Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy Volume 29 | Number 1 Article 10 4-1-2004 Redirection, Renewal and Redemption Truman G. Madsen Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Madsen, Truman G. (2004) "Redirection, Renewal and Redemption," Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy: Vol. 29 : No. 1 , Article 10. Available at: This Article or Essay is brought to you for free and open access by the All Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. AMCAP JOURNAL 2004 VOLUME 29 KEYNOTE ADDRESS PRESENTED AT THE FALL 2003 AMCAP CONVENTION ~ OCTOBER 2, 2003 Redirection, Renewal and Redemption TRUMAN G. MADSEN, PHD Brigham Young University he last time I was at the podium at an AMCAP together the solemnities of eternity with his sparkling T Convention (Bergin, et aL, 1978), I shared it humor, he said, "Truman the next time I see you, it will with Dr. Carlfred Broderickl . He is gone now. We be in the Celestial Kingdom:' talked briefly on that occasion about our overlapping I said, "Carlfred, I know where you're headed, but days at Emerson Hall in Cambridge while we were there are some questions about me:' attending Harvard University; we didn't know then He replied, "Oh no, Truman - there's nothing higher what the rest of our story would be. Shortly after that, than the Celestial Kingdom:' Carlfred was invited to write an article for the Even during the course of his final illness he was still Encyclopedia of Mormonism titled "Suffering in the thinking in terms of "things about Carlfred Broderick World" (Broderick, 1992).