81 Abstract–Biweekly ichthyoplankton Dynamics of larval fi sh abundance surveys were conducted in Penobscot Bay, Maine, during the spring and early in Penobscot Bay, Maine summer of 1997 and 1998. Larvae from demersal eggs dominated the catch from late winter through spring, but Mark A. Lazzari not in early summer collections. Larval Maine Department of Marine Resources fi sh assemblages varied with tempera- P.O. Box 8 ture, and to a lesser extent, plankton West Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04575 volume, and salinity, among months. E-mail address:
[email protected] Temporal patterns of larval fi sh abun- dance corresponded with seasonality of reproduction. Larvae of taxa that spawn from late winter through early spring, such as sculpins (Myoxocepha- lus spp.), sand lance (Ammodytes sp.), and rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) For most fi sh, the greatest mortality tial variation in species diver sity and were dominant in Penobscot Bay in occurs during early life stages (Hjort, abundance, and 3) to relate these vari- March and April. Larvae of spring to early summer spawners such as 1914; Cushing, 1975; Leggett and Deb- ations to differences in location and en- winter fl ounder (Pleuronectes america- lois, 1994). Therefore, it is essential that vironmental variables. nus) Atlantic seasnail (Liparis atlan- fi sh eggs and larvae develop in favorable ticus), and radiated shanny (Ulvaria habitats that maximize the probability subbifurcata) were more abundant in of survival. Bigelow (1926) recognized Materials and methods May and June. Penobscot Bay appears the signifi cance of the coastal shelf for to be a nursery for many fi shes; there- the production of fi sh larvae within the Field methods fore any degradation of water quality Gulf of Maine, noting that most larvae during the vernal period would have were found within the 200-m contour.