Fear Week 4 Embracing God’s Faithfulness

Trusting God:

Have you ever been afraid about the future? Frequently, we are concerned/ worried/ afraid because we do not know what the future holds. Sometimes we realize that we are not in control of the future and this can be especially difficult. is interjected in the Old Testament deals with fear of the future. It is one of a few books that deals intimately with one person’s struggle- Naomi. Ruth, who the book is named after, is Naomi’s daughter-in-law. Upon the death of Naomi’s husband and sons, Naomi left for her homeland- a widow without any support with daughter-in-laws without any support would be at risk in the land of her husband’s family. In other words, in a society where women could not work, they needed either a husband or a son to take care of them. Naomi and Ruth had none! Let’s catch up to the story there. . 6- 22 tells the story of Naomi’s offer to her daughter-in-laws to leave her and find husbands for themselves. This is a generous act, but the focus is one Naomi’s ability to take care of the future, not God. Naomi understood that the other women were young enough to find husbands to provide safety and children for her daughter-in-laws, but that many people would not want the burden of an older mother-in-law. In spite of this situation, Ruth decides to stay with her mother-in-law. This shows a lot of trust in God for their future. It would have been easier for Ruth to turn away from Naomi and marry someone to protect and provide for her, but she chooses to stay with God’s plan for her. . 1- 16 shares the introduction of as a kinsman to Naomi who provides generously to Ruth. His provision is done in such a way as to maintain Ruth’s integrity and make sure she had more than enough in order to provide for her and Naomi. Eventually, Boaz will marry Ruth in . 1- 12. So the story is sort of complete. The story seems interesting- if not sort of like a soap opera, but why is it Biblical? What about Ruth makes her so fundamental to the Bible? Well, the ending of the story answers this question. Ruth 4. 13- 22 shares the genealogy of . The man after God’s own heart is directly descended from Ruth. As Christians, we know that Jesus is descended from David. Therefore, this story is fundamental to a promise made long ago to Abraham. All nations would be blessed through him. God’s faithfulness remains- even when the times appear difficult and the future would seem lost!

Fear Week 4 Embracing God’s Faithfulness

Study Guide

Day 1: Read Ruth 1. 1- 22

Can you imagine what it would be like to feel as helpless as Ruth and Naomi would have? Have you ever worried about what the future would hold? Do you think you could trust your future to God’s hands as Ruth does?

Pray that God can help you trust Him even more for your future. Ask God to remind you to stick with Him because He desires to work for your good- even if you do not see it (Romans 8.28)

Day 2: Read Ruth 2. 1- 23

Boaz is an unexpected joy for Ruth and Naomi because God is using Him to provide for them. Who has God used to help you throughout your life? Do you see them as a part of God’s plan to guide and protect you? Boaz understands his role and ensures that the women are taken care of and provided for- even though Ruth and Naomi did not know God’s plan, God had prepared for their faithfulness!

Pray that God can help lead you to people who can serve God’s purposes in your life. Ask God to keep you focused on Him so that you can trust Him to provide for the future.

Day 3: Read Ruth 4. 1- 22

Boaz redeems Ruth- in other words, he takes her as his wife and his responsibility. The real beauty of the story is this: God’s faithfulness extends far beyond the mortal life of Ruth! Because of her faithfulness, King David is born! This is a reminder that God’s faithfulness extents even beyond our lives. We can truly trust Him not only with our future, but with everyone’s future.

Pray that God will remind you that He is in control and that you do not need to be afraid. Seek to rest in God’s presence remembering that He has His loving hands in your life.