

HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION(KEK) 1-1 OHO TSUKUBA, IBARAKI 305-0801, http://www-conf.kek.jp/asc09/ E-mail: [email protected]

February 3, 2009 Dear Prof. Nguyen Anh Ky,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of 2009 Asian Science Camp (ASC), we would like to ask your assistance to invite student delegates from your country to 2009 Asian Science Camp, which will be held on August 3 – August 8, 2009 in Tsukuba, Japan.

The idea of Asian Science Camp was discussed in 2005 after the Lindau Science Meeting in Germany by Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee from , the 1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, and Professor Masatoshi Koshiba from Japan, the 2002 Nobel Laureate in Physics. The proposal aims to enlighten those science-talented youths through discussion and dialogue with top scholars in the world and to promote the international friendship and cooperation among the best young students of the next generation in . The Asian Science Camp was planned with the Lindau Science Meeting as a model, which has been annually held in Lindau, Germany for more than half a century. About ten Nobel Laureates or world-distinguished will be invited to the event as Leaders and they will provide an interesting program to attract all participants, including plenary sessions, parallel discussion sessions among Leaders and students, poster presentations, a social party and excursions.

The 2009 ASC is the third of the series, following successful camps at (2007) and (2008). This time, we are planning to invite about 200 students from countries in and near the Asian region. A tentative plan of the 2009 ASC program is attached to this letter. Further information and the previous Asian Science Camps’ websites are available on the 2009 ASC web page: http://www-conf.kek.jp/asc09/.

We would like to invite 10 students plus 1 accompanying teacher/team leader as your country’s delegates to the 2009 Asian Science Camp. The students have to be outstanding in natural sciences (including physics and chemistry) from high school (last-year or twelfth grader) and college students. They have to have strong proficiency in oral and written English, and show a genuine interest in science and research. The students should be able to fully attend the 2009 ASC. Finally, they need to obtain permission to attend this event from their schools/universities.

I would like to ask your assistance in announcing 2009 ASC to high schools and universities in your country, selecting students and recommending delegates to us. For selecting students, should you need 2009 ASIAN SCIENCE CAMP

HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION(KEK) 1-1 OHO TSUKUBA, IBARAKI 305-0801, JAPAN http://www-conf.kek.jp/asc09/ E-mail: [email protected]

help please consult your education authority or the most prestigious science society/institute in your country. We would appreciate if you provide us this information below.

(1) Name and email address of a contact person/organization in your country (yourself or some appropriate person), preferably by February 6, 2009. This contact person’s information will be listed on our 2009 ASC web page, so that students in your country can apply for this event through the contact person.

(2) A name list of the selected students and the accompanying teacher/team leader, by March 31, 2009. According to the list, an official invitation letter will be sent to each participant from us.

There will be no registration fee and the committee will provide the delegates’ living and local expenses associated with the Camp. Please be informed that the committee will not support the round trip flight ticket for the participants. However there is a possibility for a limited numbers of scholarships that will cover airfare for the most promising students. Further details will be announced later. The organizers will not be responsible for medical expenses incurred by participants during the Science Camp. The organizers hence recommend each participant to purchase suitable travel and medical insurance in his/her country before departure.

We do hope that students in your country can participate in this event and have a great experience. I deeply appreciate your assistance in advance, as it is essential for the success of the 2009 ASC. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter. For further correspondence, please contact 2009 ASC secretary, Ms Sumiko Hasuda at [email protected].

Sincerely yours,

Astuto Suzuki Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of 2009 ASC Director General High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)