E – SPRAKE BUILDING SERVICES – – SPRAKE DEVELOPMENTS LTD – Tel: (01983) 721941 Mobile: 07889 035858 Long End, Main Rd., Chillerton, IW. PO30 3ER NEW DWELLINGS * RENOVATIONS EXTENSIONS * GENERAL BUILDING FITTED KITCHENS * ROOFING CARPENTRY How lovely, after the few damp and grey days of a few weeks ago, to have this last burst of summer before ‘that feeling of autumn’ isn’t just confined to early mornings and late eve- nings!! In this issue, we look back at yet another very successful Flower Show as well as catching up with what else has been happening around the parish. There have been changes within our parish council - all our councillors contin- ue to work very hard on your behalf though! We say goodbye to Irene, our oldest resident; and to those who celebrated her life at her funeral in the village hall in August… wasn’t that just so lovely? And for Focus on this time, we have ventured outside the parish to find a ‘willing victim’… to the ‘North Island’ in fact! Many of you will know who he is…we hope you enjoy reading his interesting responses! Maybe even send him an email and really put Chillerton on the map! (Jill Webster. 1, Springvale Cottages, Main Rd., Chillerton. PO30 3EP Tel. 721483 or email
[email protected]) YOUR PARISH MATTERS! Going from strength to strength, we now have more than 120 people on our YPM list, but if you aren’t one of them, it’s never too late to have your name added to the list! In the last few months we’ve kept you up to date about road works in the village, the re-surfacing of Brook Lane, appeals