THE ECONOMICS OF RETAIL BANKING - An empirical analysis of the UK market for personal current accounts Céline Gondat-Larralde and Erlend Nier* 10 December 2003 (Preliminary. Please do not circulate or cite without permission) Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of the competitive process in the market for personal current accounts in the UK. Using NOP survey data, we first describe some stylised developments in this market over the past few years. We find a gradual change in the distribution of market shares over time. This contrasts with a marked dispersion in price, which appears to persist through time. Analysing the evolution of market shares, we address two key questions (i) Are bank market shares responding to price differentials? (ii) If not, which type of imperfect competition best fits the data? Our conclusions point to the existence of customer switching costs as a key determinant of the nature of competition in the market for personal current accounts. JEL Classification: D12, D43, D83, G21 and L13 Keywords: microeconomics; retail banking; competition; switching; price elasticity The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of England. We would like to thank Charles Goodhart, Patricia Jackson, Kevin James, Glenn Hoggarth, Darren Pain, William Perraudin and Geoffrey Wood for useful discussions on an earlier draft of the paper and Jon Chu and Nyeong Lee for research assistance. _________________________________________ * Both authors are at the Bank of England. Céline Gondat-Larralde can be contacted at celine.gondat-
[email protected], Tel:++44 20 7601 3328.