
Downloading Apps from the App Store

Go to your App Store App

If you know the name of the app you would like to find, enter the name of the app in the “search Store” field, located in the top right hand corner of the App Store

Once you find the app you are looking for, tap on the app to get more information, read ratings and reviews, and see some screenshots about the app.

When you are ready to download the app, there will be a button to the right of the app icon that will vary, depending on whether the app is free, has a cost, or is one you have already purchased.

Before you begin downloading your purchases, you may be asked to sign in to the app store with your Apple ID (This should be a PERSONAL email address that you used when you set up your Apple ID):

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Here is a quick guide to each of the buttons you may see when you choose to download an app and a description of each:

This means the app is free. Tap the button once, and the button will change to “INSTALL APP”

This will begin installation of the free app you have chosen to download.

You may be asked for your Apple ID password (or touch ID) for confirmation of the purchase.

This means that the app has a cost to it, (in this case, the app is $1.99), and you have to have an iTunes account/Apple ID in order to make the purchase. Tap the button once, and it will change to BUY.

This will allow you to purchase the app – you may be asked for your Apple ID password (or Touch ID) to confirm the purchase.

This means you already own this app, but it is not currently installed on your iPad. You can tap this icon to begin downloading the app onto the current device.

Once the app has completed the installation process, the button will change to OPEN in the app store, and the icon will appear on one of the home screens on your iPad.

Once you see the OPEN button, you are ready to begin using your new app!