Free Estimates. 646-5253. Street 649-2111. anytime. Hundred Fifty) Dollars those premises described In Sche E dule A attached hereto. Gulf Prepored by William J. Shea Black and white televi Assistant Town Attorney before leaders Engl Merchandise sion, 13 Inch. $30.00. Call 10-31-86 649-5875. □ Mid\ MACHINERY RECREATIONAL ISnCAMERAS/PHOTO MISCELLANEOUS S C H E D U L E A By George Loyng teams, no date for the start of talks Welbllt 5 cubic toot refrig AND TOOLS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Those premises situated on the westerly side of Keeney Herald Reporter has been set. 171J HOLIDAY/ erator formica top, white. ED El Street In the Town of Manchester, County of Hartford and Meanwhile, the political fighting Excellent condition. 1985 State of Connecticut, described as follows; I'M s e a s o h a l Table sow 7" Sears. Good model. $99.00. Coll 649- For Sale. Rowing Mo- 35mm Canon - AE-1 Ca Farberware - Open hearth Those premises designated as "PARCEL 'E ' Deed to the While politicians from the Eighth has continued. Some Eighth Dis 3651.0 condition. $19. 649-9537.0 chlne, fully assembled, 1 mera. Body only, perfect broiler. Excellent condi Town of Manchester" on a certain map or plan entitled, Utilities District and the town are trict officials earlier this week Christmas Trees - cut your year old, excellent condi condition. $95.00. Call 643- tion. $25.00. Call 649-9239.0 "Manchester West HucKleberry Lane Strawberry Lane Par just beginning to arrange negotia criticized the selection of the town’s C own. Sundays only. $15.00 cel 'B ' Manchester, Connecticut Scale 1 ' - 40' Job No. 171- LAWN AND tion. $75. Call 646-3245 9797 after 7 pm.o 100 Dote 7-6-72 Sheet No. 12 of 13 Griswold & Fuss Inc. 210 tions in an attempt to reduce negotiating team. In addition, they each. 11 Villa Louisa Road after 5; 30pm. Set of beautiful new Bar Main Street/Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Telephone 646- complained that the town has not (on the rood to Vito's in GARDEN tensions, firefighters from Man bie doll and Cabbage 2469 Revisions October 10,1972", which map or plan Is on (lie responded quickly enough with a Restuoront. M an’s bicycle. 26 Inch Patch doll dresses. $10.00 In the Town ClerK's office In said Manchester. chester’s two departments have Whirlpool refrigerator date for starting the talks, Wheel barrel - $12.00. Call wheel,$35.00. Good condi PETS AND each.Call 643-6452.0 This Ordinace shall taKe effect ten (10) days after this publi been quietly meeting since early Live Hemlock boughs. $165 and matching GE November, seeking to do the same Huppe said the purpose of the stove $95. Very good con 649-5741.0 tion. Call 649-1680.0 SUPPLIES cation In this newspaper provided that within ten (10) days Nice for decorations. $2.00 Two twin headboards, after this publication of this Ordinacne a petition signed by thing. firefighters’ discussions was to each. Please call after dition. 232-8792 or 569-3951. not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as OFFICE/RETAIL Hart skis - 175 cm with solid. Maple, $49 each. determined from the latest official lists of the Registrars of "People just thought it was time bypass the politicians and have 12:30 875-4493.0 Soloman step-in bindings. AKC-Engllsh Springer, Boxed towel gift set, new. to put things to bed,” said Town “ firefighter-to-firefighter" talks. For Sale-Refrigerator. 19 EQUIPMENT male pup, 15 weeks old. Voters, has not been (lied with the Town ClerK requesting Its Good condition. $50.00. $5 each. Call 643-0427. reference to a special Town election. Fire Department Deputy Chief “ We’re tired of the conflict and Hand made Eucalyptus cubic foot, side by side. Liver and white. All shots $200. Call 643-1178. Coll anytime 649-1794.0 STEPHEN T. CASSANO Robert Bycholski, who participated the fighting." he said. wreaths - great gifts. Sel to date. $150. 643-8145. SE C R E T A R Y Typewriter - Remington Gas Heater, 35,000 BTU. in the early discussions. He said the There have been isolated inci ling at Presentalons, Glas portable. Good condition, $35.00. Artificall Christ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Toshiba microwave, Adopt young fixed cats. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT meetings, begun one week after the dents in the past in which the tonbury or call 633-9858. brand new, large size. $200 •535.00. Call 649-1819.0 ISTIBOATS/MARINE mas tree - Free! Call Under $20.00.o They deserve a chance to 643-1814.0 Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this 10th day of Oeember, November election, are informal firefighters themselves have been or best offer. 646-3712. EQUIPMENT live! Long or short furred. 19S6. Q 91 RECREATIONAL “ coffee-table chats" and have been at odds. The most recent occurred We are In cages awaiting Holiday Matrix lifetime 031-12 helpful. in 1985 when the two departments « I e q u ip m e n t new homes. 232-1393.