A-Series Computers
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Karen Campbell, Editor Tracy Wester, Editorial haisrtant June Wedding, eIrcuXinLion . '''dln ' 7 Computer Marketing Group ( , r". PJ~ / / Cornpt~terRdr keling Group/ !') 'Third Party Prograrrl 4 CMG 8 DSD i I ) Cornpc~terSoppntt Division Ed Case W~nsHP 125 Contest WPSWCE Leverages $123,008 , System Sde at Honeywell L -? ,$ Computer Suppats Opmtion Computer Products Purchase Agreement C~rrectkSeb A6OO/A7$JO/RTe-X. I Mailing terns Re-Marketing Opration Cust0rners"xpechtions Nurnber 3 HB SSS 'Technical Currtpufer Group PtUS's Spells Success! DSNIX.25 Sarppoded on the Data Systerris Didsinti WP PLUS Contracts for MB 1008 &Series Computers Personal Computers and Roseville Division The 26088 on the HP IklW -- Terminal Products CiaMeation Kokogawa Csn~prrkzrDivision 5 CSD I Desktop Conlpnter Dbuision I r\ Quick Update from RW 'I- ' Doeblinger~Desktop Cornputel Division Markefiny HP 2250 vs. lUeR 1- , New Documentation Structure Personal Comb,u&rtbg L3ivision Organiza~onb Easy Atb Media for the OER PSI Card Storage Cabinets I Grertoble Tecbinical Systenls Operation Offer Your Customer a L, .. Elusmess Computer Group Convenient, LOWCost Solutloan to PdnterjTerminal SBnds Smaller HB 9826j36 Menrow [;/ Business Compuker Group/ SCzas Needed for Sohare 1' , Wppllcat~onSyiybtents New M Strata@ Seminar is r Availtable Y Comptrtrr Syslerns I)rviston SRO Return Procedtrres - WP Gmpkics Marketing Council Successful Re-Marke~ngin Takes P\ctjon Financial Systems Operatio11 Europe E(iSj45: Where Else Can You European Re-Marketing Sell it? OperalSon Now &tabtished Mani~lactrrringSystems Operation Success dth NP Sedas J3R .-~ PCD (.-, :>kJ Co~~irncrcialSystems Plneruood Hew Pip-86 is HP's lirigen General Systerns Division Lowest-Pdced Persolral co~llputer Data lemminals DMsion HPBS interlacing Strength Wins I Systcrnr Divisief~ Again New MP PLUS Sobare kr renoble Division HE)-85 Personal Computer Cornputer Periyhemls Qrclup Sel.ics 80 "kersonal Successes" Conunue New Backp-slane Polley for the - -1' Colorddo Springs lnstrrmmenrt Croup HP-85 1 \ San Olego D~wsronlrrstn~ment Group I' J ,.. - Vanccuver Biuision HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. Vol. 7, No. 17 Business Computers Computer Terminals On the Cover: Hewlett-Packards lowest price, newest personal computer is the HP-86, which 19 BCG 25 DTD features software for word processing. Business Computers Software HP 2647F: Interest Is Running information management, accounting and many other solutions forprofessionals. See Directory Update Now Available High article beginning on page 14. General Accounting/3000 HP 2623A Special Option F07 Leads to New System Sales ANSI Compatible Terminal Value-added System Supplier When to Sell the HP 2622Avs. Logos Are Ready HP 2624B 13296A (Shared Peripheral Interface) and Options Additional CST Entries for Publications to Support Special HP 3000 Series 64 Systems Products HP Series 64 Has New Console HP 262 I B Goes Canadian HP 250 Rated Best in Datapro Survey! Computer Peripherals 21 IND 28 BSE DSNlX.25 Supported on the How to Save HP 2680 HP 1000A-Series Computers Prospects Money on Their Printing Costs L DSNIDS for the HP 1000 1 DSNlX.25 Additional Network HP 2680 Graphics Brochure Certification Available Connecting Terminals to Reliability of HP 26088 Computer Systems Over X.25 Demonstrated by Lower PSNs Service Prices HPTOOLSET Sales Aids Switchbox and Dual HP 7976As Supported Information on data communica- tions products for the HP 1000 23 CSP will now be found under the 29 COL Information Networks Division TDPl3000 and the Laser (IND) section of Business Com- Printer User's Guide and Software Aid in Selling lnteGrall60 puters. IND currently has tactical and product responsibility for DS, 24 BGD 30 VCD IBM, and X.25 communications "Winning Against" the for the HP 1000 computer family Competition Bar Codes for Teatotalers even though it is actually a part of HP 3601A Modem Cable Business Computer Group. So Dutch OEMs Get the Picture look for articles on DSNIDS, DSN/IBM and DSNlX.25 for the HP 1000under the IND section. 32 Competing with IBM Karen Campbell, Editor System 38 Computer News July 15, 1982 For Internal Use Only 3 1 HP 125 Sales Contest Winners for SF02 Computer Products I1 Units I CMG Purchase Agreement Ed Case Wins Name/Region Sold Correctly Sets Ed CaselMSR 121.00 HP 125 Contest Steve MajericklMSR 48.25 Customers' Bill RichionlCMG Pete COO~~~~MSR 47.75 Expectations Dennis Lamb/SSR 47.75 Jackie s~~~~/csR Bill RichionlCMG Martin St Amand/CSR John MagazinelMSR Your customer cannot get a discount Bill KnightISSR on a product that is shipped unless Paul Fasi/NSR the Computer Product Purchase Mike JordonINSR Agreement is in place prior to the Dave LeichtISSR product being shipped. Make certain Rich Cosmos/ESR that your customer is aware of this if Carl NessenIESR the customer is going to place an Bob Guhl/NSR order prior to concluding the Com- Gerhardt SchmidICSR puter Product Purchase Agreement. Barry BieglerINSR If an order happens to ship earlier Will LewislMSR than you or your customer expected Dave EggumIMSR and an Agreement is not in place, Tom HuclheslMSR your customer will not get a discount. Ed Case, HP-Grand Rapids, is the Rich DO~~~ESR official winner of the HP 125 Contest Charlie DingmanIESR Your customer should understand with 121.OO units credited to his Tim WhelanIESR that the functional units of a Price name! His effort also gave Jim Judy DuchesneINSR Clause cannot be increased once a Ditulio the prize for the top District Bob ShafronINSR product has been shipped under that Manager in North America, and the Steve KellyINSR Price Clause. Grand Rapids office the top position Ron VernonINSR Your customer must understand that for the East Area of the Midwest Mike SchmidtlMSR the effective date of the Price Clause ~ - Lorraine ThomsonINSR reaion.J--~~ must be the date of or prior to the Ed turned in one order for over 100 Ross DuncanINSR 17.25 date of the purchase order for the units right at the wire to bump Steve Pam Odle/NSR 17.00 first product that is to be discounted Majerick from the top position. Steve Bill Pate/NSR 17.00 under the Price Clause. Gary HalsteadISSR 16.25 had been at the top for a number of Your customer can only enter into a months. John BurichlMSR 16.00 Glen Lowry/lYSR 16.00 new Price Clause when the customer Three hundred ninety-five SRs were Bob DeutschIESR 16.00 has either 100% fulfilled the com- credited with HP 125 sales. 1.227 mitment of the Price Clause or 12 f HP 125s were ordered in the last months from the effective date of the three days of April. Twenty-five Dis- Top Five District Managers Price Clause, whichever is first. f trict Managers had over 30 units cre- in North America These are cardinal points of which 1 dited to their names. Almost every District ManagerIOffice Q~Y your customer should be aware. It is area in North America contained at difficult for you, embarrassing for HP. 1i least one district which sold 25 or Jim Ditulio/Grand Rapids 125.00 and bad for the HP/customer rela- 1 more units. Vince KhannaIBrisbane 79.25 tionship if the customer's expecta- i Ben Clark1L.A Airport 77.50 tions differ from the above. i Frank Hogan/Ft. Lauderdale 74.00 i E. Westernskow/Englewood 57.00 I i Jack Greene/Piscataway 57.00 1 1 i Computer News July 15. 1982 ! 4 For Internal use Only Computer Marketing The Manual Update Service, pro- viding automatic mailing of all CSD related manual changes to your customers as updates are made HP PLUS Contracts available by the related product divisions for Personal Series 40SX/40/44 Should customers find them- Computers and Cooperative selves in need of replacing or exchanging a part from their Terminal Products Support Program service inventoly, the Cooperative Ray CeboldlCMG Ron Shlitzkus/CSY and Support program provides the Jay FriedrnanlCSD acquisition of repair parts through (For US only) With the addition of the Assembly Exchange Program. personal computers and terminal Do you have a technically sophisti- If you have any questions about the products to the HP PLUS program, cated customer or a customer geo- Cooperative Support Program for the "factoly driven" procedures were graphically located outside HP's ser- the HP 3000 Series 40SX, 40, or 44, introduced. This means the product vice areas? Is your customer consid- please feel free to contact CSD or divisions will be responsible for ering doing their own maintenance? BCG Sales Development. In addition, administering all aspects of their If so, HP now has a program to help CSD can assist you with a Self- program, including qualifying the the customer be successful with Maintenance Package (SMP) to help supplier into the program and self-maintenance on their HP 3000 you and your customer make deci- determining what development in- Series 40SX, 40, or 44 computer sions on training requirements, centives to grant. The support re- system and related peripherals. spare parts stocking, documenta- quired from the field organization will The Cooperative Support Program tion, tools and test equipment needs. be on an occasional basis only and provides your customer with an etc. Because the SMP is custom- very limited in scope. Primarily this in-depth study on the maintenance tailored to your customer's system support will be the taking of orders and operation of the HP 3000 Series configuration, please contact CSD for demo/development systems; the 40SX, 40 and 44 system processor sales Development early and allow exception being those suppliers who unit, as well as technical training at least three weeks lead time for also have packages for the HP 1000, covering the maintenance and oper- preparation. Prior to contacting CSD HP 3000, or HP 9800 systems.