Monroe City School Board of Education 2006 Tower Drive Monroe, 71201

The Monroe City School Board met in regular session, Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at Monroe City School District Central Office, 2006 Tower Drive; Monroe, Louisiana 71201. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Muhammad. Prayer was offered by Bishop Rodney McFarland and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Attorney Doug Lawrence.

Agenda Item 1C – Roll Call

Board Members Present: Mrs. Victoria Dayton, Mrs. Victoria Krutzer, Mr. James Traweek, Mr. Clarence Sharp, Bishop Rodney McFarland, Sr. and Mr. Verbon Muhammad, Sr.

Board Member Absent: Mr. Glynn Ludley

Action Item 1D – Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Traweek and seconded by Mrs. Krutzer, to approve the agenda with the addition of a field trip request from Wossman High School. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 2 – Points of Pride

J. S. Clark Silver Award – Ms. Brenda Brewer-Hildebrand, State Manger for AR, LA and NM recognized J. S. Clark staff and Mrs. Stephanie Weaver, MCS School Food Service Supervisor for receiving the Silver Award of Distinction in the Healthier US School Challenge. The HUSSC Challenge is a voluntary certification initiative that recognizes schools participating in the National School Lunch Program that have created healthier school environment through promotion of nutrition and physical activity

2012 Teachers of the Year – Mrs. Teresa Foreman presented the 2012 Teachers of the Year. Kimberly Long, Barkdull Faulk Elementary; Rhonda Jones, Berg Jones Elementary; Shitra Gilliam, Carver Elementary; Karla Doss, Clara Hall Elementary; Melinda Gorman, J. S. Clark Magnet School; Ashley Loyd, Cypress Point Elementary; Khajana Green, Jefferson Elementary; Linda Maddox, Lexington Elementary; MaKeesha Bell, Lincoln Elementary; Jamekia Dial-Hunter, Madison Foster Elementary; Larry Burrell, Minnie Ruffin Elementary; Rebekah Meredith, Sallie Humble Elementary (elementary district winner); Bernadine Staten, Carroll Jr. High; Karla Brown, Lee Jr. High; Anthony Pitts, MLK Middle School (junior high district winner); Buck Picard, Sherrouse; Craig Ferguson, Carroll High; Karari Hanks, Neville High (high school district winner) and Chandra Houston, Wossman High.

Action Item 3 – Consent Agenda Items

On a motion by Mr. Traweek and seconded by Mrs. Dayton, the Board approved the following consent agenda items: March 20, 2012 Board minutes; Minnie Ruffin Jr. Beta Club to Lafayette,

LA, May 2-4, 2012; Lexington Orchestra to Lake Charles, LA, April 30-May 1, 2012; April 17, 2012 Human Resources Agenda; February 2012 financial statements. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action Item 4 – Consent Items for Separate Consideration


Action Item 5 – Permission to hire an Orchestra and Band Director

On a motion by Mr. Traweek and seconded by Bishop McFarland, the Board approved the hiring of one band director and one orchestra director. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action item 6A– Naming of Carroll High School Choir Room

On a motion by Mr. Sharp and seconded by Bishop McFarland, the Board approved the name of the Carroll High School choir room in honor of Mrs. Barbara Bonner. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action Item 6B – Approval of 2012-2013 School Calendar

It was moved by Mr. Traweek and seconded by Mrs. Dayton, to table this item. Mr. Traweek and Mrs. Dayton stated that they received several calls about the calendar.

Mrs. Krutzer asked why the district is not following the same school calendar as Ouachita Parish.

Mrs. Irwin replied that the calendar was designed to follow Bulletin 741 which allows for five additional instructional days. She noted that the calendar was shared with staff and she only received two comments.

Dr. Harris noted that the parish designed their calendar for budgetary cost saving measures and MCS designed its calendar in the best interest of students and the academic program. She stated that she understands the need to coordinate with the parish, but she urged the Board to adopt the calendar because it give students needed instructional time.

Bishop McFarland stated that all concerns should have been addressed with appropriate staff; instead, staff called Board members and circumvented the process. If proper protocol had been followed, the Board would not be having this discussion because the issue could have been resolved.

Mr. Traweek indicated that there are always other options. He is asking that the calendar be revisited to see what those options are.

Dr. Harris asked for direction if this item is tabled. Since staff called Board members and did not call the committee chair, she is unsure what the concerns are. She again asked for clear directive from the Board on how to bring the calendar back.

Bishop McFarland stated that tabled items must be brought back exactly as initially presented.

Mrs. Irwin stated that she also needs clear direction because changing the calendar will affect ten, eleven, and twelve month employees.

Dr. Harris asked if the directive is to produce another calendar for the upcoming meeting.

Mr. Muhammad replied “yes” and that concerns should be sent to Mrs. Irwin. He then stated that the directive will be given after the meeting.

Dr. Harris asked if the directive is from the Board or the president. She stated that a directive given after a meeting is not a part of a legal meeting’s official record.

Dayton stated that the majority of the Board is saying that the calendar needs to be reconsidered. She does not want to take away major instructional time, but she would like to see “option 2” if there is one.

The motion to table agenda item 6B carried on a majority vote. Mrs. Krutzer and Bishop McFarland opposed.

Dr. Harris stated that there still is no clear direction or consensus from the Board. If the Board is asking that a meeting be convened and another calendar presented, then she is waiting on that directive. She indicated that the Boards’ role is to approve the calendar; not to compile it.

Attorney Lawrence noted that the Board can have input on the calendar.

Bishop McFarland suggested that the committee reconvene and discuss other options.

Action Item 6C – Awarding of School Bus Bids

On a motion by Bishop McFarland and seconded by Mr. Sharp, the Board awarded the school bus bid as indicated on the spreadsheet. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action Item 6D – Automated Substitute Locator System

It was moved by Mrs. Krutzer and seconded by Mr. Traweek, to approve the Aesop Substitute Locator System.

Public comment: Ms. Gloria Walker asked how she will be trained to use the new system.

Dr. Brantley noted that the Aesop system is being used by 49 states and eight parishes in Louisiana. The cost to implement the program is $8,150 with a $4,000 fee for training. The program can also be utilized for bus drivers, custodial and cafeteria staff.

The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action item 6E – Revised Lease Agreement with Graham Surghnor Lodge #383

On a motion by Mr. Sharp and seconded by Mrs. Krutzer, the Board approved a revised lease agreement with Graham Surghnor Lodge #383 for the continued use of lodge-owned property for employee parking. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action Item 6F – Authorization to issue RFPs for outsourcing Transportation, Maintenance and Custodial

The item died due to the lack of a motion.

Action Item 6G – Authorization to issue RFPs for Business, Human Resources and Student Information Systems

It was moved by Mrs. Krutzer and seconded by Bishop McFarland to issue RFPs for Business, Human Resources and Student Information Systems.

Dr. Harris stated that Race to the Top funds will be used for these systems. She noted that an approved use of the fund is to improve technology so that districts can have ease of access for human capital and student information.

Mr. Leporati stated that the district currently uses three different systems and they are not integrated; however, the new system may or may not replace Jpams.

Mrs. Krutzer stated that she wants to know what the deliverable will be; therefore, she asks that the Board see the language in the RFP.

The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Action Item 6H - One Time Retirement Incentive Plan

It was moved by Bishop McFarland and seconded by Mr. Muhammad to approve a one time retirement incentive plan.

Mrs. Krutzer stated that it was discussed at a Finance Committee meeting that 51 positions could be cut though attrition and class size.

Bishop McFarland noted that the previous superintendent brought forth an incentive plan and it worked well.

Mrs. Dayton stated that she is not opposed to the concept, but she is unsure of the impact on the district due to new legislation and the charter application. The district may have to do something like this at a later date; however, the matter may be resolved through attrition.

Ms. Davona Howard stated that in an effort to reach a zero based budget, staff was looking at creative ways to do so.

Dr. Brantley noted that staffing has been completed and that staff will be reduced by twenty five teachers.

After further discussion, the motion and second was withdrawn. The matter will be referred to the Finance Committee.

Agenda Item 6I – Wossman High School Baseball Field update

Bishop McFarland indicated that the school has been without a home baseball field for three years.

Mr. Traweek stated that this project will be a joint venture with the city of Monroe just as it has been for Carroll High and Neville. He suggested that Board members contact their council member and urge them to move the project forward.

Agenda Item 7 – Report of Board Members

Mrs. Dayton reported that the Superintendent Evaluation Committee met and the minutes have been emailed to Board members. Several persons have asked that there be one time to turn in both evaluation instruments - this will allow time for receipt of test data. She ask that Attorney Lawrence speak with Dr. Harris about the suggested change. At this time, the first part of the evaluation is scheduled to be turned in to Attorney Lawrence by Friday, April 27th. Being that she is now chair of the Insurance Committee, a meeting date will be announced. Also, a Policy Committee work session will be scheduled for mid May to discuss new policies and policies that Board members have expressed an interest in revisiting.

Mr. Traweek noted that a Facilities Committee meeting will be announced. He noted that facility improvements are contingent upon acceptance of the 2012 Student Assignment Plan by the Department of Justice. Mrs. Krutzer and Mrs. Dayton stated that Lexington and Minnie Ruffin are still overcrowded. Mrs. Krutzer suggested that the district hire an architect to draw plans for a new wing. She noted that other districts have plans drawn and they duplicate those plans for other buildings.

Agenda Item 8 – Superintendent Announcements

Dr. Harris noted that the listed reports are for information only and that staff is present to answer questions. She indicated that detailed information is in the executive summaries.

2012-2013 Summer School: The number of sites will be reduced from last year. This year’s programs will consist of regular summer school, LEAP, 21st Century and credit recovery.

2012 Summer Work schedule: The district will operate on a four day schedule for June and July. Staff will work longer hours with reduced lunch break. This will align MCS with surrounding districts. Mrs. Dayton noted that policy GBRC addresses days not minutes. She also stated that the Salary Study noted that central office staff is not working the required number of days. She further stated that she does not have a problem with the schedule if offices are open when schools are open and no policy is being violated.

Supplemental Educational Services: There were no questions or concerns.

SRCL Grant: Staff and the superintendent traveled to Baton Rouge to defend the grant. Dr. Lynn Morris noted that this grant, an extension of the Reading First Grant, has been awarded to only six states.

Prismatic Study Implementation: There were no questions or concerns.

Dr. Harris stated that the district is working on several new initiatives and staff needs assistance. One specialist is retiring and one specialist is on extended leave; this puts a burden on staff. She is asking for permission to add one person to central office and to add one month to an employee’s contract. Mrs. Krutzer stated that the district may not be able to participate in every pilot program because it puts additional work on teachers, and their primary job is instruction. Dr. Harris noted that the plan presented is for information only and will be added to the agenda for action at a later date. Mr. Traweek asked if Dr. Turpin will be returning. Dr. Harris replied that she will be returning at the same level and rate of pay; however, Board policy allows staff to be assigned other duties and responsibilities. Mrs. Dayton stated that due process should be considered when authority is removed.

Addition to the agenda – School Based Health Center Letter of Consent

Attorney Lawrence reported that the federal agency that is the grantor of funds for the School Based Health Clinic, located on the campus of Carroll Jr. High, is requesting a written agreement that acknowledges the district is aware that St. Francis can be replaced with another provider if they are out of compliance and do not take corrective action.

On a motion by Mrs. Dayton and seconded by Mr. Traweek, the Board added to the agenda a letter of consent for the School Based Health Clinic. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

On a motion by Mrs. Dayton and second by Mr. Traweek, the Board approved a letter of consent for the School Based Health Clinic. The motion carried on a unanimous vote

Agenda Item 9 – Future Meetings

Board Meetings: May 1, 2012 and May 22, 2012 Conference: National School Boards Association Conference - April 21-23, 2012; Boston, MA

Action Item 10 – Executive Session

On a motion by Mrs. Dayton and seconded by Mr. Sharp, the Board convened in executive session at 8:35 p.m. to receive a report on Andrews -vs- Monroe City School Board, No. 65-11,297 (USDC- W.D. of Louisiana). The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

Reconvene in Open Session

The Board reconvened in open session at 9:00 p.m. and took no action.

Action Item 11 – Recess/Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. upon a motion by Bishop McFarland and seconded by Mrs. Krutzer. The motion carried on a unanimous vote.

______Mr. Verbon Muhammad Sr. Dr. Kathleen Harris Board President Superintendent