
2.4 HOURS Continuing Education TEST

Pulse Oximetry in Adults

1. oximeters were first used 6. Tissue oxygenation is indicated 11. Cardiac arrhythmias, heart to monitor patients by which of the following failure, and alter pulse a. during . measurements? oximetry readings because these b. on critical care units. a. arterial partial pressure of conditions cause c. during interfacility transport. (PaO2) a. turbulent flow. d. on . b. arterial when b. motion artifact. measured directly c. sensor inconsistencies. 2. Before was c. SpO2 d. decreased . available, hypoxemia was detected d. mixed venous oxygen saturation primarily by 12. Disposable sensors should be a. auscultating the heart for tachypnea. 7. An SpO2 level of 90% or below replaced every b. measuring and hemat- correlates with a PaO2 of a. 8 hours. ocrit levels. a. between 90 and 100 mmHg. b. 12 hours. c. auscultating the for dyspnea. b. between 75 and 89 mmHg. c. 24 hours. d. assessing the skin for cyanosis. c. between 61 and 74 mmHg. d. 48 hours. d. below 60 mmHg. 3. A pulse oximeter works by 13. A documented cause of falsely comparing the amounts of red 8. The Society of Critical Care high pulse oximeter readings is light and what other type of light recommends intermittent a. artificial fingernails. that are absorbed by arterial (spot-check) pulse oximetry moni- b. fluorescent light. hemoglobin? toring for most patients who are c. vasoactive drugs. a. ultraviolet a. unstable. d. dark skin pigmentation. b. white b. on hemodialysis. c. c. on supplemental oxygen. 14. According to 1 expert, oxime- d. blue d. undergoing surgery. ters respond to a drop in SpO2 most quickly when the sensor is 4. Adhesive or foam-wrap pulse 9. Pulse oximetry is contraindicated placed on the patient’s oximeter sensors are preferred for in a patient who a. earlobe. patients who a. is hypovolemic. b. forehead. a. are immobile. b. is receiving conscious sedation. c. finger. b. are at low risk for cross- c. has a tracheostomy. d. toe. contamination. d. is classified as morbidly obese. c. need spot-check only. 15. When using a reusable sensor, d. require continuous monitoring for 10. Of the following, which is most the site should be changed every more than 10 minutes. likely to cause falsely low pulse a. 2 hours. oximeter readings? b. 4 hours. 5. On room air, a fit and healthy a. smoke inhalation c. 6 hours. person assessed by pulse oximetry b. poisoning d. 8 hours. should have an arterial oxygen c. motion artifact saturation (SpO2) level of at least d. recent exposure to diagnostic imag- 16. Covering the sensor with the a. 99%. ing dyes patient’s linens helps prevent possi- b. 97%. ble interference from c. 94%. a. skin complications. d. 92%. b. poor circulation. c. ambient light. d. motion artifact. ▼

60 AJN ▼ June 2009 ▼ Vol. 109, No. 6 ajnonline.com