To Apply For Financial Aid in Academic Year Parents’ Financial Statement Instruction Booklet 2013-2014 Th is instruction booklet walks you through completing your Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) as part of your application for fi nancial aid for the 2013-14 academic year. Th e PFS form is stapled in the center of this instruction booklet. Step 1: Prepare to Apply For faster processing Find Frequently Asked Questions on page 2. of your PFS, apply online at Step 2: Complete the PFS Find line-by-line help starting on page 3. Find a list of SSS Codes for participating schools on page 13. Step 3: Sign Your PFS and Provide Nonrefundable Payment Find important tips on page 7. Read the legal Terms and Conditions that you agree to when you submit your PFS on page 19. Step 4: Mail Your PFS to School and Student Services (SSS) Find important tips and SSS addresses on page 7. Step 5: Submit Additional Documents You’ve Been Told to Send to SSS Find important tips on page 7. Find a Required Documents Cover Sheet on page 8. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? If you include your email address on your PFS, you’ll receive an email conÀ rmation letting you know your PFS has been received and providing you your PFS IdentiÀ cation number. You can use that PFS ID number to go to the PFS Online at where you can check on the status of documents you have submitted and view your Family Report. Call (800) 344-8328 or email
[email protected] with questions.