"Lesbian-Like" and the Social History of Les Bianisms
"Lesbian-Like" and the Social History of Les bianisms JUDITH M. BENNETT University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill INQ u E E R s T u D I E S, social history is "queer." Gay and lesbian histories abound with insightful analyses of texts produced by the powerful and privi- leged, but they are relatively poor in scholarship about the ordinary lives of average people.' I offer here a proposal that might adjust this balance a bit. The rich insights brought by intellectual, cultural, and literary studies of same-sex love are invaluable, but I seek to complement these with more complete understandings of the same-sex relations ofpeople who were more real than imagined and more ordlnary than e~traordlnary.~For example, I have been delighted to read in recent years about how medeval theologians I urould like to thank Sandy Bardsle): Karen Booth, Anna Clark, David Halperin, Paul Halsall, Cynthia Herrup, Bruce Holsinger, Mark Jordan, Ruth Mazo Karras, Jo Ann McNarnara, Joan Nestle, Martha Vicinus, Ulrike Wiethaus, and those who responded to presentations of this paper at the Feminist Women in History Group, the 1998 meeting of the International Federation for Research in Women's Histor!: the University of Western Australia, and the CUNY conference on Queer Middle Ages for disagreeing with me--and sometimes agree- ing-in frank and honest ways. I am also grateful to Edith Benkov, Kathleen Kelly, Katherine Millersdaughter, Helmut Puff, and Ulrike Wiethaus for sharing their unpublished work with me, and to students in a seminar on lesbian history at UNC-CH, particularly Kelly Jo Garner, Christopher Gobert, Boyd Harris, Emily McLain, and Lisa Robinson Bailey.
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