Financial Highlights County of San Mateo, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 This publication highlights the significant financial and eco- nomic activities of San Mateo County, California, for the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS fiscal year (FY) ended June 30, 2007. To view this publica- MARK CHURCH tion online, visit RICHARD GORDON JERRY HILL The information contained in this publication is derived ROSE JACOBS GIBSON from the County of San Mateo’s Comprehensive Annual ADRIENNE TISSIER Financial Report (CAFR). The CAFR contains more in- depth information about the County’s finances. Copies of this report are available at all public libraries in the Coun- COUNTY MANAGER ty and at JOHN L. MALTBIE CONTROLLER TOM HUENING, CPA, CPFO Visit the county’s website at: Pay your property taxes online and see the breakdown of your secure property tax bill at: Table of Contents Controller’s Message .....2 Who We Are ...................3 Economic Growth ..........4 County Revenues ...........5 County Expenses ............6 County Map ...................7 Financial Summary .... 8-9 Major Initiatives ..... 10-11 Japanese Tea Garden, San Mateo, CA Photograph courtesy of Robert Adler Published by Controller Tom Huening, CPA, CPFO (650) 363-4777
[email protected] 1 Controller’s Message San Mateo County’s local economy is relatively The County’s contribution to the San Mateo Medi- strong overall. Per capita personal income is steadi- cal Center continued to rise and was $69 million in ly increasing, unemployment remained low at 3.9% FY 2006-07.