
Wolverines return to Washington These reclusive might be returning to the Cascade Mountains. The you see on m i d - 1 9 0 0 s , BASIC the table here is called they were near- a . It may look like the people ly gone from in the picture are hurting it, but they the Cascades 8 aren’t. They are only putting a special in Washington. collar on it. This collar tells scientists This was because they were killed as pests where the wolverine is once they let it and for their . In the 1990s, however, go. At one time there were many wolver- a few were discovered in the ines in the Cascade Mountains. From Cascades again. Last year, a whole new the words here, can you tell where the den, or group, was found. And thanks Cascade Mountains are? (Mostly in the to the work of scientists who track these states of Washington and Oregon, but also once they are collared, we know in northern California and the Canadian more about wolverines than ever before. province of .) But by the NEXT GENERAL What do you think these But in the 1990s, there were a couple scientists are doing to of reported sightings of wolverines in the animal on the table in this picture? the area. Scientists from the U.S. Forest (They are putting a special collar on it so Service decided to set some live traps that when they release it they can track its to see if there were really wolverines in movements.) This animal is a wolverine, Washington. Eventually they caught two, an animal noted for its toughness and then three the next year. They put satellite fierce fighting ability. Despite these traits, collars on these wolverines and tracked wolverines have become quite scarce in their movements. And they learned just in the last 200 years. They how much land these animals could cover. were often hunted for their thick fur, which How far do you think a wolverine can was made into coats. Wolverines were also travel in a year? One wolverine, nick- killed as pests, due to stories that they named Xena, covered 760 square miles. would go into houses and eat people’s food, More importantly, scientists think that two or their habit of stealing bait meant to trap pairs of the wolverines might be mates. larger animals. By the middle of the 1900s, Why is this good news for the wol- the wolverines in Washington’s Cascade verines? (It means they might be having Mountains — one of their natural homes babies and increasing their population.) — had nearly disappeared. NEXT ADVANCED Through much of In 1998, a pair of scientists from the American history, the U.S. Forest Service and the Washington wolverine has been despised by humans. Department of and Wildlife began They were thought to ransack people’s to investigate. They set up cameras and cabins for food, attack their livestock, live traps, and in 2006 they caught and and eat the bait meant for larger animals. collared two wolverines. The following Wolverines were also hunted for their year they caught and collared three. This water-repelling fur, which for obvious rea- photo shows a captured wolverine being sons was highly desirable for coats and fitted with a satellite collar before release. blankets. Wolverines also fell victim to As a result of this tracking, the scientists poison bait intended for wolves and other learned just how much ground these predators. As a result, wolverines had animals can cover. The wolverine on the nearly disappeared from one of their natu- table here, nicknamed Chewbacca, was ral homes, the Cascade Mountains, by the tracked covering more than 700 square mid-1900s — although they continued to miles of . More importantly, scien- thrive in and southern Canada. tists learned that two pairs of the collared Have you ever seen a wolverine in the wolverines might be mates, due to their wild or in a zoo? similar ranges. Why is this considered Starting in 1996, a few reports sur- cause for optimism? (It might indicate a faced of wolverine sightings in Washington. stable, growing population.) NEXT  NewsCurrents Week of January 9, 2012 Wolverines return to Washington (cont'd) Wolverines are found in the northernmost parts of North America, , and . BASIC This map shows you mean? (They where wolverines live eat meat.) around the world. They live in the northern Although they parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. mostly eat 9 Wolverines like to live where it is cold and dead animals snowy for much of the year. Even though that they find under the snow, they also their name sounds like “wolf,” they are actu- sometimes hunt living animals. Wolverines ally members of the family. In addi- have thick, oily fur that helps protect them tion to , this family includes , from snow and rain. They also have a spe- , minks, and . Wolverines can cial gland that they use to mark their terri- grow to be the size of a medium . They tory with a strong scent. This is why they use their sharp claws and strong muscles to have the nickname “ .” Would defend themselves when attacked. you be afraid of a wolverine if you saw Wolverines are carnivorous. What does this one in the wild? END GENERAL Even though the wol- that appeals to wolverines? (They are cold verine’s name sounds and snowy.) Wolverines prefer to live where like “wolf,” it is not related to wolves. The it is cold and snowy for much of the year. wolverine is a member of the weasel fam- Their bodies are well suited to this climate ily, a group that includes weasels, otters, in many ways. One way is their special oily badgers, ferrets, and minks. The tiniest fur, which repels water and protects them member of this family is the least weasel, from snow, rain, and frost. which is about the size of a . The larg- Wolverines are very strong and muscular, est is the giant , but wolverines are the and have earned a reputation as a fierce largest land-dwelling member of the weasel fighter. They are also carnivorous. Who family. Adult wolverines are about the size knows what this means? (They eat other of a medium-sized dog, and weigh between animals.) They mainly eat dead animals, 20 and 50 pounds. What kind of animal but they sometimes hunt live prey. Their do you think the wolverine here most powerful jaws and special teeth help closely resembles? them eat food even when it is frozen solid. The map here shows you where wol- Wolverines will fiercely defend their food verines live in the wild. Where can they from bigger predators, including wolves, be found? (The northern parts of North cougars, and even . Do you hope America, Europe, and Asia.) What do you they make a big comeback in the wild? think these regions have in common END ADVANCED Despite their wolflike they are well adapted to such areas. Their name, wolverines are oily fur repels moisture, and their large feet not related to wolves, but are a member help them walk easily on snow, traveling 50 of the , or weasel, family. What miles or more a day. Wolverines are carnivo- other animals do you suppose are in this rous but are mainly scavengers, and can family? (This large family includes weasels, smell a dead animal through several feet of of course, but also otters, badgers, minks, snow. They have a specially adapted tooth at and ferrets.) The smallest member of this the back of their mouths that allows them to family is the least weasel, which is only tear flesh from frozen carcasses. Wolverines about the size of a mouse. While the giant will sometimes hunt live prey, and will otter is the largest member of this family, the fiercely defend their food. This, combined wolverine is the largest that lives on land. with their powerful jaws and muscular An adult wolverine weighs between 20 and frame, has earned them a fearsome reputa- 50 pounds, and grows to about the size of a tion. Wolverines have been known to attack medium-sized dog. much larger predators, including wolves, As you can see from the map here, wol- cougars, and even bears. Do you think it verines inhabit the northernmost regions would be interesting to have a wolverine of North America, Europe, and Asia. They population in your area? END prefer to live in cold, snowy, rugged terrain; NewsCurrents Week of January 9, 2012