ZINF Bericht 1 General Remarks & Teaser Final 08 Dec 2020.Indd

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ZINF Bericht 1 General Remarks & Teaser Final 08 Dec 2020.Indd SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2018-2019 RESEARCH CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES (ZINF) ZINF NUMBERS ABOUT THE ZINF 2018-2019 The Research Center for Infectious Diseases (ZINF) is a MULTI-DISCIPLINARY NETWORK of researchers in Würzburg addressing molecular principles of host-pathogen interactions. It brings together experts from MICROBIOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY, VIROLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, and CLINICAL PRACTICE and facilitates cross-faculty communication, initiation of joint research activities, as well as recruitment of extramural funding. -V\UKLKPU ^P[OÄUHUJPHSZ\WWVY[MYVT[OL-LKLYHS4PUPZ[Y`VM9LZLHYJOHUK ;LJOUVSVN`HUK HM[LY^HYKZ [OL )H]HYPHU :[H[L 4PUPZ[Y` MVY 9LZLHYJO HUK (Y[ [OL ZINF represents the OLDEST ACADEMIC INSTITUTION in Germany devoted to interdisciplinary research on infectious diseases. With 35 professors in infection biology, infectious diseases research is a key area of biomedical research at the Julius 4H_PTPSPHUZ <UP]LYZP[` VM > YaI\YN 14< ;OL A05- NYLH[S` ILULÄ[Z MYVT Z[YVUN PU[LYHJ[PVUZHJYVZZMHJ\S[PLZJSPUPJZHUKYLZLHYJOPUZ[P[\[PVUZV\[ZPKL[OL14< ( JVYL JVTWVULU[ VM [OL A05- OHZ ILLU P[Z YOUNG INVESTIGATOR GROUP WYVNYHT [OH[ VќLYZ H \UPX\L LU[Y` MVY `V\UN YLZLHYJOLYZ PU[V [OLPY V^U ZJPLU[PÄJ career. Research of the independent ZINF junior groups covered in the period of this report focuses on organoids as new infection models, high-throughput technologies [VZ[\K`[OLTVKLVMHJ[PVUVMHU[PIPV[PJJVTIPUH[PVUZYLN\SH[VY`95(TVSLJ\SLZPU anaerobic pathogens and in the microbiome, structural biology of mycobacteria, as well as the role of the microbiota in fungal infections. ;OLA05-PZHJLU[YHSZJPLU[PÄJMHJPSP[`VM[OL14<> YaI\YNHUKOHZL]VS]LKPU[VHU internationally recognized and accredited institution. 2 3 3.5 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY, THEODOR BOVERI INSTITUTE, BIOCENTER 64 CONTENT Thomas Rudel - Infection Biology of Bacteria 66 4HY[PU-YH\UOVSa*LSS\SHY4PJYVIPVSVN` 9V`.YVZZ7LY[\ZZPZ ZINF SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2018-2019 Vera Kozjak-Pavlovic - Bacterial Invasion and Intracellular Survival 69 3.6 DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE II 70 1. GENERAL REMARKS Hermann Einsele - Interaction of Aspergillus fumigatus ^P[O/\THU5H[\YHS2PSSLY*LSSZHUK+LUKYP[PJ*LSSZ (UKYLHZ)LPSOHJR,_WLYPTLU[HS:[LT*LSS;YHUZWSHU[H[PVU 1.1 Speaker‘s Report / Bericht der Sprecherin 10 /HY[^PN2SPURLY+P]PZPVUVM0UMLJ[PV\Z+PZLHZLZ 1.2 Structure of the ZINF 14 1 YNLU3ўLY0TT\UP[`HNHPUZ[AspergillusZWW 1.3 Events surrounding the ZINF 16 3.7 INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS IMMUNOLOGY 76 2. YOUNG INVESTIGATOR GROUPS OF THE ZINF .LVYN.HZ[LPNLY;PZZ\L0TT\UP[` 4LYJLKLZ.VTLaKL(N LYV/VZ[4PJYVIPHS0U[LYHJ[PVUZ :PUH)HY[MLSK6YNHUVPKZHZ/VZ[4VKLSZ 4HY[PU=HL[O4L[HIVSPZTHUK0TT\UL*LSS:PNUHSSPUN (UH9P[H)YVJOHKV:`Z[LTZ)PVSVN`VM(U[PIPV[PJ(J[PVU -YHUaPZRH-HILY95()PVSVN`VM*SVZ[YPKPVPKLZKPѝJPSL :LIHZ[PHU.LPILS:[Y\J[\YHS)PVSVN`VM4`JVIHJ[LYPH 3.8 HELMHOLTZ INSTITUTE FOR RNA-BASED INFECTION RESEARCH 82 Christian Perez - Regulatory Networks in Pathogenesis 30 3HYZ)HYX\PZ[0U[LNYH[P]L0UMVYTH[PJZMVY0UMLJ[PVU)PVSVN` *OHZL)LPZLS95(:`U[OL[PJ)PVSVN` 5L]H*HSPZRHU9LJVKPUN4LJOHUPZTZPU0UMLJ[PVUZ 4H[OPHZ4\UZJOH\LY+LJVKPUN95(7YV[LPU0U[LYHJ[VTLZVM9LN\SH[VY`95(PU0UMLJ[PVU 3. MEMBERS OF THE ZINF (U[VPUL,TTHU\LS:HSPIH:PUNSLJLSS(UHS`ZPZ 3.1 INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR INFECTION BIOLOGY 34 9LKTVUK:T`[O.LUVTL(YJOP[LJ[\YLHUK,]VS\[PVUVM95(=PY\ZLZ 1YN=VNLS95()PVSVN` *`U[OPH:OHYTH+LLW:LX\LUJPUN(WWYVHJOLZ[V7H[OVNLULZPZ 3.9 ZINF MEMBER ASSOCIATED WITH OTHER INSTITUTES 90 /LPKY\U4VSS0UMLJ[PVU0TT\UVSVN` ;OVTHZ+HUKLRHY)PVPUMVYTH[PJZ 1VHJOPT4VYZJOOp\ZLY4`JVSVN` 4HYR\Z,UNZ[SLY4VSLJ\SHYHUK7O`ZPJHS7HYHZP[VSVN` Knut Ohlsen - Gram-positive Cocci 40 <SYPRL/VSaNYHIL4LKPJPUHS*OLTPZ[Y` (SL_HUKLY>LZ[LYTHUU/VZ[7H[OVNLU4PJYVIPV[H0U[LYHJ[PVUZ Caroline Kisker - Structure-based Drug Design 95 >PSTHAPLI\OY5VZVJVTPHS0UMLJ[PVUZI`:[HWO`SVJVJJP 4HYJV4L[aNLY/\THU+;PZZ\L4VKLSZ[V:[\K`/VZ[7H[OVNLU0U[LYHJ[PVUZPU0UMLJ[PV\Z9LZLHYJO 1 YNLU:LPILS*OLTPZ[Y`VM3P]PUN:`Z[LTZ (\N\Z[:[PJO;YVWPJHS4LKPJPUL 3.2 INSTITUTE FOR HYGIENE AND MICROBIOLOGY 44 4H[[OPHZ-YVZJO4VSLJ\SHY:\Y]LPSSHUJLVM0U]HZP]L)HJ[LYPHS0UMLJ[PVUZ 6SP]LY2\YaHP4LKPJHS4PJYVIPVSVN`HUK4`JVSVN` 2SH\Z)YLOT/LSTPU[O0UMLJ[PVUZ 4. RESEARCH PROGRAMS *OYPZ[VWO:JOVLU4VSLJ\SHY+PHNUVZ[PJZHUK-\UJ[PVUHS.LUVTPJZVM/\THU7H[OVNLUPJ)HJ[LYPH +-.*VSSHIVYH[P]L9LZLHYJO*LU[LY*9*:-);YHUZYLNPV (SL_HUKYH:JO\ILY[<URTLPY/VZ[7H[OVNLU0U[LYHJ[PVUZ 4.1 +-.*VSSHIVYH[P]L9LZLHYJO*LU[LY*9*:-);YHUZYLNPV <SYPJO=VNLS0UMLJ[PVU,WPKLTPVSVN`VMNeisseria meningitidis and Hospital Infection Control 51 4.2 4.3 +-.9LZLHYJO<UP[ 4.4 +-.9LZLHYJO<UP[ 3.3 INSTITUTE FOR VIROLOGY AND IMMUNOBIOLOGY – DEPARTMENT OF VIROLOGY 52 4.5 +-.9LZLHYJO<UP[ Lars Dölken - Systems Biology of Herpesvirus Infections 54 4.6 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 Florian Erhard - Computational Systems Virology 55 4.7 DFG Priority Program SPP 1656 105 1 YNLU:JOULPKLY:JOH\SPLZ4VYIPSSP]PY\Z7H[OVNLULZPZ 4.8 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 :PI`SSL:JOULPKLY:JOH\SPLZ=PYHS0TT\UVTVK\SH[PVU 4.9 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 4.10 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 4.11 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 3.4 INSTITUTE FOR VIROLOGY AND IMMUNOBIOLOGY – DEPARTMENT OF IMMUNOLOGY 58 4.12 +-.7YPVYP[`7YVNYHT:77 Wolfgang Kastenmüller - Leukocyte Dynamics 60 4.13 +-..LYTHU(MYPJHU*VVWLYH[PVU7YVQLJ[ZPU0UMLJ[PVSVN` Niklas Beyersdorf - T Cell Biology 61 4.14 )4)- /LHS[O7YL]LU[ ;OVTHZ/LYYTHUU0TT\UVNLUL[PJZ 4.15 )4)-0UMLJ[*VU[YVS 4HUMYLK3\[a0TT\UL9LN\SH[PVU 4.16 )4)-;HYNL[=HSPKH[PVUMVY7OHYTHJL\[PJHS+Y\N+L]LSVWTLU[ 4.17 )4)-P407 4 5 4. RESEARCH PROGRAMS 4.18 ,\YVWLHU9LZLHYJO(YLH5L[^VYRZ,9(5L[ 4.19 International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT) 113 4.20 0)+3HIUL[*VVYKPUH[PVUVM(J[P]P[PLZMVY3HIVYH[VY`:\Y]LPSSHUJLVM0U]HZP]L)HJ[LYPHS+PZLHZLZ 4.21 >LSSJVTL;Y\Z[:[YH[LNPJ(^HYK 4.22 ,SZL2YULY*LU[LYMVY(K]HUJLK4LKPJHS 4LKPJHS/\THUP[HYPHU:[\KPLZ> YaI\YN¶4^HUaH;HUaHUPH 4.23 )H]HYPHU9LZLHYJO5L[^VYRIH`YLZXUL[ 5. INFRASTRUCTURE 5.1 593MVY4LUPUNVJVJJPHUK/HLTVWOPS\ZPUÅ\LUaHL 5.2 ;OL*VUZ\S[PUN3HIVYH[VY`MVY,JOPUVJVJJVZPZ 5.3 German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) 119 5.4 Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) 119 5.5 *VYL<UP[:`Z[LTZ4LKPJPUL 6. TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION 6.1 .YHK\H[L:JOVVSVM3PML:JPLUJLZ.:3: 6.2 +-.9LZLHYJO;YHPUPUN.YV\W.YHK\PLY[LURVSSLN.92+0UMLJ[ 6.3 +-.9LZLHYJO;YHPUPUN.YV\W.YHK\PLY[LURVSSLN.92<)0 6.4 +-.9LZLHYJO;YHPUPUN.YV\W.YHK\PLY[LURVSSLN.92:7/05.605- 7. APPENDIX 7.1 A05-@V\UN0U]LZ[PNH[VY.YV\W3LHKLYZ(S\TUP 7. 2 4LL[PUNZHUK>VYRZOVWZJVVYNHUPaLKI`A05-4LTILYZ 7. 3 :LTPUHYZHUK*VSSVX\PH 7. 4 Funding 140 7. 5 7\ISPJH[PVUZ 7. 6 +PYLJ[VY`VM7LVWSL(ZZVJPH[LK^P[O[OLA05- 6 7 1.1 GENERAL REMARKS 1 GENERAL REMARKS 8 9 *'*LI>:D>KLK>IHKM genome architecture and its impact on antigenic variation JVUZVY[P\T1YN=VNLS-YHUaPZRH-HILYHUK3HYZ)HYX\PZ[ *'*LI>:D>KLK>IHKM of trypanosomes, which was performed by his group in KL]LSVWUL^WYVNYHTTHISL95(IHZLKHU[PIPV[PJZHNHPUZ[ > YaI\YN ;OPZ Z[\K` HSZV PUJS\KLK [OL ÄYZ[ ZJ95(ZLX T\S[PYLZPZ[HU[WH[OVNLUZ(UH9P[H)YVJOHKVHUKT`ZLSM analysis of trypanosomes, which his lab set up jointly with [VNL[OLY ^P[O *OYPZ[PHU 4 SSLY 4\UPJO ^PSS LTWSV` OPNO 2018-2019 [OL:HSPIHNYV\W0U [OLNYV\WVM:LIHZ[PHU.LPILS throughput approaches to decipher stress pathways reported the cryo-electron microscopy resolution of the involved in antibiotics resistance and virulence of pathogens structure of the core complex of the type VII secretion in our StressRegNet consortium. Dear readers, system from mycobacteria in Nature. The success of the Besides the organization of several conferences A05-PZHSZVYLÅLJ[LKI`WYVMLZZVYZOPWVќLYZ[VJ\YYLU[A05- and symposia by ZINF members, we were happy to Infectious diseases remain one of the central challenges for VM [OL :(9:*V= 95( HUK [OL O\THU OVZ[ WYV[LVTL @0.SLHKLYZHUKI`[OLA05-@0.(S\TUPOVSKPUNUH[PVUHS welcome many international scientists and guest speakers ZJPLUJLHUKTLKPJPULPU[OLst century. The ongoing global (5H[\YL 4PJYVIPVSVN` PU WYLZZ >P[OPU [OL .92 + or international professorships or group leader positions. H[V\YJVSSVX\PHHUKZLTPUHYZLYPLZPU> YaI\YNW :(9:*V= WHUKLTPJ OHZ JSLHYS` ZOV^U [OH[ [OL ÄNO[ 0UMLJ[UL^WYVQLJ[ZVU:(9:*V=OH]LILLUSH\UJOLK 4VZ[YLJLU[S`^LJVUNYH[\SH[L:PUH)HY[MLSKVUHUVќLYMVY ,HYSPLY PU [OL -HJ\S[` VM )PVSVN` H^HYKLK HU against infectious diseases is of particular social, political, and, together with the lab of Chase Beisel, my group has a Full Professor (W3) position as well as Christian Pérez on honorary doctorate to the renowned infection biologist and and economic importance. The global challenges of a been developing a CRISPR/Cas-based diagnostic method OPZUL^WVZP[PVUHZ(ZZVJPH[L7YVMLZZVYH[<;/LHS[OHUK vaccinologist Rino Rappuoli (Siena). Peter Fineran from the rising threat of zoonotic pathogens such as coronaviruses [OH[ JHU KPZ[PUN\PZO KPќLYLU[ YLZWPYH[VY` ]PY\ZLZ PUJS\KPUN wish him a great start in Houston. <UP]LYZP[` VM 6[HNV PU 5L^ ALHSHUK YLJLP]LK H 9LZLHYJO or emerging antimicrobial resistances that threaten the :(9:*V= :\WWVY[LK I` HU PU[LYUH[PVUHS ZJPLU[PÄJ HK]PZVY` -LSSV^ZOPWMVY,_WLYPLUJLK9LZLHYJOLYZMYVT[OL(SL_HUKLY LќLJ[P]L [YLH[TLU[ VM PUMLJ[PVUZ YLX\PYL H JVSSLJ[P]L LќVY[ With the establishment of the ZINF in 1993 by Volker IVHYK:()VMSLHKPUNZJPLU[PZ[Z[OLA05-OHZL]VS]LKPU[V von Humboldt Foundation to visit the labs of Chase Beisel of scientists from all disciplines, developing and integrating [LY4L\SLU>LYULY.VLILSHUKJVSSLHN\LZHUKZ\WWVY[LK an internationally recognized and accredited institution. We HUKTPULPU >LSVVRMVY^HYK[VOVZ[PUNOPTHNHPUPU new technologies and innovative strategies to study I` [OL -LKLYHS 4PUPZ[Y` VM 9LZLHYJO HUK ;LJOUVSVN`HUK would like to express our deepest gratitude to the members [VJVU[PU\LV\YQVPU[^VYRVU[OLYLN\SH[PVUVM infection processes and develop novel therapeutics and afterwards the Bavarian Government, Würzburg gained VMV\Y:()HUK^LYLKLSPNO[LK[V^LSJVTL4LSHUPL)SVRLZJO bacterial CRISPR-Cas immune systems.
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