2949 W. Pope John Paul II Dr. - Formerly 43rd St. - Between Richmond & Sacramento BRIGHTON PARK CHICAGO, IL 60632 Phone (773) 523-3663 Fax (773) 523-3983 Email:
[email protected] LIFE www.brightonparkLIFE.com McKINLEY PARK News Deadline Monday 6 p.m. Display and Classified Deadline Tues. 6 p.m. Serving the Communities of Brighton Park, McKinley Park and Archer Heights, for over 70 Years VOL. 79 NO. 24 THURSDAY, APRIL 5TH, 2012 $65.00 Per Year By Mail in U.S. THE SOLID DELIVERY Newspaper 15c Per Copy at Newsstands Author Series Kelly Students Promote Multi-Cultural Literacy Church Services BLESSED ST. RICHARD At H-W Library SACRAMENT PARISH CHURCH The Catholic Community 50th & KOSTNER of McKinley Park The Chicago Public nancial journalist will Parish Offices Center: Easter Triduum - Holy 3528 S. Hermitage Thursday to Holy Satur- Library will host several explain what everyone (773) 523-3917 author discussions and should know about finan- day. At sundown on Holy lectures during April con- cial and retirement plans Our Lady of Good Counsel Thursday, Christians be- Church gin the most sacred days necting to One Book, One on Monday, April 23rd at 3528 S. Hermitage Chicago; Money Smart 12 p.m. Planners from of the year. These days Saint Maurice Church are to be observed by Week, Poetry Fest and the FPA of Illinois will 3615 S. Hoyne church attendance and by more. All programs take provide individual plan- Sts. Peter and Paul Church prayer, quiet and reflec- place in the Cindy ning sessions following 3745 S. Paulina tion on the events of our Pritzker Auditorium at the presentation.