talking with center on halsted’s PAGE 10 ceo WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 April 18, 2012 vol 27, no. 26 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.comTIMES Gay-rights movement revs up at Notre Dame by Chuck Colbert hopes that school administrators will at least approve munity in its efforts. GAY UGANDAN the GSA by the end of the school year, while readily ac- Students at the Catholic University of America, based It needs to get better. knowledging that adding a non-discrimination clause in Washington, D.C., have produced a similar video and ACTIVIST Frank That’s the message of a two-and-a-half minute video may take longer. formed a coalition with Notre Dame advocates of non- Mugisha calling for approval of a gay-straight alliance (GSA) and “The 4 to 5 movement is the largest coalition for LGBT discrimination and an officially approved GSA for their pagE 11 the adoption of a non-discrimination policy that is in- rights at Notre Dame in history,” said alumnus Liam Dac- school. clusive of sexual orientation at one of the nation’s most ey, past chair of Gay & Lesbian Alumni of Notre Dame and At both institutions, students have submitted applica- visible Catholic universities, a school with a large base of St. Mary’s College (GALA-ND/SMC). tions seeking official status for GSAs. A decision is ex- alumni, including gay ones, in Chicago. “It has brought together students, faculty, staff and pected at Notre Dame no later than May 1. The video hammers away, gently, at the need for alumni, and the community in a unified way to tell the Meanwhile, the push is on as LGBTQ Fighting Irish and change on the South Bend, Ind., campus, where for more administration that they are not doing nearly enough to allies persist in a direct appeal for full respect and equal- than a decade efforts at securing legal protections for serve LGBT people,” he added. ity. LGBTQ students, faculty and staff have fallen short. Indeed, social media has raised the profile of the 4 to At the same time, any number of other Catholic col- And with the reach of social media and a reinvigorated 5 movement well beyond South Bend. Loyola University leges and universities offer legal protections on the basis push—now organized under the banner of the 4 to 5 of Chicago’s student government, for example, passed a Turn to page 4 movement—student and leaders and gay alumni have resolution of “solidarity” with Notre Dame’s LGBTQ com- Lesbian bar owner plans reunion PATRICK WANG By Jamie Anne Royce OF ‘IN THE Augie’s & C.K.’s, a popular lesbian bar in the 1970s and ’80s, will host a reunion FAMILY’ May 12, 2012. page 23 Founded as two separate bars, Augie’s and C.K.’s merged, making its home at 3726 N. Broadway, where the bar Charlie’s is now located. C.K.’s first opened at 1425 W. Diversey Ave. around August 1972, but moved to 2417 N. Milwaukee Ave. by January 1979. Augie’s also opened in 1972 at 3729 N. Halsted St. page 25 “I just decided to open up the bar because there were no girls’ bars,” said Augie. “I had just come back from a trip to Puerto Rico, and they had a beauti- ful girls’ bar. And that inspired me.” The bar quickly became a community for the regulars. They formed sports leagues, participated in the annual Pride Parade, and hosted picnics. “The bar meant everything. We had such a strong group of friends,” said Victoria “Pickles” Martinez, who bartended at C.K.’s and Augie’s & C.K.’s. “Espe- cially working there, everyone that I met, the resources I got, all the involve- ment in the different sports and the camaraderie with the women meant so much to me.” Martinez started working the door and the coat check at C.K.’s because C.K. wouldn’t let her tend bar until she had experience. After working in a few other nightspots, she began working behind the bar. When Augie’s & C.K.’s closed in 1994, she continued to tend bar in gay nightspots until January 2011. “One time, I remember after we closed the bar, we played hide-and-go-seek in there. It was just a lot of fun back in those days,” said Martinez. “You can KELLY LYNCH ask anybody that used to go in that bar. Everyone would just be at Augie’s & interview C.K.’s.” page 21 One ‘Voice’ And while working there was enjoyable for Martinez, there was still a lot of Beverly McClellan, one of the lesbian contestants last season on NBC’s The Voice, talked with Windy City Times. She’ll be coming to town this weekend to perform at the Red Turn to page 11 Dress Gala. See page 25. PR photo FIRESIDE CHAT FEATURING VERNITA GRAY LIVE INTERVIEW WITH LONG-TIME CHICAGO ACTIVIST CENTER ON HALSTED, WED. APRIL 25 AT 7:30PM 2 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 3 this week in WINDY CITY TIMES NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Gay rights at Notre Dame 4 Simon Callow interview 17 SPLC, TWO’s meetings on therapy 5 Kelly Lynch talks with WCT 21 Gay couple at Easter Egg Roll 6 Knight: In the Family; Scrooge 22 U.S. man at Mr. Gay World 6 ‘In the Family’ director 23 HBHC press conference 7 Dish: Nellcote 24 Halsted St. development 8 Beverly McClellan of ‘The Voice’ 25 Bonaventure; Gerber/Hart; CBA 9 Billy Masters 29 Center on Halsted’s “Tico” Valle 10 Ugandan activist; Augie & CK’s 11 OUTLINES T in the Life; Varnell memorial 12 Real estate; classifieds 26 Gay in the Life 13 Calendar Q 28 WIN AIDS @ 30 14 Sports: Force preview 30 Viewpoints: Monroe; letters 16 Photos on cover (left, from top): Photo of Modesto “Tico” Valle by Kate Lynch; Frank Mugisha photo from Mugisha; Patrick Wang PR photo; Kelly Lynch photo courtesy of Starz WANDA SYKES

BIAN, 1985 THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LES ND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE BI A 18, 2012 April , no. 26 G With vol 27 talkin PAGE 10 WINDY CITY Center ond’s halste Ceo TIMES

sed rica, ba of Ame d fforts. ity ideo an ity in its e holic Univers lar v Gay-rights movementmun e Cat uced a simi of non- otreve damerod o udents at th have p tes at least appr St , D.C., me advoca or their will ly ac- ington Notre Da GSA f istrators ile readi in Wash with pproved l admin r, wh coalition cially a t schoo yea on c lause ed a n offi ca- a the school riminati form ion and a d appli hopes th the end of non-disc minat submitte by ding a discri have is ex- the GSA hat ad or LGBT udents cision ging t lition f school. utions, st GSAs. A de revs up knatowled n gest coa ac- stit tus for ger. e lar Liam D t both in sta ay 1. bert e lon nt is th A official than M rish and may tak oveme alumnus and eeking ghting I by ChuCk Col ideo 4 to 5 m istory,” said otre Dame tions s e no later TQ Fi equal- ute v “The ame in h f N Notre Dam LGB ect and ter. alf min d otre D an Alumni o ted at push is on as resp et bet ghts at N y & Lesbi d pec le, the eal for full to g e of a two-and-a-h ance (GSA) an - ri , staff an ect app It needs ssag raight alli at is in st chair of Ga A-ND/SMC). culty e Meanwhi in a dir olic col- Gandan t’s the me olicy th ey, pa e (GAL dents, fa tell th persist er Cath aY U Tha oval of a gay-st on p ost y’s Colleg u way to allies f oth asis G or appr scriminati on’s m St. Mar together st ified o number o the b ist Frank non-di e of a un ly enough t y. DOWNLOADctions on THIS! V calling f a e of the nati as brought it rote aCti ion of on at on arge bas “It h community in ing near e time, any r legal p page 4 dopt h a l d the not do At the sam ies offe urn to isha the a exual orientati a school wit i, an are iversit t MUG of s ies, alumn at they f the 4 to and un clusive universit icago. for istration th rofile o leges E 11 Catholic , in Ch the need admin he added. p sity PAG visible tly, at more s raised the ola Univer ing gay onesay, ge n for ve LGBT people,” ia ha a i, includ ers aw where for ser ocial med Bend. Loy e, passed alumn o hamm mpus, s yond South xampl e v ide Bend, Ind., ca al protection Indeed, s be for e Th uth ing leg ovement well vernment, ame’s LGBTQ com- e on the So at secur allen short. 5 m otre D chang forts have f orated o’s student go with N decade ef d staff vig of Chicag arity” than a and a rein to 5 dents, faculty an al media esolution of “solid u h of soci er of the 4 r LGBTQ st he reac r the bann lumni have nd with t ay a A ganized unde ers and g esbian bar owner —now or nd lead l push tudent a ent—s movem reunion l host a plans ro yCreunione and ’80s, wil aNNe 70s y JaMie in the 19 ome at b bian bar king its h Go to les at popular rged, ma opened .K.’s, a .’s me .’s first & C e’s and C.K .K aukee Augie’s 2. rs, Augi located. C N. Milw arate ba lie’s is now to 2417 May 12, 201 two sep r Char moved d St. as e the ba 72, but 9 N. Halste aid Founded , wher ust 19 t 372 bars,” s roadway ug 1972 a rls’ - 3726 N. B . around A opened in e no gi beauti iversey Ave e’s also e there wer had a 5 W. D 9. Augi becaus TICKETS! 142 197 e bar Rico, and they anG n up th Puerto ts Ck W Ave. by January to ope a trip to med spor Patri decided ck from for “I just t come ba egulars. They in the 25 jus the r cnics. d oF ‘ page Augie. “I had at inspired me.”unity for osted pi ds,” sai a comm rade, and h of fr ien ilY’ rls’ bar. And th ame de Pa oup . “Espe- FaM ful gi bec ong gr & C.K.’s bar quickly n the annual Pri e’s olve- PAGE 23 The pated i .’s and Augi the inv partici ing. We had suchd at a strC.K got, all leagues, artende urces I meant so nt everyth , who b e reso “The bar mea artinez met, th ith the women ckles” M that I e w a “Pi veryone e C.K. Victori ere, e nd the camaraderi us orking th rts a t C.K.’s beca cially w erent spo eck a he diff in a few other nt in t and the coat ch working d in to download complete issues of Windy City Times and Nightspots. me r After close e.” the doo . & C.K.’s uch to m working ad experience Augie’s m ted il she h When y 2011. bar unt the bar. ar k Martinez starer tend ind s until Janu -and-go-see ’t let h ightspot ide can wouldn egan working beh in gay n layed h z. “You ots, she b the bar, we p Martine nightsp ued to tend bar ,” said ugie’s & contin er we closed e days t be at A 4, she r aft k in thos uld jus 199 I remembe fun bac ne time, a lot of . Everyone wo ot of “O as just that bar a l It w go in ere was still in there. t used to th body tha for Martinez, 11 ask any yable page e was enjo turn to C.K.’s.” king ther hile wor And w lked Voice, ta the red n on NbC’s at the st seaso form ants la to per contest weekend YnCh lesbian own this ERNITA GRAY Y l ng to t V kell ne ‘Voice’be comi ieW o McClellan, one of. She’ll the rV erly es inte bev City tim photo FEATURING GO ACTIVIST PAGE 21 with Windy HAT Gala. See page 25. Pr Dress FIRESIDE C 7:30PM WITH LONG-TIME CHICA25 AT Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site! with APRIL LIVE INTERVIEW WED. CENTER ON HALSTED, online exclusives at HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO See photos from this years C2E2 comic expo.

Photo by Andrew Davis SAT., SEPT. 29 @ The Chicago Theatre

Zobha apparel is Lambda Legal’s one of the items Hayley Gorenberg in Five Worth talks about the DEBT AND TAXES Finding. upcoming Day of Phil Sitar looks at how the failure to Silence. resolve the debt-ceiling crisis plays to PR photo this year’s election. Photo from Lambda Legal

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Time for Spring SPRING Cleaning CLEANING C’mon, we could all use a good sprucing.

Having a Wonka Windy City Show Ball with About Gay Idol kicks Face Theatre. off at The page 18 Glenwood. PLUS page 35 #464 Find Nightspots on 4 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES NOTRE DAME from cover ONLINE AT of sexual orientation and/or allow self-govern- WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM ing student groups, including Boston College, Georgetown University, DePaul University and NATIONAL NEWS Santa Clara University, among others. Georgetown and DePaul also have LGBTQ re- source centers. Last fall Georgetown’s center received a $1 million gift to fund an LGBTQ life initiative. And yet, back in South Bend, “15 times, Notre Dame has denied official club status to a gay- — (left) straight alliance,” says one undergraduate who skewer Chick-fil-A appears on a “It Needs to Get Better” video posted on YouTube; so far, the video has gotten —Gay Mormon more than 20,000 hits. students record “A GSA would lead to a long and overdue wel- ‘It Gets Better’ video coming environment that students have strug- gled for year after year,” he adds. —Dallas County’s “Notre Dame remains the only top-20 univer- HIV rate hits sity without a gay-straight alliance and without five-year high a nondiscrimination clause,” another student says on camera. “Notre Dame is always at the top of LGBT un- Alex Coccia and Joanna Whitfield. Photo courtesy of Coccia friendly colleges list,” says Joanna Whitfield of them. We believe they deserve that courtesy.” Brown added, “That said, as articulated in Palatine, Ill., a senior majoring in mechanical university that stresses Christian values and lov- “There is a paragraph in Christian Legal Soci- the Spirit of Inclusion, we welcome and value engineering. ing your neighbor would not protect people on ety [CLS] v. Martinez that would worry me very all members of our community, we condemn “Notre Dame’s Catholic identity doesn’t pre- a legal basis because of their sexual orientation. much if I were a religious group seeking to draw discriminatory harassment of any kind, and our clude it from these changes,” explains yet an- It is insincere to say that someone is loved and a distinction between status and conduct and policy explicitly precludes harassment based on other student, adding, “Many other Catholic welcomed as part of the community, but that maintain it in the face of an anti-discrimination sexual orientation.” colleges, including our sister school, St. Mary’s that person will not be legally protected.” principle that included sexual orientation,” he The Spirit of Inclusion statement to which [College] recognize a GSA and include sexual ori- Mary Rose D’Angelo, an associate professor of said. Brown refers dates back more than a decade entation in their non-discrimination clauses.” New Testament theology at Notre Dame, agrees “It appears to me that is what the president of when then president Malloy wrote in it, “We “So, listen up Father Jenkins,” says Alex Coc- that there is room for legal-protection measures Notre Dame is referring to,” said Poirier. choose not to change our legal non-discrimina- cia of Columbus, Ohio, a sophomore majoring in and an officially approved GSA. In a recent let- CLS v. Martinez is a 2010 United States Su- tion clause, but we call ourselves to act in ac- Africana and peace studies. ter to the editor of the student newspaper, she preme Court case (decided 5-4), penned by cord with what we regard as a higher standard— The Rev. John J. Jenkins, C.S.C., is university wrote, “Catholic teaching does not preclude Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In a win for LGBT Christ’s call to inclusiveness, coupled with the president. measures like the GSA and the non-discrimina- rights, the high court ruled that religious beliefs gospel’s call to live chaste lives.” “Listen up, board of trustees, student body, tion clause; indeed, it would seem to require may not always trump non-discrimination poli- Nonetheless, 4 to 5 movement Whitfield sees faculty and staff, alumni,” others add. “It needs them.” cies. room for improvement. “The Spirit of Inclusion to get better.” According to its mission statement, the GSA The case involved the Christian Legal Society is a nice step for the university to take towards Coccia and Whitfield—both of whom iden- would, if approved, “serve as a peer-to-peer at Hastings Law School, a public institution, creating a welcoming environment, but the tify as straight allies—are leaders of the 4 to interaction-based student club/gay-straight al- where the group sought to exclude gay people statement has no legal meaning. How can the 5 Movement, which they said recently dur- liance, where GLBTQ students and allies can work from membership and from holding office. Hast- campus environment be open and welcoming if ing recent telephone interviews resulted from together to ‘create a sense of human solidarity ings had a non-discrimination policy and refused the university doesn’t offer a group of people membership in the Progressive Student Alliance and concern for the common good’ as outlined to recognize the CLS group unless it admitted protection from discrimination?” (PSA), an officially sanctioned student group in Notre Dame’s mission statement.” gays. Advocates for change at Notre Dame point to advocating progressive principles, politics, and The GSA would not be an advocacy organiza- “The court rejected the CLS’s argument that St. Mary’s College, “where policies, practices, activism at Notre Dame. tion. the group could exclude homosexuals on the ba- and procedures are administered in a manner Coccia serves as co-president of PSA, with Additionally, “A GSA would provide social sup- sis of conduct,” said Poirier. “It held that Hast- consistent with our Catholic identity,” according Whitfield as vice president. port for GLBTQ students without isolating them, ings’ anti-discrimination policy protecting LGBT to the school’s policy on equal employment op- Last year, Brian Sims—a former college foot- as well as a significant complement to classroom folks would prevail over a CLS policy requiring portunity. ball team captain who is openly gay—gave them learning, and would be a venue for student-led celibacy.” The policy also states, “With the foregoing the idea of 4 to 5 when progressive students effort to assure that GLBTQ students are, in the Ginsburg held that exclusion on the basis of understanding, Saint Mary’s College will not en- hosted him as a speaker on campus, Whitfield words of the Catechism [of the Catholic Church] sexual conduct was tantamount to discrimina- gage in discrimination based on gender, race, explained. ‘accepted with respect, compassion, and sensi- tion on the basis of status as homosexual. national origin, religion, age, mental or physical Sims, a Philadelphia Democrat, is a candidate tivity,’” D’Angelo explained. “So based on this paragraph, there would ap- disability, all as provided by law. Based on Cath- for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. “Equally important is the Catechism’s stipula- pear to be a risk, if an educational institution olic values, the College also commits to avoid- In his talk, Sims pointed to overwhelming tion that ‘Every sign of unjust discrimination in had both a non-discrimination policy including ing discrimination based on sexual or political majority support for gay rights among young their regard should be avoided,’” she added. sexual orientation and a policy requiring celi- orientation.” people. “Endorsing the capacity of gay and straight bacy outside of marriage, and also doctrinally Gwen O’Brien, the school’s media relations “Statistics supported by the Pew Forum from a students (and associated faculty) to organize limited marriage to opposite sex couples, that director, said in e-mail correspondence, “The national youth survey found that among 18-to- around sexual identity and adding sexual orien- the anti-discrimination policy would be read by Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA) is one of 30 year-olds with a college education, four out tation to the non- discrimination are two es- the court to trump the celibacy policy,” Poirier the college’s approved organizations. SAGA’s of five support the general package of gay civil sential steps toward fulfilling the moral mandate said. purpose is to provide students opportunities rights,” explained Coccia. the Catechism articulates,” D’Angelo’s letter “To be sure, in other contexts courts have to openly discuss and question how they may “When they are polled,” however, he contin- concluded. given the status/conduct distinction weight, best live their lives as sexual beings within the ued, “only one-third think their peers agree.” Among those who disagree is Jenkins, the cur- but not in the circumstances of CLS v. Martinez,” framework of Catholic teaching.” “So an 80-percent majority thinks it’s a rent president, and his predecessor, the Rev. Ed- said Poirier. SAGA is self-governing, is open to all students, 30-percent minority,” Coccia said. ward T. Malloy, C.S.C., who have relied on Catho- Notre Dame’s campus advocacy for a self- has a constitution and elects officers—the same “That’s the same dynamic at Notre Dame,” he lic Church doctrine and legal concerns as bases governing student group and legal protections as any other student organization—with one said, explaining, “Those allies who are the ma- for a non-inclusive policy. comes at a time when the South Bend City Coun- caveat, said O’Brien: “SAGA cannot serve as an jority are either overwhelmed by the voices of “Our rationale for not adding sexual orienta- cil approved a measure by a vote of 6-3 that advocacy group.” opposition or structures in place make it seem tion to the non-discrimination policy clause has provided protections for residents from discrimi- GALA-ND/SMC’s Dacey applauds the advances as though they are not the majority. for the last 12 years been our unwillingness to nation on the basis of sexual orientation and at Notre Dame’s sister school. “Right now it is For Coccia and Whitfield, the in-the-minority leave to civil courts the interpretation of univer- gender identity. getting better at St. Mary’s, but we aren’t seeing mentality is simply unacceptable. sity decisions that are made the basis of Church Notre Dame is not located, save a building, the same sort of progress at Notre Dame,” he “It keeps allies from getting involved. It hin- teaching on sexual orientation and conduct,” within city limits. And yet, Coccia termed the said. “How can this be viewed as anything but ders people from coming out. It hinders people wrote Jenkins in April 2011 to GALA-ND/SMC’s vote “fantastic,” adding, “It gives us a lot of one big Catholic hypocrisy?” from speaking what they believe,” he said. Dacey. motivation, too.” A 1978 graduate of the University of Notre Worse yet, “it breeds a culture of silence,” said Two years earlier, Malloy wrote, “Within so- University spokesperson Dennis Brown, an Dame, Chuck Colbert is a co-founder of GALA- Coccia. ciety at large, the phrase ‘sexual orientation’ assistant vice president of Public Information ND/SMC and a former co-chair of the organi- The legacy undergraduates have generational sometimes becomes a term that does not admit and Communications, said in e-mail correspon- zation, which is not affiliated with the Notre ties to Notre Dame. Whitfield’s grandfather is of distinction between sexual orientation and dence, “We have received material related to a Dame Alumni Association. an alumnus from the 1950s and Coccia’s father the manner in which people live out their sexual gay straight alliance and sexual orientation in © Copyright. Chuck Colbert. All rights re- graduated in the 1970s. orientation—a distinction that is critical to us the non-discrimination clause—as well as many served. “I’ve gone to Catholic schools my whole life,” as a Catholic institution.” other requests—from concerned students and said Coccia, who considers Notre Dame to be a The two presidents may have a point, says are not making any comments until we’ve had “family” and “community.” Marc. R. Poirier, a professor at the Seton Hall the opportunity to thoroughly review and evalu- It’s “hypocritical,” he went on to say, “that a University School of Law. ate the material and then respond directly to WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 5 are relying on junk science and religious propa- many stories as possible so they can take further ganda to defraud people into thinking they can action against conversion therapy groups. “The SPLC, Truth Wins Out turn straight. bottom line is that this is a fraudulent practice “We are excited that these groups are getting that has harmed many people and needs to exposed and are on the losing side of history stop,” said Wolfe. hold meetings on since their experiment has failed. We aim to SPLC and Truth Wins Out held previous com- make sure that people know this information so munity meetings on this subject in Washington, they don’t get sucked into their web. The only D.C.; Baltimore; and Atlanta. ‘ex-gay’ people out there to promote any success See conversion therapy stories are still a part of “reparative” therapy and for more information. organizations. No one else is espousing this phi- By Carrie Maxwell considering “therapy” to “cure” themselves. losophy outside of these organizations.” Wolfe said that this therapy is not just about Diamond said that conversion-therapy organi- Groups push Obama The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and counseling individuals; it is a movement. Many zations have used her written material against on executive order Truth Wins Out held community meetings to of the major figures in the conversion-therapy her, according to Wolfe. discuss “conversion” therapy at the Provo Com- movement, Wolfe explained, are actively fight- Wolfe added that Beckstead went into how to ban LGBT bias munity United Church of Christ in Provo, Utah, ing against LGBT equality by using their ex-gay Pro-LGBT organizations have responded to unethical it is for therapists to use conversion April 11 and at the First Baptist Church of Salt conversion therapy data. Wolfe said that the President Barack Obama’s failure to sign an ex- therapy. He also mentioned his involvement Lake City in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12. SPLC is also seeing the influence in schools such ecutive order that would prohibit federal con- with the American Psychological Association’s “We wanted to raise awareness of the harm as the Anoka-Hennepin School District case in tractors from discriminating on the bases of Task Force to evaluate sexual-reorientation that ‘conversion’ therapy causes people ... that Minnesota. sexual orientation and gender identity. treatments and provide recommendations based this isn’t a thing of the past and is still taking Besen explained the history of conversion- “This is a political calculation that cannot upon that evaluation. place around the country and abroad,” said Sam therapy movement and the figures who were stand,” said Tico Almeida, president of Freedom The question that most people asked was what Wolfe, a civil-rights lawyer for SPLC who helped supportive but have since denounced the prac- to Work. “We will continue to publicly urge them they could do to help expose conversion-therapy launch the LGBT Rights Project. tice. to reconsider for many months to come.” organizations such as the Utah-based Evergreen The meetings were held in Utah, Wolfe told “We want to educate the public that these Polling from the Human Rights Campaign has International. Suggestions included protests, Windy City Times, because of his personal con- kinds of therapies are ineffective and destruc- shown that 73 percent of U.S. residents support complaints to professional medical boards and nection to the area, growing up as a Mormon tive,” said Besen. “People are wasting money an executive order barring federal contractors lawsuits. and attending Brigham Young University where and time to chase a false hope that they can from discriminating against LGBT employees. As for the future, the SPLC wants to collect as he first encountered “conversion” therapy as a change their sexual orientation. These groups student. Also, Wolfe said, Mormons tend to be a strong constituency within the conversion- therapy movement. “About 15 people attended the Provo meeting and about 20 people attended the Salt Lake City meeting,” said Wolfe. “They included community members, health professionals and other survi- vors who were not on the panel. So far the Provo meeting was the most powerful one we’ve had.” According to the SPLC website, “Conver- sion therapy (sometimes known as reparative or ‘sexual reorientation’ therapy) is a danger-

Sam Wolfe. Photo courtesy of the SPLC ous practice based on the premise that people can change their sexual orientation, literally ‘converting’ from gay to straight. The therapy includes everything from counseling to acting out scenarios to in some cases shock treatment. Conversion therapy has been discredited or highly criticized by virtually all major American medical, psychiatric, psychological and profes- sional counseling organizations. People who have undergone conversion therapy have report- ed increased anxiety, depression and, in some cases, suicidal ideation.” Panelists included survivors of conversion therapy; Wolfe; Wayne Besen, founding execu- tive director of Truth Wins Out; Dr. Lee Beck- stead, a Salt Lake City psychologist; and Lisa Diamond, associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah. Each panel member discussed a different as- pect of conversion therapy citing his or her own experiences and research on the topic. The sur- vivors of conversion therapy told their stories and how the therapy impacted them to help other LGBT people who have undergone or are 6 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES U.S. entrant comes in third at Mr. Gay World By Ross Forman “Bullying has definitely changed. A decade ago and before [that], bullying in school was Kevin Power, a New York-based teacher who mostly physical, emotional and mental. Now, stresses anti-bullying, finished third in the an- it’s largely cyber-bullying. Everything starts nual Mr. Gay World competition, held April 4-8 with the Internet; everything starts with social in Johannesburg, South Africa. media that kids are using without parental su- Andreas Derleth, 32, from New Zealand was pervision. They are going on Facebook, Google the winner, while South Africa’s Lance Weyer, Plus and elsewhere and getting into people’s 24, finished second . business and ripping them to a new level. That “I was very happy [finishing third,]” Power includes pictures and status [updates]. It can be said in a phone interview shortly after the com- streamed to millions of people in a hour. Now, petition concluded. “Sure, I wanted to win, but, the problem isn’t just within the classroom, but meeting all of the delegates that I met, it really something that is now on a much larger, global was anyone’s possible title [to win]. Everyone scale.” had amazing qualities, amazing personalities.” In his school seminars, Power brings out the The Mr. Gay World competition is a public per- fears and possible outcomes from using social formance where delegates represent their nation media networks without understanding the im- From left: Siena Garcia-Rizzo, Daryl Rizzo and Jaime Garcia. Photo from the Garcia-Rizzo family as the best spokesperson to embody the spirit of pact that they really have. their nation. The competition features various “Something that a person posts on Facebook, challenges, including a photo challenge, sports for instance, is something that that person will have to live with for the rest of their life,” he Local gay couple said. Power said he did encounter a lot of bully- ing when teaching, though kids often did not also view it as bullying as well, he said. Such as, attends White House name-calling. “The issue is, those tiny acts are what start to build up,” he said. Power often would stop teaching lessons mid- Easter Egg Roll sentence to confront the issues, face them head- on. “A lot of people disagreed with my methods By Carrie Maxwell The White House contacted LGBT organiza- because they thought it was taking away from tions across the country and asked them to instruction, but, to me, a school teacher is Suburban Chicago family Jaime Garcia, Daryl identify and invite gay and lesbian families to not just someone who teaches you things that Rizzo and their 4-year-old daughter, Siena Rose attend the annual event. The pro-LGBT organi- you can find in a book. A teacher is someone Garcia-Rizzo, were among the 35,000 people zation Equality knew Garcia, Rizzo and who teaches you life-lessons that you will take who attended the 134th annual White House their daughter from their participation in Chi- through life,” Power said. “By combating those cago’s inaugural civil-union ceremony at Millen- lessons right then and there, I was able to say nium Park last June, and asked them to attend. that this was something that we weren’t going The couple has been together for 12 years and Kevin Power. Photo by Michael Craft/Twisted to tolerate, that this is something that we’re not are active members of Equality Illinois. Images going to perpetuate; that this is something that The Garcia-Rizzo family recently moved from we have to end, now.” Chicago to west suburban La Grange. They share challenge, fashion show/runway challenge, Power’s speech at the finale of the Mr. Gay their house with Siena’s grandmother and three swimsuit challenge, public speaking and a local World competition was apparently so direct and dogs. To be one of many other same-sex couples outreach challenge where delegates work with a raw with emotion that the audience responded and their children invited to participate in the local charity to give back to the community that with a standing ovation, “which was amazing,” White House Easter Egg Roll was a thrill for their is hosting the competition. he said. family, Rizzo shared. “I was somewhat disappointed with myself; I Power returned to the United States April 16, “The contrast between the previous adminis- thought I would do better in some of the chal- after vacationing in the southern tip of Africa. tration and the Obama administration is stark,” lenges, but finishing third [overall] is still amaz- said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois. ing,” Power said. “It was just an honor to be on “While families with gay and lesbian parents Researcher rejects the stage with some of these guys. I’m extremely had to invite themselves into the event during happy. own ‘ex-gay’ study the Bush years and often felt shunted off to “Coming in third has really helped fuel my Dr. Robert Spitzer has invalidated his much- the sidelines, the White House under President passion, with an anti-bullying campaign, and criticized 2001 study that claimed some “highly Obama has worked to ensure full involvement of traveling around making a difference.” motivated” people could go from gay to straight, families with gay and lesbian parents.” Power, 22, graduated from SUNY-Oswego, and according to a Truth Wins Out press release. “For our daughter, it was all about celebrat- hopes to return to the classroom teaching in the Spitzer’s rejection of his own research was ing Easter,” said Rizzo. “For us, it was about fall. originally published in the Archives of Sexual celebrating the diversity of our country and the Behavior. openness of the Obama administration. We were “My favorite aspect of the trip, of the entire Siena Garcia-Rizzo. “Dr. Spitzer’s repudiation of his 2001 study just like any other family at the event, however, experience, was [on Saturday] when we [met lo- cal] children … and I brought about 10 chil- is an earthquake that severely undermines the we did set out to raise awareness of same-sex validity of ‘ex-gay’ programs,” said Truth Wins Easter Egg Roll April 9. families just by being ourselves.” dren’s books,” for them, he said. “We spent hours with these amazing kids—some who have Out’s Executive Director Wayne Besen, who criti- The theme for this year’s event was “Let’s Go, Rizzo said they didn’t get to see the first fam- cized the study in his 2003 book, Anything But Let’s Play, Let’s Move.” Attendees were able to ily since they had tickets for later in the day no homes, some who have one parent, etc. It was an amazing experience, very emotional.” Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Be- participate in sports activities and games, hear (spending two hours at the event); however, hind the Ex-Gay Myth. “Spitzer just kicked out stories, watch cooking lessons, hear live musical they did get to watch singer Janelle Monae per- Power is a certified high school science teach- er, specializing in biology and chemistry. the final leg from the stool on which the pro- performances and participate in the traditional form. Their daughter participated in the egg roll, ponents of ‘ex-gay’ therapy based their already He formed his own anti-bullying campaign, Easter Egg Roll competition. and rolled down a hill with other kids in her shaky claims of success.” Common Sense For The Intolerable, and has been The White House Easter Egg Roll dates back to fancy Easter dress. They also got to meet an- About the criticisms that have been leveled at traveling to Lower Manhattan-area schools, talk- President Rutherford B. Hayes’ administration. other lesbian couple and their four children. him, Spitzer told American Prospect, “In retro- ing about tolerance. “What I stress to these kids Hayes and the first lady, Lucy, invited children “The things that Siena loved the most were spect, I have to admit I think the critiques are is, it’s not just about homophobia, but [also] to the White House South Lawn for egg rolling the costumed characters, especially Clifford the largely correct. The findings can be considered about sexism, racism—all of these social issues for the first time on Easter Monday in 1878. Dur- Big Red Dog, and the Easter Egg Roll,” said Riz- evidence for what those who have undergone ex- and social aspects that we tend to overlook,” he ing the Eisenhower administration the first lady, zo. “Siena had just learned about the president gay therapy say about it, but nothing more.” said. Mamie, opened the event to African-American and White House at school, and it was cool for In 1973, Spitzer led a movement to have Power started speaking in schools on the topic children for the first time. Over the years gay her to see it in person.” homosexuality declassified as a mental illness. last September. and lesbian parents and their children have at- As they left the White House grounds, their However, in 2001, he released a study that con- tended the event; however, President Obama and daughter received a wooden egg to commemo- “Being a teacher, I see [bullying directly], tended it was possible to change one’s sexual First Lady Michelle Obama have officially includ- rate the event. some times kids have the courage to come talk orientation. ed gay and lesbian families in the annual event to us and sometimes they won’t have that cour- since hosting their first egg roll in 2009. age,” he said. WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 7

According to Tim Horty, a spokesperson for Howard Brown holds Indiana man the U.S. Department of Justice, no other vic- tims have been identified yet. charged in The complaint against Finkbiner alleges press conference ‘sexploitation’ case that he admitted to victimizing at least 100 young boys. BY KATE SOSIN “We think it may have started further back but how far back is difficult to say at this An Indiana man could face up to 30 years on updates point,” Horty said. in prison for allegedly “sexploiting” teenage Finkbiner is being held without bond. boys over the internet. by Yasmin Nair needs. Using the Broadway Youth Center as an Authorities are searching for other victims. example, he said that program was a model for Richard Leon Finkbiner, 39, of Brazil faces two charges of sexual exploitation of chil- Howard Brown Health Center (HBHC) held a community-based interventions that could be dren after he allegedly coerced at least two press conference April 16 to provide updates applied to all other facets of HBHC care. LGBT Asian lawyers 14-year-old boys into sending him explicit about its financial status and its plans for pro- WCT asked about recent stories about BYC’s videos and threatening to make the videos reception April 19 viding medical care. The event was held at its move from its Lakeview locale. Edwards respond- The Asian American Bar Association (AABA), public if they did not continue to send videos. 4025 N. Sheridan Road location. ed that HBHC was “not in a position to address the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chi- According to a statement released by the The presentation included key Howard Brown that in any great level of detail.” Calling BYC cago, the National Asian Pacific American Bar FBI, thousands of photos and videos were personnel, such as Jamal Edwards, CEO and pres- “one of Howard Brown’s crown jewels,” he added Association (NAPABA) and the National LGBT found on Finkbiner’s computer containing ident of HBHC; Wil Raj, vice president and chief that “how we go about serving LGBT youth” Bar Association will host an LGBT Asian Amer- hundreds of possible victims. administrative officer; Kristin Keglovitz Baker, would have to shift with respect to changing is- ican/South Asian Lawyers cocktail reception U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of medical director; Lowell Raven, senior director, sues in healthcare but that HBHC’s commitment Thursday, April 19, 6-8 p.m. at McDermott Indiana Joe Hogsett said in the statement finance and accounting and controller; and Mi- to them would remain. Will & Emery, 227 W. Monroe St. that there could be victims across the coun- chael McFadden, director of social services and Raven spoke of the changes to financial re- There will a keynote address from Peter S. try. community health services. porting and accounting within HBHC. He said Ohr, regional director of the National Labor “This defendant may not remember his al- Edwards spoke of HBHC “working hard to re- that in addition to the treasurer sending finan- Relations Board. leged victims, but the true tragedy is that not solve its financial issue” as well as to the ways cial reports to the board, “We are very good The event is free; however, donated pro- one of them will ever forget,” Hogsett said. that the organization is making changes in its about sending monthly financial internal docu- ceeds will support scholarships for students Investigators cannot estimate a number of ments to the programmatic directors.” He point- to attend the National Queer Asian Pacific victims until forensic evidence is processed, ed out that the FY11 audit was now available on Islander Alliance conference in Washington, the statement said. the website, and that where the FY10 deficit was D.C. in July. In the two known cases, victims were from more than 2.1 million, 2011 saw a surplus of 1.2 To RSVP, visit million. Michigan and Maryland and were allegedly Responding to a question about Illinois pos- communicating with Finkbiner from Novem- sibly facing cuts to Medicaid patient spending, ber 2011 through February 2012. Cassidy, Steans part of Edwards said that while this was a concern, “we According to the compliant, Finkbiner alleg- Earth Day clean-up edly coerced the Michigan victim into sending have taken other steps by looking at fundraising State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, state Sen. Heather him explicit videos on two nights and insisted efforts, our pharmacy program [which is feder- Steans and the Touhy Park Advisory Council that he continue to send videos or he would ally funded] and Brown Elephant sales.” will host an Earth Day park clean-up Saturday, make the video public online. In response to a question about whether the April 21, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Touhy Park, The victim eventually broke down and told organization had cut programs to ensure what it 7348 N. Paulina Ave. his brother who alerted his parents. The vic- touted as massive cuts in spending, Edwards was Call 773-784-2002 or 773-262-6737. less clear about specifics. He gave an example of tim in Maryland told his guardians what was the expenses related to the MACS grant which happening before sending additional videos. has been transitioned to Northwestern Universi- ty. However, to the best of WCT’s knowledge, and he did not dispute this, those expenses were, in fact, already built into the grant. As WCT has already reported, HBHC’s spending cuts apparently include cutting healthcare for Brown Elephant employees by making many of their positions part-time; the organization has yet to provide details about this. Jamal Edwards. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald WCT up for two Lisagor awards methods of patient outreach including, accord- The Chicago Headline Club has announced ing to him, the elimination of the waiting list. its annual Peter Lisagor Award nominations for He and subsequent presenters emphasized the Chicago-area news media. Windy City Times is use of new technology and that HBHC is mov- nominated for two awards, both for in-depth re- ing into a “patient-centered” model that would porting for a non-daily publication. strive to cover peoples’ needs from “birth to the The WCT AIDS @ 30 series is nominated for the end of their lives.” work of staff and freelance writers in that series, Keglovitz Baker referred to an “interdisciplin- which began April 2011 and runs through April ary care model” that would include spiritual 2012. Most of the articles will be collected into counseling and pediatric care, as well as to the a book available later this year. More than two increased used of hand-held electronic tablets. dozen writers have contributed to the series. According to her and Raj, these, already in use The AIDS @ 30 series was also a finalist for the by many of the providers, provide them instan- national Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defa- taneous access to patient records. mation (GLAAD) media awards in the newspaper Their use is especially significant in medical- article category, and lost to the Boston Globe. crisis situations, when they can be used to The New York Times was also a finalist in that quickly send necessary information to emer- category. gency rooms. The tablets are also part of an The second Peter Lisagor nomination is for the integrated care model; social workers can now Windy City Times series, “Lakeview crime: The instantly upload their information to medical numbers,” an investigation of crime statistics in providers without waiting to file paper reports. the Lakeview neighborhood. The series was writ- Patients will also be able to use online forms to ten by Erica Demarest, Kate Sosin and Andrew communicate directly with their doctors. Davis. When Windy City Times asked about low-in- The annual Lisagor Awards will be announced come patients with limited online access, Raj during an event Friday, May 4, 5:30 p.m. at a said that their needs would be seen to through location to be announced. the use of computer banks and kiosks on the For details, see premises and ensuring that their needs were also being met by medical professionals. McFadden spoke of continuing what he de- scribed as HBHC’s ongoing commitment to pro- viding a range of services rooted in community 8 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES neighborhood, including especially the value of “We were pleased to be able to participate in units at the Gill Park Co-op. We are in favor of the alderman’s process. It provided a rare op- Halsted development developing the parking lot, but we feel strongly portunity for productive negotiations between that the current development is still too tall and developer and the community,” said Letchinger. dense. “The final outcome provides an exciting new moves forward despite “We were shocked that the process ended so project for a neighborhood that will benefit quickly and we don’t feel there were meaningful greatly from a new, class-A, market-rate apart- community reservations reductions of height and density to address the ment building. We will be turning a dark, non- stated concerns and objections of the neighbor- tax-generating surface lot into an asset for the By Carrie Maxwell Jim Letchinger from JDL Development Corpora- hood. We also understood that East Lake View community. We are excited to be part of this tion (the company spearheading this develop- Neighbors and the Northalsted Business Alli- neighborhood’s strong and unique culture and Following months of contentious meetings be- ment), Rick Filler from Harlem Irving Companies ance was opposed to the development on simi- are confident that this building will provide a tween community members, 46th Ward Ald. (business partners with JDL) and architect Jim lar grounds and are surprised that they voted high-quality living option for residents in the James Cappleman’s office and JDL Development Plunkard for three and a half hours. It was dur- in favor of the development despite such minor area.” Corporation, a five person subcommittee voted ing that meeting that the subcommittee voted changes compared to what JDL presented on According to the alderman’s office, the pro- April 4 to send the proposed 3750 N. Halsted 4-1 in support of the development with the de- Mar. 26.” posed development is estimated to bring ap- Development through the city’s zoning pro- sign changes. Grace Neighbors voted against the “Last week’s meeting was respectful and pro- proximately 200 construction jobs; more than 50 cess—which, if approved, will go to the full City project during that meeting. ductive, and I am very pleased with the outcome permanent retail, maintenance and management Council for a vote. Also present during the April 4 meeting were of this process,” said Cappleman. “I am very positions; and $1 million per year in tax rev- The proposed mixed-use development would staffers from Cappleman’s office and Patrick Mur- grateful to the committee members and wider enue. They plan to engage and update the com- replace the parking lot next to the IHOP on the phey from the Department of Housing and Eco- community that gave their time over the past munity as the proposal moves through the city corner of Halsted and Bradley in Boystown, just nomic Development for the City of Chicago. seven months to share their ideas on what is and will meet with any ward resident to discuss down the street from the Center on Halsted. The development has gone through many de- best for our neighborhood and city. We’ve held their concerns. At the March 26 ward zoning and develop- sign stages since last fall. The design that was over 10 meetings throughout the community to Halsted Neighbors plans to ensure that the ment committee meeting, the committee voted proposed in March had the Halsted Street tower make sure everyone could be heard and voice City Planning Commission and Zoning Commit- to create a five person subcommittee to work at 178 feet and the Grace Street tower at 104 their opinion. I’m pleased with the outcome and tee understands its concerns, which, it says, the with the developers on a compromise that would feet. The latest design that was approved on the transparency that was achieved in this pro- alderman’s office did not adequately address. address many of the community members con- April 4 lowers the Halsted Street tower by two cess.” cerns. floors to 155 feet and raises the tower on Grace The subcommittee, which the alderman ap- Street by two floors. lem of anti-LGBT behavior by illustrating the pointed, was composed of representatives from Of the new plans, a representative from Halsted Preckwinkle, Paretsky silencing effect of bullying and harassment East Lakeview Neighbors, Northalsted Business Neighbors (which wasn’t a part of the subcom- at April 19 Planned on LGBT students and those perceived to be Alliance, Grace Neighbors, Magnolia-Malden mittee that voted April 4 since the organization LGBT.” Neighbors and an architect who lives in the does not hold a seat on the zoning and develop- Parenthood gala Locally, Night of Noise will take place at Planned Parenthood of Illinois will host the neighborhood. ment committee) said, “We are still concerned Thompson Center Plaza, 100 W. Randolph St. second annual Generations Gala on Thursday, The subcommittee held a meeting April 4 with with the current design and its impact to the Youths will gather at 5:30 p.m. to break the April 19 at the Fairmont Hotel Millennium silence. Then, there will be people performing Park, 200 N. Columbus Dr. poetry, dance and more. Email iman@illinois- A VIP reception will be at 5 p.m., with a for more information. program at 6 p.m. and a cocktail reception/ silent auction at 7 p.m. Chicago leaders such as Cook County Board Chicago President Toni Preckwinkle, actress/comedi- enne Julia Sweeney and best-selling author ‘Instagreeter’ Sara Paretsky will note how each generation site now at Center approached the fight for reproductive justice Chicago visitors can experience the com- and what Planned Parenthood is doing today munities of Lakeview, Wrigleyville and Boys- to protect reproductive health care for future town this summer when a new “InstaGreeter” generations. neighborhood location opens Saturday, May editor-at-large and MSNBC po- 26, at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted litical analyst Joan Walsh will also speak, and St. will be at the VIP reception. This free visitor service offered by the Chi- Tickets are $75; see www.plannedparent- cago Greeter program at the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture (COTC) provides one-hour guided walks led by locals. InstaGreeter returns this summer to the Day of Silence/ Pilsen neighborhood at the National Museum Night of Noise of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th St.; to Old Town at The Second City, 1616 N. Wells St.; and April 20 to Hyde Park, departing from a new location: Students throughout the country will mark Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave. the Day of Silence/Night of Noise Friday, April Neighborhood locations are open 11 a.m.-3 20. p.m. on alternating Saturdays May 26-Oct. 6. According to the Day of Silence website, Walks are given on a first-come, first-served “Students from middle school to college take basis and are limited to six people or less a vow of silence in an effort to encourage with no pre-registration required. schools and classmates to address the prob- Rendering of the development. Image courtesy of JDL Development

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like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act CBA committee and DOMA. “We can make progress through the courts. hosts event So much has happened in the U.S. because of the courts,” he said, citing the U.S. Supreme with Quigley Court case Loving v. Virginia, which struck By Jamie Anne Royce down bans on interracial marriage. The Chicago Bar Association LGBT committee Gerber/Hart hosted U.S. Congressman Mike Quigley April 11. readying for move Quigley discussed the current state of LGBT- BY KATE SOSIN rights legislation in Congress, and outlined what he is doing to further a progressive Gerber/Hart Library and archives appears to agenda in a Republican-controlled House of be readying for its move to Rogers Park, just Representatives. two weeks before it is set to leave its Edge- He highlighted some recent accomplish- water home. ments for LGBT rights, including the repeal The LGBT library held a weeklong book sale of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) and the in anticipation of the move, and its future passage of the Matthew Shepard and James home now displays a sign noting that library Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. He also is moving there. applauded President Obama and the Justice Signs of progress come after weeks of spec- Department’s decision to no longer defend ulation over the readiness of the library’s new space, located at 6500 N. Clark St., for oc- Father Dennis O’Neill. Photo by Tracy Baim the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court. Quigley is also working to reassess the policy cupancy. banning gay men from donating blood. The library has been subject of a Windy City Quigley pointed out that social issues often Times investigation since January, when the get attached to an unrelated bill, sometimes paper discovered that its current Edgewater Icons on display at making them hard to get through Congress. home is for rent amid questions around its “These wedge issues have made everything observance of its bylaws and Illinois non- difficult. The issues you care about get tied to profit guidelines. contraception and public radio,” Quigley said. Gerber/Hart’s future home continues to ap- Bonaventure House pear empty and not under construction. Old The margin by which each party controls building permits remain at the site, and the By Jon Putnam gallery of overlooked figures. Founded in 1989, Congress is razor-thin, Quigley stressed. the agency provides service and spiritual care to “When you’re in the minority, you have to City of Chicago website does not indicate per- mits issued since 2006. LGBT Christians have seldom seen themselves Chicagoans who in many instances have them- compromise to get anything done,” Quigley The library does have a provision in its lease reflected in histories of their faith, but a new selves been marginalized as a result of HIV/ said. that will allow it to store materials in the new installment of paintings at Alexian Brothers Bo- AIDS. By demonstrating the significant contri- “[Republicans] say a lot ‘This doesn’t have a building in the event that the space is not naventure House reveals that same-sex attrac- butions that sexual and gender minorities have chance in the Senate, but we’re messaging,’” built out in time, according to Michele Kur- tion and departure from gender norms were not made to Christian tradition, the paintings will said Quigley, in reference to social-issues lander, the real estate attorney who handled uncommon among the most revered saints and allow the residents of Bonaventure House the bills, such as those that limit access to abor- the library’s property search. martyrs. opportunity to view their own spirituality in a tion and contraception. Little apparent progress at the new location Bonaventure House hosted a celebration April new way. While DADT has been repealed, gay military made some wonder if Gerber/Hart was in fact 13 to present the artwork to the public. “I just think it’s inspiring,” said Cheryl Potts, families still don’t receive the same benefits moving to the building at 6500 N. Clark St. Commissioned by local pastor Father Dennis executive director of the Alexian Brothers AIDS because of DOMA, which bars the federal gov- Dispelling rumors to the contrary, however, O’Neill, the 21 paintings all represent holy icons Ministry, “for the residents to come in during ernment from legally recognizing same-sex is a new banner that reads “Future Home of who historically have been marginalized by the their meditations or reflections, and be sur- couples as married. the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives” on the Catholic Church. For example, Saints Sergius and rounded by these individuals who have done However, Quigley remained hopeful for the front door. Bacchus were officers in the Roman army whose wonderful things with their lives.” federal issues that still need to be addressed, romantic devotion to one another was clearly Three artists (William Hart McNichols, Lewis recorded in early Greek manuscripts, circa 303 Williams, and Robert Lentz) created the paint- A.D. Although homophobia later took root, ings. these manuscripts indicate a widespread accep- Michael Leppen and Christ Church of Winnetka tance of homosexuality in the earliest centuries also contributed to the installation, which was of Christianity. sponsored by the LGBT spirituality center The Other art features the “Patrons of the AIDS Living Circle. Epidemic”; Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz; Saint O’Neill is the author of Passionate Holiness: Joan of Arc; Holy Priest, Anonymous One of the Marginalized Christian Devotions for Distinctive Sachsenhausen (from the Nazi concentration People. Many of the icons are in his book, with camp); Saint Wenceslaus (Vaclav) and Podiven, full descriptions of their lives. He has ministered His Assistant; and many more. for many years to the LGBT community. Bonaventure House is a fitting home for this Your financial needs are unique. Whether you want to provide for your loved ones, support the organizations that are important to you, or plan for your own comfortable retirement, I can help you plan for your goals. I’ll look at all aspects of your finances, then find solutions that are right for your unique needs. And as your goals and needs change, I’ll be there to adjust your plan and help put your dreams within reach. Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH® Call me todaytoday at (312)(312) 346-1000849.3002 Phillip J. Sitar, MBA 3033 7North N M Dearbornichigan Av St.e , |Suite Suit 1400e 181 8 Financial Advisor ChicagChicago,o ,IL I L60602 60601 Ameriprise Financial (3(312)12) 346-1000 849.3002 Services, Inc. [email protected]

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Brokerage, investment and nancial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. Attendees (from left) Amy Maggio, Michael Leppen and Danny Kopelsen. Photo by Jon Putnam; © 2011 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. more pics online at 10 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES call police on people? MV: Violence. Center on Halsted WCT: Has there been a security concern about Center being such a visible LGBT pres- ence? CEO on controversies, MV: Every day. It’s one of the reasons why my staff and security is all about supervision, knowing who’s in the building and being client- centered. We are responsible for the safety of a five-year anniversary lot of people, and that’s something we’re always teaching. BY KATE SOSIN moving towards health services? WCT: Have you had any scares? MV: Not our intention… Our first year, we were MV: No, but when I’ve heard about—for in- When Center on Halsted opened in the heart contracted to test 1,500 people, and we tested stance, a couple years ago there was a threat of of Boystown in 2007, many LGBT people hailed 3,000. What we noticed was we were seeing a a bomb in one of the synagogues—I was a little it as a new beacon for the community. Among very high rate of positivity. So the CDC [Cen- scared. It was a little close to home. Anytime other things, the Center brought hundreds of ters for Disease Control and Prevention] would Fred Phelps shows up, even though he means programs, HIV testing, food, a computer lab, a like to see around 1 percent test for positivity. nothing to me, I get a little worried because gymnasium, new meeting spaces, crisis support, We were seeing sometimes 7, 8 percent in our emotions get high and violence can trigger. a theater and a space to hold large events for youth, and it was alarming. So the high positiv- WCT: The Center has grown in a time when the community. In addition, it wrapped those ity rate was important to us because we wanted other organizations have shrunk. Why do you services into a massive gleaming building, brand to move these young people into care. So that think that is? new and green in design. really moved really quickly into the CDC and MV: We’ve done a lot with very little. We’ve However, not all Lakeview residents celebrated state saying, “Wow, you’re the site that’s get- stayed around $4.5 million all these years. This its arrival, which brought scores of LGBT youth ting the community that needs to get tested and year was a big year with major grants, and we’re to its front door from across the city, making move into care.” So we immediately moved into going to continue to grow. But we’re not going some believe that the center posed a safety partnerships. to grow for the sake of growing. We’re going to threat to the neighborhood. Also, the youth WCT: The Center has been controversial for grow because there is a need that needs to be themselves have complained that some Center a lot of Lakeview residents worried about filled. policies further marginalize them. safety, especially last summer with the “Take WCT: You had some cuts around 2009. Have As Center on Halsted prepares to celebrate its Back Boystown” Facebook page campaign. you hired those back? five-year anniversary, Windy City Times sat down Why do you think that is? Center on Halsted CEO Modesto “Tico” Valle. MV: Yes. Most of them have come back and with CEO Modesto “Tico” Valle to talk about the MV: We are a significant presence on Halsted Photo by Kate Sosin more. Center’s historic start, its bright future and the Street. This is the go-to place. In one way, it is WCT: What happened to Hope Barrett? [Bar- ugly rumors in between. a compliment because, wow, if they think we’re rett was senior director of public programs MV: I’ve had one complaint. Most people, Windy City Times: So, five years— causing that and we should be able to be the until recently, and her departure went unre- they’re fine. It’s interesting. Even our young Modesto “Tico” Valle: It really has gone by police to solve the problems… I think the is- ported until now.] people have never raised it with them. fast, and part of it, for me, is about the tremen- sue is a lot more complicated and it involves a MV: Great person. I can’t talk about [human WCT: There have been some complaints dous amount of people that have come here and lot of the “isms” of our society. Some of it has resources], but I love Hope. She did great work, about the Center from youth. One is that they the unmet needs in our community. There was to do with fear and facing your own prejudices. but her position was eliminated. are asked to use the side door, while everyone a lot of conversation prior to the Center open- When you really have the opportunity to speak WCT: So no one is being hired in her place? else uses the front door. ing that, “Was there a need for a Center of this to some individuals in the community and chal- MV: No. MV: The side door was always intended to be magnitude to open? How will it impact other lenge tone and language, people can pause for WCT: What programs are going to be empha- the entrance for the youth program. That’s why social service organizations? Is it going to be an a minute and realize “hmm, maybe there is a bit sized in the future, and will any be cut? it was designed … so that youth could have empty building? Can the community support it?” of racism.” So, how does that get solved as a MV: I wouldn’t say any are going to be cut. The their own privacy. We did use it the first year All good questions. But to celebrate five years— community? senior programming, they need more case man- and a half, and then we stopped. We haven’t and the number of people coming through the WCT: What were you hearing from youth in agers here because the program is growing so used it for two years now because of that re- doors have remained steadfast every single day the Center last summer when this was going rapidly. I am looking at the Anti-Violence Proj- sponse. We don’t want people to feel like they’re and month and year—is pretty remarkable. on? ect and how do we bring it to the next level and second-class citizens. We do use all the doors WCT: Does it look like you imagined it MV: I heard from a lot of young people a roller- moving Lisa [Gilmore, director of education and when the house is packed. would? coaster of emotions: anger that they were being victim advocacy] more into advocacy work. She’s WCT: The male and female bathrooms here MV: It looks better. We definitely were very in- blamed for something that they had no role in, doing it, but [we need to] really focus [on] that have been an issue with some trans people in tentional to create the Center as a destination [and] sadness because they came into a com- work. In order to do that, she needs more help particular. What is happening there? because we heard from the community that they munity that they thought was going to embrace in the Anti-Violence Project. So, if anything out MV: Bathrooms here is such an interesting top- wanted a place that they could gather and it be them and be safe after being beaten, raped, of the strategic plan, I’m hoping that it really ic. Honestly, where the struggles come through safe and nurturing, hence the mission. Did we abused in their neighborhoods, in their families. comes out that we as an organization need to is because the Center brings so many communi- know that you walk through the building and it They kind of saw this as their safe haven and do more advocacy and policy work. ties, allies, straight people; it’s an education. So would be as packed as it is? I didn’t anticipate their family. The community—not everyone, but WCT: What does the future hold for the Cen- what we’re looking at is trying to make it more that. The need was greater than we expected. some—slammed the door in their face in a very ter? of an educational opportunity. WCT: What are the most significant ways ugly way. MV: One, we know about the senior-housing WCT: Are you moving towards gender-neu- that you think the Center has grown in the WCT: Why is the Center security team now project that we’re working with Heartland Hous- tral bathrooms? last five years? armed with guns? How long has that been the ing. I have a dream of wanting to create a MV: It’s come up, yes. It’s an option. So, if I MV: I think as I look from day one to now, that case? youth center. So, when we created the Center, could do it all over again, this building, they’d we’ve been adaptable and not stuck with “this is MV: At one point, we had a different security there was always a vision of Center on Halsteds be all unisex bathrooms. the only way we’re going to do something.” It’s team. ... We consciously made a decision to fire throughout the City of Chicago. It didn’t have WCT: Is it true that if you’re caught stealing not about our ego and ourselves but it’s about them. The security just was not culturally sensi- to be the size of this building, but it could be from Whole Foods, you are banned from the the people that we serve. tive to address people by the proper pronoun, a part of another organization and in the five Center? The other thing that sometimes we take for and there was no effort to try. That, to me, was years, as I’ve seen the young people come here MV: If you are caught stealing and you’re a granted is … that [our staff members] know the alarming enough to say, “I’m done, we’re making and the numbers … it’s made me humble to re- patron of the Center, there is restorative justice. complexities around homelessness, transgender a change.” So, we went to the police department ally look at the complexity of the issues. They Restorative justice means you’re banned; you issues, violence, and that sometimes we have and we went to secure LGBT police officers who come here and they really trust the Center. There have to come back and meet with everyone that to stop, and we have to train our own people to we work with. are things that we can do better, and that we is involved in the consequence and how are you make sure they’re culturally competent to deliver WCT: How do you secure LGBT officers? learn from them. But there’s such a need there, going to make it right. Whole Foods works really service. MV: Well, there’s an officer who has a firm of and I feel that our city has failed them. closely with us and in most cases, they let it go. WCT: How does the Center measure success? off-duty police officers, and he hires LGBT po- Center on Halsted will celebrates its first WCT: Why is the Center policing for Whole MV: Across the board, we do client evaluations. lice officers. So I wouldn’t say all of them. They five years at its annual Human First gala, Foods? We set goals of numbers of participants or cli- come from this precinct. Those officers had rela- which will feature singer k.d. lang and Bravo’s MV: We want to be a good neighborhood here. ents that we serve a year against our budget, tionships with our young people because many Andy Cohen. It will take place Saturday, May And if there is a challenge here and someone is and the board looks at that one a monthly basis. of those officers play volleyball in the gymna- 12, at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, stealing food, instead of Whole Foods prosecut- Feet coming through the door is another way. sium. … 205 E. Randolph St., at 7 p.m. ing them, and they can, calling us instead really We’re in strategic planning right now, and we’re These officers worked well with the Center; This year’s honorees will include Amina makes a difference because they’re also being a going to be doing surveys in the community on [they] go through sensitivity training and [are] Dickerson, Laura Ricketts, Greg Cameron, good neighbor. the corners to get the neighborhood input, on- part of our community, not a subcontract that Richard and Susan Kiphart, Kraft Foods, the WCT: There is also a rumor that the Center line surveys and some focus groups. just visits. So them carrying guns … they’re of- Chicago Community Trust and has a list of people with warrants and that WCT: How do you perceive the community ficers who are required to carry guns. Even off- Charities. those who come for services can be handed to that you serve? duty officers have their guns with them. People tickets for the event start at $125 each; see police. MV: It’s diverse, like the Center—and it really don’t know that. So, I’ve asked them to hide it MV: No. We do have a list of who we have is diverse. put, it away, do what you have to, but that’s not —Assistance: Yasmin Nair banned from the Center. WCT: You have recently received some sig- the message I want delivered here. WCT: In what circumstances does the Center nificant HIV-related grants. Is the Center WCT: Are people scared to see guns? WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 11 Ugandan LGBTI activist to seek support from Cary and Augie. Photo from Nobel laureates in Chicago Victoria “Pickles” by Charlsie Dewey Martinez

On April 22-25, Nobel Peace Prize laureates will gather in Chicago for the Nobel Summit, and Ugandan LGBTI activist Frank Mugisha will be there to ask the laureates to publicly recognize LGBTI rights as human rights. Mugisha is working to raise awareness about the criminalization of homosexuality in Uganda and other African countries through his work as the executive director of Sexual Minorities REUNION from cover Uganda (SMUG). Although LGBTI visibility has Protest against work to be done. Augie and C.K. ran a tight increased in African nations, many countries racial profiling ship, but always rewarded the employees for have laws, or are considering laws, that crimi- their loyalty. nalize homosexuality—some with the punish- in gay clubs “The bar was hard work. It was just in my by Tracy Baim ment of death. Frank Mugisha. blood,” said Augie. from Out & Proud in Chicago: He believes that one of the most effective Augie’s partner took on co-ownership of ways to stop the sanctioned brutality against An Overview of the the bar when C.K. accidentally shot herself. LGBTI individuals is through human-rights City’s Gay Community She carried a revolver in her pocket that hap- leaders around the world acknowledging LGBTI out and accept their sexual orientation. We see (2008, Surrey Books) pened to have a broken safety latch. One rights as human rights. He was disheartened re- so much visibility growing. night when C.K. went to put the money in cently when Nobel Peace Prize winner and Libe- WCT: Why do human-rights leaders continue Gay bars are a reflection of society, so it the safe, which was built into the floor in the rian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was quoted to separate LGBTI rights from human rights? should be no surprise that some bars have FM: Ignorance—most leaders do not work to backroom, the gun fell out of her pocket and been accused of racism or sexism over the in the Guardian supporting the criminalization discharged, hitting her in the temple. of homosexuality and referring to her country’s talk about LGBTI issues because of their cultural years. Various attempts to fight this bias, in- background and religious and political views. “C.K. never thought she’d make a lot of cluding surveys and random spot checks, have traditional values. friends, but everybody loved her,” said Marti- WCT: You have mentioned before that one been met with resistance, or ignorance. Mugisha received the 2011 Robert F. Kennedy nez. “The procession—there were just blocks of the reasons that the criminalization of ho- When African-American lesbian activist Pat Human Rights Award and the 2011 Rafto Prize of cars. It’s amazing how many people came mosexuality became such a focus was due to McCombs saw her Black and Latina friends for Human Rights from the Rafto Foundation in out” for the funeral. Norway for his work. He spoke with Windy City the anti-LGBTI activists in the United States face this bias in December 1974 at CK’s lesbi- Even after losing C.K., the community at the an bar by being asked for more identification Times by email about his upcoming visit. reaching out in Uganda. Are there still anti- bar continued to thrive. The employees cel- than white customers, she fought back in the Windy City Times: What is the purpose of LGBTI activists from the United States work- ebrated holidays together and kept the spirit way she had learned as a civil-rights activ- your upcoming visit to Chicago, and what do ing with leaders in Uganda to try and promote of the bar alive. ist—both in the streets and in the courts. you hope to achieve? their agendas? How about other countries? “Every New Year’s we’d all have to get our She and others formed the Black Lesbians Dis- Frank Mugisha: I will be in Chicago to attend FM: Yes, evangelicals and other religious lead- suits and dress up for the occasion. Most of crimination Investigation Committee, picket- the Noble Peace Summit and meet with lo- ers come to Uganda to support their sister and the girls would have the tuxedoes and the ef- ing in front of CK’s, 1425 W. Diversey Pkwy., cal faith leaders. My goal is to raise awareness brother churches, but their work is not as vocal feminate girls would wear the dresses, but it calling for a boycott, putting out posters and about LGBTI violations in Uganda by lobbying or advertised as it once was. was mostly tuxedoes,” said Martinez. “After getting white lesbian attorney Renee Hanover Noble Peace laureates and to advocate at the WCT: What is a gay person’s daily life like we worked until 4 o’clock in the morning, the to help. White lesbians also joined the picket summit by highlighting these violations. living in Uganda or another country that has staff would all go to somebody’s house and lines, and the state liquor commission inves- WCT: Why meet with the Nobel Peace Prize laws criminalizing homosexuality? have our own little New Year’s.” FM: Daily lives vary country to country and tigated. laureates now? Augie’s & C.K.’s was in business for more On March 10, 1975, the Illinois Liquor FM: In Uganda, we have a bill in Parliament area to area, based on how open people are ... than 20 years when Augie decided to finally those who are out face harassment and threats Control Commission gave the bar a citation, that could make it illegal for any LGBTI person close up shop. according to The Chicago Gay Crusader, re- often. in Uganda to simply live at peace. Nobel Peace “After that many years of business I was quiring owner Carol Kappa to appear before WCT: By coming out and being an activ- laureates are advocates who are respected in the tired, and it started getting a little rough in the commission to “show cause why her li- ist for LGBTI rights you have put yourself field of human rights, so if I can meet with them the neighborhood,” said Augie. “I founded a cense should not be suspended or revoked.” in great danger. What overrides the fear and and get them to lobby members of our Parlia- real nice dancing bar. I came a long way.” The commission dismissed the citation April helps you to keep fighting for LGBTI rights? ment, the government will listen to them about Although Augie’s & C.K.’s closed in 1994, 15 after Kappa and Hanover entered into an FM: I do not call it fighting; I call it surviving not passing this law. many of the customers and employees have agreement for the complainants, calling for to live. I speak because it is the only way to WCT: What difference do you think can be maintained friendships since then. Kappa to serve all customers equally and to make a difference, and as I speak every day I am made by having the Nobel Peace Prize laure- “We were all like one big family. We brought clearly post her identification policies. compelled to say more. What drives me is that ates recognize LGBTI rights as human rights? a lot of people together,” said Martinez. “I The carding policies of CK’s (which later fact that I know when I speak I am heard and FM: Noble Peace Prize winners recognizing just met a lot of good people through the merged with Augie’s to become Augie’s & LGBTI rights makes a big difference—these are that my voice protects and inspires other LGBTI years. Especially being a bartender. There’s CK’s at 3726 N. Broadway, now the site of respected human rights defenders who have people. still a close-knit group of us that still get to- the bar Charlie’s Chicago) were not isolated. spoken out against many human rights viola- WCT: Have there been positive changes gether and still go on outings together.” Dozens of gay bars over the years have been tions around the world. If they speak out now, and advances in any countries that have or However, there was still a call for a larger accused of keeping out people based on race it shows the world that LGBTI rights are part of do criminalized homosexuality and how have meeting to reunite the entire community. or gender, having a “quota” so as not to tilt the broader human-rights platform. those occurred? “Augie’s & C.K.’s was the hottest women’s the balance in their bar. The Gay and Lesbian WCT: Recently, Liberian President and 2011 FM: I have seen progress in India where the bar . … Since it closed, every year people Coalition of Metropolitan Chicago, a 1970s Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Johnson court ruled that a sodomy law should be abol- ask, ‘When are you going to have a reunion?’” group of organizations and businesses, faced Sirleaf made statements defending her coun- ished. said Martinez. an internal struggle because bar owners did try’s anti-gay laws. What is your response to WCT: Recently you received the Robert F. So, Augie’s & C.K.’s will host the reunion not want the Coalition to investigate such having someone who has been honored for Kennedy Human Rights Award for your work. Saturday, May 12, at the L26 Restaurant and bias. Even in the 2000s, many gay businesses Lounge in the Chicago South Loop Hotel, 11 her human-rights work make statements so How does that award impact your continued have not completely dealt with their stereo- W. 26th St., 7 p.m.-3 a.m. opposite of human rights and discriminatory efforts? types, and some have been accused of racism, There is a $10 cover and an optional raffle. to the LGBTI community in her country? FM: The award has been important to my work; sexism and even bias against older people. All raffle proceeds will go to breast cancer FM: I would just be honest that her statement in a way it has legitimized my work, and showed However, few patrons fight back as McCombs awareness, in memory of Christina Santiago, was disheartening. It was a step backwards for the world that LGBTI rights are human rights. and Hanover did. Renae Ogletree and Lisa Tonna. human rights in Africa, and it showed me that WCT: With the Robert F. Kennedy Award, McCombs also responded to such bias in Rooms are available at a discount; call 312- our struggle still has a long way to go. It re- you received a stipend and a six-year partner- other ways. Executive Sweet, an African- 225-7000 and mention Augie’s & C.K.’s. For minded me that there is so much ignorance on ship to support your work. How are you using American lesbian social events group, was more information or to submit a photo for LGBTI rights in Africa. these resources? started around 1979 by Pam Turrell and DJ a reunion slideshow, call 773-507-6378 or WCT: What is the current situation in Ugan- FM: Some of the resources are used to support Sheron Webb. McCombs began helping, and email [email protected]. da like for LGBTI individuals? my organization, and through our partnership she and Vera Washington took over opera- FM: Times are changing so fast in Uganda, and with the RFK Center, we are doing advocacy and tions in 1982. It is still operating in 2012 as however often we face threats and persecution, lobbying work for the LGBTI community at all an alternative to the bars. there are still many people continuing to come levels. 12 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES Renee James WCT seeks in the Name I buried the thought, but it kept resurfacing at nominations T LIFE Renee James long intervals as I progressed into adulthood. I didn’t admit to , even to myself, for 30 Under 30 COMPILED BY KATE SOSIN Pronouns until middle age and didn’t deal with it until I CHICAGO—Windy City Times is seeking to She, her was in my mid-fifties.” recognize 30 more outstanding LGBT indi- viduals (and allies) for its annual 30 Under Identifies as Do you have a coming-out story? 30 Awards. “Bi-gendered MtoF (I live in both genders, was “I had been visiting transgender web sites on Nominees should be 30 years or under as born male).” the computer my wife and I shared. One day, she of June 30, 2012, and should have made looked at the history of site visits for some other some substantial contributions to the LGBT Neighborhood reason, saw all the trans sites, and thought the community, whether in the fields of enter- Wheeling, Ill. cleaning people were messing with the comput- tainment, politics, health, activism, aca- er. She was going to fire them, so I had to come demics, sports or other areas. Life’s work: clean. I didn’t like the cleaning people, but you The deadline to nominate individuals is “I’m working on the marketing launch of my first can’t let someone get fired for your lie, right?” Friday, April 20. novel, Coming Out Can Be Murder. It’s about a Individuals, organizations, co-workers, woman in transition who gets involved in a mur- What is the best thing about being trans/ etc. can nominate a person by e-mailing der investigation and becomes the target of a gender-variant? [email protected] or fax- man who likes to use, then kill, trans women.” “It makes everything harder, from interperson- ing to Andrew Davis’ attention to 773-871- al relationships to going to the bathroom. It’s 7609. Self-nominations are welcome. Job like going to war—if you make it, it’s the most The nomination should be 100 words “I make my living as a freelance magazine writer. intense chapter in your life. Of course, if you or fewer, and should state what achieve- I had a long career in magazines, as an editor don’t survive the experience, whatever else is ments or contributions the nominee has and later, as an owner … all in my male identity. good about being gender variant is somewhat made. Nominators should include their own I’m at a point in my life where I’d really like to academic.” names and contact information as well as write fiction—for a living.” the contact information and the age of the What are the most important issues facing nominee. Hobbies/interests trans/gender-variant communities? Note: Following the policy instituted in “I love dogs, grandkids, hiking, wilderness ca- “We are chronically, pathetically unorganized. 2005, individuals can only win once. Those noeing, hair dressing, reading, and hot baths on Almost all the progress in our civil rights has have won the award since that year are in- cold winter evenings.” been derived from the largesse of the gay/les- eligible for this year’s awards. To nominate a person bian coalition. We need to find a way to be less Honorees will be notified in May and rec- for T in the life, email: Kate Sosin When did you start questioning gender? self-centered and more invested in advancing ognized at a free ceremony Thursday, June [email protected] “I felt the first unmistakable tremors of the gen- our own causes—and supporting the work of the 28, at 5:30 p.m., at Center on Halsted, der earthquake at age 18, as a college student. greater GLBT community.” 3656 N. Halsted St.

that were so fierce at the time now seem irrel- and moves north on State to Washington. It will evant. The work back then was so often done by continue east to Michigan Ave. before turning Columnist Paul fiercely independent people, he said, leading to north onto Oak Street. The march will be fol- inevitable strong disagreements. lowed by a party at Oak St. Beach. Varnell remembered During the discussion, former colleagues, in- More information on the marches is available cluding Larry Bommer and Gary Barlow, spoke at Infor- about working with Varnell. Several others also mation on the Chicago march can be found on By Tracy Baim AIDS activism and his understanding of the de- shared memories, including Duffy, who said even Facebook at tails of AIDS research. though she and Varnell were almost always on Longtime gay activist and columnist Paul Varnell Drake, a fellow member of the Chicago Area opposites sides of an issue, they did both agree was remembered during a memorial tribute April Republican Gay Organization (which operated in on the same goals. ‘Against Equality’ at 15 at the Leather Archives & Museum. The event the 1980s and 1990s), said while Varnell was Mess Hall April 21 was held just one day shy of what would have not Republican (he was Libertarian), he under- Karma Chávez, Ryan Conrad and Yasmin Nair, been his 71st birthday. stood the need to have gays working inside both Chicago readying for members of the Against Equality Collective, and Varnell, who died Dec. 9, 2011, was remem- major political parties. Drake also said Varnell ‘Worldwide’ LGBTQIA others will celebrate the launch of the second bered for his wide range of interests and activ- is often overlooked as a primary behind-the- Against Equality anthology, Against Equality: ism. Greg Nigosian, who organized the event scenes advocate for fair coverage of gay issues civil-rights march Don’t Ask to Fight Their Wars!, Saturday, April BY KATE SOSIN along with Milan Vydareny, started the program in the mainstream media. 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at Mess Hall, 6932 N. Glen- with his own memories of Varnell. Vydareny spoke of Varnell’s strong Libertarian wood Ave. Chicago is readying for the “Worldwide” LGBTQIA Jack Rinella, Dr. David Ostrow, Tim Drake and background, and of his vast collection of writ- Against Equality is an online archive, publish- Civil Rights March, scheduled for Saturday, April Vydareny each gave his personal take on the ings. ing and arts collective focused on critiquing 21, at noon downtown. complicated man they knew. The second half of the program featured a mainstream gay and lesbian politics. The march, one of 30 to be held around the Rinella said Varnell was his mentor into the discussion moderated by Andrew Patner and Kit In the book, the writers put forth the per- world Saturday, has been in the works for worlds of hustling and writing. On the flip side, Duffy reading from Varnell’s columns. spective that it is the politics of the “Don’t Ask, months, part of a larger effort for a grassroots Ostrow spoke of Varnell’s intense involvement in Patner said that those long-ago disagreements Don’t Tell” repeal, not the exclusion itself, that day of action around LGBT rights. needs to be thoroughly examined. Chicago’s event has been billed as an “LGBTQQ- The event is being promoted as a “brunchluck.” IAAP” awareness march. The acronym stands for See lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies and pansexual, said Noa Shayden, leader organizer for the march. Greaves to be “We also intend to start dialogue around is- sues that face the community, which include honored at April 24 youth homelessness, physical and nonphysical Vanguard Awards violence, and employment equality, to name a Several bar associations “will honor the in- few,” said Shayden in a statement. dividuals and institutions who have made the According to Shayden, the march does not law and legal profession more accessible to and have a permit, and there are no confirmed guest reflective of the community at-large” Tuesday, speakers. Rather, Shayden said, there will be a April 24, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at The Standard “speak out” of attendees. Club, 320 S. Plymouth Ct. Reports from national LGBT organizations that The Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chi- they were not consulted on plans for the march cago will honor William W. Greaves, former direc- seemed to have left some uneasy about the tor of what is now the City of Chicago’s Advisory marches, which are primarily being led by up- Council on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgen- and-coming organizers. der Issues. Tickets are $65 per person; for reser- The Chicago event is sponsored by Marriage vations, contact Tamra Drees at 312-554-2057. Equality USA, Gay Liberation Network and Oc- cupy Chicago. From left: Greg Nigosian and Jack Rinella spoke at the memorial. Photos by Tracy Baim; more Attendees are invited to bring signs and ban- pics online at ners, said Shayden. The march kicks off at noon at Pritzker Park at State Street and Van Buren WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 13

GAYin the LIFE William Melnyczenko

Text AND PHOTOS BY Ross Forman

William Melnyczenko was raised on a small He sports a silver, diamond-studded ring—a goat farm in Northwest Indiana and he even had college graduation gift from his parents—on his two reserve grand-champion dairy goats, plus right hand. However, when traveling for work, he ducks, chickens and other animals. switches the ring to his left hand to appear like His upbringing also included some rather a wedding ring. Age unique pets: a South American opossum and a “I just feel it deters” potential, unwanted ad- 24 six-foot iguana; he even had a koi pond in his vances, said Melnyczenko, proud to say that his bedroom. relationship with Conover is not an open one. Neighborhood Today, it’s just his beloved dog, Marla, 2, res- “We love each other very much and that is the Edgewater cued from Chicago Animal Care & Control. backbone to my success.” Hobbies Also in northwest Indiana a few years ago, Weight lifting, participating in Melnyczenko went on an ice-skating first date endurance-sports events, and with Jordan Conover, followed by dinner at traveling Hooter’s. “Talk about tons of fun in northwest Indiana,” Job title Melnyczenko said, laughing. Midwest Account Manager, The two have been faithful partners for the Strategic Diagnostics past three years. Relationship status Melnyczenko is a fashion-conscious, fitness- Have your Partnered with Jordon Conover, 30 minded, driven Chicagoan who has bartended College at Minibar and previously worked for Kraft Foods premiums Loyola University (Chicago) Chicago Bakery. He enjoys the local late-night excitement of area bars, though prefers low-key, increased Favorite TV show off-the-beaten-path pubs. The Walking Dead “When I have something in my mind do to, recently? Favorite restaurant I do it; I get it done,” said Melnyczenko, who That Little Mexican Café graduated from college with a major and two minors in four years. See me: On the road again “I never, just settle.” Travels for work throughout the Melnyczenko,’s Model of the Charles T. Rhodes, Midwest four days each week Month for January, has a gregarious, out-going, Agent very approachable personality and often is the 2472 N. Clark one who knows everyone in a room filled with people—and they know him, too. State Farm773.281.0890 Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (not in NJ) State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Plantation Shutters and Wood Blinds are my Speciality

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THE ANTI-CRUELTY SOCIETY’S 18TH ANNUAL FUNDRAISER & 5K WALK FOR THE ANIMALS BARK IN THE PARK Call the “Window Idea” Expert for Designer Register online, pick up a registration at Chicago-area Screen Shades, Shutters, Shadings and More. PetSmart stores, or register at the event at 7 a.m. Sale Ends May 31st Questions? (312) 329-8726 HELP THE ANIMALS BY COLLECTING PLEDGES AND WIN PRIZES! Call for Exceptional CREATE A TEAM FOR MORE FUN AND COMPETITION! FREE In-Home Appointment 800.245.7790 Ext. 10 Ask for Jessica Jessica’s Web Page 14 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

A special series in partnership with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago WHARP coordinates West Side response By Erica Demarest promotion organizations,” Walker-Donley said. “[The legislators] basically rely on us to get Like so many of the organizations that arose them new information … . If they don’t under- during the AIDS epidemic’s early years, the stand the services that are needed, they can’t West Side HIV/AIDS Regional Planning Council assist us.” (WHARP) got its start with two simple elements: Though the breakfasts originally operated an- concerned citizens and a problem. nually, they are now held every other year due to Several activists, service providers and HIV- funding restraints. positive individuals on Chicago’s West Side felt Such budget issues were the inspiration for there were considerable gaps between what the the Quality of Life lottery ticket program, one community needed and what city planners or- of WHARP’s greatest successes to date. Under dered. the program (the first of its kind), the Illinois In 1995, local nonprofits and businesses Lottery sells Red Ribbon scratch-off tickets, and banned together, and the Austin Action Coun- 100 percent of net proceeds go toward HIV/AIDS cil was born. The multi-member coalition pro- prevention services. vided input to the Chicago Department of Public The idea arose during WHARP meetings in the Health (CDPH) and Ryan White planning bodies. early 2000s, Walker-Donley said. Attendees had “[The members] felt they could fill the gaps in been kicking around possible solutions for ever- planning and primary care prevention services,” present budget concerns, and a lottery ticket former Chair Beverley Walker-Donley said. seemed fun and feasible. In 1998, the fledgling coalition—which in- “It would give the community another source cluded health centers, direct-care providers, for funding,” Walker-Donley said. consumers and businesses from Chicago’s Aus- Members of the coalition put together plans, tin and Garfield communities—rebranded as but met heavy resistance in Springfield. WHARP. “[Legislators] told us: No, I don’t think I want In addition to maintaining open dialogue with to support gaming. That’s gambling,” Walker- planning committees, WHARP members spent Donley said. “We had to actually come back to the next few years collaborating to promote the table and rephrase our approach. How can awareness and education. Guest speakers, train- we make them understand the impact that such State Sen. Jackie Collins. ing sessions and planning panels were regularly a devastating disease has on the community?” scheduled occurrences. The lottery program was unveiled Feb. 11, dom distribution in prisons—a move that Green through funding cuts and increases of new in- “WHARP was, and still is, probably the biggest 2008, by then-Illinois Lottery Acting Superin- said will be essential in reducing community vi- fections, we have to come together because thing happening in any one community in the tendent Jodie Winnett, who called the launch “a ral loads. resources are shrinking,” Green said. “Unless city of Chicago,” Walker-Donley said. very long journey.” “Sex is happening,” she said. “What’s happen- we start pooling our resources, I don’t see how Current member organizations include the AIDS By the end of 2011, the program had distrib- ing in prisons on the inside affects our commu- we’re going to be able to survive this.” Foundation of Chicago (AFC), Austin Health Cen- uted more than $3 million to organizations with nity on the outside. People [contract the virus] WHARP meets the third Monday of every and return to our communities. We want to make month from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at 33 W. Lake sure it’s a public health issue, versus a sex is- St.; all meetings are open to the public. For sue.” more information, call 773-378-4195, ext. The coalition lobbied Springfield legislators, 30. Beverley hoping to pass statewide legislation. Walker-Donley, “We got shot down pretty bad,” Green dead- WHARP member organizations: former WHARP Chair. panned. “We recuperated from that, and now AIDS Foundation of Chicago we’re back trying at the county-level. We’ll see Austin Health Center what we can get done in [there]. The Cook Coun- Chicago Black Gay Man’s Caucus ty jail is a little more welcoming because we’ve Circle Family Healthcare Network already worked with them, so there’s more lever- CORE Center age.” Garfield Counseling Center WHARP members have met with states that al- Greater Westside Development Corporation ready boast condom accessibility in prison, and Haymarket Center have begun piecing together plans for Illinois. Legal Assistance Foundation Several WHARP members and AFC staffers are Men and Women in Prison Ministries working to draft legislation on the county level. Prevention Partnership, Inc. That type of collaboration is what WHARP is all 7th Congressional District HIV/AIDS Task Force ter, Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus (CBGMC), statewide reach, including the Chicago Black about. Stroger Hospital of Cook County/Connect to Stroger Hospital, CORE Center, Garfield Counsel- Gay Men’s Caucus, Project VIDA, the AIDS Le- “If organizations are going to be able to get Protect Project ing Center and Legal Assistance Foundation. gal Council and the Cook County Department of In 2000, WHARP extended its outreach efforts Health. with the inaugural legislative breakfast, a then- The original bill included a sunset date of Dec. yearly event where West Side legislators gather 31, 2012. WHARP members rallied for an exten- for tasty meals and frank discussion. sion, and state Sen. Jackie Collins sponsored in “We try to make sure they understand what early 2011 a bill that would extend the lottery the issues are and how they impact the commu- another five years. nity,” Walker-Donley said. “We [let them know]: “Funding for HIV/AIDS treatment and preven- We need your assistance. We will be coming to tion programs is vitally important given the in- Springfield to lobby. We will be asking you for creasing prevalence and devastating nature of help with the wording of bills … . We will be this disease in our communities,” Collins said. coming to explain to you what we need and how At press time, the bill was in committee. State you can help us.” Rep. Karen Yarbrough is sponsoring similar leg- Each breakfast focuses on a theme; funding islation in the House of Representatives. cuts have been a priority in recent years. WHARP Moving forward, WHARP will continue to pri- members—including staff from the CDPH and Il- oritize stigma reduction, continued education linois Dept. of Public Health—educate legisla- efforts and legislative outreach. Coalition mem- tors on how various issues affect each sector of bers regularly visit barbershops, beauty salons the community. and churches to speak to community members Walker-Donley said the breakfasts are valuable on their level. networking tools for each party involved. “We need to make sure we’re not killing each “We have sitting at the table at WHARP ex- other with stigma and homophobia,” said the ecutive directors, pharmaceuticals staff, people Rev. Doris Green, WHARP’s current chair. from hospitals, and people from city and health One of WHARP’s main concerns for 2012 is con- Prevention Partnership, Inc., a WHARP member organization. WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 15

Fighting AIDS: At 85, a mother walks for her son by Gregory Trotter, to crack jokes, always sticking out his tongue is still very much an epidemic affecting the lives AIDS Foundation of Chicago when the camera was trained on him. But he had of 1.2 million Americans, many of whom are not been quiet about his son’s diagnosis. on medication. Mae Smith sits with her two of her daughters “The first time I saw him cry was when Ron Mae’s had her share of heartache. She lost an- in her homey Glendale Heights kitchen. A cof- passed away,” Mae Smith said. other son, Michael, to the throes of alcoholism feepot gurgles from the counter. Her youngest Mike Smith died in 2009 at age 79. Before in 2000. As a young girl, she had dreamed of granddaughter plays quietly in the adjacent liv- then, he had joined his wife every year at the being a nurse. But her father died when she was ing room. AIDS Run & Walk, even after he had heart sur- 16 years old, ending her hopes of college and If you saw Mae Smith on the street, you might gery a few years ago. In 2008, he participated nursing. not immediately suspect she’s a passionate and in his wheelchair. Several family members at- “Then there was the war and I got married,” determined HIV/AIDS advocate. She’s diminu- tempted to persuade the aging matriarch to use she said, her voice trailing off. tive, soft-spoken and frail with age, with clear a wheelchair, too. She complied, if briefly. So this is her way of making a difference? blue eyes behind her glasses. And there’s the “How long did I sit in it?” Mae Smith queried “That might be it,” Mae Smith said. “If we can fact that she’s 85 years old, placing her in a her daughters. prevent people dying, I think it’s wonderful. generation not often associated with the AIDS “Not long!” Gayle and Sue replied in unison. I don’t care if it’s in this country or whether epidemic. “You got that right. Just to make them happy,” they’re white or Black or anything.” But looks can be deceiving. Smith will be par- she said, sternly, to their laughter. “It’s a walk She plans on participating in the AIDS Run & ticipating in her 20th consecutive AIDS Run & and I’m his mother and I want to help.” Walk for another 10 years. Walk Sept. 29, 2012—and she’s not planning on With the organizing help of her daughter-in- “Then if I can’t walk, you can put me in the stopping anytime soon. She hasn’t missed one law, Tammy Smith, Mae Smith is hoping to bring wheelchair,” she said to her daughters, who since her son, Ron Smith, died of AIDS at age out record numbers of family and friends this erupted in laughter. “It ain’t going to happen 33 in 1993. Participating in the annual event year. If they can successfully tap their family because I’ll still be walking.” Ron Smith. Photo courtesy of the AIDS has brought the family some measure of peace network, it shouldn’t be a problem. In addition She turned quiet before speaking again, star- Foundation of Chicago and community since Ron’s death, as well as a to her six surviving children, Mae has 17 grand- ing at the tabletop, seemingly lost in thought. feeling of satisfaction that they’re making a dif- children, 32 great-grandchildren and six great- “I’m just happy we’re doing something,” Mae ference. returned home to pursue a career in hair styling. great-grandchildren. Smith said, faintly smiling. “And Ron would be Their T-shirts and banners have changed from It was an obvious path. For years, he had styled “Everyone in the family has received an email, happy.” year to year, but their motto has not: “For Ron, the hair of the women in the family. informing them that Grandma only accepts doc- The room went silent with that sentiment. we walk and love.” “I haven’t had a good haircut since!” said Sue tor’s notices,” Tammy Smith quipped from the For Ron, they walk and love. “It’s so much fun. You see someone from pretty Miller, another sister of Ron’s. The three women livingroom. Registration is now open for the 2012 AIDS much every walk who has known Ron. ... To be at the kitchen table laughed and relished the Even if they don’t have large numbers or raise Run & Walk Chicago on Sept. 29, starting at Sol- out and see all these people out for the same memories. a lot of money, Mae likes the idea of bringing dier Field. Go to to learn cause and we know that pretty soon, maybe it “He was a wonderful person taken away from new awareness to people: With proper treat- more about the event, register or make a dona- will be wiped out,” Smith said. “I’m not a pes- us way too soon,” Lutz said, softly. ment, AIDS is no longer a death sentence. But it tion. simist. I’m an optimist. Things will get better.” In 1987, Ron Smith was diagnosed with HIV. Ron Smith was a hairstylist in Wheaton, Ill., He told only his sister, Diana Guido, but as the a charming young man who enjoyed traveling years passed, it became necessary to tell his and dancing, one of Mae Smith’s eight children entire family. He struggled with alcoholism, from two marriages. He graduated from Glen- developed shingles and, eventually, contracted bard North High School, in Carol Stream, Ill., pneumonia. and then studied horticulture at the College of Refusing the medications, Ron turned to his DuPage. faith. He gave up drinking in his last year of life, He was gay but did not come out to his family earning the one-year sobriety medal from Alco- until he was in his late 20s. holics Anonymous one week before he died in “We had suspicions. It wasn’t a total shock,” 1993. Once hospitalized, he did not suffer long. said Gayle Lutz, one of Ron’s four sisters. “He “It could be wrong or it could be miracle he was my brother, her son … . It was just like, so? was taken, but to see him in the hospital in that So what? We love you. It doesn’t matter.” much pain, I prayed to God to take him away,” After spending a couple years in Oregon, Ron his mother said, her gaze unwavering. Ron’s father, Mike, was a jovial man who loved

A Ron Smith contingent in a previous AIDS Walk.

Dining Out for Life April 26 McClellan was a contestant in the final four Dining Out for Life, an international fund- on the first season of NBC’s The Voice, a pop- raiser for groups battling AIDS/HIV, will be ular American reality-competition show, cur- held April 26. On average, $4 million are rently in its second season. raised on just one day of dining, thanks to Meteorologist Ginger Zee will join the event generous donations from more than 3,000 that is dedicated to creating visibility for the participating restaurants in 60 cities across HIV/AIDS movement and raising funds for or- North America. ganizations that provide vital community ser- To find restaurants participating, visit www. vices. Guests will begin with a decadent VIP . red carpet reception with high-energy enter- tainment by Miss Foozie at 8 p.m., followed Red Dress Party April 21 by Beverly McClellan’s performance at 10:30 The Voice’s Beverly McClellan has been con- p.m. The only rule for the evening is that all firmed to perform at the Chicago Red Dress guests must wear red. Party 8 p.m., April 21, at the Joffrey Ballet See At a previous AIDS Run & Walk, from right to left, Mike and Mae Smith, and family members Studios, 10 E. Randolph St. Lucky Thomson and Birdie Menke. 16 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY VIEWPOINTS TIMES spoke out against the racist tweets, saying, “We Collins could have never imagined this sort VOL. 27, No. 26, April 18, 2012 rev. irene applaud and support their action.” of reaction to her non-white characters, yet it The combined forces of Windy City Times, Gay-rights activist and actor George Takei— highlights resoundingly the lack of cultural and founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, founded May 1987. monroe who’s best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, ethnic diversity in children and young adult lit- helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television erature. PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR series Star Trek—responded to these tweets, Data analyzed by the University of Wisconsin- Tracy Baim stating, “Some fans outraged that Blacks cast Madison’s Cooperative Children’s Book Center in Hunger Games roles. Teens killing each other in 2010 found that only 9 percent of the 3,400 ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis in futuristic arenas, and they care about what children’s books published that year contained BUSINESS MANAGER Meghan Streit The Hunger color?” significant cultural or ethnic diversity. DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright There are several salient themes both in the With the paucity of cultural and ethnic diver- ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS: Terri Klinsky, Amy book and film, but race is not one of them. While sity in children and young adult literature, white Games’ young Matheny, Kirk Williamson, Dave Ouano, Kirk Smid I won’t say this dystopic tale is post-racial, the characters and white culture become an expec- PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Cynthia Holmes author’s, Suzanne Collins, treatment of race is tation and literary norm that is both learned and NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING EDITOR Kirk Williamson racist fans both honest and nuanced. internalized by white children as well as children NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 SENIOR WRITERS Kate Sosin, Bob Roehr, Rex In April 2011, Collins told Entertainment of color. Wockner, Marie J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Per- There’s a frenzy surrounding the blockbuster Weekly that her characters “…were not particu- “People very often talk about literacy with egrin, Lisa Keen, Yasmin Nair, Erica Demarest film and book The Hunger Games. However, the larly intended to be biracial. It is a time period words, but there’s such a thing as visual and THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. fan attention around the movie has taken a de- where hundreds of years have passed from now. thematic literacy,” said Deborah Pope, the ex- cidedly different turn from the fervor the book BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair There’s been a lot of ethnic mixing. But I think ecutive director of the Ezra Jack Keats Founda- SPORTS WRITER Ross Forman caused. The schism originates from the differ- I describe them as having dark hair, grey eyes tion, which encourages diversity in kids’ books. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS ence between reading (where­ one’s visual imag- and sort of olive skin. … But then there are “I think some of these young people just didn’t Mary Shen Barnidge, Steve Warren, Lawrence Fer- es of characters can be both personal and indi- ber, Mel Ferrand, Jerry Nunn, Jonathan Abarbanel some characters in the book who are more spe- really read the book.” COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet vidual)—and watching—where the film’s visual cifically described.” Thresh and Rue. Collins said, While I agree with Pope that the fans who Harper, Lee Lynch, Alex Lubischer, Charlsie Dewey, images of characters are a literal representation. are “African-American.” unabashedly expressed their racist views either Carrie Maxwell, Billy Masters, Tyler Gillespie, Sarah Toce, Dana Rudolph, Sally Parsons, Emmanuel The film script follows the book closely and And the characters Rue, Thresh and Cinna didn’t read the book or didn’t read it carefully, some of fans are apoplectic. The result is a Garcia, Jamie Anne Royce, Joe Franco are played in the film by African-American ac- the themes and symbols of innocence and love SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel tweeting tsunami of racist comments focusing tors Amandla Stenberg, Dayo Okeniyi and Lenny in an inherently corrupt dystopic world being af- Ferrand, Hal Baim, Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia, on the presence of the few main Black charac- Kravitz, respectively. Whereas Cinna’s skin hue is fixed to a Black 12-year-old girl (as Collins does Dave Ouano, Tim Carroll ters in the film. not mentioned in the book, Rue’s and Thresh’s with Rue in The Hunger Games) is neither com- CIRCULATION Here are just a few of the racist tweets that CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright are both explicitly depicted as having “dark monly nor comfortably seen in our world. DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, have gone viral: skin.” Do writers for children and young adult lit- Sue and Victor —“why does rue have to be black not gonna In describing the character Rue in the novel erature have a responsibility to be more explicit WEB HOSTING: (lead pro- grammer: Martie Marro) lie kinda ruined the movie.” Collins writes, “And most hauntingly, a twelve- when introducing non-white characters in their —“Kk call me racist but when I found out Rue year-old girl from District 11. She has dark books? Or would being more explicit when intro- was black her death wasn’t as sad.” brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she’s ducing non-white characters play into a racist Copyright 2012 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media —“why did the producer make all the good Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back very like Prim in size and demeanor.” Prim is the assumption that literary characters are white, issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). characters black.” protagonist’s, Katniss Everdeen, sister. I surmise unless otherwise stated? Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, —“Awkward moment when Rue is some black and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and since Prim is white and Rue is compared to her, An easy answer would be to publish, to distrib- no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. girl and not the little blonde innocent girl you many fans expected the same—ignoring what’s ute, and to make part of core curriculum reading All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy pictured.” City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned stated explicitly in the text. authors of color for children and young adults. for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing Sadly, there are more vile tweets, some em- And in describing Thresh Collins writes, “The Otherwise, this outpouring of racist tweets we and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, ploying the “n-word,” that have been collected cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own boy tribute from District 11, Thresh, has the see with The Hunger Games will merely be the and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City on a Tumblr page called Hunger Games Tweets. same dark skin as Rue, but the resemblance tip of the iceberg. Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of Lionsgate, the distributor of The Hunger a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy stops there. He’s one of the giants, probably six City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the Games, issued a statement praising fans who and half feet tall and built like an ox.“ sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims. (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 e-mail: [email protected] or LETTERS [email protected]

In the pink ers juxtapose “oppressed gay Palestinians” with invaluable collection of literature and artifacts “liberated gay Israelis.” This distorts the politi- might be at risk, yet people are unable to get radio: video: To the Editor: cal reality in Israel by tendentiously ignoring critical information from the only source who the power relations involved in racist occupa- seems to have it: Board President Karen Send- WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, Three articles published in the April 11 Windy tion, the denial of civil liberties, and the erec- ziak. 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, Illinois 60640 tion of an apartheid wall. These pinkwashers Nevertheless, I hope we can avoid a rush to U.S.A City Times (WCT) by columnist Ross Forman are (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) egregious examples of “pinkwashing.” This term hope to harness the global LGBT movement into judgment here. I don’t know Sendziak and have refers to appropriating the rights won by Israeli supporting Israel at the expense of the Palestin- no connection with Gerber/Hart except for oc- Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. ians. casional participation in the men’s book group Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. LGBT activists and their allies in struggle for the OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE purpose of downplaying or ignoring the Israeli Certainly, we oppose Palestinian mistreat- that meets there. However, I do know that apartheid regime’s human-rights violations com- ment of gays. But we also recognize that the sometimes in community-based organizations, mitted against the Palestinian people. smug celebration of “LGBT rights” by the Israeli well-intentioned people find themselves isolat- For example, Forman and a gay Israeli tour government and its supporters is designed to ed and overwhelmed by circumstances that may, promoter sketch a rosy picture of gays frolick- divert attention from its atrocities against the or may not, be of their own making. Palestinian people as a whole, gays included. It Without minimizing the need for accountabil- “Windy City Media Group generated ing on Tel Aviv beaches and visiting bars while enormous interest among their readers shows that Israel is embarrassed and is increas- ity, fault-finding should give way to problem- ignoring Israeli-enforced squalor in the nearby in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index ingly concerned about the rising tide of interna- solving in this instance. If the library cannot Gaza Strip, Israel’s notorious open-air concen- Survey. Out of approximately 100 tration camp, from which travel is restricted and tional condemnation of its racist treatment of afford its rent because of insufficient funds, it print and online media partners who into which very little food and other supplies are half its citizens. might make a lot more sense for us to raise the participated in the survey, Windy allowed to enter. WCT would do well to remember this the next necessary funds rather than to face the expense, City was the best performing regional Nor does Forman mention the daily humilia- time it feels inclined to provide a venue for effort and risks associated with a move. If a media in the U.S. Only survey partners tions and brutality that the Israeli Defense Forc- pinkwashing. move is inevitable, then let’s organize to get it with a nationwide footprint were es and Israeli settlers mete out to Palestinians. done. If greater volunteer involvement is neces- able to generate a greater number of He does not mention that water rights, as well Roger Fraser sary for the library to succeed in its mission, responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research as the rights to movement, speech, education Bob Schwartz then let’s sign up. Director, Community Marketing, Inc. and jobs, are routinely denied to Palestinians. Gay Liberation Network Our main expectation from Sendziak should Nor does he mention that the right-wing Benja- be that she provide the access and information min Netanyahu regime is expanding internation- On the books necessary to facilitate that support. Let’s en- ally condemned Israeli settlements that gobble courage her to do that; if she can’t or won’t, she up more and more of the best Palestinian land, a Dear editor: should step aside. measure the Obama administration either openly backs or turns a blind eye to. I’m among many in the community very troubled Morris L. Floyd Although Forman’s articles simply airbrush to read about the situation at Gerber/Hart Li- Chicago Palestinians out of the picture, many pinkwash- brary. It’s especially frustrating to fear that this WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 17 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo by Andre Penteado

SIMON SAYS Out theater icon Simon Callow talks about the influence Shakespeare’s had on him. See below. DISH SPORTS THEATER Sturgeon general. Force the issue. Loud and ‘Proud.’ Page 24. Page 30. Page 18.

Photo by Meghan Streit Photo by Dave Bishop Photo from We Are Proud by Liz Lauren

NUNN ON ONE: THEATER light-spirited kind of way. We do go to deep and dark places in the show, and I think we need to because Shakespeare gave the best ac- count to what it is like to be a human being all Out theater icon around. Being a human being is not without its distresses. He, better than anyone, was good at describing those things like jealousy, rage and Simon Callow does hatred. Equally, he is the inspired chronicler of love, tenderness, hope and passion. We attempt the impossible to give a sense of the man and it the Bard way his whole work. WCT: What do you think of the controversy that someone else wrote some of the work? Callow has had a special connection with SC: I give it no time at all. I waste no thought Shakespeare through the years, performing in upon it. Why would the plays of William Shake- festivals and the movie Shakespeare in Love— speare be written by other people, when his col- and now he finally has arrived in Chicago with a laborators and actors put his work together a one-man show exploring the myth of the man. couple of years after he died? Using excerpts from the Bard’s plays and poems, His chief writer, Ben Johnson, wrote his intro- the audience can get to know one of the great- duction, which started “Sweet swan of Avon.” est authors ever and in a whole new way. I am not aware of any of the other contenders Windy City Times talked to the theater icon Simon Callow. Photo by Andre Penteado having come from anywhere the banks of Avon. while he was in New York before heading to the I can’t think how, in a tiny little village that the Midwest. London theater, someone wouldn’t have blown Windy City Times: Hello, Simon. How are It is a question of looking at the facts that we his cover. It just seems to be preposterous. you? do have and looking at the world he lived in. We WCT: Well, I am listening to you because Simon Callow: Splendid, nice to hear from you. took the famous speech from As You Like It— you are the Shakespeare expert. WCT: You are coming to Chicago. When was “all the world is a stage”—which describes the SC: That is what I like to think! [Both laugh.] the last time you were here? by jerry nunn seven ages of man. We have asked of each age WCT: How was it performing with two sirs— SC: Let me think—maybe 10 years ago. Has it what was it like. What was it like to be an Eliza- Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart—in changed a lot since then? Simon Callow may be the epitome of a theater bethan baby, soldier or schoolboy through the Waiting for Godot? WCT: [Laughs] I think it has! Tell me about actor. Born in jolly old England, he worked his ages? I felt if that was true for everyone, then it SC: It was extraordinary because it is an ex- this show. way up from box-office worker while watching must be true for him as well. We plug that into traordinary play. SC: The title, Being Shakespeare, gives a pret- actors rehearse at the National Theatre. the plays and look for examples of what we have WCT: That was a dream team. Shakespeare ty good clue. It is an attempt to find out who After appearing in several productions he discovered. It is done with smoke and mirrors, has been big in your career. that man really was that wrote all of those plays landed the part of Schikaneder in the film Ama- but [it’s] an attempt to bring the man to life. SC: Shakespeare has been huge in my life. and how they came about. It is quite odd to do deus. Then a role in Four Weddings and a Fu- WCT: So it is dissected as a study within a I have also performed his sonnets, which not this because everybody knows that there aren’t neral followed, which brought him more acclaim, show? many people have done, in my experience with many facts about Shakespeare. There are solid bridging him into a Room With a View and Post- SC: Kind of, but I would like to stake a claim great artistic expression. It was a secret in a se- facts like where he was born, when he got mar- cards from the Edge. that it is a theatrical event rather than a lesson. ries of poems written from one man to another. ried and how many children he had, or when and His private life became an open book after It is a journey for all of us, me, you and every- We don’t know if he had sex with the people that where he died. What we don’t have is any private penning Being An Actor, in which he came out one. he wrote the poems to. We don’t even know who information. We don’t have any idea about what of the closet. WCT: Was it difficult to make it entertain- that person was but it suggests that he was a went on in his mind or his opinions were. We His television roles continue to entertain, es- ing? don’t letters or diaries. He never did an inter- Turn to page 20 pecially in the UK with the BBC’s Doctor Who; he SC: [Laughs] No; the work is fantastically view, for example. also was a judge on Popstar to Operastar. entertaining and one comes from it in a fairly 18 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES THEATER REVIEW THEATER REVIEW their craft in Chicago’s comedy and theater com- munity. Colburn’s very large cast features many We Are Proud... The Improv Play characters who start realizing that their years of Playwright: Jackie Sibblies Drury Playwright: Randall Colburn comedy training and performing aren’t going to At: Victory Gardens Theater at We Are At: InFusion Theatre Company at add up to much. the Biograph, 2433 N. Lincoln Ave. Proud... DCA Storefront Theater, 66 E. Randolph St. While this realist perspective is something Tickets: 773-871-3000; Photo by Phone: 312-742-8497; $15-$25 that many Chicago storefront theater performers; $20-$50 Liz Lauren Web: have to face up to, you often wish that Col- Runs through: April 29 Runs through: May 20 burn’s presentation of it wasn’t so sprawling and loosely structured in The Improv Play. You also BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE BY SCOTT C. MORGAN may wish that some of the more interesting and funny supporting characters like Jamie Bragg’s Every performance workshop, sooner or later, es- Don’t be surprised if some members of Chica- Gwen and Frances McKearn’s Delilah received says the kind of project where a team of young go’s improv community react to InFusion The- more attention, while it feels like a mistake that student-actors choose a historical event—in this atre Company’s The Improv Play like a slap to Colburn actually shows the future SNL performer case, the attempted genocide of a southwestern the face. A few characters in Randall Colburn’s Walter onstage since it makes audiences ques- African tribe by German colonialists—as the ba- world-premiere comic drama trash talk some tion Gillespie’s comedy chops and ask, “Really, sis for a text forged through classroom exercises Chicago-area comedy institutions, or slam them he got in?” inspired by the available existing documenta- Even after the improvisation is halted, we detect by omission. On the plus side, director Mitch Golob coaxes tion. When the latter proves to be insufficiently a marked difference in the ease with which the In particular, the cocky and self-destructive some very funny performances from the large topical in content, the eager thespians depicted individual players are able to divest themselves 24-year-old performer Walker (Nick Mikula) cast during a string of strong individual scenes in Jackie Sibblies Drury’s play come to rely in- of their recently shared emotional upheavel. expresses a very damning opinion of why he in The Improv Play. And though his scattershot creasingly on their own resources as a gateway The operative word “shared” applies to us, too, thinks iO Chicago is a money-grubbing pyramid perspective is largely one of pessimism, Colburn to the experience they propose to replicate, a since director Eric Ting has instructed his cast scheme. And when the lovable but also mocked does shed some revealing light on all those practice leading them dangerously close to the to sucker-punch us with slam poetry-style vo- “funny fat guy” Stan (Rob Grabowski) announces hopefuls striving to hit it big and beyond Chi- boundaries of aesthetic distance. calizations and choreography invoking an infec- that he may move out to Schaumburg for a job cago’s thriving comedy scene. Our ensemble—identified, at this stage, by tious visceral response that tends to obscure the promotion, he and his improv team friends crack such generic labels as “White Man” or “Black play’s intellectual dimensions—sometimes a bad jokes about IKEA and creative comedy death Woman”—begin self-consciously, intent on thing, sometimes not. without once mentioning the successful subur- “Process” and recoiling from the disturbing im- Whether you agree with all of the arguments ban short-form improv venue Laugh Out Loud ages inherent in their subject, despite the ac- Drury raises—”Black” being synonymous with Theater located at Woodfield Mall. tor-playing-Black-Man’s exhortations to greater “African,” for example—what’s certain is that The Improv Play largely focuses on Ben (Kevin “authenticity” in their exploration. No sooner do a story recounting the progress of a potentially Crispin), a 33-year-old improv regular who is we relax in anticipation of continuing in this devastating game of “let’s-pretend” demands a not only facing the break up of his long-term satirical vein, however, than the action suddenly profound level of trust among the real-life ac- relationship with Lindsay (Sarah Gitenstein), strikes a familiar note: the work songs of intern- tors whose portrayals require them to immerse but a job loss and bubbling-under jealousy when ment camps become those of antebellum chain themselves in dionysic frenzy seven times a one of his comedy troupe castoffs, Walter Regan gangs, the German guards’ accents resemble week without likewise succumbing to meltdown. (Will Gillespie), is cast on Saturday Night Live. those of the America South and the scenario as- This commitment can be contagious—on open- There’s also the much admired improv comedi- sumes an intensity terrifying even the partici- ing night, during the abrupt blackout ending the an Ellie, whom Ben, Walker and Walter all pursue pants. show, a spontaneous whoop was heard in the despite her overwhelming cynicism and difficult Long before Stanislavski introduced theatrical- darkness before the cast, now safely distanced past history. Interspersed throughout, the char- training techniques based in personal recollec- from their roles, filed out to enthusiastic cheers acters perform improv scenes based upon sug- tions, the myth of play actors carried away by and whistles for their well-deserved curtain call. gestions from the audience, though some shout- their illusion has been a popular literary theme. outs are clearly plants from other cast members to further Colburn’s plot along. One gets the impression that Colburn feels it is his duty in The Improv Play to present a pes- The Improv Play. Photo by John W. Sisson Jr. Don’t miss the riveting new play simistic view of the performers who have ambi- tions that one day they’ll hit it big after honing that is transfixing ChiCago auDienCes!

THEATER REVIEW guarantees a ready supply of mind-bending “a very stimulating anD exCiting substances to escalate the menace invoked by The Butcher Valerie’s at-home assortment of cutlery and piece of new writing...blistering good!” Gail’s .44-automatic sidearm. Oh, and did I – Chicago Tribune of Baraboo mention the half-gallon jug of animal blood Playwright: Marisa Wegrzyn in the refrigerator? “A series of hard-driving, ritualistic rhythmic sequences proves At: A Red Orchid Theatre, 1531 N. Wells St. Never mistake a plate of red herrings for stunning. And the orgasmic finale to this “presentation” Tickets: 312-943-8722; steak tartare, however. Wegrzyn repeatedly; $25-$30 undermines the expectations of lazy playgo- strikes like a thunDerbolt!” Runs through: May 20 ers anticipating a cheap-and-shivery thriller by constantly shifting our sympathies to – Chicago Sun-Times BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE expose a toxic social dynamic rife with re- sentment, mistrust, hypocrisy, prejudice and “A thrilling opportunity to see both a Skeletons in the closet aren’t the sleek, shiny betrayal—a dystopia where the simplest Jolly Rogers of Halloween decorations and question may conceal a threat sufficient to neo-romantic fiction. As television shows like elicit contradictory answers from those unsure serious new talent CSI have made evident, secrets left to fester of the “correct” response. When the innocent developing her voice and what an inspiring director can do to encourage it!” unseen tend to spread crippling contagion are scapegoated by bullies whose own fears – The New Yorker affecting everyone in the surrounding envi- are expressed in a vindictive hostility devoid ronment, conspirators and bystanders alike. of compassion, who needs murder? Even a wholesome community like Baraboo, The psychological traction required to veer Wis.—site of a circus museum, neighbor to from sitcom farce (yes, there’s a scene where We Are ProuD To PreSeNT an outdoor amusement-park, a prestigious an upstanding citizen turns meth-monster) to university and the state capitol—isn’t safe Grand Guignol melodrama without skidding from the creeping malaise of misanthropic out of control has become Red Orchid The- impulses. atre’s stock-in-trade. Kirsten Fitzgerald and A jaCkie sibblies Drury At first, the cadaver in Marisa Wegrzyn’s Natalie West, in a moose-and-squirrel turn as small-town gothic armoire looks to be the the squabbling Valerie and Gail, dominate an directed by eriC ting only 3 weeks left! mysterious disappearance of village butcher ensemble featuring Missi Davis as the slack- Valerie’s husband, a year earlier. The widow’s erly Midge, HB Ward as the phlegmatic Donal, thru april 29 only! complacent acceptance of her spouse’s ab- and returning Chicago expat Lara Phillips as A brave, funny and sence leads her police-officer sister-in-law the compliant Sevenly. Under the direction spellbinding new play that at the Biograph, 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago Gail to suspect foul play, especially after of Shade Murray, with assistance from Grant brother-in-law Donal returns home with LDS reshapes ideas of race, Sabin’s deceptively cozy kitchen, they guide 773.871.3000 (TTY 773.871.0682) wife Sevenly and their six children. In the us on a tour through rural America paced to history and the explosive 20 Tix Daily for $20 • Students $15 • Groups (10+) call 773.634.9874 meantime, pharmacist daughter Midge’s pro- soothe—just before the ax falls. power of live theatre. pensity for off-duty distribution of her wares WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 19 Politics aside, the deeper personal tale is how form as one of Joe’s “fellow travelers” (as non- any of us might react when someone we regard Communist leftists were called). You’ll relish the as heroic and faultless is found to have feet of performances in this fine finale to Next Theatre’s clay or cracks in his armor, to use the cliché ex- 31st season, and—at a time when conservatism After the pressions for human frailties and moral or ethi- once again has become a dark force in American Revolution. cal shortcomings. Who among us has not had politics—you’ll still be thinking about the play Photo by such an experience, or been the cause of such the next day. Elissa an experience to someone else? The experience Shortridge is made more complex when it involves family history and relationships. ‘Bab Fab’ to Herzog does not minimize the emotional com- celebrate Streisand’s plexities. Indeed, in Act I she piles too much on the plate, introducing Emma’s recovering-drug- 70th April 24 addict sister and apolitical uncle, who pull focus Three Cat Productions will celebrate Barbra but ultimately contribute little. Herzog brings Streisand’s 70th birthday with its fifth annual the focus back to Emma in Act II but wisely “Bab Fab: A Barbra Streisand Celebration” at does not attempt to resolve all issues. The es- 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 24, at the Wilmette trangement between Emma and her family—in Theatre, 1122 Central Ave., Wilmette. particular, her father, Ben (Mick Weber)—isn’t The show will cover Streisand’s career from the completely healed, nor is Emma’s relationship early Greenwich Village days to the present. with her boyfriend. Emma herself is far from per- Chicago theater veterans scheduled to appear THEATER REVIEW (Christine Stulik) leads a foundation for social fect. Politics, love, life and family history must include Christine Bunuan, Rob Dorn, Scott Gry- justice named after Gramps. When a new book be open-ended propositions subject to periodic der, Beckie Menzie, Tom Michael and Jason Paul After the reveals that Joe spied for the Soviets and per- (if not constant) re-evaluation. Smith, among others. jured himself before Congress to protect himself, Senior’s company functions as a splendid en- Tickets are $20-$25; visit www.wilmetteth- Revolution Emma feels betrayed by the truth and by family Playwright: Amy Herzog semble, with excellent supporting work from or call 847-251-7424. members who withheld this truth from her. She At: Next Theatre, 927 Noyes, Evanston Phil Ridarelli as the amiable uncle, Dana Black becomes estranged from her father, grandmother Tickets: 847-475-1875; as the less-political sister, Tasha Anne James as and boyfriend as she rethinks her beliefs and her; $25-$40 Ben’s wife and beloved Mike Nussbaum in top priorities. Runs through: May 13

BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL Professional Theatre at Amy Herzog’s stimulating, intelligent and semi- autobiographical play uses a political story to Angels in America frame a deeper personal story, providing rich op- Part One: Millennium Approaches Part Two: Perestroika portunities for a spot-on cast directed by the reliable Kimberly Senior. sponsored by By Tony Kushner Directed by Charles Newell Set in 1999, the play presents three genera- the University of Chicago March 30 – June 3 at Court Theatre tions of the Joseph family of New York and Bos- ton, who are ardent leftists going back to the Box Office (773) 753-4472 1930s Great Depression, when “anyone with a beating heart and half a brain” was a Commu- Bring a Group & Save 20-30% nist, according to steely grandmother Vera (Mary Ann Thebus). on tickets! Call Kate at (773) 834-3243. Her late husband, Joe Joseph, is the idolized family patriarch who rose to high government position during World War II, when the Soviet Union was our ally, but later was hauled before a Congressional committee during the 1950s an- ti-Red “witch hunt.” Now granddaughter Emma CRITICS’ PICKS

Beyond the Fringe, Oak Park Festival Theatre at Madison Street Theatre Studio, through May 6. Die-hard fans of British comedy won’t want to miss the chance to see this very funny sketch revue originally penned and performed in the early 1960s by Alan Bennett, Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller and Dudley Moore. It’s a period piece now, but it was very influential in its day. SCM Chesapeake, Remy Bumppo Theatre Com- pany at Greenhouse Theater, through April 29. Lee Blessing’s one-man magical realism drama about a bisexual performance artist and his efforts to kidnap a bigoted and ho- mophobic senator’s dog offers lots of laughs and plenty to think about when it comes to judging just what constitutes “art.” SCM Hit The Wall, The Inconvenience at Steppenwolf Garage, through April 22. Ike Holter and the Inconvenience’s visceral aesthetic paint a picture of gay history that sweats, bleeds and goes down swinging, only to rise again, noisy and triumphant. MSB The Pirates of Penzance, Marriott The- atre, Lincolnshire, through June 10. Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic 1879 operetta gets a joyously silly and vigorously choreographed production courtesy of director Dominic Missimi and choreographer Matt Raftery. SCM —By Abarbanel, Barnidge and Morgan 20 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES CALLOW from page 17 WCT: Are you getting to have fun while you are in town? Will we see you at show tunes at young aristocrat. Sidetrack? It is one of the most exhilarating documents, SC: I am being worked within an inch of my followed by doubt, depression and despair— life while I am in Chicago. I am doing matinees ending with the collapse of that relationship. I and evening shows, benefits, galas and so forth. don’t think there is anything to compare with it WCT: I noticed you were in Doctor Who; in the English language. Not many people know [that show has] diehard fans. that poems such as “Shall I compare thee to a SC: In England, particularly, they do. summer’s day?” were written from a man to a WCT: Do you want to do more television this man. year? WCT: Talk about the coming-out process, SC: No; this year is a year of theater from be- because you didn’t necessarily need to come ginning to end. In February, my biography of out of the closet when you did. Charles Dickens came out so I have been talking SC: In 1984 it was quite a big deal, but I a lot about Dickens and will continue to do that. couldn’t see any way around it. I was quite a It comes out in America in August. People can prominent actor. I was being interviewed a lot purchase it in bookshops or at www.simoncal- and being asked all the time little needling questions about a girlfriend and all of the rest Being Shakespeare runs April 18-29 at Navy of it. I thought that was ridiculous and didn’t Pier at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, 800 want to lie for the rest of my life. So I just told E. Grand Ave. Tickets and information can be those reporters, “I’m not in a relationship with a found at or by call- women. I am gay.” They never printed it—ever. ing 312-595-5600. THEATER REVIEW stage during much of the show, making it hard WCT: Really? to hear her dialogue or vocals at times. The SC: That is the British press for you. They like Alex in stage manager was not quieting the troops to expose you. They don’t like to be told any- Rich, Levy at down from the dressing room, at least during thing. They want to find you out. It wasn’t until Wonderland the April 13 performance. With such a large Steppenwolf May 7 Playwright: Tony Lewis and Michael Elm I wrote my first book, Being an Actor, that it Steppenwolf Theatre Company, 1650 N. Hal- cast, maybe that is easier said than done. At: Hydrate Nightclub, 3458 N. Halsted came out. I had been very candid with the press sted St., will host an evening of conversation The Mad Hatter was hilarious, sounding Phone: 773-835-0420; for five years about my sexuality; I finally got it Monday, May 7 between renowned journalist and down in print because it was my book, and there Alex in Wonderland. Photo by Jerry Nunn former New York Times drama critic Frank Rich it was. I think it was a quite useful thing to do and Steppenwolf Artistic Director Martha Lavey. I have to say. I was one of the first celebrity ac- Inspired by Steppenwolf’s season theme, “Dis- tors that had done that voluntarily. Actors have patches from the Homefront,” their onstage dis- much like a cross between Paul Lynde and the; $10 been outed and arrested, in some cases, in Eng- cussion will offer a perspective on cultural and honey badger’s Randall voice on YouTube. Runs through: May 26 land but nobody had done it voluntarily. I did, world events. Following the conversation, the A trio of drag dream worms had strong high- and I am rather proud of that. audience will have the opportunity to ask Rich lights as caterpillars; however, they weren’t BY JERRY NUNN WCT: You should be. Now you have been and Lavey questions. always easy to follow. able to be an advocate for our community and The event will take place at Steppenwolf’s The characters Tweaker Dee and Tweaker MidTangent Productions is at it again with perform with the London Gay Men’s Chorus. Downstairs Theatre. Tickets ($10); call 312-335- Dum had some nice moments throughout the more fairy tales at its homo home, Hydrate SC: That was tons of fun. 1650 or visit show, with over-the-top theatrics. Speaking Nightclub. The same company that penned of which, a few simple tweaks could really Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens as help, such as enunciating (for many of the well as Twinkie and the Beast now dreams up cast). Placing glow tape on the stairs would its version of Alice In Wonderland, with a few have saved The Queen of Hearts from falling things falling down the rabbit hole. in the dark. A parody of Enrique Iglesias’ “Tonight (I’m The fun is figuring out where some of the SPOTLIGHT Loving You)” provided a shaky start to the tunes are inspired from, whether it is Pink’s show, but things picked up quickly. Max Bev- “Raise Your Glass” or Katy Perry’s “Firework,” er, as Alex Kingsley, has the thankless task of complete with glow sticks. Lady Gaga some- playing the “straight” man but seems a little how deserved two songs. stiff at times. The White Rabbit arrives and Things could be cut (as the show is a little delivers some slick lines, as does stage diva long to sustain in a bar atmosphere), running Katerina Papadatos, performing in a duel role two hours. Also, where were the Alex in Won- of Alex’s mother and the The Queen of Hearts, derland drink specials? taking a cue from Joan Crawford and camping Get ready for all kinds of That could be easily fixed for the future and it up. comedy created on the spot will keep everyone wondering what this group Singer Natalia Kills’ Wonderland track is when the Chicago Improv will do next as it continues improving over tailor-made for the show and carried the plot Festival plays at multiple past productions. forward. However, an ABBA tune about money Chicago-area venues from What’s next: Cinderfella or The Little Mer- could have been left at Mamma Mia. Monday, April 23, through man? It’s a whole new world for MidTangent The Cheshire Cat is a lesbian in this ver- Sunday, April 29. See local, Productions to parody and there are many sion—with her lover, Dinah—and really has a national and international more fairy tales ripe for the gay picking. sweet voice. At times she need to “sing out, improv troupes perform at Louise” because there was a loud party back- these venues: Annoyance Theater, 4830 N. Broad- way St.; ComedySportz, 929 W. Belmont Ave.; The THE CLOSET THU., April 12 Playground Theater, 3209 N. Halsted St.; Athenaeum Theatre, Studios 1, 2 and 3, 2936 N. Southport Ave.; Chemically Imbalanced The- ater, 1420 W. Irving Park Rd.; Laugh Out Loud The- ater, 601 North Martingale Rd., Schaumburg; and mul- tiple spaces at The Second City, 1618 N. Wells St. (4th Floor Skybox, 3rd Floor De- Maat and 2nd Floor e.t.c. space). Tickets are $5-$20 per show; visit www.chi- for tickets and more informa- Congratulations to the finalists from The Closet, who will advance to the semi-finals at Sidetrack, Sat., June 2. tion. Photo of the Toronto-

Photos by Jerry Nunn. More photos at based improv group 2-Man No-Show courtesy of the Look for photos from Windy City Gay Idol at Crew in next week’s Windy City Times and from Jackhammer in next Chicago Improv Festival week’s Nightspots. WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 21 NUNN ON ONE: TELEVISION my life. I had just filmed a big role and my agent asked me what I wanted to do. My rule is to never play the same person twice. I have always Kelly Lynch: felt I am a character actor trapped in a leading lady’s body. I wanted to play something roman- tic. They mailed me over some sides for a charac- Making ‘Magic’ on Starz, ter named Ivan. I thought it was a funny name for a girl. I read it and they included a note that Pam Grier was Kit, Ivan’s love interest, and Ivan dishing on ‘L Word’ is a that is sexy and handsome. I had to fly to Vancouver the next day and shoot it. I BY JERRY NUNN KL: First of all, I slept with the show runner had to do a and I had never seen drag various times to get the part. He’s my husband. kings before. My dad owned a drag bar in Min- Actress Kelly Lynch began her career as a model I have full disclosure here. It wasn’t just once, neapolis called The Copper Squirrel when I was a for Elite, then went on to appear in such films as we had to do it a lot. So there is that. I am not kid. Drugstore Cowboy, Cocktail and Road House— too proud to admit it. [Both laugh.] WCT: I didn’t know that. which became huge hits in the ‘80s. She contin- Mitch was talking about this whole idea as a KL: Yeah, he is in the bar-and-restaurant busi- ued playing original and unforgettable charac- movie or TV show since we have been together, ness; he is retired but I grew up loving drag ters in Charlie’s Angels and The L Word. which has been 23 years. I have been every queens. We have a very thriving gay community Her latest project is on the Starz network show single character, including Ben Diamond (the in Minneapolis. That is something I am really Magic City. Set in 1950s Miami, the story fol- mobster) at one time or another! Kelly Lynch. Photo courtesy of Starz proud of. lows Ike Evans (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan), He really started thinking of this character of This was a completely different world for me a high-end hotel owner who becomes involved Meg Bannock; the older I get, the more I am riod shows like this one and Mad Men? so I went online and picked out a song, “I’m with the mob. Lynch plays Meg Bannock, the sis- just in love with [her]. These heiresses breathed KL: I have to say looking back on our history Your Man,” and I choreographed it that night in ter of Ike’s deceased first wife who comes from different air than the rest of us do. This woman from the first turn of the century to this one it my hotel room. It was the most scary, exciting, old money. had to say goodbye to husband number two and was a time when America was America with a fun thing I have ever done. I had to beg the Windy City Times: Hey, Kelly. So you are had no children but all of this wealth, then had flexing muscle, big chrome cars, the space pro- hair and makeup people not to make me look calling from LA? to compete in a man’s world with power and gram seconds away, the Kennedy era dying on like Clint Howard, Ron Howard’s funny-looking Kelly Lynch: I am. money. She had real estate and really groovy us, the middle class thriving—it was a golden brother. In my mind, Ivan was the most hand- WCT: I know you are originally from Min- cars and clothes. era. some guy on the planet. I wanted that androgy- nesota. WCT: Which do you like more: the hair or the People in the world still think of this time nous quality that would get everyone intrigued, KL: Exactly. I actually spent a winter in your clothes? in a positive way. We explore in our show the whether they were straight, gay or lesbian. fair city doing Curly Sue, which was John Hughes’ KL: I think being a fashionista myself, I don’t underbelly of that. It was a crime riddled and WCT: You have had such a long sustainable last film [he directed]. I had a weird occurrence mind tooting my own horn, I am two-time In- very white power structure. In Miami during this career, working with Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon on Lake Shore Drive. We hit sheet ice with my ternational Best Dressed winner—actually as a time period 2 percent was Latin; today, it is 60 and Denzel Washington. daughter, who is now 26 years old. I was afraid couple, my husband the dashing Mitch Glazer. percent. Women were barely in the job force. KL: My leading men have been amazing, with- there would be a 300-car pile up because we So clothes would be my first thing. African-American people were not allowed the out a doubt; then to have had a chance to play were the first ones hitting the guardrail so I got The hairdos I have taken a clue from Grace right to vote. My husband used the “colored” a leading man—well there you go! [Laughs] I my daughter out of the car and carried her on Kelly, who wore a simple blonde bob. Maybe in drinking fountain as a child because he thought challenge any other actress to say that… my back because we couldn’t stand on the wind season two Meg Bannock goes wild and ends up a rainbow would come out! Read the entire interview with Kelly at and the ice. I crawled across and got to the side in some sort of jazz club and let’s her hair do WCT: You played an interesting role on, and find out before more accidents could happen. new things. Showtime’s The L Word. about what she thinks about being blond ver- WCT: What made you want to do Magic City? WCT: Why do you think audiences enjoy pe- KL: That was one of my favorite characters of sus being brunette. 22 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES years of non-stop weekly film-reviewing I find myself immersed in an unexpected, though rath- er delightful project that necessitates my taking KNIGHT a leave of absence from my Knight at the Movies AT Trevor St. John in column for Windy City Times. But fear not—your In the Family. movie reviews from a queer perspective will con- THE tinue with the inestimable talents of film writer Sawyer Lahr who, aside from being a member of MOVIES the Queer Film Society, is also the creator and editor of his own queer arts-themed website, So what will yours truly be up to? Well, I’m working on my first movie—a modern-day, gay variation on A Christ- By mas Carol called Scrooge & Marley (executive- Richard produced by WCT’s publisher/executive editor Knight, Jr. Tracy Baim). You can read all about the movie at Thanks to all and St. John, whose Cody, we learn, was never cast and crew are expected to attend the gala my supportive readers; see you again soon. In the Family; involved with men before Joey. event and after party at the NV Penthouse Check out my archived reviews at www. There are many tremendous actors, most of Lounge, 116 W. Hubbard St. www.promiseland- or www.knightat- them from the New York stage in Wang’s cast Readers can leave feedback film notes (the movie was shot in upstate New York), who —Welcome, Sawyer Lahr: After nearly eight at the latter website. register in the long takes—with a special men- Out writer-director-actor Patrick Wang’s In the tion going to Brian Murray as a retired lawyer Family really makes a case—albeit a subtle who takes on Joey’s case when he has just about David Pevsner and one—for the understated ways in which the run out of hope. With gentle assuredness, Mur- term “family” has expanded in surprising direc- Tim Kazurinsky to ray provides the movie’s last sequence, set in a tions. conference room where Joey is voluntarily being Ostensibly, the movie hinges on the legal play title roles in deposed by the lawyer of Cody’s sister with an wrangling that goes on when Joey (Wang) finds air of grace that emboldens Wang’s Joey to rise ‘Scrooge & Marley’ himself in an unexpected custody battle over his CHICAGO—Respected out gay actor Da- to the occasion, relating just exactly why he is 6-year-old son, Chip (Sebastian Brodziak), after vid Pevsner will be joined by former Satur- Chip’s one true father and, further, why they are Joey’s partner, Cody (Trevor St. John), has died day Night Live cast member and Second City members of his family. in a car accident. We are in Martin, Tenn., in veteran Tim Kazurinsky in the title roles of The sequence is close to a half-hour of the a place where emergency-room nurses are still Scrooge and Marley in the new independent movie’s 169-minute running time but, by that hesitant or openly hostile when Joey insists film being shot in Chicago this May. Pevsner point, Wang’s unforced, contemplative ap- that he is part of Cody’s family, so what follows and Kazurinsky are both native Chicagoans. proach—devoid of background score and rely- Cody’s death doesn’t surprise us. Scrooge & Marley is a modern-day variation ing on naturalistic lighting and unfussy cin- We’ve been down this path before in many a on Charles Dickens’ classic holiday story, A ematography—has seemed like the perfect way film drama that has mirrored the lives of thou- Christmas Carol. to underline his message. In the Family opens sands of gays and lesbian parents in decades Acclaimed actor Richard Ganoung, who Friday, April 20, at the Music Box Theatre, 3733 past. With each revelation—the will that wasn’t starred in the groundbreaking gay films Part- N. Southport Ave., for its exclusive Chicago en- quite filed, the adoption papers not secured, ing Glances and Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss, gagement. This movie is highly recommended. the will’s executor not part of the everyday dis- has signed on to play Colin. Wang will be present at certain opening week- cussion—we are one step ahead, knowing that Two-time Emmy winner Bruce Vilanch will end screenings. Check with the Music Box for David Pevsner. things for Joey with regard to Chip’s custody are play Fezziwig in the film. details; in big trouble. Rusty Schwimmer (North Country, A Per- But underneath, something not quite name- fect Storm, A Little Princess, Drop Dead Diva, rock band The Joans, will be among actors in Film notes: able is taking place. Part of that, I think, is due Bones, Louie) will portray Scrooge’s niece, a series of special Christmas vignettes. —The charming lesbian romantic dramedy to Wang’s graceful technique—slow and con- Freda. Casting director for the film is Heather Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together from out templative with few cuts, filled with long takes David Moretti, best known as Thom Ether- Schmucker. writer-director Wendy Jo Carlton is going to be with room to focus on minute details—which ton in here! TV’s vampire series, The Lair and Scrooge & Marley is based on an original screened on Thursday, April 26 at 8 p.m. at the help move his story away from the stereotypi- for Dante’s Cove, will play Bob Cratchit. script by Ellen Stoneking, Richard Knight Jr. Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport). The one cal histrionics the material would suggest. At The Ghosts of Christmas past, present and and the late Timothy Imse. Knight and Peter night only screening will be a benefit for the the film’s surprising fade-out, Wang has not only future will be played by Ronnie Kroell (Bravo’s Neville will direct. Lesbian Community Cancer Project of Howard seemed to posit the theory that the definition Make Me A Supermodel and the film Into the Executive producers of the film are Tracy Brown Health Center. of “family” has grown in many imperceptible Lion’s Den), Megan Cavanagh (A League of Baim (Hannah Free) and David Strzepek Carlton will join members of her mostly locally ways—he has demonstrated it. their Own, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Exes (Foodgasm), who are joined by several co- based cast and crew in celebrating the success As we move toward the confrontation between and Ohs) and Chicago club kid Jo Jo Baby, producers (Knight, Neville, Stoneking, Kroell of the movie, which has won several awards on Joey and Cody’s surviving sister, Eileen (Kelly respectively. and Moretti) and experienced crew. Line pro- the film festival circuit and garnered praise from McAndrew), Wang fills in the important back- Other principal cast members include the ducer is Thavary Krouch, the assistant direc- high profile film critics like Roger Ebert and Mi- story covering the duo’s romance. But, these, following acclaimed Chicago actors: Drew tor is Holli Hopkins, the director of photog- chael Phillips at a post screening reception from too, have unexpected twists and turns and Anderson and Nicholas Bailey playing young raphy is Andrew Parrotte and the production 9:30-11:30pm at Blue Bayou (across the street are highlighted by a marvelous scene in which Scrooge and Marley; Christopher Allen as Bill; designer is Rob Steffen. Additional crew will from the Music Box). Tickets are $18 and include Joey—who has been engaged as a carpenter in TimeLine Theatre artistic director PJ Pow- be announced soon. the film and after party (drink ticket, appetiz- the home of Cody, a recent widower left with a ers as Marley’s ghostly acquaintance; About Original songs and the film’s music score are ers and DJ music). Advance tickets are at www. young son—is suddenly surprised by an intimate Face Theatre artistic associate Scott Duff as being written by Lisa McQueen, an ensemble kiss from Cody. The moment—a blend of awk- Drew; Windy City Queercast’s Amy Matheny member and musical director at Annoyance are-not-together-2012-04-26-800-pm. wardness, yearning and palpable desire—is deli- as Mary; Fawzia Mirza as Marshall; Peter Mo- Theater for 21 years. —Lesbian actress Fawzia Mirza—who plays a cately rendered and beautifully acted by Wang hawk as Kyle; Allison Torem (The Wise Kids) The film is being financed by investors and pivotal role in Jamie and Jessie—is as Scrooge’s sister, Franny; Michael Joseph through an Indie GoGo campaign under the also seen in a new film,Promise Mitchell as Scrooge’s father; Becca Kaufman name of Scrooge & Marley Film. See Land, which is having its Chicago and Richard Knight, Jr. as a comedic cabaret premiere with a red carpet screen- duo; and Colin Sphar as Brent. Legal counsel for the production is Joseph ing at the AMC River 21, 322 E. Il- The child actors will be Liam Jones as Tiny L. Voss from Clark Hill PLC. Companies donat- linois St., on Friday, April 20, at 7 Tim, with siblings played by real-life twin sis- ing food include J&L Catering and Ann Sather p.m. The movie, directed by Kevin ters Dixon and Delaney Kaufman and real-life on Belmont. Dalvi (with screenplay by Dalvi, brothers Elijah and Keante Pendleton. The locations for the shoot include 3160 Columbia College’s Etta Worthing- Additional supporting cast includes Michael Bar on Clark Street and the old Bistro Too ton and Faris Kahn), stars a diverse Termine, Rafael Torres, Tommy Beardmore, disco, in addition to private homes and a cast that aside from Mirza includes Tom Chiola, Sean Walton, Diana Simonzadeh, cemetery. Anita Chandwaney, Brenda Barrie, Alex Weisman, Steven McQuown, Ryan Lan- Full cast and production team bios are at Elizabeth Abraham and others. The ning, Ellen Stoneking, and WBEZ reporter film is described as a dramedy that Alison Cuddy in a voice cameo as a radio Items on Twitter are at https://twitter. focuses on an alternative view of announcer. David Cerda, artistic director of com/#!/ScroogeMarleyCH; on Facebook, see immigration issues in the United Hell in a Handbag Productions, and Ed Jones, States told from a Southeast Asian Handbag ensemble member, and both of the ley. perspective through three inter- twining stories. Members of the WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 23 MOVIES movies, and the big disappointment for me in movies, is that there is a lot of drama in our lives and I don’t think it gets addressed. Those Patrick Wang on big escapades are what is presented to us as drama, but there a lot of people who are peace- ful, whose first reaction isn’t fight, fight, fight. his gay-custody I wanted to follow the path of people who take a different approach, but their instinct isn’t to fight and create Hollywood tension and drama. I don’t think that’s in the style of a lot of people. drama, In the Family [Laughs] It does happen, no doubt. by Sawyer J. Lahr is not a tiny town. There’s a university there and WCT: Maybe a version of that. people from all over the world. PW: For the most part, life takes place in a Economist-turned-actor and filmmaker Patrick WCT: It’s in the Bible Belt, but we’re also in different register, and think we need solutions Wang—the director and star of the gay sleeper the Bible Belt here in Chicago. there too and pictures of that. It’s great there hit In the Family—couldn’t be farther from con- PW: It’s never one thing. You could be in the are those kinds of [Hollywood] movies. I’d like vention. A conversation with a civil-rights attor- most religious towns of the Bible Belt, but you’ll to contribute a different kind of movie. ney inspired Wang to write his first feature film find a range of people and a range of a opinion, Wang will be in attendance at the Music Box about issues faced by unmarried gay partners. even people who, within their lifetime, will shift Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Ave., for screen- This gay custody drama depicts an Asian- those opinions. I think in the “average,” we miss ings Saturday-Sunday, April 21-22. American contractor, Joey (Wang), who loses his the range of people in a place. partner, Cody (Trevor St. John), to a car accident WCT: How would you describe the nature of and faces moral injustice when Cody’s sister, Ei- Joey and Cody’s relationship and the way it Carol Burnett in leen (Kelly McAndrew), takes Joey’s assumed blossoms? Why did these scenes come at the Joliet May 8-9 son, Chip (Sebastian Brodziak), into her care as end and not the beginning? Legendary comedian/actress Carol Burnett will prescribed by Cody’s final will and testament. PW: I love mystery. This is how we get to know appear in “Laughter and Reflection with Carol The first 30 festivals to reject the film surely people in life. We see them in their present mo- Burnett: A Conversation with Carol Where the ment, but we don’t know their stories. We don’t must have noticed the verbosity of Wang’s some- Patrick Wang. Audience Asks the Questions.” what unchained aesthetic and loose script, but know how they fell in love, the darkest moments This event will take place at the Rialto Square the critical reception took a 180 once the movie in their lives, the moment they met. Hopefully, Theatre, 102 N. Chicago St., Joliet, on Tuesday- premiered at the Hawaii Film Festival last year. there is enough information that it feels satisfy- and Denzel Washington level where Joey goes Wed., May 8-9, at 8 p.m. Wang spoke with Windy City Times on the phone ing, that you’re getting closer to understanding on the run with Chip while Cody’s family pur- Tickets are $39.50-$125; contact the Rialto from his Chicago hotel room. these characters’ life experiences. sues him across the country? Why not raise box office,, all Ticketmaster Windy City Times: Is it true you were on WCT: Why did you choose to have Joey and the stakes higher and increase the pace? outlets or, or charge at 815- Saturday Night Live as a guest actor? Cody neglect to transfer guardianship to the PW: That’s the movie thing to do. My view of 726-6600 and 800-982-2787. Patrick Wang: Yes. It was right after the Win- other partner in Cody’s will? ter Olympics and I played a friend and fellow PW: There’s this point in the screenplay where Olympic athlete of skier Jonny Moseley, the host Joey talks about finding this “fill-in-the-blank” of SNL that night. I got to throw up on Jonny will. Cody is such an organized and responsible Moseley. person, and he knew what he had to do—what WCT: Your claim to fame! should have been done. It’s a tough for so many PW: [Laughs] Yes, in classic high-brow Satur- people and so many couples to talk about their day Night Live style. mortality. WCT: Getting down to In the Family, why For Cody, having lost his wife, I think it made set this story in Tennessee? What makes this it very hard for him do this, more so than if he story specific to Tennessee? hadn’t lost a partner before. Also, hard things PW: I’m not sure it has to be in Tennessee, get away from us when life is really good. I think but there were a lot of lovely things that came he was too seduced by that wonderful thing out of it being there. I know a lot of people in [Joey] to turn and think of what happens when Tennessee, but I haven’t spent a lot time there. one of us dies; what do we do about custody. Western Tennessee is, in my mind, a neutral ter- It’s frustrating, and from what I understand, it ritory in some ways. It’s not geographically very happens quite a bit. confined. Martin, where the movie takes place, WCT: Why not take In the Family to a John Q

by the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture Alvarez launches pairs local Chicagoans with visitors looking victim-awareness for an insider introduction to the city. Through Chicago Greeter, volunteers share program what they know and love about the city and The Cook County state’s attorney’s office visitors take away a truly authentic Chicago has initiated a monthlong community aware- experience by discovering lesser known ness campaign to educate and empower resi- neighborhood gems. Potential greeters in- dents about victim rights and services, ac- terested in volunteering can apply at www. cording to a press release. Advocates in the office’s Victim Witness As- Nearly 200 Chicagoans regularly volunteer sistance Unit and Community Justice centers their time through the Chicago Greeter pro- will give presentations in April to increase gram, reaching visitors from all 50 states and awareness and highlight services available to more than 90 different countries. Greeters crime victims throughout the county as they highlight various neighborhoods and interests travel an often difficult journey seeking jus- for visitors on two- to four-hour excursions. MANESKY tice and healing. They show off their knowledge of local his- Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez tory, ethnic heritage, architectural highlights, will also host a Victim Service Awards ceremo- You Are Your Hat culinary hotspots, public art, LGBT Chicago, ny in conjunction with National Crimes Vic- Join artist Sandra Manesky and friends for her Spring Exhibit and Fundraiser family-friendly destinations and more. tims’ Rights Week (April 22- 28) to recognize 'You Are Your Hat'. To learn more, visit www.ChicagoGreeter. those who work tirelessly on behalf of crime com. victims. Artist Reception Saturday, May 5th, 5-10PM Call 773-674-7200 or visit www.statesattor- LGBT Narcotics Prairie Avenue Gallery Parking Lot Directions Anon. meetings 1900 S. Prairie Ave. Free parking lot located on Indiana Chicago, Illinois Avenue (west side of street) halfway City of Chicago between 18th street and Cullerton at Haymarket 312-907-7909 Narcotics Anonymous meetings for LGBT in- Street. Must head south on Indiana wants LGBT greeters 2 blocks East of Michigan Ave. Chicago Greeter is seeking friendly, enthu- dividuals will take place Mondays 8-9 p.m. at Avenue FROM 18th street to access 1/2 block South of 18th Street in the lot. White signs on parking lot will say siastic and knowledgeable volunteers to join Haymarket Center, 20 N. Sangamon St. historic Prairie Avenue District “House Museum Parking" the program in 2012. For more info, call Anthony Oltean at 312- This award-winning visitor service managed 208-4021. 24 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

the DISH WEEKLY DINING GUIDE IN mint and almonds—sound a bit unusual, but ev- the time I got to the pizza portion of the meal, erything I tasted was delightful and on the right I was so confident in Nellcote’s chefs’ ability to side of experimental. make unusual flavors work together that I want- The shaved asparagus salad is a light and re- ed to order all of the pizzas and had a hard time freshing way to begin your meal. The crisp, pa- choosing just one. In the end, I settled on a per-thin slices of asparagus are ever-so-slightly pizza made with Taleggio, ramps from right here seasoned with Meyer lemon and Gouda, which in Illinois and guanciale, a spicy Italian bacon. is one of those pairings that sounds odd, but If you go to the trouble to set up a flour mill Nellcote it works. I also recommend the risotto, a rich in a restaurant, you’re probably going to make BY Meghan Streit and creamy mixture of saffron, fava beans and sure you’ve got somebody around who knows Pecorino cheese. The only thing I didn’t love how to turn that flour into a killer pizza crust. I have a crush on a restaurant. After just one about the dish was the gold leaf-topped lump So, not surprisingly, the crust was crisp, golden visit to Nellcote, a new West Loop eatery that of bone marrow in the center. It’s a delicacy, I and bubbly—the Taleggio, ramps and guanciale serves uber-fresh European-inspired cuisine, I know, but I just don’t need to eat bone marrow, teamed up to make the perfect bite. My dining am smitten. even if it is covered in gold. If you like that sort partner and I deluded ourselves into thinking we Nellcote inhabits the expansive Randolph of thing, I’m positive it would only add to the might not devour the entire pizza. I can assure Street space that used to be home to the now- delicious decadence of the risotto. you we left with no doggie bags. closed Marche. Those of you who had been to There are several meat and fish dishes, rang- I was expecting the dessert offerings to be as Marche will recall its brightly colored French car- ing from $8 to $15. At the recommendation of quirky as the rest of the menu, but they were nival atmosphere, which I thought worked well my waitress, I tried the sturgeon. The sturdy surprisingly straightforward (for the most part), at the time and suited the space. All of those steak-like fish was grilled to perfection with a and heavy on homemade ice creams and sorbets. bold colors and that over-the-top décor have subtle orange glaze and seasoned with sorrel. I rarely opt for frozen desserts when warm gooey been stripped away. In stark contrast, Nellcote It’s served with crisp and flavorful spring veg- baked goods are available to me, but the salted is decorated completely in soothing whites and etables that complement the meaty fish. caramel ice cream sounded too good to pass up. ivories, and blinged out with more than a dozen Don’t stop ordering before you get to the pas- It was impossibly dense and creamy and struck crystal chandeliers. It’s one of the most elegant ta and pizza section of the menu. Nellcote has the perfect balance between sweet and savory. and beautiful dining rooms I’ve seen in a while. its own on-site flour mill, my waitress told me, My only complaint is that I wasn’t served more Nellcote makes a stunning visual impact as so you can be assured these pastas and pizzas of it. I could have eaten an entire pint. soon as you enter, but there’s nothing austere or Sturgeon with spring vegetables at Nellcote. are as fresh as any you’ll find in the city. The I liked Marche, and I was sad when I heard stuffy about the space. It’s pretty tough to get Photo by Meghan Streit pappardelle with black truffles, Pecorino and last year that it would be closing. But after an a table at Nellcote right now, so expect it to be like trained chefs. I was beyond impressed by tarragon sounded divine, but I decided to try evening at Nellcote, Marche is just a distant loud and busting, and on some nights, there is the knowledgeable, attentive and just plain nice one of the more out-of-the-ordinary pastas, and memory, and I could not be more pleased with a DJ playing music, adding to the upbeat party service I received at Nellcote. opted instead for the strozzapreti, a longer curly its replacement. Nellcote doesn’t rely on old vibe. However, don’t be fooled by the clubby at- You’ll find a handful of $10 cocktails, all of noodle similar to cavatelli. Nellcote’s version is stand-bys, but it also doesn’t push the envelope mosphere; Nellcote is seriously focused on food. which sound like tasty ways to begin a meal. I dyed black with squid ink, which also gives the so far that you feel like you were part of a sci- The servers may also throw you off a bit. They’re opted instead to sample a few glasses of wine dish a salty flavor. It’s tossed in pine nut pesto ence experiment rather than a meal (and need to young, cool and dressed in their own clothes. So from Nellcote’s extensive list. My favorite was and mint and topped with a generous portion of stop for a burger on the way home because you you may be surprised when these skinny jeans the pinot nero, which is actually a white wine tender lobster. Fresno chilies give the cold pasta didn’t eat any actual food). For that, I expect and hoodie-wearing hipsters start recommend- made with the same grapes used to make pinot dish a spicy kick. Again, this was one of those reservation lines to be tied up for quite some ing wines like sommeliers and describing food noir. It was one of the smoothest white wines flavor combinations about which I was incredu- time. I’ve ever tried, and while I’m not a huge fan of lous until I tasted. Instead of competing with Nellcote is located at 833 W. Randolph St.; paying $15 for a glass, this one was worth it. one another, the strong flavors work together in visit or call 312- Nellcote’s menu consists of about 20 small a surprising and inventive way. 432-0500. plates made for sharing, so bring a few friends There are two tamer pizzas with expected top- Do you need some more Sugar & Spice in Perfect Party Room and an open mind to try some new things. While for your pings like garlic and oregano and buffalo mozza- your life? Follow me on Twitter: @SugarAnd- Spring Event the menu has some European influences, there’s rella with basil, but all of the other pies surprise SpiceMS for inside scoop and commentary on a heavy focus on locally-sourced and in-season with combos like clams, green onions and crème Chicago’s dining scene. ingredients. Some of the pairings—like rabbit fraiche or pistachios, red onions and ricotta. By sausage with olive emulsion and pumpkin with

the DINING LISTINGS DISH 1653-55 W. Cortland • 773-862-5263 American located in neighborhoody Bakery Bright and fresh Italian Mexican Beef ‘n Brandy Bucktown. Stunning Special Swedish Bakery small plates with an exciting Mundial Cocina 127 S. State St., Chicago Events Room. Brunch, Lunch 5348 N. Clark St., cocktail menu. Surprisingly Mestiza & Dinner. 312-372-3451 Chicago affordable. 1640 W. 18th St., 773-561-8919 Chicago Hamburger Mary’s A Chicago tradition since Club Lucky 312-491-9908 5400 N. Clark St., 1967. Serving pizza, burgers, European-style cookies, 1824 W. Wabansia Ave., mundialcocinamestiza. Chicago meat loaf, homemade Foc- pastries, breads, and tortes. Bucktown com cacia bread and more. 773-784-6969 We’ll create a cake for any 773-227-2300 Creative Mexican cuisine in celebration. the Pilsen neighborhood. chicago Roscoe’s Sidewalk 1940’s style Italian Supper Hand-shaken margaritas ENTERTAINMENT & Burgers, salads and sass Club & Cocktail Lounge Cafe Fondue and affordable wines. DANCING NIGHTLY 3356 N. Halsted St., served up in a kitschy Geja’s Cafe Award-winning. Holiday Chicago atmosphere with an on-site decorations and private brew pub. 340 W. Armitage Ave., german EXCELLENT 773-281-3355 party room. Accepting Chicago online reservations. Chicago Brauhaus GERMAN-AMERICAN 773-281-9101 CUISINE ASIAN 4732 N. Lincoln Ave., Visit our popular outdoor Chicago cafe. Salads, burgers, wraps, Miss Asia Mediterranean Romantic fondue dining. 773-784-4444 773.784.4444 sandwiches, drink specials, 434 W. Diversey Pkwy., Live classical and flamenco Socca WWW.CHICAGOBRAUHAUS.COM and Sunday Brunch. Chicago guitar. Extensive, moder- 3301 N. Clark St., Serving up traditional Closed Tuesdays • Major Credit Cards Accepted 773-248-3999 ately priced wine list. Chicago Jane’s Restaurant 773-248-1155 German specialties, beer, 1653-55 W. Cortland At Miss Asia we provide ITALIAN wine, music and dancing 6 Ave. fine traditional Thai cuisine Taverna 750 Featured on Food Network. days a week. 773-862-5263 and an elegant dining Italian/French cuisine. atmosphere. 750 W. Cornelia Ave., Dinner daily and weekend Chicago brunch. Outdoor patio. An everyday, upscale eatery 773-348-5172

To get your business listed in The Dish, contact [email protected] WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 25 NUNN ON ONE: MUSIC Chicago premiere Beverly McClellan: of ‘Promise Land’ April 20 NEQUA Studios is set to launch its fea- On TV’s ‘The Voice,’ ture film, Promise Land, directed by Kevin Dalvi. Promise Land will open Friday, April 20, CD ‘Fear Nothing’ with a red-carpet premiere at AMC River East 21, 322 E. Illinois St. There will also BY JERRY NUNN what you want them to know about you. Tyler be an after-party at NV Penthouse Lounge, Robinson came out on the show. Nakia was open 116 W. Hubbard St. Singer Beverly McClellan rose to television fame about it as well as Vicci Martinez, and let’s not The film is a light comedy and drama, on The Voice competing on Christina Aguilera’s forget Frenchie, too. with immigration as the central theme. Its team. Before she was on the show Beverly had WCT: Have you watched the new season? Beverly McClellan. three stories intertwine in a tale of love, already released five albums independently. BM: Of course. conflict and hope. Based on true stories, Now she brings her latest offering—Fear WCT: Do you have any favorites? Promise Land provides a unique perspec- Nothing, showcasing all of her skills—to the BM: Yes, I do. I love Jamar Rogers. He came I am ever so happy and honored to be a part of tive of the South Asian experience in the Red Dress fundraiser this April. from a bad background with drugs and contract- it. I don’t know one person that is not affected United States, and an alternative view of Windy City Times talked with McClellan before ed HIV. He was homeless for a while. He is on in some way by AIDS or HIV. the immigration issues faced by millions her upcoming appearance. Cee Lo’s team so I hope he is good to him. I got Visit to pur- today. Windy City Times: Hi, Beverly. I heard you his number because I was so compelled to talk chase tickets for the April 21 event at the A profile of out actress Mirza—who grew up on a farm, so you’re a big animal to him and tell him that it doesn’t matter where Joffrey Ballet Studios, 10 E. Randolph St., played a lesbian in the locally produced lover. you come from this is the time to shine. with a VIP red carpet starting at 8 p.m. Good movie Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together— Beverly McClellan: Yes, I grew up in Gate City, WCT: How did you become involved with the Morning America meterologist Ginger Zee and is in the March 7 issue of Windy City Times. Va. I was born in Kingsport, Tenn. Red Dress Party? actor/model Christian Carabias will co-host. See WCT: You played instruments right from the BM: They contacted me and my management. beginning, I read somewhere. BM: Since I was about 5 with the piano. WCT: Is music in your family? BM: Yes; I have a thick bluegrass background. WCT: How did you learn to play all of these instruments, from the French horn to the mandolin? BM: I don’t know. I hear it. I have an ear for it. I don’t read music or anything like that. I just do it. WCT: How did you get on The Voice? BM: I got this email as a dare. They didn’t think I would even audition for it. This was from the fella that records my CDs. He suggested that I do it. WCT: Was it an open audition somewhere? BM: No, it was done by email. I sent them a YouTube video and, an hour later, they called me. It was real fast. Suddenly, NBC is on the phone. WCT: That is crazy! BM: I know. It is crazy. How do you think I felt about it? I thought they were kidding. Next thing you know, I am going to Hollywood. WCT: What was the process like? BM: Within three to four auditions I was standing in front of Christina. She picked me. If more than one judge turns around then you have a choice on who to go with. She turned around first, honey, so that was it. “Oh my Gawd! That diva wants me on her team!” was what was go- ing through my head. I had to do Christina so, sorry everybody else. Hands down, she defines The Voice. WCT: How did it feel to get on the show? BM: I was a bald diva—me and Frenchie [Da- vis]. It was crazy! We were standing there and didn’t have any hair. It was so cool. WCT: I met Frenchie last summer and she was so sweet. BM: I just talked to her this morning. I love her. I will always have a family with these guys. We went through some extreme stuff together so how can you not? WCT: Do you ever want to grow your hair out? BM: No way. I don’t want to know when I go gray. WCT: How many tattoos and piercings do you have? BM: I only have on piercing in my face and my ears of course but not sure if that counts. With my tattoos I have stopped counting… WCT: Tell me about your latest album, Fear Nothing. It is so rocking and bluesy. BM: Well, it better be. It is everything I have worked for. It really is. WCT: Being an openly lesbian singer, did they try to downplay that on The Voice? BM: Hell no—not just no, but hell no. They told me to go for it and be myself, tell America 26 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE HERE service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. HOME IMPROVEMENT NEED LEGAL HELP? Pride Law, Andersonville’s legal aid ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate BATHROOM REMODELING, HOME REPAIRS, PAINTING clinic for the LGBT community can help. Clinic hours service, etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in the function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- & MORE. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. One year warranty. every Wednesday, 5-8:00 p.m. by appointment only. Call Windy City Times! We offer affordable rates, convenient tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months Price by the job - not the hour. FREE estimates! 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I am posting this for PIANO & VOICE LESSONS CHICAGOLAND’S my Housekeeper. She has been with my partner and I for PIANO OR VOICE LESSONS – in my Boystown area studio ZUR MASSIVE 2012 21 years. She is currently seeking homes/apartments for Spring into Spanish! or in your home offered by young, gay professional with NATIONAL regular service in and around the Chicago area. No place Master’s in music. Take lessons with a neighborhood to small or large. Reasonable rates, discount for repeat Have you ever wanted to teacher! Jonathan at 646-418-4043 (4/11/12–4) service. Most days/times available. Call Veronica Cruz learn another language? CIVIL WAR at 773-294-8622 for a free quote. (6/13/12-12) SPIRITUALITY & MILITARY EXTRAVAGANZA Treat your brain to learning SHOW & SALE COUNSELING Spanish in a whole new way. Counseling and Clinical Hypnotherapy: Providing help Immerse yourself in language Reviving Saturday, April 21 to individuals and couples in our community since 1987. right here in Chicago... 9am - 4pm / $9 I specialize in relationship issues, spiritual issues, The Spirit... childhood trauma, and recurrent patterns that inhibit no stuffy classroom, just good fun. 1000’s of Civil War Treasures potential. Starla R. Sholl, LCSW, PC, 773.878.5809, Renewing PLUS, Revolutionary War, (8/21/12-26) Spanish-American War, Indian THE JUNIPER CENTER/CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP The Life... Wars, Mountain Men, Bowie HEALTH. Life gets complicated. You have have tried [email protected] Knives, Fur Traders, all that you know to solve a problem or repair a 773-750-9960 Atonement Episcopal Church AND Special building for relationship. When you are not sure what’s next, we World Wars I & II are here to help. LGBTQ individuals, couples & families. 5749 N. Kenmore 847-759-9110 (4/25/12- LEGAL NOTICE www.ChurchOfTheAtonement.Org DuPage County Fairgrounds 13) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation Sundays at 11 A.M. (County Farm & Manchester) SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING Counseling for to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct WHEATON, ILLINOIS individual & couples in warm, safe atmosphere by or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, licensed psychotherapist. Depression, anxiety, body BUDDHIST TEACHINGS & MEDITATIONS with Gen Tour buses and New Vendors Welcome that a certification was filed by the undersigned with image issues & relationship problems. Lakeview the County Clerk of Cook County. File No. D12129807 Kelsang Dorje, Resident Teacher for Vajrayana Buddhist ZURKO • 715-526-9769 location. Sliding scale. John D. Moore, PhD, www. on April 4, 2012, Under the Assumed Name of “Caviar” Center. Come and enjoy inspiring teachings, guided (773) 704-5300 (5/9/12-13) with the business located at P.O.Box 81468, Chicago, IL meditations, and Q&A. Gen Dorje’s relaxed and joyful 60681-0468; 9449 S. Kedzie Ave., Suite 138, Evergreen manner makes Buddha’s teachings accessible to FLOORING Park, IL 60805. The true name(s) and residence address everyone! Classes in Lakeview, Andersonville, and ART of the owner(s) are: Rosiland M. Baldwin, 116 W. Elm Oak Park. Visit or call PAINTING OF MALE BODY Large Oil Painting of a Male CVC HARDWOOD St., Apt 209, Chicago, IL 60610. (4/25/12-3) 708-763-0132 (4/18/12-4) Body + Gold Leaf Frame $1500 Details and photos: FLOORING CO. LEGAL SERVICES WINDOW TREATMENTS html (4/11/12-1) Specializing in: WONDERING WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WINDOWS?: Call me! I take care of it all from design through Installation, Refinishing, The Law Office of ARTISTS installation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE CALL FOR ARTISTS: SKOKIE ART GUILD’S 51st ANNUAL Repairs Alexander Weaver Interiors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty ART FAIR. July 14th & 15th, 2012. Fine art. Prizes and 312-588-5005 in window treatments for over 25 years. 773-271- awards. Held on the Village Green, 5211 W. Oakton St., Free Estimates 2361. (6/6/12-26) email: [email protected] DRAPERY CONNECTION: Your exceptional source for downtown Skokie, IL. apply now. For applications or 847-455-7517 information: [email protected] or 847-677-8163. Blinds, Solar Screen Shades, Shutters and Custom A Full Service (6/27/12) 847-791-4671 Draperies. We offer Hunter Douglas and all major Law Firm Chris Campagna brands at sale pricing since 1939. For a FREE in-home CLEANING SERVICES for the Community estimate call Jessica at 800-245-7790 Ext.10. CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning since 1988 (6/6/12) 410 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 628, Chicago REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - HOMES FOR SALE - CONDOS or foreclosure, so quick closing makes this condo your ful woodwork and hardwood floors throughout, stained home! Call Barb at ReMax 1-847-726-4663 for show- glass window in 1 bedroom & entry area, central air, WWW.GAYREALESTATE.COM Free Instant Access to CONDO FOR SALE $107,000 ROLLING MEADOWS - Top ing! (4/18/12-4) ceiling fans, free wireless internet, free laundry, park- Chicago’s Top Gay REALTORS® on-line at www.GayRe- 3rd Floor condo with Large Bedroom, new bathroom, ing spot in garage included, back deck & use of pleas- or Toll Free 1.888.420.MOVE (6683) home warranty, full size W/D in unit, central air, pets antly landscaped back yard, pets welcome, walk to CTA (4/25/12-52) ok, workout room, pool, great location! Not a short sale TWO BEDROOMS FOR RENT 6100 NORTH NEAR LAKE - CHARMING VINTAGE. Well- Brown Line & buses. Available May 1st $1350 plus 1 maintained 1 bedroom. Modern kitchen, maple cabi- month security deposit (pet deposit separate). Mel 3314 N. LAKE SHORE DRIVE nets, newer appliances, attached dining area, ceiling -773.506.9693. (4/25/12-4) UNIT 8B fans, wood floors, heated, laundry, pedestal sink bath. EDGEWATER COMMUTER ADVANTAGE you’d be happy to $325,000 Garage parking available Transportation, shopping close. $830. 773-837-2981, come home to. Walk to beach, bus, redline and shops. Rarely available, deluxe, East facing 773-706-2054. (4/25/12-2) Joyously sunny 1000sq.ft. Big bedrooms with walk-in 1 bed/1 bath in a vintage Beaux Arts 6100 NORTH NEAR LAKE - VINTAGE CHARMER. Approx. closets. Nice size kitchen and dining room. Cameo and building, Le Giffon, with exceptional 800 SF. 22FT living room, formal dining room. Lovely white with red oak floors. $1250 with heat plus laun- lake and harbor views. Classic modern kitchen, beautiful oak floors, many closets. dry, patio and yard, new sink and intercom. IT’S YOUR architecture throughout, including Newer appliances, heated, laundry. Transportation and MOVE...773-706-6065. (4/18/12-2) 10’ ceilings, crown moldings, custom shopping close. $875. 773-837-2981 (4/25/12-2) millwork, 1/4 sawn red oak parquet THREE BEDROOMS FOR RENT floors, designer kitchen with Miele, TWO BEDROOMS FOR RENT EVANSTON 3 BEDROOM TOTAL REHAB with granite Sub-Zero & Gaggenau, porcher bath ALBANY PARK (MONTROSE & KIMBALL) BRICK 2-FLAT counters and large yard. Great Apartment in four small appointed in white Waterworks on quiet tree-lined one-way street 2nd floor of owner building in Evanston. 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312.980.1580 HEAD & SHOULDERS ABOVE WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 27

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Wednesday, April 18, 6:00 pm Thursday, April 19, 6:00 pm Choose your challenge and John Merlo Library Center for Neighborhood Tech. we’ll train YOU to TRIUMPH. 644 W Belmont Ave. 939 W North Ave. Chicago, IL 60657 Chicago, IL 60642 T: 312.725.8232 Wednesday, April 25, 6:00 pm Wednesday, May 9, 6:00 pm John Merlo Library Bucktown/Wicker Park Library 644 W Belmont Ave. 1701 North Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60657 Chicago, IL 60647 28 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

Pedestal,” is now in WMG’s permanent col- lection. Will honor Co-Founder/Executive Director, Beate Minkovski. $65 prepaid or $75 at the door; 6pm-9:30pm, 312-738- 0400, Salvage One, 1840 West Hubbard St., Equality Illinois Ladies’ Night Looking to Brought to you by the combined efforts of start the weekend right? Then don’t miss the ladies’ night social, coming to you at WINDY CITY Parlour on Clark! A $10 donation to EQIL MAKING HIS MARK gets you two cocktails! RSVP to info@eqil. TIMES org. 8pm-10pm, Parlour on Clark, 6341 N Clark, Chicago, Saturday, April 21 Alex In Wonderland Alex In Wonderland Gay mystery writer Mark Wed., April 18 continues MidTangent’s dedication to bringing original works with a familiar Zubro will read from his Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton’s ‘NIGHT’ FEVER twist to the Chicago LGBTQ community, Cafeteria screening Discussion of Susan works at Leather Archives providing once again the chance to relive Stryker’s documentary to follow; 5pm, Friday, April 20 & Museum, 6418 N. your childhood with stories that are close Kresge 2-321, 1880 Campus Dr., Evanston, The 2012 Night of Noise will to your heart, told the way you’ve always Greenview Ave. take place at the Thompson wanted. 9pm-10pm, Hydrate, 3458 N. Hal- Fashion and Philanthropy Saks Fifth Av- sted St.,; Tick- Photo from Zubro enue will host a benefit for Center on Center in the Loop. ets: Halsted featuring a fashion presentation asp?event=452247 by Eric Jennings, Vice President, Fash- Church thrilled to be joining the commu- ion Director for Menswear. Cocktails, ors Photo by Bahar Partow nity! 10:30am-11:45am, 1602 W. Ainslie d’oeuvres, latest fashion trends. Saks Fifth Saturday, April 21 Mark Zubro - Author Reading Chicago’s (at Ashland), Avenue will donate 10 percent of the sales premier gay mystery writer, Mark Zubro, Urban Village Church Spiritual worship up to $5,000. Space is limited. R.S.V.P. will be reading from Black and Blue and is about coming together as community a must: to [email protected]. Pretty Dead, Too his gay leather mystery to make space for God to move in us. 6pm-8pm, Saks Fifth Avenue Men’s Store, novel. 2pm-3pm, 773-761-9200, Leather 10:15am-11:30am, Urban Village Church, 717 N. Michigan Ave., 2nd Floor Thursday, April 19 DJ music. RSVP to Archives & Museum, 6418 N. Greenview Spertus Institute, 610 S. Michigan Ave., Queen Bea: A Salute to Beatrice Arthur SAIC Fashion 2012 and The Walk Taking springforward, as space is very limited. Ave., The late Beatrice Arthur, better known place for the second consecutive year 6pm-9pm, Downtown Bar, 440 N. State, Against Equality Collective’s book launch Taverna 750 First Call Brunch Come sample as Maude and Dorothy Zbornek from the against the backdrop of beautiful Millen- Anthology “Against Equality: Don’t Ask the amazing food and drink of Taverna Golden Girls was also a Tony Award win- nium Park, Chase Promenade, this year’s Jomama Jones: Radiate Produced by Jane to Fight Their Wars!” For details, con- 750. Spruce up your Sunday as Taverna ning musical theater star. Tickets: $25; fashion show—featuring more than 300 M. Saks. Legendary expatriate performer tact [email protected]; 11am-2pm, 750 unveils its tasty creations and won- 7:30pm, 312.742.TIXS, Maxim’s, the garments from SAIC’s Fashion Design BFA Jomama Jones presents an intimate con- Brunchluck, Mess Hall, 6932 N. Glenwood derful libations. $20 packages to meet Nancy Goldberg International Center, 24 candidates showcased by more than 70 cert version of her sold-out smash show, Ave. your Sunday Brunch goals! 11am-2pm, East Goethe St., Chicago, https://secure. professional models from Factor Runway— accompanied by her collaborator and mu- Ashley Morgan Birthday Show: Toasting Taverna 750, 750 W. Cornelia Ave. will be the largest ever. 12pm-10pm, Mil- sical director, Bobby Halvorson, to per- The Showgirl Join the “Call Girls” along Imerman Angels presents Spring Launch $1 Drink Night Join SPIN every Wednesday lennium Park, 201 E. Randolph St., www. form songs from her CDs Lone Star, Radi- with Ashley Morgan’s friends from The Chi- What’s Your Date Campaign, recognizing for $1 Cocktails, featuring 42 Below Vod- ate and the upcoming EP Six Ways Home cago Spirit Brigade as they bring you a the celebrations, anniversaries, tributes ka, Wine & Beer and $5 Bacardi Bombs! fash/index.html#fash_show while sharing surprising observations of show honoring the birthday girl and ben- and memorials that dot our collective cal- DJ’s Riley York, Bryan, Dominic and Ches- Generations Gala Planned Parenthood of the America to which she has returned. efiting Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention endar and have affected all of our cancer ter SPIN their two dance floors until 2am; Illinois to host Generations Gala featur- Through April 21. 7:30pm, Victory Gar- Initiative. There $5 suggested donation; fighters, survivors, and caregivers. 4pm- 9pm, Spin Nightclub, 800 W. Belmont ing Joan Walsh, Editor At Large for Salon. dens Theater, 2257 N. Lincoln Ave., www. 9:30pm, The Call (Chicago), 1547 W. Bryn 8pm, Moe’s Cantina, 155 W. Kinzie St., Ave., com and MSNBC Political Analyst, to speak Mawr Ave. GL Chamber of Commerce Mega Connect about current state of women’s health Girl You Know It’s True When Bixby, a 40- Cassidy and Steans hosting Earth Day Ac- Networking Breakfast This massive speed care; 6pm-9pm, Fairmont Chicago, Millen- ish playwright fails to get his work pro- duced he conjures up a radical new iden- tion During Earth Day clean-up, residents Monday, April 23 networking event is done in partnership nium Park, FUELING THE FLARE-a benefit for Cyon tity for himself: an impostor. His stand in will be able to help mulch trees, pick up with 14 other Chambers to create an Howard Brown’s Spring Forward Cocktail After a recent home break-in, commu- - an African American Lesbian woman in trash, and beautify Touhy Park. After the amazing morning. 7:30am-9:30pm, Holi- Party As a thank-you for ongoing support, nity icon Cyon Flare is in need of a few a wheelchair - instantly shoots to fame. clean up, participants are welcome to day Inn North Shore, 5300 W. Touhy Av- join Howard Brown Health Center for an items that were stolen. Join friends and 7:30pm-9pm, 773-789-8093, Chopin The- enjoy pizza, face painting, and other fun enue, Skokie, evening of free food and drink and live supporters in this effort to help replace atre, 1543 W Division St., pavementgroup. activities. State Rep. Cassidy and state the essential tools to continue his val- org Sen. Heather Steans are co-hosting with ued community outreach. $10 suggested Windy City Gay Idol Windy City Gay Idol the Touhy Park Advisory Council. Info at donation provides you with a drink ticket continues the search for the best amateur 773-784-2002. 11am-1pm, Touhy Park, and door prize entry. 6pm-8pm, Sidetrack, LGBT singers. 8pm singer sign up. 9pm, 7348 N. Paulina Ave. 3349 N. Halsted St., Crew, 4804 N. Broadway, www.windy- Chicago League of Lady Arm Wrestlers events/267583909999081/ (CLLAW) XIII Generation of wrestlers Drag Race with Frida Lay Chicago’s only idol-kicks-off-10th-year-/36745.html battle against returning veterans for the amateur drag contest, hosted by Frida Steampunk Thursdays Elate is taking its coveted CLLAW sash and crown. See the Lay! A hit at Roscoe’s since its premier eco-friendly philosophy to new heights, theatrical fundraising experience Pent- in 2000. 10pm, Roscoe’s, 3356 N. Halsted on Thursdays, by re-inventing itself as the house Magazine calls “one hell of a show!” St., Steampunk center of Chicago. 9:30pm, three-hour open bar package and $25 tick- 312-202-9900, Elate, 111 W Huron St., ets available for online pre-sale. Proceeds benefit Sideshow Theatre Company and Tuesday, April 24 “Erasing the Distance”. $10 tickets will be Making the Most of the Distressed Prop- Friday, April 20 available at the door for cash bar only. erty Market Learn how to use pre-tax in- vestment dollars in a buyers’ market, how Who’s Bad - The Michael Jackson 10pm, O’Malley’s Liquor Kitchen, 3551 N. to buy distressed properties like short Tribute All the thrills of Michael Jackson’s Sheffield Ave., sales and forclosures. Learn the differ- live show in musicianship and choreogra- Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy in Good- ences between short sales, foreclosures phy, wth songs dating from MJ’s childhood man’s Iceman Cometh Tickets on sale by and “being underwater.” 6:30pm, Center to his reign as King of the Pop Jungle. web and phone. Price range ($53- $119) on Halsted, 3656 N Halsted St., http://co- 1:30pm, 708-388-8881, 115 Bourbon St., is subject to change. Luxury Ticket Pack- Merrionette Park, www.115bourbonstreet. age includes a contribution to the theater, com access to house seats, use of the patrons’ Break the Silence! 2012 Night of Noise lounge private bar, etc. Runs through Wed., April 25 Equality Illinois’ annual lobby day Lobby On the evening of the Day of Silence, join June 10. 11:45pm, 312-443-3800, Good- our legislators for passage of the Illinois 450+ LGBTQ and Ally youth to collectively man Theatre, 170 N Dearborn St., www. Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness break the silence, speak out about Day goodman Act. 7am, Illinois State House, Spring- of Silence experience, and celebrate the 2012 Chicago Red Dress Party The Voice’s field, LGBTQ youth community. Youth will speak Beverly McClellan will perform at the 2nd A Modern Bon Foster An evening that cel- and perform poetry and dance and then Annual Chicago Red Dress Party 2012. ebrates the progress of our modern civil- dance the night away with a DJ. iman@ Dress for the fight, End AIDS. 8pm, Joffrey rights movement. 6:30pm program, 6:45 for more info. Ballet Studios, 10 E. Randolph St., www. pm buffet reception, open bar. Tickets: 5:30pm, Thompson Center Plaza, 100 W $150, VIP $250, sponsorships at $500+; Randolph St. 6pm, 312-663-4413, The Art Institute of Woman Made Gallery’s 20th Anniversary Sunday, April 22 KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES Chicago, 111 S. Michigan Ave., Tickets: WMG’s rich exhibition history includes do- Urban Village Church: Andersonville ser- Thursday-Saturday, April 19-21 mestic violence, breast cancer, war related vice Andersonville is a neighborhood full issues, and religious subjects. One of the of passion, art, diversity, and eclectic works, Mary Ellen Croteau’s “Women on a energy, all which makes Urban Village The force of nature known as Jomama Jones will perform at Victory Gardens Theater, 2257 N. Lincoln Ave. Get Photo from Jane Saks : online WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 29 BILLY MASTERS

“I go to the house, I ring the buzzer and no one’s New City that an entire run sold out before it there. I go back to my car ... and she drives up even began—the first time being for Busch’s The SPRING ... with the handsome Brad Pitt. I thought, ‘Oh Divine Sister. man, I’m not gonna get no pussy.”—Mike Tyson This play finds Charles in rare form—as a eloquently describes what happened when he temptress in a Biblical epic with more than a tried to reconnect with Robin Givens after their nod and a wink to Mae West. What I adore about divorce. I think that was good news for Robin ... Busch is that he lovingly brings to life a style of and for the pussy. acting from a bygone era. He most certainly puts WINE You know what my problem is? I’m too damn his unique stamp on it, but without ever dimin- nice. I’m sure that’s not the first thing you ishing its authenticity. The entire cast works like TASTING thought of, but it’s true. And it’s really difficult a well-oiled machine. In fact, they all seem to to write this type of column when you’re nice simply be having a ball—like they’re just put- (as my more snarky—and more successful—on- ting on a show to amuse their friends. Special line counterpart will attest to). kudos to the uproariously funny Mary Testa, who When that famous TV host was caught with his is a perfect foil for Charles. I’d be remiss if I party pants down in a transvestite sexual encounter, didn’t mention the inhumanly hunky Dave Au- ! gust and Larry Bullock, who serve as soldiers and servants who are nearly naked as often as pos- sible. Will this show resurface beyond its limited WEDNESDAY, run? Fingers crossed. MAY 9 • 6-9PM Sting’s annual Concert for the Rainforest Fund took place at Carnegie Hall April 3 and included sample more than INCLUDING LIGHT BITES FROM... a special performance by Elton John singing “Di- amonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”. Elton previously did this number with some shirtless chorus boys at a Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS benefit in 2000. This time around, his guest artist was Channing Tatum. Chan, decked out like a chorus 99 boy in the musical Chicago, used this opportu- wines 3349 N. Halsted nity to show off his stripper moves, which will from around the world be on display in the upcoming film Magic Mike. Elton grabbed Tatum’s ass, somehow produced a BOTTLES & CASES OF WINE WILL ALSO BE jewel, and then Channing switched positions to AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE bump and grind Miss Elton with his own jewels. /SidetrackBar SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY & PRIOR SALE Oh, those silly boys! We have a few pics of Elton Sir Elton John (above) had more than a little and Channing in the act but, alas ,no video has YOUR $20 CONTRIBUTION fun with Channing Tatum recently. seemed to emerge. But we can show the video BENEFITS EQUALITY ILLINOIS PAC from 2000 along with the current photos on Bil- did I take the thousands of dollars he offered me in an alley to kill the story? Not on your life. I Our “Ask Billy” question comes from Thomas in squelched it because I felt bad for him. The fact Quebec: “My best friend told me he saw a photo that he then donated the money to the Pedi- of Zac Efron’s penis online. I think he said it was atric AIDS Foundation was a happy by-product. from Australia. Do you have it??” presents: On the negative side, every time he sees me at And this is how rumors get started. Here’s the an event, he quickly runs in the opposite direc- real story. Zac Efron was in Australia doing pro- tion. And those pesky calls from his subsequent motion for his flick The Lucky One. While there, Dining Out for Life female companions have become rather tedious. the paparazzi snapped some pics of him walk- But here I am, in that position again. For ing around his hotel balcony shirtless (one of the past year, I’ve extolled the virtues of Evan the more intriguing shots was him reaching into DINE OUT. Jonigkeit and his penis, which is on display in the front of his shorts ... perhaps looking for the play High. When the national tour of the some change). Someone decided that wasn’t play starring Kathleen Turner and Jonigkeit good enough, so they doctored the photo to FIGHT AIDS. commenced, I said I’d share his nether regions make it look like Zac was naked. Since we’ve got with you if it surfaced on film or photo. Lo and the original, we know that’s not real. What IS behold, a fan provided me with footage, thus real, however, is that moments later, someone’s causing my dilemma. I’m friendly with many bare buttocks is seen walking by the balcony— members of the tour and am quite fond of Evan. a buttock that looks suspiciously like Zac’s. Of I ran the situation by playwright and producer, course, there could be another explanation. He Matthew Lombardo. Not surprisingly, he asked could have some hot friend over who looks a lot me to not run it—out of respect for Jonigkeit like him and enjoys walking around naked. You and because of our friendship. One of my friends can decide for yourself when you see the pics at at a prominent magazine told me that these sit- uations come up daily. They make deals with the When I’m giving you a glimpse of Zac’s south- people—suppress one thing in return for some- ern hemisphere, it’s definitely time to end yet thing else (which sounds like blackmail to moi). another column. It might have been very the- Anyway, what could High give me? I already go ater-heavy, but we still fit in a fair amount of to all the openings, all the parties. Heck, they nude men. And, let me once again remind you even seat me front and center so I get a good that if you do happen to see Evan Jonigkeit’s view (come to think of it, maybe they just want penis floating around out there, it was mine to keep an eye on me). I suppose I could de- first. I guess you could say I had right of first mand some sexual favors during intermission. refusal. What I was doing refusing it is another Hmm... question; one best answered on www.BillyMas- Being a theater buff, I grasp every opportu-—the site that never says no. You can nity I can to spend time in NYC and see shows. ask me about that, or anything else, by sending THURSDAY APRIL 26, 2012 You will find complete reviews of everything I a note to [email protected] and I prom- saw on, but let’s give you just ise to get back to you before Elton shows us a taste of my itinerary. The highlight of my trip what else he found in Channing: a wristwatch, was seeing the glorious Charles Busch in his lat- car keys—oh, the possibilities are endless. To est work, Judith of Bethulia. While I’m sure it’s all the Albanians out there, “Krishti Ungjall.” To just a coincidence, every performance sold out the Greeks, “Christos Anesti.” And to everyone just days after I wrote about it. This is only the else, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s second time in the history of the Theater for the bible. 30 April 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES Force stronger than ever in its 10th year By Ross Forman to the playoffs.” Plus, the Force play host to the St. Louis Slam The Chicago Force celebrates its 10th-anniversa- May 5. The Force home game against St. Louis in ry season this spring, boasting its most talented 2011 was the most physical game of the season, and experienced team ever. Bache said: “It will be critical to keep players The team has more than 40 returning women as healthy as possible as we won’t have a break from last year’s 9-1 team, including many with until Memorial Day weekend.” four years of experience or more. The Force home opener is April 21 against “It’s hard to predict from year to year how Columbus, with kickoff set for 5 p.m. All home a team will develop,” said Linda Bache, the game will be played at Evanston Township High Force’s owner and general manager. “Even with School’s Lazier Field, 2285 Church St. this many veterans, you don’t always know what “We have a difficult schedule and it really you’re going to get from them. Everybody wants starts out with a bang. We open on the road to win a championship—the question is, what is against our arch rival, the Kansas City Tribe,” each person willing to do to make it happen? Bache said. “The last four seasons, each of our “It’s about sacrifice and commitment every games [against the Tribe] has been won by the day. It’s about wanting it more than your op- home team, so we’ll be trying to break that pat- ponent every day. It’s not yet clear how badly tern. They’re a very fast, disciplined, talented The Chicago Force in a 2011 game. Photo by Ross Forman these players want it.” team. Beating them on their home field will be The Force—with a combined 68-20 record over an enormous task.” the past nine seasons—kick off the eight-game The Force ran the regular season in 2011 un- defensive end Angie Bandstra. World Championship in Sweden. The Force has a regular season Saturday, April 14, in Kansas City. defeated for the third time in organization his- Zhubi, now living in New York, has been a pe- new defensive coordinator: Adam Lewandowski. “We are excited about this year’s team; we tory. Chicago then defeated Pittsburgh in the rennial award-winner and top contributor, par- “Coach Lew is a great motivator and teacher, have tremendous potential,” said Bache, 49, first-round of playoffs, but lost to the defending ticularly on offense. Soper, the 2010 team MVP, and he is intent upon returning the Force de- who lives in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighbor- champion Boston Militia. Chicago ended 9-1. had to retire for medical reasons, Bache said. fense to its previous glory,” Bache said. hood. “There’s no substitute for experience, and “It was particularly difficult to accept the loss Springer was the Eastern Conference Offensive —Team defense: “I’m expecting our defense that is the strength of this year’s team. We feel because we did not play well,” Bache said. “It’s Player of the Year. Bandstra was coming off her to be much improved this season,” Bache said. confident about our experience, our coaching one thing to lose to a better team; it’s another best season, Bache said. “We will miss these “The first five or six years of our existence, the staff, and the overall talent level of our return- to feel like you had a bad game at the worst four players both on and off the field.” Force dominated opponents by virtue of a gang- ing veterans and first-year players.” possible time. Boston went on to win the cham- The top two newcomers to the team were pre- buster defense. That dominance had diminished The schedule is Bache’s biggest concern, she pionship for the second year in a row. They are viously core members of the Detroit Demolition, the last couple years. We’ve made defense a top said. an exceptional team, but I can’t help but wonder a Force opponent during 2006-2008. April Fowl- priority and we’re willing to sacrifice in others “We have games on six consecutive weekends what the outcome might have been if we had kes and Porcha Ferguson were both top play- areas if necessary to carry that through.” before we get a bye,” Bache said. “We have two played our best.” ers for the Demolition, so, “we’re very happy —Team outlook: “This team can go as far as new teams on our schedule this year, the Cleve- The Force lost four key members of the 2011 to have them on the Force,” Bache said. “We’re it decides to go,” Bache said. “I know that we’re land Fusion and Columbus Comets, [and] both roster: outside linebacker Ro Soper, wide receiv- also very pleased with the development of our capable of going to the championship, but abil- are teams that have won division titles and gone er Albi Zhubi, running back Jessica Springer and rookies, particularly Stephanie Precourt, Mary ity is only a part of what a championship re- Choules, Chaya Barba, Elisha Okrey, Jen Kelly quires. Adversity will reveal what kind of team ADVERTISEMENT and Lisa Kadelak.” we will be. Starting the season with a hostile When experience counts... road game against one of the top teams in the Here’s a detailed look at the 2012 Chicago league will provide significant adversity right In service to the community for over 30 years. Force: out of the gate. If we can meet that challenge, —Offense: “I don’t know if our offense will be we’ll grow as a team by leaps and bounds. I’m The Law Offices of quite as dominant or explosive as last year, but very excited about our potential, as are all the Roger V. McCaffrey-Boss & Associates we’re going to score a lot of points,” Bache said. coaches and staff members.” “With the amount of talent and experience we Note: The Chicago Force won its season-open- have, I think that we’ll be very effective.” er Saturday, April 14, defeating the host Kansas NO CASH? BE CREATIVE WHEN BUYING A HOUSE —Quarterback Sami Grisafe: She was the Of- City Tribe 21-14. Chicago struck first, but the Many buyers feel that now is a good time to buy real estate. Buyers can now bargain hard with fensive co-MVP last year and is entering her Tribe quickly answered and it was 7-6 after the sellers over the price and terms of a contract. But mortgage loans are even harder to get. sixth season with the Force. She is, arguably, first quarter. The Force regained the lead early in If you would like to buy a house or condominium and can afford the monthly payments but the most accomplished QB in women’s football. the second quarter when Brandy Hatcher scored haven’t saved the money for a down payment there are creative options available to help you “We’re fortunate to have that kind of talent on a 5-yard run and the team then converted a buy your house. and experience at such an important position,” two-point attempt. It was 14-7 Chicago at half- * Seller financing is one option. With a terrible real estate market sellers may gladly help Bache said. “But Sami’s music career is taking time, and 21-7 at the end of three quarters. The finance the sale of their home. A buyer may get a fixed-rate loan at a lower interest rate than from off, so she will not be able to participate in all Tribe cut the lead to seven with 1:52 remaining a conventional lender, saving the expense of loan points and the seller gets cash and a return on of our games this season. We have several of our to play, but Chicago held down the stretch to equity exceeding the interest being paid by money market funds. * A land contract sale requiring a small downpayment is a helpful form of seller financing. The top athletes taking reps at QB, such as Jeanette secure the victory. seller retains title to the property and agrees to convey title only when the buyer pays the balance Gray, Ashley Berggren, Elizabeth Strozinsky and of the price at the balloon payment. Kari Pfeifer. All have shown promise and will be Land contracts can be risky to the buyer because if a buyer misses a payment the seller can capable of stepping in when Sami is touring.” Bears tackle to help give the buyer a 30 days’ notice and file a lawsuit to regain possession of the real estate. Under —Running game: Melissa Smith has returned open Force season Illinois law, however, contract buyers have legal remedies to cure their defaults and reinstate to the team and is the starting running back. The women’s full-tackle football team the Chi- their contract rights. She last played in the 2008 championship game. cago Force will hold its home opener Saturday, The seller, by carrying the financing, benefits because the loan to the purchaser can yield more “Melissa is a powerhouse and it’s a huge asset to April 21, versus the Columbus Comets at 5 p.m. than a certificate of deposit or a money market account. The seller’s loan is secured because the have her back on the field for us. She is a gifted building is collateral for the loan and the seller can foreclose (regain ownership of the real estate) at the newly renovated Lazier Field, located at player and a selfless teammate,” Bache said. if the purchasers default in the monthly payments. Evanston Township High School, 2285 Church * Lease a home with option to purchase. If you buy a house for $250,000 you could rent the —Passing game: “We feel very good about our St., Evanston. house for $2,000 per month and move into the house for two months rent (security deposit and passing game,” Bache said. Wide receiver Jea- defensive tackle Israel Idonije non-refundable option fee). Each month a portion of the monthly rent could be applied to the nette Gray is back and she led the league in will toss the coin at the opener. downpayment. receptions last year and was the team’s 2011 There are eight games total in the season, not Remember that for all real estate transactions the real estate contract is the single most Offensive co-MVP. Several other key veteran re- including three rounds of playoffs, a conference important document as it defines the entire legal relationship between the seller and purchaser. ceivers are Brandi Srda, Ashley Berggren, Trish championship and the national championship, Merely because the contract is preprinted doesn’t mean that the terms are standard or apply to Harper, Martha Dantuma, Elizabeth Strozinsky which will be broadcast from Pittsburgh Aug. 4 your situation. and Dana Vermilye. on ESPN. —Coaching staff: John Konecki is back for his • Bankruptcy • Wills, Trusts & Probate Linda Bache, the owner and general manager fourth season as head coach and offensive coor- of the team, stated, “This is the most experi- • Real Estate Closings • Civil Unions dinator. “He is extremely talented, very dedicat- enced and talented team we’ve ever had. We are 19 S. LaSalle, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60603 ed and one of the most respected coaches in the working very hard in hopes that we will be one sport,” Bache said. Konecki boasts a 33-7 record of the two teams to make it to the champion- 312-263-8800 [email protected] with the Force, and he also coached the wom- ships on ESPN.” We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. en’s Team USA to the gold medal in the 2010 WINDY CITY TIMES April 18, 2012 31 CONNE IONS X MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS State Farm® Ray J. Koenig III and Clark Hill PLC Providing Insurance and Financial Services Family Law Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Ray is a legal authority on all of his practice areas, which include probate, trusts, guardianship, estate planning, Donald B. Boyd, Jr. and elder law, including the litigation of those areas. He is a longtime • Divorce/Wills/Trusts advocate for and member of the • Real Estate Closings LGBT community, and is involved in • Civil Unions • LGBT Issues several charitable groups, community associations, and professional Linda Kuczka, Agent • Custody Violation • Child Support organizations. Ray is a member of Clark Hill PLC, a full-service 954 W Webster law firm consisting of a diverse team of attorneys and Free Initial Consultation professionals committed to our clients and our communities. Chicago, IL 60614 Bus: 773-975-9111 708-848-1005 Tel: 312.985.5938 | Fax: 312.985.5985 232 S. Lathrop Ave. • Forest Park, IL 60130 [email protected] | Fax: 773-975-1192 [email protected] Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Major Credit Cards Accepted ARIZONA ILLINOIS MICHIGAN WASHINGTON DC P045151 4/04 i l

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