TECHNICAL TRANSACTIONS CZASOPISMO TECHNICZNE FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES NAUKI PODSTAWOWE 2-NP/2015 STANISŁAW DOMORADZKI*, MAŁGORZATA STAWISKA** DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES IN MATHEMATICS OF JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY IN THE INTERWAR PERIOD. PART II: 1926‒1939 WYBITNI ABSOLWENCI MATEMATYKI NA UNIWERSYTECIE JAGIELLOŃSKIM W OKRESIE MIĘDZYWOJENNYM. CZĘŚĆ II: 1926‒1939 Abstract In this study, we continue presenting profiles of some distinguished graduates in mathematics of the Jagiellonian University. We consider the years 1926‒1939, after the ministerial reform which allowed the students to graduate with a master’s degree. We also give a list of master’s theses in mathematics. Keywords: history of mathematics in Poland, Jagiellonian University, Cracow Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedstawiamy sylwetki niektórych wybitnych absolwentów Uniwersy- tetu Jagiellońskiego w zakresie matematyki. Rozważamy lata 1926‒1939, po reformie ministe- rialnej umożliwiającej studentom ukończenie studiów w stopniu magistra. Podajemy także listę prac magisterskich z matematyki. Słowa kluczowe: historia matematyki w Polsce, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków DOI: 10.4467/2353737XCT.15.210.4415 * Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland;
[email protected] ** Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society, Ann Arbor, USA;
[email protected] 118 1. Introduction After regaining independence in 1918, the Second Republic of Poland had to build a unified modern state out of territories formerly under occupation of the three superpowers of Russia, Germany and Austro-Hungary. This required, among other things, creating a common educational system. Few academic schools existed continuously on partitoned territories; Jagiellonian University was one of them. Some schools established earlier were closed and then reviwed during World War I or after its end (University of Warsaw; Stefan Batory University in Vilnius).