Final design availability BDs preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Method PIT (NO) Bank Design Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days delivered to delivered Final Design Bid invitation invitation Bid Length (km)/No pcs of Length BDs approved BDs approved Status of Final of Status (UNDB online) BDs sent to the BDs to the sent

Routine and winter

Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ ICB Feb-04 2-Mar-04 regional roads in Mava 660 Prior - 1 2003-01 District Amendment I - - Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ ICB Feb-04 2-Mar-04 regional roads in 517 Prior - 2 2003-02 Kolubara District Amendment I - -

Sub-total Maintenance 1,177

Pavement rehabilitation- Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public upgrading of main road IDA WBC/RRC/ M-23, Section: 10.3 ICB Prior - 10-Feb-05 19 1-Mar-05 3 2005-01 Kragujevac-Ravni Gaj, km 80+954-km 91+280 Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-23.1, Section: Ravni ICB 21-Sep-05 5 26-Sep-05 IDA WBC/RRC/ Gaj- Kraljevo, km 0+000- 33.9 Prior - 4 2005-02 km 36+270

Amendment I - - Pavement rehabilitation-

Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Šabac- WBC/RRC/ ICB 24-Sep-05 3 27-Sep-05 20.9 Prior - 5 , km 83+314-km 2005-03 104+231 Amendment I - -

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 1/49 Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public Item IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA No 12 11 10 8 9 7 6 Amendment I Amendment I upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- Amendment II 612+334-km 623+711 (Iverak)-elije, km M-4, Section: Valjevo upgrading ofmain road Pavement rehabilitation- Valjevo, 12.4km M-4, Section:Prievii- upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- Prievii, 31.7km M-4, Section:Zavlaka- upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- Zavlaka, 25.6km M-4, Section:- upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- 128+325 Valjevo, km102+105-km M-21, Section:- 68+120-km 102+105 (Dumaa)-Koceljeva, km M-21, Section:Šabac upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- km 137+768 Loznica, km118+949- M-19, Section:Prnjavor- upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- Amendment I Amendment I 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works Contract (Item)Title 2006-01 WBC/RRC/ 2005-06 WBC/RRC/ 2005-05 WBC/RRC/ 2005-04 WBC/RRC/ Contract ID No 11.4 26.2 34.0 18.8 Length (km)/No of pcs ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB - - - - - Method Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior/post review Final designavailability Status of Final Design ------Final Design delivered to PIT Rehabilitation ofsectionwill beperformedunderthe Rehabilitation ofsectionwill befinancedaspartofPEPSfuturerehabilitationplans. Rehabilitation ofsectionwill befinancedaspartofPEPSfuturerehabilitationplans.

Days Interval

BDs sent to the Bank

Days Interval BDs preparation 16-Dec-05 12-Dec-05 24-Sep-05 30-Aug-06

BDs approved (NO) PROCUREMENT DATA TRP Additionalfinancing 179 183 20 4 2 3 - - - - - Days Interval 20-Dec-05 14-Dec-05 27-Sep-05 19-Sep-06

13-Jun-06 13-Jun-06 Bid invitation (UNDB online) 2/49 . Item IDA No 13 Counters Installation ofTraffic Sub-total IDARehabilitation 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works Contract (Item)Title Total IDAWorks Contract ID No 1,333 155.6 Length (km)/No of pcs NCB Method Prior Prior/post review Final designavailability Status of Final Design - Final Design delivered to PIT contract asitsregularobligation. Maintenance oftheexistingtrafficcountersiscontracted withtheLocalCompany.Installationofnewtrafficcounterwillbeperformedthroughsame

Days Interval

BDs sent to the Bank

Days Interval BDs preparation


Days Interval

Bid invitation (UNDB online) 3/49 Item IBR IBR IBR IBR IBR D 2 D 1 3.3 3.2 3.1 No D D D - - in KolubaraDistrict maintenance ofmainandregionalroads (PBC Contracting)Routineandwinter in MavaDistrict maintenance ofmainandregionalroads (PBC Contracting)Routineandwinter Selište M-5, Section: Boljevac - upgrading ofmain road Pavement rehabilitation- Boljevac M-5, Section:Straa- upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- 742+289 tokm766+358 Straa, fromkm M-5, Section:Parain– upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- Ub road R-101,Obrenovac- upgrading ofregional Pavement rehabilitation- 587+175 tokm602+938 – Valjevo,fromkm M-4, Section: upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works Contract (Item)Title 04 M5PS/2009- WBC/RRC- M4/2009-01 WBC/RRC- Contract ID No 517.0 660.0 18.4 23.1 25.3 24.1 15.8 Length (km)/No of pcs these territoriesinaccordancewithTRPobjectives. Contracts willbeimplementedbyPERSunderSerbian Performance-Basedroutineroadmaintenanceproject,andfinancedfromPERS’sownfunds.Bankwillmonitor contract’simplementationfor these territoriesinaccordancewithTRPobjectives. Contracts willbeimplementedbyPERSunderSerbian Performance-Basedroutineroadmaintenanceproject,andfinancedfromPERS’sownfunds.Bankwillmonitor contract’simplementationfor ICB ICB ICB ICB ICB Method Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior/post review date 15-11- 2009, new date 31-08- 2009, new s date20-07- modification Apr. 2004, Design from date 15-11- 2009, new date 31-08- 2009, new s date20-07- modification March 2004, Design from date 10-10- 2009, new date 21-08- 2009, new s date20-07- modification May 2004, Design from 2009 date 30-11- 2009, new s date20-10- modification 2001, Design from date 10-09- 2009, new date 21-08- 2009, new s date20-06- modification Nov. 2006, Design from Final designavailability Status of Final Design 11-Sep-09 11-Sep-09 20-Oct-09 20-Oct-09 1-Dec-09 2-Dec-09 1-Dec-09 Final Design delivered to PIT 28 28 41 35 21 21 Days Interval 30-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 30-Nov-09 5-Jan-10 2-Oct-09 2-Oct-09

BDs sent to the Bank 14 14 14 24 24 14 Days Interval BDs preparation 14-Dec-09 12-Jan-10 19-Jan-10 26-Oct-09 26-Oct-09 13-Jan-10

BDs approved (NO) PROCUREMENT DATA 14 14 14 17 17 14 Days Interval 28-Dec-09 12-Nov-09 12-Nov-09 26-Jan-10 27-Jan-10 Bid invitation 2-Feb-10 (UNDB online) 4/49 Item IBR IBR IBR IBR IBR IBR IBR D 5 D 4 D 8 D 7 D 6 3.4 No D 807+874 toKm824+749 Lubnica, fromKm M-5, Section:Selište– upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- interchange M-21.1and Improvement of to Km64+656 abalj, fromKm52+422 M-7, Section:Ka– upgrading ofmainroad Pavement rehabilitation- to km21+044 (Uvac), fromkm1+000 Nova Varoš-Aljinovii road R-231,Section: upgrading ofregional Pavement rehabilitation- territory ofNorth Banat spots’’ onstate roadsin Improvement of 5’’black Stepojevac 22, section:Kruzniput- spots’’ onmainroadM- Improvement of4’’black pass spots’’ onSmederevoby- Improvement of3’’black Sub-total IBRDRehabilitation 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works Contract (Item)Title 009-01 WBC/NCB/2 009-02 WBC/NCB/2 M7/2009-02 WBC/RRC- 05 R231/2009- WBC/RRC- 03 M5SL/2009- WBC/RRC- Contract ID No 155.9 12.2 20.0 16.9 Length (km)/No of pcs 1 5 4 3 NCB NCB NCB NCB ICB ICB ICB Method Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Post Post Prior/post review s date20-07- modification Apr. 2004, Design from Apr. 2004 Design from Existing design 2009 Existing design 2009 Existing design 2009 Existing 2009 date 10-09- 2009, new end ofJuly expected by preparation, Under 2009 date 01-11- 2009, new date 31-08- 2009, new Final designavailability Status of Final Design 11-Sep-09 30-Sep-09 11-Nov-09 30-Sep-09 11-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 1-Dec-09 7-Sep-09 Final Design delivered to PIT -40128 28 44 51 28 38 38 53 53 28 63 62 Days Interval 29-Dec-09 13-Nov-09 20-Nov-09 25-Dec-09 25-Dec-09 13-Nov-09 12-Nov-09 15-Oct-09 15-Oct-09 30-Oct-09 30-Oct-09

BDs sent to the Bank 90 90 14 14 14 90 60 Days Interval BDs preparation 26-Nov-09 14-Dec-09 25-Mar-10 25-Mar-10 28-Jan-10 12-Jan-10 4-Dec-09

BDs approved (NO) PROCUREMENT DATA 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Days Interval 10-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 28-Dec-09 11-Feb-10 26-Jan-10 Bid invitation 8-Apr-10 8-Apr-10 (UNDB online) 5/49 Sub-total IBRDRoadSafetyImprovement Item D 9 No R-117 roads interchange M-21.1and GRAND TOTALWORKS Total RehabilitationWorks Total MaintenanceWorks 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works Contract (Item)Title Total IBRDWorks Total OtherItems Contract ID No

13 Length (km)/No of pcs 1 NCB Method Post Prior/post review design 2009 Final designavailability Status of Final Design 7-Sep-09 Final Design delivered to PIT

Days Interval

BDs sent to the Bank

Days Interval BDs preparation


Days Interval

Bid invitation (UNDB online) 6/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ 100 10-Jun-04 regional roads in Mava 660 1 2003-01 District Amendment I Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ 100 10-Jun-04 regional roads in 517 2 2003-02 Kolubara District Amendment I

Sub-total Maintenance 1,177

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA WBC/RRC/ M-23, Section: 10.3 45 15-Apr-05 3 2005-01 Kragujevac-Ravni Gaj, km 80+954-km 91+280 Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-23.1, Section: Ravni 66 1-Dec-05 IDA WBC/RRC/ Gaj- Kraljevo, km 0+000- 33.9 4 2005-02 km 36+270 Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Šabac- WBC/RRC/ 77 13-Dec-05 20.9 5 Zminjak, km 83+314-km 2005-03 104+231 Amendment I

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 7/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Prnjavor- WBC/RRC/ 77 13-Dec-05 18.8 6 Loznica, km 118+949- 2005-04 km 137+768 Amendment I

Pavement rehabilitation- 64 16-Feb-06 upgrading of main road IDA M-21, Section: Šabac WBC/RRC/ 34.0 7 (Dumaa)-Koceljeva, km 2005-05 64 16-Aug-06 68+120-km 102+105 Amendment I

Pavement rehabilitation- 58 16-Feb-06 upgrading of main road IDA M-21, Section: Koceljeva-WBC/RRC/ 26.2 8 Valjevo, km 102+105-km 2005-06 65 17-Aug-06 128+325 Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road Rehabilitation of section will be financed as part of PEPS future rehabilitation plans. 9 M-4, Section: Loznica- Zavlaka, 25.6km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road Rehabilitation of section will be financed as part of PEPS future rehabilitation plans. 10 M-4, Section: Zavlaka- Prievii, 31.7km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road 11 M-4, Section: Prievii- Valjevo, 12.4km Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-4, Section: Valjevo 42 31-Oct-06 IDA WBC/RRC/ (Iverak)-elije, km 11.4 12 2006-01 612+334-km 623+711 Amendment I Amendment II 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 8/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Sub-total IDA Rehabilitation 155.6

Maintenance of the existing IDAtraffic Installation counters is of contracted Traffic with the Local Company. Installation of new traffic counter will be performed through the same 13 Counters

Total IDA Works 1,333

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 9/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length

(PBC Contracting) Routine and winter Contracts will be implemented by PERS under Serbian Performance-Based routine road maintenance project, and financed from PERS's own funds. Bank will monitor contract's implementation for - maintenance of main and regional roads 660.0 in Mava District (PBC Contracting) Routine and winter Contracts will be implemented by PERS under Serbian Performance-Based routine road maintenance project, and financed from PERS's own funds. Bank will monitor contract's implementation for - maintenance of main and regional roads 517.0 in Kolubara District

Pavement rehabilitation- 47 29-Dec-09 upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-4, Section: Kamenica 15.8 D 1 M4/2009-01 – Valjevo, from km 587+175 to km 602+938

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 23-Mar-10 IBR upgrading of regional 25.3 D 2 road R-101, Obrenovac - Ub

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 15-Feb-10 IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Parain – M5PS/2009- 24.1 3.1 Straa, from km 04 742+289 to km 766+358

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 16-Mar-10 IBR upgrading of main road D 23.1 M-5, Section: Straa - 3.2 Boljevac

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 17-Mar-10 IBR upgrading of main road D 18.4 M-5, Section: Boljevac - 3.3 Selište

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 10/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 5-Feb-10 IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Selište – M5SL/2009- 16.9 3.4 Lubnica, from Km 03 18-Jan-10 807+874 to Km 824+749

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of regional 49 16-Mar-10 IBR road R-231, Section: WBC/RRC- R231/2009- 20.0 D 4 Nova Varoš - Aljinovii 05 (Uvac), from km 1+000 to km 21+044

Pavement rehabilitation- 49 28-Jan-10 upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-7, Section: Ka – 12.2 D 5 M7/2009-02 abalj, from Km 52+422 28-Jan-10 to Km 64+656

Sub-total IBRD Rehabilitation 155.9

Improvement of 3 ’’black 49 27-May-10 IBR spots’’ on Smederevo by- 3 D 6 pass

Improvement of 4 ’’black 49 1-Apr-10 IBR spots’’ on main road M- WBC/NCB/2 4 D 7 22, section: Kruzni put - 009-02 Stepojevac

Improvement of 5 ’’black 49 15-Feb-10 IBR WBC/NCB/2 spots’’ on state roads in 5 D 8 009-01 territory of North Banat

Improvement of 49 27-May-10 IBR interchange M-21.1 and 1

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 11/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Bid Bid Opening Days Interval Days Submission/ Submission/ Length (km)/No pcs of Length interchange M-21.1 and 1 D 9 R-117 roads

Sub-total IBRD Road Safety Improvement 13

Total IBRD Works

Total Maintenance Works

Total Rehabilitation Works

Total Other Items


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 12/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission

Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ 46 26-Jul-04 36 31-Aug-04 1-Sep-04 36 31-Aug-07 regional roads in Mava 660 1 2003-01 District Amendment I 21-Aug-07 9 30-Aug-07 31-Aug-07 1-Sep-07 7 31-Mar-08 Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ 46 26-Jul-04 36 31-Aug-04 1-Sep-04 36 31-Aug-07 regional roads in 517 2 2003-02 Kolubara District Amendment I 21-Aug-07 9 30-Aug-07 31-Aug-07 1-Sep-07 7 31-Mar-08

Sub-total Maintenance 1,177

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA WBC/RRC/ M-23, Section: 10.3 53 7-Jun-05 45 22-Jul-05 10 1-Aug-05 15 31-Oct-06 3 2005-01 Kragujevac-Ravni Gaj, km 80+954-km 91+280 Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-23.1, Section: Ravni 65 4-Feb-06 41 17-Mar-06 15 1-Apr-06 18 30-Sep-07 IDA WBC/RRC/ Gaj- Kraljevo, km 0+000- 33.9 4 2005-02 km 36+270 Note: Contract amended on 01.04.08. New Completion date is 30.09.08. Payments from the Credit are closed on 17.12.07. Amendment I Remain amended contract value will be paid from the NIP. Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Šabac- WBC/RRC/ 146 8-May-06 30 7-Jun-06 8 15-Jun-06 12 14-Jun-07 20.9 5 Zminjak, km 83+314-km 2005-03 104+231 Amendment I 13-Jun-07 0 13-Jun-07 14-Jun-07 1 15-Jun-07 1.5 31-Jul-07

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 13/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Prnjavor- WBC/RRC/ 147 9-May-06 29 7-Jun-06 8 15-Jun-06 12 14-Jun-07 18.8 6 Loznica, km 118+949- 2005-04 km 137+768 Amendment I 13-Jun-07 0 13-Jun-07 14-Jun-07 1 15-Jun-07 1.5 31-Jul-07

Pavement rehabilitation- Bidding procedure cancelled. Bids returned to the bidders unopened upgrading of main road IDA M-21, Section: Šabac WBC/RRC/ 34.0 7 (Dumaa)-Koceljeva, km 2005-05 82 6-Nov-06 53 29-Dec-06 17 15-Jan-07 18 14-Jun-08 68+120-km 102+105 Amendment I 4-Jun-08 32 6-Jul-08 9 15-Jul-08 0 15-Jul-08 1 18-Aug-08

Pavement rehabilitation- Bidding procedure cancelled. Bids returned to the bidders unopened upgrading of main road IDA M-21, Section: Koceljeva-WBC/RRC/ 26.2 8 Valjevo, km 102+105-km 2005-06 69 25-Oct-06 48 12-Dec-06 29 10-Jan-07 18 9-Jul-08 128+325 Amendment I 26-May-08 3 29-May-08 26 24-Jun-08 16 10-Jul-08 1 29-Nov-08 Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road - 9 M-4, Section: Loznica- Zavlaka, 25.6km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road - 10 M-4, Section: Zavlaka- Prievii, 31.7km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road - 11 M-4, Section: Prievii- Valjevo, 12.4km Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-4, Section: Valjevo 51 21-Dec-06 119 19-Apr-07 25-Apr-07 12 24-Apr-08 IDA WBC/RRC/ (Iverak)-elije, km 11.4 12 2006-01 612+334-km 623+711 Amendment I 18-Apr-08 3 21-Apr-08 3 24-Apr-08 1 25-Apr-08 5 30-Oct-08 Amendment II 25-Jul-08 17 11-Aug-08 15 26-Aug-08 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 14/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission

Sub-total IDA Rehabilitation 155.6

Maintenance of the existing traffic counters is contracted withIDA the Installation Local Company. of Traffic Installation of new traffic counter will be performed through the same 100% financed by the PE "Roads of " 13 Counters

Total IDA Works 1,333

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 15/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission

(PBC Contracting) Routine and winter Contracts will be implemented by PERS under Serbian Performance-Based routine road maintenance project, and financed from PERS's own funds. Bank will monitor contract's implementation for - maintenance of main and regional roads 660.0 - in Mava District (PBC Contracting) Routine and winter Contracts will be implemented by PERS under Serbian Performance-Based routine road maintenance project, and financed from PERS's own funds. Bank will monitor contract's implementation for - maintenance of main and regional roads 517.0 - in Kolubara District

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 26-Jan-10 14 9-Feb-10 7 16-Feb-10 28 16-Mar-10 0 16-Mar-10 12 16-Mar-11 upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-4, Section: Kamenica 15.8 D 1 M4/2009-01 – Valjevo, from km 587+175 to km 602+938

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 20-Apr-10 14 4-May-10 7 11-May-10 28 8-Jun-10 0 8-Jun-10 18 7-Dec-11 IBR upgrading of regional 25.3 D 2 road R-101, Obrenovac - Ub

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 15-Mar-10 14 29-Mar-10 7 5-Apr-10 28 3-May-10 0 3-May-10 18 1-Nov-11 IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Parain – M5PS/2009- 24.1 3.1 Straa, from km 04 742+289 to km 766+358

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 13-Apr-10 14 27-Apr-10 7 4-May-10 28 1-Jun-10 0 1-Jun-10 18 30-Nov-11 IBR upgrading of main road D 23.1 M-5, Section: Straa - 3.2 Boljevac

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 14-Apr-10 14 28-Apr-10 7 5-May-10 28 2-Jun-10 0 2-Jun-10 12 2-Jun-11 IBR upgrading of main road D 18.4 M-5, Section: Boljevac - 3.3 Selište

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 16/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 5-Mar-10 14 19-Mar-10 7 26-Mar-10 28 23-Apr-10 0 23-Apr-10 12 23-Apr-11 IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Selište – M5SL/2009- 16.9 3.4 Lubnica, from Km 03 807+874 to Km 824+749

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of regional 28 13-Apr-10 14 27-Apr-10 7 4-May-10 28 1-Jun-10 0 1-Jun-10 18 30-Nov-11 IBR road R-231, Section: WBC/RRC- R231/2009- 20.0 D 4 Nova Varoš - Aljinovii 05 (Uvac), from km 1+000 to km 21+044

Pavement rehabilitation- 28 25-Feb-10 14 11-Mar-10 7 18-Mar-10 28 15-Apr-10 0 15-Apr-10 12 15-Apr-11 upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-7, Section: Ka – 12.2 D 5 M7/2009-02 abalj, from Km 52+422 to Km 64+656

Sub-total IBRD Rehabilitation 155.9

Improvement of 3 ’’black 28 24-Jun-10 14 8-Jul-10 7 15-Jul-10 28 12-Aug-10 0 12-Aug-10 6 11-Feb-11 IBR spots’’ on Smederevo by- 3 D 6 pass

Improvement of 4 ’’black 21 22-Apr-10 14 6-May-10 7 13-May-10 28 10-Jun-10 0 10-Jun-10 6 10-Dec-10 IBR spots’’ on main road M- WBC/NCB/2 4 D 7 22, section: Kruzni put - 009-02 Stepojevac

Improvement of 5 ’’black 21 8-Mar-10 14 22-Mar-10 7 29-Mar-10 28 26-Apr-10 0 26-Apr-10 6 26-Oct-10 IBR WBC/NCB/2 spots’’ on state roads in 5 D 8 009-01 territory of North Banat

Improvement of 28 24-Jun-10 14 8-Jul-10 7 15-Jul-10 28 12-Aug-10 0 12-Aug-10 6 11-Feb-11 IBR interchange M-21.1 and 1

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 17/49 CONTRACT DATA

Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No tart Date S BER/ BER/ Acceptance uration (mths) uration the Bank the D Contract Signing Signing Contract Completion Date Completion Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Length (km)/No pcs of Length Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission interchange M-21.1 and 1 D 9 R-117 roads

Sub-total IBRD Road Safety Improvement 13

Total IBRD Works

Total Maintenance Works

Total Rehabilitation Works

Total Other Items


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 18/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Routine and winter maintenance of main and ALPINE MAYREDER BAU IDA WBC/RMC/ regional roads in Mava 660 GMBH 1 2003-01 A-5071 Salzburg/Wals, Alte District Bundesstrabe 10, Austria Amendment I Routine and winter maintenance of main and IDA WBC/RMC/ PZP BEOGRAD regional roads in 517 Vidska 24, 11 000 Beograd, 2 2003-02 Kolubara District Serbia Amendment I

Sub-total Maintenance 1,177

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road ALPINE MAYREDER BAU IDA WBC/RRC/ M-23, Section: 10.3 GMBH 3 2005-01 A-5071 Salzburg/Wals, Alte Kragujevac-Ravni Gaj, Bundesstrabe 10, Austria km 80+954-km 91+280 Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-23.1, Section: Ravni IDA WBC/RRC/ PUTEVI A.D. UICE Gaj- Kraljevo, km 0+000- 33.9 Nikole Pašia 38 4 2005-02 km 36+270 31000 Uice, Serbia Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-19, Section: Šabac- WBC/RRC/ PZP BEOGRAD 20.9 Vidska 24, 11 000 Beograd, Zminjak, km 83+314-km 2005-03 5 Serbia 104+231 Amendment I

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 19/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road PZP BEOGRAD IDA M-19, Section: Prnjavor- WBC/RRC/ 18.8 Vidska 24, 11 000 Beograd, Loznica, km 118+949- 2005-04 6 Serbia km 137+768 Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road JV Adige Bitumi – Ingrap IDA M-21, Section: Šabac WBC/RRC/ 34.0 Omni 7 (Dumaa)-Koceljeva, km 2005-05 Ulica Oslobo enja 52-57, 11090 68+120-km 102+105 Belgrade, Serbia Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road IDA M-21, Section: Koceljeva-WBC/RRC/ PZP BEOGRAD 26.2 Vidska 24, 11 000 Beograd, Valjevo, km 102+105-km 2005-06 8 Serbia 128+325 Amendment I Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road 9 M-4, Section: Loznica- Zavlaka, 25.6km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road 10 M-4, Section: Zavlaka- Prievii, 31.7km Pavement rehabilitation- IDA upgrading of main road 11 M-4, Section: Prievii- Valjevo, 12.4km Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of main road M-4, Section: Valjevo JV “PZP Valjevo – IDA WBC/RRC/ (Iverak)-elije, km 11.4 Valjevoput” 12 2006-01 Milovana Glišia 94, 612+334-km 623+711 14000 Valjevo, Serbia Amendment I Amendment II 557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 20/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Sub-total IDA Rehabilitation 155.6

IDA Installation of Traffic 100% financed by the PE "Roads of Serbia" 13 Counters

Total IDA Works 1,333

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 21/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length

(PBC Contracting) Routine and winter - maintenance of main and regional roads 660.0 in Mava District (PBC Contracting) Routine and winter - maintenance of main and regional roads 517.0 in Kolubara District

Pavement rehabilitation- 9.5 #REF! ## 2.5 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-4, Section: Kamenica 15.8 D 1 M4/2009-01 – Valjevo, from km 587+175 to km 602+938

Pavement rehabilitation- 7.0 #REF! ## 11.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR upgrading of regional 25.3 D 2 road R-101, Obrenovac - Ub

Pavement rehabilitation- 8.0 #REF! ## 10.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Parain – M5PS/2009- 24.1 3.1 Straa, from km 04 742+289 to km 766+358

Pavement rehabilitation- 7.0 #REF! ## 11.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR upgrading of main road D 23.1 M-5, Section: Straa - 3.2 Boljevac

Pavement rehabilitation- 7.0 #REF! ## 5.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR upgrading of main road D 18.4 M-5, Section: Boljevac - 3.3 Selište

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 22/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length

Pavement rehabilitation- 9.0 #REF! ## 3.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR upgrading of main road WBC/RRC- D M-5, Section: Selište – M5SL/2009- 16.9 3.4 Lubnica, from Km 03 807+874 to Km 824+749

Pavement rehabilitation- upgrading of regional 7.0 #REF! ## 11.0 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### IBR road R-231, Section: WBC/RRC- R231/2009- 20.0 D 4 Nova Varoš - Aljinovii 05 (Uvac), from km 1+000 to km 21+044

Pavement rehabilitation- 9.5 #REF! ## 2.5 ## #REF! ## #REF! #### upgrading of main road IBR WBC/RRC- M-7, Section: Ka – 12.2 D 5 M7/2009-02 abalj, from Km 52+422 to Km 64+656

#REF! ## ## #REF! #REF! #### Sub-total IBRD Rehabilitation 155.9

Improvement of 3 ’’black 4.5 #REF! ## 1.5 ## #REF! 6.0 #REF! #### IBR spots’’ on Smederevo by- 3 D 6 pass

Improvement of 4 ’’black 6.0 #REF! ## 0.0 ## #REF! 6.0 #REF! #### IBR spots’’ on main road M- WBC/NCB/2 4 D 7 22, section: Kruzni put - 009-02 Stepojevac

Improvement of 5 ’’black 6.0 #REF! ## 0.0 ## #REF! 6.0 #REF! #### IBR WBC/NCB/2 spots’’ on state roads in 5 D 8 009-01 territory of North Banat

Improvement of 4.5 #REF! ## 1.5 ## #REF! 6.0 #REF! #### IBR interchange M-21.1 and 1

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 23/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No and address and Contractor Name Contractor Length (km)/No pcs of Length interchange M-21.1 and 1 D 9 R-117 roads

#REF! ## ## #REF! #REF! #### Sub-total IBRD Road Safety Improvement 13

#REF! ## ## #REF! #REF! #### Total IBRD Works

Total Maintenance Works

Total Rehabilitation Works

Total Other Items


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/1 Works 24/49 Final design availability BDs preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Method PIT Bank Design Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days delivered to delivered (NO)/ ready Final Design BDs approved BDs approved Status of Final of Status BDs sent to the BDs to the sent

Procurement of 18-Dec-07 28 IDA WBC/ICB- Permanent Traffic PTC/2007- 130 ICB Prior - 14 Counters 01 3-Aug-09 10 Procurement of IDA vehicles for WBC/IS- 5 IS Prior - Sep-04 15 supervision - Package V/2004-01 1 Procurement of - IDA WBC/IS- thermal mapping TM/2006- 1 IS Post Aug-06 16 equipment 03 -

Procurement of Frost IDA penetration measuring IS Post - Permanent cancellation is approved. 17 equipment

IDA Procurement of GIS IS Prior Replaced with other software needed for RDB. 18 Software WBC/MS- Procurement of OS 18a NS/2008- 1 NS Post 16-Dec-08 0 and RDBMS software 01 WBC/HDM- Procurement of HDM- - 18b DC/2008- 4 DC Prior 26-Dec-08 0 4 02

Standalone HIMS DC Prior 18c 1 28-Jul-09 Enterprise system

Procurement of HDM- DC Prior 18d 1 28-Jul-09 4

IDA Procurement of WBC/NS- NS Prior - 19-Nov-04 19 Computers C/2004-01

Procurement of WBC/IS- WIM/2006- 3 IS Post Jul-06 portable scales IDA 01

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 25/49 Final design availability BDs preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Method PIT Bank Design Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days delivered to delivered (NO)/ ready Final Design BDs approved BDs approved Status of Final of Status IDA BDs to the sent - 20 Procurement of Weigh WBC/ICB- In Motion Scale WIM/2007- 3 ICB Prior 6-Feb-08 15 System 02

- IDA Procurement of Mobile WBC/IS- MTC/2006- 20 IS Post Jul-06 21 traffic counters 02 -

Total IDA Goods

Procurement of 15-Aug-10 7 22-Aug-10 30 21-Sep-10 14 5-Oct-10 IBRD Computers and Office 11 equipment for PIT

Total IBRD Goods


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 26/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Days Interval Days Bid invitation invitation Bid (UNDB online)

Procurement of 15-Jan-08 63 IDA WBC/ICB- Permanent Traffic PTC/2007- 130 14 Counters 01 13-Aug-09 49 Procurement of IDA vehicles for WBC/IS- 5 14-Sep-04 7 15 supervision - Package V/2004-01 1 Procurement of IDA WBC/IS- thermal mapping TM/2006- 1 22-Aug-06 21 16 equipment 03

Procurement of Frost IDA penetration measuring 17 equipment

IDA Procurement of GIS 18 Software WBC/MS- Procurement of OS 18a NS/2008- 1 16-Dec-08 9 and RDBMS software 01

Procurement of HDM- WBC/HDM- 18b DC/2008- 4 26-Dec-08 18 4 02

Standalone HIMS 18c 1 Enterprise system

Procurement of HDM- 18d 1 4

IDA Procurement of WBC/NS- 19-Nov-04 5 19 Computers C/2004-01

Procurement of WBC/IS- WIM/2006- 3 3-Jul-06 45 portable scales IDA 01

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 27/49 Bid preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Days Interval Days Bid invitation invitation Bid (UNDB online) IDA 20 Procurement of Weigh WBC/ICB- In Motion Scale WIM/2007- 3 21-Feb-08 56 System 02

IDA Procurement of Mobile WBC/IS- MTC/2006- 20 3-Jul-06 52 21 traffic counters 02

Total IDA Goods

Procurement of IBRD Computers and Office 11 equipment for PIT

Total IBRD Goods


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 28/49 PROCUREMENT DATA

Bid preparation Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Bid Bid Notification BER/ BER/ Acceptance/ Acceptance/ Opening the Bank the Contract Signing Signing Contract Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Submission/ Submission/ Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission

Procurement of 18-Mar-08 34 21-Apr-08 - Procedure will be repeated. Cancellation approved: April 22, 2008 IDA WBC/ICB- Permanent Traffic PTC/2007- 130 14 Counters 01 1-Oct-09 56 26-Nov-09 14 10-Dec-09 7 17-Dec-09 30 16-Jan-10 Procurement of IDA vehicles for WBC/IS- 5 21-Sep-04 3 24-Sep-04 25-Sep-04 9 4-Oct-04 15 supervision - Package V/2004-01 1 Procurement of IDA WBC/IS- thermal mapping TM/2006- 1 12-Sep-06 13 25-Sep-06 16 equipment 03

Procurement of Frost IDA penetration measuring 17 equipment

IDA Procurement of GIS 18 Software WBC/MS- Procurement of OS 18a NS/2008- 1 25-Dec-08 35 29-Jan-09 and RDBMS software 01

Procurement of HDM- WBC/HDM- 18b DC/2008- 4 13-Jan-09 13 26-Jan-09 4 02

Standalone HIMS 18c 1 17-Sep-09 Enterprise system

Procurement of HDM- 18d 1 9-Oct-09 4

IDA Procurement of WBC/NS- 24-Nov-04 0 24-Nov-04 2 26-Nov-04 19 Computers C/2004-01

Procurement of WBC/IS- WIM/2006- 3 17-Aug-06 68 24-Oct-06 - Budget exceeded double. Bank approved cancellation of the procurement on December 03, 2006. portable scales IDA 01

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 29/49 PROCUREMENT DATA

Bid preparation Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Bid Bid Notification BER/ BER/ Acceptance/ Acceptance/ Opening the Bank the Contract Signing Signing Contract Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days (Agreement Date) (Agreement Submission/ Submission/ Amendment Amendment Amendment Issuing of Letter of of of Letter Issuing Bank’s NO to NO to Bank’s submission to to submission IDA 20 Procurement of Weigh WBC/ICB- In Motion Scale WIM/2007- 3 17-Apr-08 56 11-Sep-08 - Because of over-budgeting, PEPS permanently cancelled this procurement. Bank aggred on November 13, 2008. System 02

IDA Procurement of Mobile WBC/IS- MTC/2006- 20 24-Aug-06 148 19-Jan-07 21 traffic counters 02

Total IDA Goods

Procurement of 14 19-Oct-10 1 20-Oct-10 3 18-Jan-11 IBRD Computers and Office 11 equipment for PIT

Total IBRD Goods


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 30/49 PROCUREMENT DATA

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Start Date and address and Duration (mths) Duration Completion Date Completion Contractor Name Contractor Days Interval Days

ProcedureProcurement will be ofrepeated. Cancellation approved: April 22, 2008 IDA WBC/ICB- Permanent Traffic PTC/2007- 130 14 Counters 01 0 16-Jan-10 5 15-Jun-10

Procurement of Auto aak IDA vehicles for WBC/IS- d.o.o 5 1 5-Oct-04 2.5 15-Dec-04 15 supervision - Package V/2004-01 32000 aak, 1 Konjevii, Serbia KUAB Konsult& Procurement of WBC/IS- IDA Utveckling AB thermal mapping TM/2006- 1 0 25-Sep-06 2 25-Nov-06 16 Box 10, 795 21 03 equipment Rättvik, Sweden

Procurement of Frost IDA penetration measuring - 17 equipment

IDA Procurement of GIS - 18 Software JM WBC/MS- “Solution “ Procurement of OS 18a NS/2008- 1 0 29-Jan-09 1 28-Feb-09 d.o.o., Vojislava and RDBMS software 01 Ilia 2, Belgrade, Serbia WBC/HDM- HDM Global Procurement of HDM- (Presses de l'Ecole 18b DC/2008- 4 0 26-Jan-09 1.3 7-Mar-09 4 nationale des ponts 02 et chaussées) Standalone HIMS HIMS Limited 18c 1 0 17-Sep-09 2 dec.09 Enterprise system New Zeland HDM Global Procurement of HDM- (Presses de 18d 1 0 9-Oct-09 2 dec.09 4 l’Ecole nationale des ponts et PAKOM AD IDA Procurement of WBC/NS- 11 000 Belgrade, 1 27-Nov-04 2.0 26-Jan-05 19 Computers C/2004-01 Severni Bulevar 6, Serbia Procurement of WBC/IS- Budget exceeded double. BankWIM/2006- approved cancellation3 of the procurement on December 03, 2006. portable scales IDA 01

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 31/49 PROCUREMENT DATA

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of Start Date and address and Duration (mths) Duration Completion Date Completion Contractor Name Contractor Days Interval Days IDA 20 Procurement of Weigh WBC/ICB- BecauseIn Motion of over-budgeting, Scale WIM/2007- PEPS permanently cancelled3 this procurement. Bank aggred on November 13, 2008. System 02 Telix d.o.o. IDA Procurement of Mobile WBC/IS- Bul. Slobodana MTC/2006- 20 0 19-Jan-07 8.5 30-Sep-07 Jovanovia 2, 21 traffic counters 02 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Total IDA Goods

Procurement of 2.0 #REF! #REF! 1.0 #REF! #REF! 3.0 IBRD Computers and Office 11 equipment for PIT

Total IBRD Goods #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 32/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of

Procurement of IDA WBC/ICB- Permanent Traffic PTC/2007- 130 14 Counters 01 Procurement of IDA vehicles for WBC/IS- 5 15 supervision - Package V/2004-01 1 Procurement of IDA WBC/IS- thermal mapping TM/2006- 1 16 equipment 03

Procurement of Frost IDA penetration measuring 17 equipment

IDA Procurement of GIS 18 Software WBC/MS- Procurement of OS 18a NS/2008- 1 and RDBMS software 01

Procurement of HDM- WBC/HDM- 18b DC/2008- 4 4 02

Standalone HIMS 18c 1 Enterprise system

Procurement of HDM- 18d 1 4

IDA Procurement of WBC/NS- 19 Computers C/2004-01

Procurement of WBC/IS- WIM/2006- 3 portable scales IDA 01

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 33/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs No of

IDA 20 Procurement of Weigh WBC/ICB- In Motion Scale WIM/2007- 3 System 02

IDA Procurement of Mobile WBC/IS- MTC/2006- 20 21 traffic counters 02

Total IDA Goods

Procurement of #REF! ## IBRD Computers and Office 11 equipment for PIT

Total IBRD Goods #REF! ##


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/2 Goods 34/49 Preparation of initial documents Short List Consultants Selection and RFP

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Method Bank ays Interval ays the Bank the Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days D UNDB onlineUNDB the Bank (NO) the Bank EIs submissionEIs TOR delivered to REI published on published REI TOR approved by by approved TOR REI delivered to the the to delivered REI

Consulting Services for QCBS Prior 8-Feb-05 6 14-Feb-05 8-Feb-05 6 14-Feb-05 45 31-Mar-05 214 Road Data Base (RDB) IDA WBC/RFP/ 22 Amendment I 2005-01 - Amendment II - Prior - Amendment III - Consultancy Services for Supervision of road maintenance and QCBS 21-Feb-04 9-Mar-04 rehabilitation Works and IDA WBC/RFP/ Environmental Prior 23 2004-01 Monitoring Amendment I - - Amendment III - - Maintenance IDA Management System QCBS Prior Permanent cancellation approved on August 01, 2008. 24 Study

Project Financial Audits LCS Prior IDA WBC/RFP/ 25 2004-02 - Amendment I - Prior - IDA Services Sub-total


Transport Rehabilitation WBC/ICS- 26b Project Social Aspect SAS/2006- ICS Post Public Opinion Surveying 01

Performing the public 26c opinion survey for traffic ICS Post Permanent cancellation is approved. safety aspect of the Project

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 35/49 Preparation of initial documents Short List Consultants Selection and RFP

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Method Bank ays Interval ays the Bank the Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days D UNDB onlineUNDB the Bank (NO) the Bank EIs submissionEIs TOR delivered to REI published on published REI TOR approved by by approved TOR REI delivered to the the to delivered REI

Preparation of ToR for Consulting service for WBC/ICS- Innovation/Harmonization 26d HIS/2006- ICS Post of Road Technical 02 Instructions/Guidelines according to EU Standards

WBC/ICS- RSA/2007-01 Individual Consulting 26e Services for Road Safety ICS Prior 3-Mar-10 21 24-Mar-10 14 Audit/Inspection

IDA TA Sub-total

Innovation/harmonization WBC/QCB IDA of road technical S-HIS/2008- QCBS Prior 26-Sep-07 19-Mar-08 Consulting Services is moved to the TRP Additional financing (IBRD loan). 27 standards according to 01 EU standards

IDA Consulting Services Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 36/49 Preparation of initial documents Short List Consultants Selection and RFP

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Method Bank ays Interval ays the Bank the Prior/post review Prior/post Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days D UNDB onlineUNDB the Bank (NO) the Bank EIs submissionEIs TOR delivered to REI published on published REI TOR approved by by approved TOR REI delivered to the the to delivered REI

Consulting Services for Supervision of road WBC/QCB 5-Aug-09 3-Sep-09 8-Sep-09 1 9-Sep-09 20 29-Sep-09 56 IBRD S- rehabilitation Works and QCBS Prior 12 SAE/2009- Environmental 02 5-Aug-09 3-Sep-09 8-Sep-09 1 9-Sep-09 20 29-Sep-09 Monitoring Consulting Services for Innovation/Harmonization 14-Mar-08 19-Mar-08 6-Jul-09 2 8-Jul-09 28 5-Aug-09 79 WBC/QCB IBRD of Road Technical S-HIS/2009- QCBS Prior 14 Instructions/Guidelines 01 according to EU 14-Mar-08 19-Mar-08 6-Jul-09 2 8-Jul-09 28 5-Aug-09 79 Standards IBRD TA to PERS 13 IBRD Consulting Services Total



5-Mar-08 18-Mar-08 3-Feb-10 7 10-Feb-10 21 3-Mar-10 21 Consulting Services for WBC/CQS- 28a Training in the Principles SRDW/200 CQ Prior of Safe Road Design 8-01 5-Mar-08 18-Mar-08

Workshops, training, - - conferences

IDA Training Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 37/49 PROCUREMENT DATA Short List Consultants Selection and RFP Proposals preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Bank deadline the Bank the invitation) Proposals Proposals (Proposals (Proposals Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Submission Submission the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the the to delivered TER delivered to Issuance of RFP RFP approved by by approved RFP by the Bank (NO) Bank the by Short List and RFP RFP and List Short Short List approved List Short

Consulting Services for 31-Oct-05 288 15-Aug-06 31 15-Sep-06 6 21-Sep-06 62 22-Nov-06 97 27-Feb-07 Road Data Base (RDB) IDA WBC/RFP/ 22 Amendment I 2005-01 - Amendment II - Amendment III - Consultancy Services for Supervision of road maintenance and Apr-04 12-May-04 0 12-May-04 7 19-May-04 37 25-Jun-04 26 21-Jul-04 rehabilitation Works and IDA WBC/RFP/ Environmental 23 2004-01 Monitoring Amendment I - Amendment III - Maintenance IDA PermanentManagement cancellation System approved on August 01, 2008. 24 Study

Project Financial Audits 28-Oct-04 12-Nov-04 4 16-Nov-04 29 15-Dec-04 5 20-Dec-04 IDA WBC/RFP/ 25 2004-02 - Amendment I - IDA Services Sub-total


Transport Rehabilitation WBC/ICS- 26b Project Social Aspect SAS/2006- 20-Dec-06 26-Dec-06 Public Opinion Surveying 01

Performing the public 26c opinion survey for traffic safety aspect of the Project

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 38/49 PROCUREMENT DATA Short List Consultants Selection and RFP Proposals preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Bank deadline the Bank the invitation) Proposals Proposals (Proposals (Proposals Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Submission Submission the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the the to delivered TER delivered to Issuance of RFP RFP approved by by approved RFP by the Bank (NO) Bank the by Short List and RFP RFP and List Short Short List approved List Short

Preparation of ToR for Consulting service for WBC/ICS- Innovation/Harmonization 26d HIS/2006- 19-Jun-07 9-Jul-07 of Road Technical 02 Instructions/Guidelines according to EU Standards

WBC/ICS- 18-Mar-08 18-Mar-08 19-Jun-08 15-Aug-08 RSA/2007-01 Individual Consulting 26e Services for Road Safety 7-Apr-10 14 21-Apr-10 21-Apr-10 7 28-Apr-10 28 26-May-10 21 16-Jun-10 Audit/Inspection

IDA TA Sub-total

Innovation/harmonization WBC/QCB IDA of road technical Consulting Services is moved to theS-HIS/2008- TRP Additional financing (IBRD loan). 27 standards according to 01 EU standards

IDA Consulting Services Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 39/49 PROCUREMENT DATA Short List Consultants Selection and RFP Proposals preparation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No Bank deadline the Bank the invitation) Proposals Proposals (Proposals (Proposals Days Interval Days Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Submission Submission the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the the to delivered TER delivered to Issuance of RFP RFP approved by by approved RFP by the Bank (NO) Bank the by Short List and RFP RFP and List Short Short List approved List Short

Consulting Services for Supervision of road WBC/QCB 24-Nov-09 14 8-Dec-09 8-Dec-09 7 15-Dec-09 42 26-Jan-10 21 16-Feb-10 IBRD S- rehabilitation Works and 12 SAE/2009- Environmental 02 Monitoring Consulting Services for Innovation/Harmonization 23-Oct-09 35 27-Nov-09 27-Nov-09 7 4-Dec-09 42 15-Jan-10 21 5-Feb-10 WBC/QCB IBRD of Road Technical S-HIS/2009- 14 Instructions/Guidelines 01 according to EU 23-Oct-09 Standards IBRD TA to PERS 13 IBRD Consulting Services Total



24-Mar-10 14 7-Apr-10 7-Apr-10 7 14-Apr-10 28 12-May-10 Consulting Services for WBC/CQS- 28a Training in the Principles SRDW/200 of Safe Road Design 8-01

Workshops, training, - - conferences IDA Training Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 40/49 CONTRACT DATA Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No (NO) Draft No of pcs of No ays Interval ays D Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the Bank the to delivered Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment approved by the Bank Bank the by approved Final ready BER TER approved by by approved TER of opening Public Invitation for negotiation Invitation Financial Proposals Financial

Consulting Services for 91 29-May-07 16 14-Jun-07 26 10-Jul-07 2 12-Jul-07 22 3-Aug-07 10 13-Aug-07 Road Data Base (RDB) IDA WBC/RFP/ 2005-01 22 Amendment I 19-May-08 2 21-May-08

Amendment II 13-May-09 6 19-May-09

Amendment III 8-Oct-09 6 14-Oct-09 Consultancy Services for Supervision of road maintenance and 2 23-Jul-04 7 30-Jul-04 84 22-Oct-04 7-Sep-04 45 22-Oct-04 0 22-Oct-04 rehabilitation Works and IDA WBC/RFP/ Environmental 23 2004-01 Monitoring Amendment I 30-Oct-07 30-Oct-07 Amendment III 31-Jul-08 11-Aug-08 Maintenance IDA Management System 24 Study

Project Financial Audits 0 20-Dec-04 22 11-Jan-05 28 8-Feb-05 8-Feb-05 6 14-Feb-05 IDA WBC/RFP/ 25 2004-02 Amendment I 2-Apr-09 11 13-Apr-09

IDA Services Sub-total


Transport Rehabilitation WBC/ICS- 26b Project Social Aspect SAS/2006- 29-Dec-06 Public Opinion Surveying 01

Performing the public 26c opinion survey for traffic safety aspect of the Project

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 41/49 CONTRACT DATA Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No (NO) Draft No of pcs of No ays Interval ays D Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the Bank the to delivered Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment approved by the Bank Bank the by approved Final ready BER TER approved by by approved TER of opening Public Invitation for negotiation Invitation Financial Proposals Financial

Preparation of ToR for Consulting service for WBC/ICS- Innovation/Harmonization 26d HIS/2006- 24-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 of Road Technical 02 Instructions/Guidelines according to EU Standards

WBC/ICS- Procedure is cancelled based on Bank request from July 15, 2008. RSA/2007-01 Individual Consulting 26e Services for Road Safety 14 30-Jun-10 7 7-Jul-10 Audit/Inspection

IDA TA Sub-total

Innovation/harmonization WBC/QCB IDA of road technical S-HIS/2008- 27 standards according to 01 EU standards

IDA Consulting Services Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 42/49 CONTRACT DATA Evaluation and recommendation

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No (NO) Draft No of pcs of No ays Interval ays D Interval Days Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days the Bank (NO) the Bank delivered to the Bank the to delivered Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment approved by the Bank Bank the by approved Final ready BER TER approved by by approved TER of opening Public Invitation for negotiation Invitation Financial Proposals Financial

Consulting Services for Supervision of road WBC/QCB 14 2-Mar-10 14 16-Mar-10 14 30-Mar-10 7 6-Apr-10 14 20-Apr-10 14 4-May-10 IBRD S- rehabilitation Works and 12 SAE/2009- Environmental 02 Monitoring Consulting Services for Innovation/Harmonization 14 19-Feb-10 14 5-Mar-10 14 19-Mar-10 7 26-Mar-10 14 9-Apr-10 14 23-Apr-10 WBC/QCB IBRD of Road Technical S-HIS/2009- 14 Instructions/Guidelines 01 according to EU Standards IBRD TA to PERS 13 IBRD Consulting Services Total



21 2-Jun-10 14 16-Jun-10 14 30-Jun-10 Consulting Services for WBC/CQS- 28a Training in the Principles SRDW/200 of Safe Road Design 8-01

Workshops, training, - - conferences IDA Training Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 43/49 CONTRACT DATA

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Date) No of pcs of No Start Date Start Duration (mths) Duration Completion Date Days Interval Days Interval Days Signing (Agreement (Agreement Signing Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment

Consulting Services for 2 15-Aug-07 5 20-Aug-07 18+2 15-Apr-09 Road Data Base (RDB) IDA WBC/RFP/ 2005-01 22 Amendment I 8 29-May-08 -

Amendment II 7 26-May-09 16-Apr-09 6 2-Oct-09

Amendment III 15 29-Oct-09 3-Oct-09 3 31-Dec-09 Consultancy Services for Supervision of road maintenance and 10 1-Nov-04 0 1-Nov-04 36 31-Oct-07 rehabilitation Works and IDA WBC/RFP/ Environmental 23 2004-01 Monitoring Amendment I 31-Oct-07 1-Nov-07 9 31-Jul-08 Amendment III 20-Aug-08 1-Aug-08 5 31-Dec-08 Maintenance IDA Management System - 24 Study

Project Financial Audits 235 7-Oct-05 85 31-Dec-05 8 31-Aug-08 IDA WBC/RFP/ 25 2004-02 Amendment I 30 13-May-09 1-Sep-08 8 31-Aug-11

IDA Services Sub-total


Transport Rehabilitation WBC/ICS- 26b Project Social Aspect SAS/2006- 5-Feb-07 5-Feb-07 8 30-Sep-07 Public Opinion Surveying 01

Performing the public 26c opinion survey for traffic - safety aspect of the Project

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 44/49 CONTRACT DATA

Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Date) No of pcs of No Start Date Start Duration (mths) Duration Completion Date Days Interval Days Interval Days Signing (Agreement (Agreement Signing Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment

Preparation of ToR for Consulting service for WBC/ICS- Innovation/Harmonization 26d HIS/2006- 31-Jul-07 1-Aug-07 1.5 19-Sep-07 of Road Technical 02 Instructions/Guidelines according to EU Standards

WBC/ICS- RSA/2007-01 Individual Consulting 26e Services for Road Safety 21 28-Jul-10 28-Jul-10 9 24-Apr-11 Audit/Inspection

IDA TA Sub-total

Innovation/harmonization WBC/QCB IDA of road technical S-HIS/2008- - 27 standards according to 01 EU standards

IDA Consulting Services Total

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Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No Date) No of pcs of No Start Date Start Duration (mths) Duration Completion Date Days Interval Days Interval Days Signing (Agreement (Agreement Signing Contract/Amendment Contract/Amendment

Consulting Services for Supervision of road WBC/QCB 7 11-May-10 1 12-May-10 19 3-Dec-11 IBRD S- rehabilitation Works and 12 SAE/2009- Environmental 02 Monitoring Consulting Services for Innovation/Harmonization 7 30-Apr-10 1 1-May-10 12 1-May-11 WBC/QCB IBRD of Road Technical S-HIS/2009- 14 Instructions/Guidelines 01 according to EU Standards IBRD TA to PERS 13 IBRD Consulting Services Total



7 7-Jul-10 1 8-Jul-10 3 6-Oct-10 Consulting Services for WBC/CQS- 28a Training in the Principles SRDW/200 of Safe Road Design 8-01

Workshops, training, - - conferences IDA Training Total

50% #REF!


557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 46/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No address Consultant’s Name and and Name Consultant’s

Consulting Services for Road Data Base (RDB) JV “CPV- Nievelt”, IDA WBC/RFP/ Jovana 22 Amendment I 2005-01 or evia 2, 21000 Novi Amendment II Sad, Serbia Amendment III Consultancy Services for Supervision of road Highway maintenance and Institute rehabilitation Works and IDA WBC/RFP/ Inc. Environmental 23 2004-01 Kumodraška Monitoring 257, 11 000 Belgrade, Amendment I Serbia Amendment III Maintenance IDA Management System 24 Study Deloitte Project Financial Audits revizija IDA WBC/RFP/ d.o.o. 25 2004-02 Kralja Milana Amendment I 16, 11 000 Beograd, Serbia IDA Services Sub-total

IDA TA to PERS 26 Individual Transport Rehabilitation WBC/ICS- Consultant 26b Project Social Aspect SAS/2006- Mr. Stjepan Public Opinion Surveying 01 Gredelj, Šavnika

Performing the public 26c opinion survey for traffic safety aspect of the Project

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 47/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No address Consultant’s Name and and Name Consultant’s

Preparation of ToR for Individual Consulting service for Consultant WBC/ICS- Innovation/Harmonization Mr. Dragan 26d HIS/2006- of Road Technical Mihajlovi 02 Instructions/Guidelines Banja Luka, Republic of according to EU Standards Srpska

WBC/ICS- RSA/2007-01 Individual Consulting 26e Services for Road Safety Audit/Inspection

IDA TA Sub-total

Innovation/harmonization WBC/QCB IDA of road technical S-HIS/2008- 27 standards according to 01 EU standards

IDA Consulting Services Total

557040PROP0P091Box0349464B01PUBLIC1.xls/3 Con Services & 4 Training 48/49 Item Contract ID Contract (Item) Title No No No of pcs of No address Consultant’s Name and and Name Consultant’s

Consulting Services for Supervision of road WBC/QCB IBRD S- rehabilitation Works and 12 SAE/2009- Environmental 02 Monitoring Consulting Services for Innovation/Harmonization WBC/QCB IBRD of Road Technical S-HIS/2009- 14 Instructions/Guidelines 01 according to EU Standards IBRD TA to PERS 13 IBRD Consulting Services Total



Consulting Services for WBC/CQS- 28a Training in the Principles SRDW/200 of Safe Road Design 8-01

Workshops, training, - - conferences IDA Training Total

#REF! 50% ## #REF! ## #REF! #REF!

#REF! ## #REF! #REF! #REF!

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