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For more information, please visit: WHAT IS ISTA?

WHAT IS ISTA, THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATION? ISTA was formed in London in 1969 by some 20 UK-based steel trading companies. Whilst being competitors, those companies realised that they had certain commercial challenges in common, which could be better faced as a body, rather than as individuals. This was in no way a cartel, quite the reverse, as traders jealously guarded their customer and supply sources then, as much as they do now. Today, ISTA has a membership in the region of 75 companies from UK, Europe and across the world. In 2016 we established a branch in Singapore. ISTA uniquely represents the international steel trading community and its requirements and views. WHO ARE ISTA’S MEMBERS? ISTA membership has grown and broadened over the years, and today in addition to steel traders embraces companies in the derivatives sector as well as steel stockholders/distributors, the trading arm of steel producers, ports, shipping companies, marine and credit insurers, law firms and financial institutions. In fact, just about every area in the transactional life of any trading deal. WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES FACING ISTA MEMBERS? The common challenges relate to such areas as contractual disputes, trading restrictions, government policies, both at home and abroad. One of ISTA’s early achievements was the preparation of a harmonised Contract Conditions of Sale, incorporating terms relating specifically to the steel trade, and often using the past experiences of the traders concerned. Many companies use that basic format today. Today, members find themselves operating in an increasingly protectionist world where they have to come to terms with anti-dumping measures introduced by the European Commission and other governmental bodies. Such action restricts the freedom of choice of supply available to members’ customers and end-users. WHAT DOES ISTA DO? Over the years, ISTA has developed a dialogue with the British government’s trade department and with the European Commission and represents members’ concerns to them. In particular, ISTA has recently represented members and taken an interest in European Commission anti-dumping investigations into rebar, galvanised flat-rolled products, heavy plate and hot rolled coil. ISTA has developed a relationship – a Global Steel Supply Chain Partnership – with Eurometal and the American Institute for International Steel. In recent years the Association has participated in the work of organisations which determine steel specifications and working practices. Our activities now include training workshops, field trips to steel producers and consumers and, through our President’s Award, giving recognition to capable, generally young, traders and those providing trade support services. From time to time, we also circulate to members relevant market updates and information on related legal aspects. ISTA’S SOCIAL ACTIVITY One of the highlights of the steel year is the ISTA Annual Lunch held on the first Friday in December at The Brewery in the . It regularly attracts an attendance in excess of 550, making it the largest such steel trade function in Europe. In addition, ISTA holds receptions in London and elsewhere in the UK and in Singapore during SGX Iron Week. CORE FUNCTION – ISTA’s core function is still to promote and if necessary defend the principle of free trade, which is so central to our members’ businesses, and indeed to that of the steel consumer and the steel producer. With their knowledge of steel and expertise in trading, members complement mills by providing users with a choice of supply ensuring that their specific requirements are met in a timely manner and at a competitive price.

1 CONTENTS ISTA Handbook 2017 Chairwoman - Simone Jordan What is ISTA? ...... 1 Honorary Officers and Executive Committee 2017 ...... 3 ISTA Diary 2017 ...... 4 ISTA Chairwoman’s Report 2017 ...... 5 - 9 ISTA Singapore Chairman’s Report 2017 ...... 10 - 11 ISTA Singapore Members ...... 11 ISTA Officers 2017 & ISTA Lunch 2016 Entertainer ...... 13 Visit to British Steel, Scunthorpe ...... 14 President’s Award Winners ...... 15 Import & Export Trading Activity & Contact Details ...... 16 - 19 Associate Members Activities ...... 20 Directory of Members ...... 23 - 27 Directory of Associate Members ...... 27 - 30 Past Honorary Officers ...... 31 ISTA Hosts CITHA Annual Convention 2017 ...... 32


Elected at the AGM on 2nd February 2017

PRESIDENT: Tony Singer

CHAIRWOMAN: Simone Jordan Ronly Ltd

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Brian Paterson Duferco UK Ltd

TREASURER: Alan Fowle Fowle & Co Ltd

CHAIRMAN EMERITUS: Jeff Kabel Jeffrey M. Kabel

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Michael Swangard Clyde & Co LLP Tony Feek DNT Company Ltd Michael Bienz Gerald UK Ltd Godfrey Watt Kromat Trading Ltd Gianpiero Repole* Liberty Ltd Ralf Reintjes Primex Steel Trading GmbH Phillip Guest Servosteel Julian Verden Stemcor Clive Davies W E Dowds (Shipping) Ltd *Toby Gladstone serves as alternate to Mr Repole

ACCOUNTANTS: Oculus Accountancy

DIRECTOR: Hugh Bailey

ADDRESS: The International Steel Trade Association 83 Victoria Street London SW1H 0HW

TELEPHONE: +44 (0)20 7799 2662 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE:


ISTA arranged, participated in or attended the following events. Further information appears in this ISTA handbook.

January 17th BSI Meeting, London 31st Ironmongers’ Company City Dinner February 2nd AGM and Executive Committee meeting March 16/17th ISTA Import Procedures Training Course (including INCOTERMS, customs entry, payment terms) 23rd Midlands Social Evening at the Pitcher & Piano, Brindley Place, Birmingham 29th BIRFA – British Independent Reinforcement Fabricators Association – meeting April 24th Singapore Iron Ore Week – ISTA Reception at Clyde & Co’s offices 27/28th Singapore – Iron Ore Forum May 8th Executive Committee meeting 10/12th Eurometal summit, Dusseldorf 23rd NASS Credit Insurance seminar 23rd BSI meeting, London June 19th Platts 13th Steel Markets Europe seminar, Barcelona 28th Meeting with the Dept. for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy 29th BSI Meeting, Scunthorpe July 6th ISTA visit to British Steel, Scunthorpe 12th BIRFA – British Independent Reinforcement Fabricators Association – meeting August 15th BIRFA – British Independent Reinforcement Fabricators Association – meeting September 19th CARES Policy Advisory Committee meeting 19th BSI Meeting, London 28th Executive Committee meeting 28th ISTA Cocktail Reception at the RAC Club, Pall Mall, London 28th – 30th ISTA hosted the annual convention of CITHA – the Confederation of International Trading Houses Association October 10th – 11th Eurometal’s International Steel Trade Day, Ghent 12th NASS Annual Dinner 31st London Metal Exchange Annual Dinner November 15th Executive Committee meeting December 1st ISTA Annual Lunch


COMMITTEE MEETINGS Executive Committee meetings were held at the RAC Club, London, in February, May, September and November 2017.

LIAISON WITH BRITISH GOVERNMENT During the year ISTA maintained a dialogue with BEIS – the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Meetings were held on 21st March and 28th June. ISTA made known its views on the EU’s trade defence anti-dumping measures and concerns regarding Brexit. BEIS’s Fergus Harradence spoke on Brexit at the CITHA meeting hosted by ISTA on 29th September 2017.

Brexit Amongst points discussed with BEIS were: - concern at the prospect of importers being required to pay 20% VAT up front on all imports; - possibility of no agreement with the EU which would result in the application of World Trade Organisation rules; it would also result in a 10% tariff on imports of cars; At ISTA’s Executive Committee meeting on 15th November 2017 reference was made to a press report (The Times, 9/11/17) regarding a planned trade remedies authority ‘to investigate claims about imports unfairly priced below what they cost to produce’. The article stated that according to an official UK will not toughen its trade defence measures even if the EU 27 do. The article concluded “A final decision will be taken on trade defence policies by the government after a consultation period”. ISTA has advised BEIS that it is interested in participating in this consultation, which will be held under the auspices of the Department for International Trade.


Chart prepared by ISTA Chairwoman and appearing on ISTA’s website

ISTA continues to take an active interest in European Commission anti-dumping activity involving steel.

5 AD635: Hot Rolled flats from Brazil, Iran, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine Introduction of Minimum Import Prices - Under investigation from 7 July 2016; definitive AD duties were imposed on 6th October 2017 on all except Serbia (the anti dumping proceeding against Serbia was terminated). Definitive duty rates on a Euro per tonne net per Country per Producer have been imposed. The Commission’s provisional decision had been “to impose ad valorem duties capped by a Minimum Import Price (MIP) which takes into account the rise in raw material prices after the investigation period” but this was replaced by the definitive duties as mentioned above. Within ISTA there was support for MIPs. It was considered that they should be index-linked to energy costs and foreign exchange as well as to raw materials, and they should be reviewable at least quarterly. AD639: imports of certain Corrosion Resistant from China Last year’s Annual Report referred to concern at a likely investigation into certain galvanised steel imports. It was considered that insufficient quantities of this product were produced in the EU to meet demand. The investigation – into imports of certain corrosion resistant steels from China – was announced on 9th December 2016. Thereafter, ISTA took the following action: • 14th December 2016: First Meeting (hearing) with the Commission in Brussels - 16th December: ISTA registered with the Commission as an interested trade association representing EU importers of a considerable volume of the product in question. ISTA also considered that Canada was not a suitable analogue country. (It was subsequently replaced by Brazil). - 23 December 2016: An ISTA submission expressed concern at this investigation “in view of its likely detrimental impact on overseas supplies….particularly during the current market when prices are relatively high notwithstanding Chinese imports and members report that EU mills are unable to meet their requirements.” ISTA also referred to uncertainty as to the product covered by the Notice. The specified CN/tariff codes indicated that automotive steel was included; but the Notice went on to specify that the product under investigation would have been chemically passivated whereas auto steel underwent more rigorous oil passivation. To avoid ambiguity, ISTA suggested that the Notice should be withdrawn. This was not accepted by the Commission. - 11th March 2017: ISTA sent a follow-up letter incorporating charts and statistics showing that prices during the inspection period (1 October 2015 – 30 September 2016) were never as much as 40-50% below the European level as alleged; and that European mills were able to continually raise their prices notwithstanding Chinese imports. - 10th August 2017: Imposition of provisional AD duty. - 11 September 2017: ISTA submitted the following comments to the Commission on the Provisional AD duty: (i) The duty was so high that Chinese steel would be uncompetitive and supplies would cease; (ii) The Implementing Regulation’s assertion that the Union industry’s capacity utilisation did not exceed 80 per cent did not tally with members’ experience of a shortage of EU steel. It was difficult to support this fact with hard evidence as members did not want to spoil good commercial relations with/jeopardise supplies from European mills; (iii) China supplied over 200,000 tonnes per month to the EU to end June 2017: EU mills and other suppliers would be unable to fill this shortfall – to the detriment of Independent EU service centres and end-users whose manufactured products were sold in a competitive international market place; (iv) if ad valorem duties were imposed, ISTA favoured a Minimum Import Price calculated with a ratio against raw materials and currency exchange rates and reviewed regularly, or import quotas. • 13th November 2017: Second meeting (hearing) with the Commission in Brussels ISTA reiterated its concerns and added that a 5 year duration for definitive duties was too long; adverse consequences would become apparent beforehand. The Commission advised that an interested party might ask for an Interim Review if, for instance, a fundamental change in the market warranted it. A final decision on definitive duties, if any, would be announced in February 2018, but further announcements could be expected before the end of November 2017.

6 LIAISON WITH OTHER ASSOCIATIONS & TRADE SEMINARS EUROMETAL ISTA enjoys a good relationship with Eurometal. It provides useful statistical information and the Association is invited to participate in its European seminars. In 2015 Eurometal took the in establishing a website for a global supply chain partnership involving Eurometal, the American Institute for International Steel (AIIS), and ISTA. On 10th May 2017 the President attended Eurometal’s World Steel Distribution & SSC Summit in Dusseldorf. In June 2017 the Chairwoman gave a presentation entitled ‘Protection or Defence’ at S & P Global Platts Steel Markets Europe Conference. The Chairwoman gave a presentation at Eurometal’s International Steel Trade Day, Ghent, 10-11 October 2017.

NASS ISTA’s Executive Committee discussed the state of the steel market with the National Association of Steel Service Centres in Birmingham on 23rd March 2017. On 23rd May some members attended a NASS credit insurance seminar and on 12th October ISTA was represented at the NASS annual dinner.

BIRFA ISTA was represented by the Chairwoman or her alternate at meetings of the British Independent Reinforcement Fabricators Association held on 29th March, 12th July and 15th August. Issues discussed relate to the particular concerns of supply source and price competitiveness of Independent UK reinforcement fabricators who are not owned by or tied to a steel producer.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL USED IN THE UK ISTA is represented on the bodies that determine the specifications for (construction) steel used in the UK, CARES and BSI.

CARES - Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels The Chairwoman represents the Association on the CARES Chairman’s Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and attended a PAC meeting on 19th September 2017.

British Standards Institution (BSI) Mr Andy Kirkcaldy represents ISTA on three BSI Committees, namely: ISE/103 (Structural Steels other than reinforcements, re. BS EN 100025 – 1:2004); ISE/100 (Steel, General Issues, re. BS EN 10020:2000); and ISE/104 (Concrete Reinforcing and pre-stressing steels, re. BS 4449: 2005+A2: 2009). He attended BSI meetings on 17th January, 23rd May, 29th June and 19th September 2017. The ISE/104 committee is reviewing pr EN 10080 “steel for the reinforcement of concrete – weldable reinforcing steel – general” and has produced a 90-page revised draft. Mr Kirkcaldy has compared it with BS 4449. Details have been circulated to ISTA members.

ISTA EVENTS Annual Lunch 2016 540 members and guests attended ISTA’s Annual Lunch on 2nd December 2016 at the Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1. The entertainer was Mr Marcus Brigstocke. Chairman’s Charity: The sum of £5,776 was collected at the lunch and apportioned on a 30:70 basis between Intermission Youth Theatre and The Manufacturing Institute. The 2017 Lunch is being held at the Brewery on 1st December 2017. Mr Antonio Marcegaglia, Chairman and CEO of Marcegaglia SpA, is the Chief Guest; Mr Lee Hurst is the entertainer.

Midlands Reception ISTA’s 6th Midlands Reception was held on 23rd March 2017 at the Pitcher & Piano, Brindleyplace, Birmingham. It was well-supported by some 110 members and guests.

7 RAC Cocktail Reception On 28th September 2017 ISTA held a very well-received cocktail reception at the RAC Club, Pall Mall, London, which attracted a capacity attendance of 90.

ISTA Visit to British Steel, Scunthorpe, 6th July 2017 A group of 20 participated in this visit, which received good feed-back. See page 14 of this booklet.

PRESIDENT’S AWARD 2017 No President’s Award was given in 2017 due to an insufficient number of applicants.

TRAINING Import Procedures Training Course On 16th and 17th March 2017 ISTA held its usual training course covering INCOTERMS, customs entry procedures, payment terms and related issues. 14 delegates were present, including 4 from Germany. In view of the level of interest, a second, repeat, training course is being held on 18th and 19th December 2017. Mr Jon Walden MBE is the course presenter. The first course was held at the Minor Metals Trade Association, London; the second will be held at Aon’s offices in the Cheesegrater, 122 , London. The support of both organisations is appreciated.

GOLF DAY Arrangements are in-hand for an ISTA Golf Day on 3rd May 2018. Details are being finalised.

IRONMONGERS’ COMPANY ISTA representatives were guests of the Ironmongers’ Company at their City Dinner held on 31st January 2017.

CITHA WEEK-END, London, 28th – 30th September 2017 ISTA is a member of the Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations, which represents international trader associations across Europe; its secretariat is in Berlin. ISTA hosted CITHA’s 2017 annual meeting and laid on the following programme: - Day one: Dinner at 45 Jermyn Street; Attendance at the ISTA RAC Reception; - Day two: Visit to the London Metal Exchange, which kindly agreed to accommodate the CITHA AGM. After a presentation by the LME, delegates were shown the Ring, the LME’s open outcry trading floor, in action. Lunch at the Engineering Employers Federation followed by presentations on Brexit given by: • Dr Adam Marshall, Director-General, British Chambers of Commerce • Mr Fergus Harradence, Deputy Director, Steel Team Infrastructure & Materials, BEIS – Dept. of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy • Ms Alice Marques, Senior Associate, HFW – Holman Fenwick Willan Dinner at the Boot & Flogger, Southwark - Day three: Bankside (Southwark) walking tour River ferry to/from Westminster Tour of the Houses of Parliament Dinner at the Swan, Globe Theatre, Southwark Those present represented Germany, France (Confederation Francaise du Commerce de Gros et du Commerce International), Italy (AICE Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero), Spain (Club de Exportadores E Inversores) and Switzerland (Handel Schweiz).

WEBSITE During the year the chairwoman has led a review of ISTA’s website in co-operation with Elastacloud, who are now managing it.

8 ISTA CONSTITUTION The Association is changing its status from an unincorporated trade association to one that is a company limited by guarantee. To this end ISTA Ltd. was registered with the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales on 22nd July 2015 (Company No. 9698402). However, asset transfer formalities have taken longer than anticipated and at the time of preparing this report ISTA Ltd. is, in effect, a dormant company.

In concluding this report, I would like to thank members of the Executive Committee, including our officers, Tony Singer (President), Brian Paterson (Deputy Chairman) and Alan Fowle (Treasurer) and our Director, Hugh Bailey, for their work over the past year. A special thanks to my predecessor, Jeff Kabel, our Chairman Emeritus, for all he has done for ISTA and for facilitating use of the RAC Club. I would also like to thank Gerry Craggs, Chairman of ISTA Singapore, and Jeff Kabel, ISTA’s representative on ISTA Singapore for their work in developing ISTA’s overseas branch over the past year. Mr Craggs’s report Simone Jordan, ISTA Chairwoman follows on from my one. Plans are afoot for a European branch of ISTA and this, no doubt, will feature in next year’s report.

Simone Jordan ISTA Chairwoman November 2017

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ISTA Singapore International Steel Trade Association Singapore Ltd. 12 Marina Boulevard, #30-03, Marina Bay Tower 3, Singapore 018982 Email: [email protected]

ISTA Singapore Board Chairman: Gerry Craggs (Stemcor (S.E.A. Pte Ltd) Vice-Chairman: Olaf Bluemke (Cremer Steel) ISTA Representative: Jeffrey Kabel

Membership As at 31 Oct 2017, ISTA Singapore has a membership of 24 companies made up of 11 Fellows and 13 Associates. Gerry Craggs, Chairman, ISTA Singapore

Board Meetings A Board meeting was held on 24 April 2017. On 18th August a special resolution was passed reducing the number of obligatory Board Meetings under the constitution from four to one.

Singapore Iron Ore Week, April 2017 ISTA’s President, Chairwoman and Chairman Emeritus visited Singapore in April and attended various events during the Singapore Iron Ore Week to raise ISTA’s profile and encourage new members to join. The week commenced with a reception on the Monday 24th for members and guests at the offices of Clyde & Co., which was well attended. On 27th April, I served on the Singapore Iron Ore Forum’s steel panel, which discussed opportunities and challenges for the Asian steel industry arising from the Chinese One Belt One Road policy.

Social Reception On 30th August 2017, our first social reception was held at Beaujolais Wine Bar, Club Street and received very positive feed-back.

ISTA Singapore Derivatives Seminar On 24th November, ISTAS is holding a Derivatives Seminar in collaboration with associate members SGX and the LME. The aim of the seminar is to educate steel producers, traders and consumers in SE Asia on the way that derivative products may be used to manage their price risk; on the availability of existing products; and on future potential based on the developments in other similar commodities. The event will be held at the premises of IE Singapore and will be followed by a cocktail reception.

London Metal Exchange On 12th September LME organized a one day Gala covering all their products, during which I participated as a panelist in the Ferrous Session. I have also been invited to join the LME Steel Committee, on behalf of ISTA Singapore, to provide an Asian insight for their existing and future ferrous contracts.

10 New Year Social We will be holding our next social event on 1st February when members should be suitably recovered from their Christmas/New Year celebrations but not yet engaged in Chinese New Year festivities.

Administrative Support I am grateful for the administrative and accounting support provided by Ms Azura Yusoff.

Gerry Craggs Chairman, ISTA Singapore 31st October 2017

ISTA SINGAPORE MEMBERSHIP As at 31st October 2017 - There are currently 24 members Argus Media Singapore Group Associate Media CARES Associate Certification Authority Chinsay Pte Ltd Associate Trading software provider Clyde & Co. Clasis Singapore Associate Legal David Trotter Consulting Associate Consultancy DBS Bank Ltd Associate Bank Ferrostaal Singapore Pte Ltd Fellow Steel Trader Freight Investor Services Associate Broker Gerald Singapore Associate Iron Ore Trader Indo International Trading Pte Ltd Fellow Steel Trader Jurong Port Pte Ltd Fellow Port Operator London Metal Exchange Associate Steel Trader Mer Lion Metals Pte Ltd Associate Steel Trader Mysteel Singapore Associate Media OCBC Bank Associate Bank Peter Cremer (Singapore) Gmbh Fellow Steel Trader S&P Global Associate Media Singapore Exchange (SGX) Fellow Exchange Singapore Jinteng International Pte Ltd Fellow Steel Mill (China) Smart Timing Steel Fellow Steel Trader SSY Futures Fellow Broker Steelinvest Fellow Steel Trader Stemcor (S.E.A) Pte Ltd Fellow Steel Trader Yuan Resources Pte Ltd Fellow Steel Trader



Simone Jordan, ISTA Chairwoman with Jeff Kabel, Chairman Emeritus, Hugh Bailey, Director, Alan Fowle, Treasurer and Tony Singer, President. Brian Paterson, Deputy Chairman, was unavailable.


Marcus Brigstocke entertaining guests at the ISTA Annual Lunch, 2nd December 2016.

Hugh Bailey and Alan Fowle welcome Marcus Brigstocke to the ISTA Lunch 2016.


ISTA group during visit to British Steel, Scunthorpe.

The following is the text of ISTA’s thank you note to Ms Marie McKay, Commercial Manager - ISSC, British Steel, Scunthorpe, following a visit by 20 representatives of ISTA member companies.

ISTA would like to thank British Steel, Scunthorpe, for the warm welcome you gave us on our visit to your works on 8th July. In particular, we are grateful to Ron Wilkins, Site Visit Co-Ordinator, and his knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides, Terry, Paul, Graham and Gareth.

We were given a very comprehensive introduction to the plant as we toured by coach. We had the privilege to see everything from mounds of raw material - the limestone and iron ore blending beds formed a spectacular, stark, landscape – to the four iron-producing blast furnaces (not all operating) named after Queens of England and then we were introduced to rolling mills. We were taken round both the Concast plant where molten steel was being cast into blooms and the Rod Mill where we saw these blooms being reduced down to coils from which staples, and numerous other products, are made. We also saw immense lengths of Scunthorpe-produced rail being moved perhaps to end up under the wheels of the trains that brought some of us up from Kings Cross.

Many of our group worked for steel traders and were relatively new entrants to the business - although one member of our party had been employed at Scunthorpe thirty or so years ago – and this was their first mill visit. The heat and red-hot steel, the heavy equipment, overhead tubes and some steam all associated with steel production will be etched in their memories and recalled, with affection, throughout their careers in steel. This was far better than sitting in an office watching a You Tube presentation!

Hugh Bailey Director International Steel Trade Association

October 2017


1987 Sara Davies 2007 Michael Taylor 1989 Julie Jones 2008 Melissa Bullen (logistics) 1990 John Short & Warren Ruhomon (trading) 1991 Gaynor Bissell 2009 Jamie Jeffrey (logistics) 1992 Mark Landon & Enrico Glausch (trading) 1993 Minal Shah 2010 Rebecca Boardman (logistics) 1994 Laraine Beaney & Julianne Hicks (trading) 1995 Siobhan Wood 2011 Jonathan Braham-Everett (logistics) 1997 Harriet Spooner & Timo Hobusch (trading) 1998 Corinna Kingston 2012 Tara Smith (logistics) 1999 Franck Nadel & Shahnawaz Islam (trader) 2000 Jason Green 2013 Emma Barlow (logistics) 2001 Alex Gordienko & Nicolas Miño (trader) 2002 Michael Bienz 2014 Mick Wittich (trader) 2003 Steven Porter & Phillip Price (trader) 2004 Lara Marshall & Kaysha Stopps 2015 Rosanna Whittaker (trader) 2005 Elena Nikolaeva & Neelu Dattani 2016 Karim Chafia (trade support) 2006 Richard Shelley & Abigail Croucamp & Luke French (trader)

Tony Singer, President, with Winners of the President’s Award 2016, Luke French (left) and Karim Chafia (right).

15 D

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PAST HONORARY OFFICERS President 1979 H A Oppenheimer 1987 A A Lazarus 2002 A Clasen 1981 A A Lazarus 1989 G L Sinclair 2004 D J Walster 1983 J L Cognet 1996 H Edmonds 2006 Tony Ward 1985 R N M Ward 1999 M Verden 2008 Tony Singer Chairman Deputy Treasurer 1969 H A Oppenheimer A A Lazarus 1970 A A Lazarus J L Cognet 1971 T Obaditch A A Lazarus 1972 G Reece-Smith W A Morris 1973 G Reece-Smith G J Keen R N M Ward 1974 G J Keen H Edmonds R N M Ward 1975 R N M Ward A A Lazarus H Edmonds 1976 A A Lazarus J L Cognet H Edmonds 1977 J L Cognet H Edmonds R N M Ward 1978 H Edmonds A J Littler R N M Ward 1979 A J Littler A A Lazarus R N M Ward 1980 A A Lazarus R H Lethbridge R N M Ward 1981 R H Lethbridge G L Sinclair R N M Ward 1983 G L Sinclair M H Nash H Edmonds 1984 M H Nash A M D Lewis H Edmonds 1985 A M D Lewis F Clayton H Edmonds 1986 F Clayton D J Walster H Edmonds 1987 D J Walster G L Sinclair H Edmonds 1988 G L Sinclair H Edmonds 1989 G L Sinclair J Verden D J Walster 1990 J Verden R H Lever D J Walster 1991 R H Lever M L Smith D J Walster 1992 M L Smith A Ward M H Nash 1993 A Ward J Verden M H Nash 1994 J Verden A Clasen M H Nash 1995 A Clasen E A Elgar M H Nash 1996 E A Elgar R Sands M H Nash 1997 R Sands A Baldwin J Verden 1998 A Baldwin J Bishop J Verden 1999 J Bishop P Leadbeater J Verden 2000 J Bishop P Leadbeater J Verden 2001 R Sands R Krieger J Verden 2002 P Edmonds K Beckett J Verden 2003 K Beckett I Sherwin J Verden 2004 I Sherwin S Davies J Verden 2005 S Davies M Wilde J Verden 2006 Ian Sherwin Mel Wilde Alan Fowle 2007 Ian Sherwin Mel Wilde Alan Fowle 2008 Mel Wilde Toby Gladstone Alan Fowle 2009 Mel Wilde Ian Sherwin Alan Fowle 2010 Godfrey Watt Derek James Alan Fowle 2011 Godfrey Watt Derek James Alan Fowle 2012 Godfrey Watt Derek James Alan Fowle 2013 Derek James Jeff Kabel Alan Fowle 2014 Jeff Kabel Tony Feek Alan Fowle 2015 Jeff Kabel Tony Feek Alan Fowle 2016 Jeff Kabel Simone Jordan Alan Fowle 2017 Simone Jordan Brian Paterson Alan Fowle


ISTA is a member of the Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations and was pleased to host this year’s annual convention. Details appear on page 8 of this ISTA handbook.

Visit for ongoing information about ISTA. A membership application form can be downloaded from the website.

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