Sophie Hannah, | 384 pages | 03 Oct 2014 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007547425 | English | London, United Kingdom The Monogram Murders - Wikipedia

Nobody would dispute the fact that , the elegant Belgian detective, he of the patent-leather shoes and the waxed mustache, is dead. But the demise of the hero, and of the author, The Monogram Murders longer needs to The Monogram Murders the end of the story. The purists, of The Monogram Murders, shake their heads in disapproval, arguing that fictional characters are the product of a particular imagination and should not be endlessly reimagined by later generations of authors. Others, while not objecting in principle, believe writers should concoct something new rather than reheat old dishes. That might seem a bit stuffy. If we like fictional characters, why should we not have more of them? Those of us who are fans of E. More power to them. Fans of Babar will also surely applaud Laurent de Brunhoff for continuing where his father left off. The Agatha Christie estate has been cautious about joining in this sort of literary resurrection. And with good reason. It has been estimated that some two billion of her books have already been sold throughout the world, and their continued popularity is astounding. Even those who have enjoyed massive fame — W. Somerset Maugham, for example — can eventually become something of a minority taste. Even if Christie appears immune to this literary mortality, it The Monogram Murders have been with one eye to encouraging a new readership that her estate agreed to allow a new Hercule Poirot novel. And now we have it, from the pen of , a British writer of psychological crime novels and an avowed admirer of the Queen of Crime. It is difficult The Monogram Murders attribute his popularity to a single characteristic, but we need to The Monogram Murders ourselves that when Poirot first appeared, the crime novel did not have the psychological and social depth it was to acquire in the second half of the 20th century. A Belgian, he had Continental ways, habits that would have seemed striking to the average British or American reader of the time. All that has changed, of course, and an exotic location or an unusual occupation or set of interests is more or less de rigueur for the protagonist of a modern mystery. Being Belgian would certainly not be enough to attract the attention of contemporary fans of the genre — even being Scandinavian, although admittedly The Monogram Murders, is not The Monogram Murders enough. Nowadays, a detective has, in addition, to be an The Monogram Murders, a Buddhist or something similarly distinctive before any notice is taken. But Poirot was implanted early in the popular imagination, and he has been firmly fixed there ever since. If we had a murder in our own house, he is exactly the sort of detective we would wish to see in attendance. Yes, he does, and markedly so. It follows something of the formula of a country house murder, complete with bodies in locked rooms, although the scene of the crime is actually an elegant hotel near Piccadilly Circus where three people two women and a man have been poisoned. The plot is as tricky as anything written by Agatha Christie. The Monogram Murders is obvious or predictable in this very difficult Sudoku of a novel. Poirot is still Poirot. Poirot is back. The Monogram Murders Review True Detective. Home Page World U. The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah

Since the publication of her first book inAgatha Christie wrote 33 novels, two plays and more than 50 short stories featuring Hercule Poirot. She is terrified, but begs Poirot not to find and punish her killer. Once she is dead, she insists, justice will have been done. Could there be a connection with the frightened woman? While Poirot struggles to put together the bizarre pieces of the puzzle, the murderer prepares another hotel bedroom for a fourth victim…. Yes, he does, and markedly so…The plot is as tricky as anything written by Agatha Christie. Nothing is obvious or predictable in this very difficult Sudoku of a novel. Poirot is still Poirot. Poirot is back. Her extraordinary feat is to make the reader forget very quickly that the novel is not, in fact, written by Dame Agatha herself. Poirot is here exactly as Christie created him, with a vitality that recalls her very best novels…Poirot purists will be in seventh heaven. Either Hannah is exercising The Monogram Murders creative The Monogram Murders over the legend of Poirot, or Christie, a devotee of spiritualism, is channeling stories to Hannah from the grave. Sophie Hannah has written a novel that not only would The Monogram Murders delighted the Queen of Crime, but her rather more highbrow sister in suspense Patricia Highsmith too… The novel is immensely The Monogram Murders on many levels, including its ingenious ending. Hannah has honoured this tradition deftly. Another mirrored tradition is the reliance on dialogue to propel the plot. Sophie Hannah has done justice to the champion deceiver. The result is a highly readable locked-room mystery with a delectable twist. You'll also The Monogram Murders added to Sophie's 'Readers List', so you'll be the first to know next time Sophie is giving something away. Sophie writes to readers twice a month with book related articles, reviews and offers. You can unsubscribe at any time. Tell us where to send them Enter your email address below to get your free stories delivered to your inbox! The Passing Tramp: Catch As Catchpool Can't: The Monogram Murders (), by Sophie Hannah

Hercule Poirot's quiet supper in a London coffee house is interrupted when a young woman confides to him that she is about to be murdered. She is terrified, but begs Poirot not to find and punish her killer. Once she is dead, she insists, justice will have been done. Could there be a connection with the frightened woman? While Poirot struggles to put together The Monogram Murders bizarre pieces of the puzzle, the murderer prepares another hotel bedroom for a fourth victim…. Since the publication of her first book inAgatha Christie wrote 33 novels, two plays and more than 50 short stories featuring Hercule Poirot. Now, for the first time ever, the Agatha Christie Estate has approved a The Monogram Murders new novel featuring Dame Agatha's The Monogram Murders beloved creation. Skip to main navigation Skip to content. Home Stories The Monogram Murders. The Monogram Murders The Monogram Murders. First published: Murder methods:. A Hercule Poirot story. The Monogram Murders Hercule Poirot's quiet supper in a London coffee house is interrupted when a young woman confides to him that she is about to be murdered. Richard, The Monogram Murders. More about this story. While Poirot struggles to put together the bizarre pieces of the puzzle, the murderer prepares another hotel bedroom for a fourth victim… Since the publication of her first book inAgatha Christie wrote 33 novels, two plays and more than 50 short stories featuring Hercule The Monogram Murders. Buy The Monogram Murders. Other stories you might enjoy. Closed Casket. The Mysterious Affair at Styles. . Join the conversation f t y Instagram. Keep updated with our newsletter. Enter your e-mail address.