THI-: i.ATI: RONALD STK\VAKT-BKO\V\, M.A., F.S.A., i-.on s COMMUNICATIONS. RONALD STEWART-BROWN. HE Council wish to express their deep regret at the T death of Mr. Ronald Stewart-Brown, M.A., F.S.A., F.Gen.S., who had been a member of our Society since 1905 and a Vice-President since 1920. He died at his home, Bryn-y-Grog, near Wrexham, on n January, 1940, at the age of 67, and was buried at Childwall. He was born in in 1872, being the fifth son of the late Mr. Stewart Henry Brown, a magistrate and partner in Messrs. Brown Shipley & Co., Liverpool and London, and Brown Brothers & Co., New York, bankers and merchants. Educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, he took honours in the Solicitors' Final Examination, and for thirty-six years practised in Liverpool, retiring from the firm of Alsop Stevens & Co. in 1933. Besides being the honorary local secretary for of the Society of Antiquaries, he filled many other offices in historical and archaeological societies dealing with Lan­ cashire, Cheshire and North Wales. For many years he was honorary secretary and general editor of the Record Society of and Cheshire, and at his death was Vice-President of that Society. He was also a prominent member of the councils of the Chetham Society (1927-34) and the Chester Archaeo­ logical Society (1910-20), a fellow of the Society of Genealogists, and honorary treasurer of the University of Liverpool School of Local History and Records. As a co-opted member of the Liverpool Corporation Libraries, Museum and Arts Committee, he gave the benefit of his knowledge and experience from 1909 to 1921, and acted p 210 Communications.

as deputy-chairman of the Libraries Sub-Committee for almost the whole of that period. In 1921 he was president of the Liverpool Athenaeum. While his interest in history and archseology was wide, he made a special study of legal and constitutional history. His book, The Sergeants of the Peace in Medieval and Wales, is the standard work on the subject. Many of the articles which he contributed to the English Historical Review and to the transactions of this and other learned societies are of great value. Among his works of a more local character, these may be selected for special mention : The Cheshire Chamberlains' Accounts 1301- 1360, Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls 1158-1301 (published quite recently), Liverpool Ships in the i8th Century, The Wapentake of Wirral, and The History of the Manor and Township of Allerton. He was a frequent contributor to the " Cheshire Sheaf " columns of the Chester C our ant from 1906 until a few weeks before his death. By his will he bequeathed his transcript of the Childwall Parish Register (to 1753) to the Liverpool Public Library. During the last war he served as Captain and Adjutant with the Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry. In 1934-5 he was High Sheriff of Denbighshire.

The following is a list of the books and articles by Mr. Stewart-Brown :

INDEPENDENT WORKS. 1907 The Wapentake of Wirral. A Historv of the Royal Franchise of the Hundred and Hundred Court of Wirral in Cheshire. Liverpool, Young, 1907. 1910 The Tower of Liverpool, with some Notes on the Clayton family of Crooke, Fulwood, Arlington and Liverpool. Liverpool, 1910. 1911 A History of the Manor and Township of Allerton, in the County of Lancaster. Liverpool, G. Howell, 1911. 1914 Notes on Childwall (Co. Lanes.). Liverpool, 1914. Communications. 211

1921 Isaac Greene, a Lancashire Lawyer of the i8th century, with the Diary of Ireland Greene (Mrs. Ireland Blackburne of Hale) 1748-9. Liverpool, 1921. 1924 The " Domesday " Roll of Chester : Some ijth Century Enrolments (reprinted from " The Cheshire Sheaf"). 1923. 1925 Birkenhead Priory and The Mersey Ferry. Liverpool. 1925. 1930 The Inhabitants of Liverpool, from the iqth to the i8th Century. Liverpool, 1930. 1932 Liverpool Ships in the i8th Century and the King's Ships built there, with Notes on the Principal Shipwrights. Liverpool, 1932. 1936 The Sergeants of the Peace in Medieval England and Wales. Univ. Press, 1936. (Manchester Univ. Historical Series, No. Ixxi.)

PAPERS, ETC., IN "THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE." 1907 " The Disafforestation of Wirral." Vol. 59, 165. 1908 " An Account of the Oil Painting ' Liverpool in 1680,' with Notes on the Peters Family of Platbridge and Liverpool." Vol. 60, 35. 1909 " The Tower of Liverpool and the Clay ton Family of Crooke, Fulwood, Adlington and Liverpool." Vol. 61, 41- 1909 " Selections from the Moore Papers." Vol. 61, 203. 1910 " Maps and Plans of Liverpool and District, by the Eyes Family of Surveyors." Vol. 62, 143. 1911 " The Herdman Drawings of Old Liverpool." Vol. 63, 5. 1911 " Moore of Bankhall." Vol. 63, 92. 1912 " The Royal Manor and Park of Shotwick in Cheshire." Vol. 64, 82. 1913 " Notes on Childwall (Co. Lanes.)." Vol. 65, 47. 1916 " The Townfield of Liverpool, 1207-1807." Vol. 68, 24. 1917 " The Forest of Wirral." Vol. 70, 139. 1919 " Eaton, Cheshire and Eaton, Bucks." Vol. 71, 23. 1919 " St. Mary of the Key (Liverpool)." Vol. 71, 89. 1921 " The Crosse Family of , Chorley and Liverpool " (with F. C. Beazley, F.S.A.). Vol. 73, 153. 1923 " Fitton Obits." Vol. 74, 155. 1927 " The Hospital of St. John at Chester." Vol. 78, 66. 212 Communications.

1928 " Pedigree of Statham (Liverpool and New Zealand Branch) from 1716." Vol. 80, 203. 1930 " The Pool of Liverpool." Vol. 82, 88. . 1931 " The Stationers, Booksellers and Printers of Chester." Vol. 83, 101. *933 " Two Liverpool Medieval Affrays." Vol. 85, 71. T 933 " The Imprisonment of Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester." Vol. 85, 89. 1934 " The Child of Hale (John Middleton). Some Portraits." Vol. 86, 73- 1934 " Index to the Society's Transactions, Vols. 72-85." Vol. 86, 119. J 935 " The Charter and Horn of the Master-Forester of Wirral." Vol. 87, 73- 1936 " The Brettarghs of Brettargh Holt in Woolton." Vol. 88. 211. J 937 " The Scrope and Grosvenor controversy, 1385-1391." Vol. 89, i. 1937 " Further notes on the deafforestation of Wirral." Vol. 89. 23. FOR " THE RECORD SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE." 1909 Cheshire Chamberlains' Accounts, 1301-1360. Vol. 59. 1911 An Index to the Wills and Administrations at Chester, 1801-1810. Part I, A-L. Vol. 62. 1912 Ditto. Part II, M~Z. Vol. 63. 1916 Lancashire and Cheshire Cases in the Court of Star Chamber, Vol. 71. 1920 Lancaster Marriage Bonds. Part II, 1711-1722. Vol. 75. 1934 Cheshire Inquisitions Post-Mortem, Stuart Period. 1603- 1660. Part I, A-D. Vol. 84. 1935 Ditto. Part II, E-O. Vol. 86. 1937 Ditto. Part III, P-Y. Vol. 91. T 937 Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls. Vol. 92. FOR " THE CHETHAM SOCIETY." 1925 Calendar of County Court, City Court and Eyre Rolls of Chester, 1259-1297. Vol. 84, N.S. PAPERS, ETC., IN " THE ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW." 1909 " Suete de Prisone." Vol. 24, 506. 1914 " The Avowries of Cheshire." Vol. 29, 41. Communications. 213

1920 " The End of the Norman Earldom of Chester." Vol. 35, 26. 1922 "The 'Domesday' Roll of Chester." Vol. 37, 481. 1924 " The ' Rageman ' and Bills in Eyre." Vol. 39, 83. 1925 " Thwert-ut-nay and the Custom of ' Thwertnic ' in Cheshire." Vol. 40, 13. *933 " The ' Jury Book ' of the County Court of Chester." Vol. 48. 1934 " The Cheshire Write of Quo Warranto in 1499." Vol. 49, 676. IN " THE GENEALOGIST." 1910 " The Pedigree of the Claytons of Crooke, Fulwood and Adlington in the County of Lancaster." Vol. 26, 129. 1920 " Abeyance of Title as illustrated by the Earldom of Chester Case." Vol. 36, 169. 1921 " The Armorial Glass at Vale Royal, Spurstow Hall, Utkinton Hall and Tarporley Rectory, in the County of Chester" (with J. Paul Rylands, F.S.A.). Vol. 38, pp. i and 61. IN " THE JOURNAL OF THE CHESTER ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY." 1912 " Notes on the Chester Hand or Glove." Vol. 20, N.S., 122. 1912 " Subject-Indexes to the Old and New Series of the Journal, 1849-1911." Vol. 19, N.S. 1917 " The Execution of Criminals in Cheshire." Vol. 22, N.S., 91. 1933 " The Old Dee Bridge at Chester." Vol. 30, N.S., 63. IN " MISCELLANEA GENEALOGICA ET HERALDICA." 1928 " Pedigree of the Houghton Family of Middleton and Liverpool, Co. Lanes." Vol. 6, Ser. 5, 315, 384. IN " THE LIBRARY." 1928 " A Chester Bookseller's Lawsuit of 1653." June, 1928. Vol. 9, N.S. 53. IN " THE CHESHIRE SHEAF." 1906 Numerous historical, topographical and genealogical con­ tributions from 1906 to date. 214 Communications.

IN " LIVERPOOL DAILY POST." 1921 " The Norris Papers " (In the Liverpool Public Library). 6 September, 1921.

IN " GENEALOGISTS' MAGAZINE." J 933 " The Cotgreave Pedigree Frauds." Vol. 6, 288. 1936 " The Genealogist in Cheshire." Vol. 7, 395.

IN " NOTES AND QUERIES." 1931 " Sir Thomas Johnson, Kt., of Liverpool." November, I93 1 - 1937 " Is the King the Duke of Lancaster ? " January, 1937.