Ecoveg: a New Approach to Vegetation Description and Classification
REVIEWS Ecological Monographs, 84(4), 2014, pp. 533–561 Ó 2014 by the Ecological Society of America EcoVeg: a new approach to vegetation description and classification 1,11 2 3,12 4 5 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN, TODD KEELER-WOLF, DEL MEIDINGER, DAVE TART, BRUCE HOAGLAND, CARMEN 1 6 7 8 9 10 JOSSE, GONZALO NAVARRO, SERGUEI PONOMARENKO, JEAN-PIERRE SAUCIER, ALAN WEAKLEY, AND PATRICK COMER 1NatureServe, Conservation Science Division, 4600 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203 USA 2Biogeographic Data Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California 95814 USA 3British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Research Branch, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9C2 Canada 4USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region, Natural Resources, Ogden, Utah 84401 USA 5Oklahoma Biological Survey and Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 USA 6Universidad Cato´lica Boliviana San Pablo, Unidad Acade´mica Regional Cochabamba Departamento de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierı´as, Carrera de Ingenierı´a Ambiental, Cochabamba, Bolivia 7Ecological Integrity Branch, Parks Canada, Rue Eddy, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5 Canada 8Ministe`re des Ressources Naturelles 2700, Rue Einstein, Bureau B-1-185, Quebec City, Quebec G1P 3W8 Canada 9North Carolina Botanic Garden, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 USA 10NatureServe, 2108 55th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA Abstract. A vegetation classification approach is needed that can describe the diversity of terrestrial ecosystems and their transformations over large time frames, span the full range of spatial and geographic scales across the globe, and provide knowledge of reference conditions and current states of ecosystems required to make decisions about conservation and resource management.
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