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UA19/17/1/1 Baseball Media Guide WKU Athletic Media Relations Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1984 UA19/17/1/1 Baseball Media Guide WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/1 Baseball Media Guide" (1984). WKU Archives Records. Paper 1888. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1983 Results Rec:ord: 0"""-211-22 (13-11 home; 12-10ewrt; 1-1 '*"'-II Sun Belt Conference WMt Divialon - 11-10 (3-4 home; 3-11 ewrtl DItt. OppoMf7l Results PitchM/ R."o,d 2126 Bell St.. e L 5- 6 Mike Speemock/O-l Bell St.. e W 9- 4 Creig Monin/ l -0 3/ 3 Middle Tennessee W 4- 3 Craig Monin/ 2-G 11-1) 3/ 4 at Georgia State L 5-10 0..... Deletlo/O-l 3/ 6 .. Centrel Florida W 8- 2 Milte S_noc:tvl-l 1__ 2) 3/ 7 .. Centrel Florida L 0-1 Creig Menin/2-1 3/ 8 .. Centrel Florida W 5- 3 Eddie Jent/ l-G 3/ 9 .. Centrel Florida L 10-11 Eddie Jont/l-l 3/ 10 TempleWf L 7-12 Greg BerteklO-l 3/ 11 Templel/ W 6- 5 Eddie Jentl2-1 3/ 12 .. South Florida· W 5- 2 Mike Speernoc:tv2-1" .. south Florida· L 2- 3 Jeff POIereklO-l" 3/ 13 .. South Florida· L 7-11 0 .... Bierman/O-l 3/ 15 Bellarmine+ W 6- 5 Eddie Jent/ 3-1 Bellarmine L 0- 5 Wilde Je....... / O-l 3/ 16 .. 1.1_ T.nnessee W 11- 8 Mike S_noc:tv3-1 1__ 3) 3/ 17 Huntington lind) W 13- 8 George Arnold/l-G 3/ 19 Illinois St... L 6- 8 Jeff POIerekl0-2 Huntington lind.) W 17- 9 0 .... Bierman/ l-l Huntington lind.) W 15-10 0 ..... Bierman/ 2-1 3/ 23 Venderbih L 2- 3 Creig Monin/ 2-2 3/ 24 Ferris Stete L 4-11 Greg Bonekl0-2 Ferris State L 8- 9 Vince Broderick/O-l 3/ 26 South Alebema· L 1- 7 Mike S_noc:tv3-2" 3127 South Alebeme· W 12-10 Eddie Jont/ 4-1 South Alabam,- L 4-14 Wilde Je....... / 0-2 3/ 28 Kentucky WOIleyen W 7- 0 Iforfeit) Kentucky Weoleyen W 7- 0 Iforfeit) 3/ 30 at Tenneuee State W 5- 4 0 .... 0 ....10 / 1-1 3/ 31 Austin Peay L 4- 5 Greg Benekl0-3 4/ 4 .. Indiana Stete W 9- 8 Eddie Jent/ 5-1 .. Indiana Stete L 1- 4 Jeff POIerekl0-3" 4/ 9 at Alabama in Birmingham- L 5-11 0 .... 0 ....10 / 1-2 at Alabama in Birmingham- W 9- 2 Mike S_noc:tv4-2" 4/ 10 at Alabema in Birmingham-. W 9- 7 Jeff POIerekll -3" 4/ 12 at Austin Peay W 21 -15 0 .... Bierman/ 3-1 4-14 et Venderbih W 8- 1 Greg Benekll -3" 4/ 16 at South Alabama* L 6- 7 0 .... 0 ....10 / 1-3 at South Alabama- L 2- 8 Mike Speernoc:tv4-3 4-17 at South Alabam,- L 5- 7 Jeff POIerkll-4 4121 Cempbellsville W 5- 4 0 ..... Bierman/ 4-1 4/ 24 Alabama in Birmingham* L 7- 9 0..... 0 ....10 / 1-4 Alabama in Birmingham- W 10- 7 Mike S_noc:tv5-3 4/ 28 Tennessee State W 14- 5 0 ..... DeletIo/ 2-4 5/ 1 South Florida· L 3- 5 Creig Menin/ 2-3% South Florida· W 5- 0 Mike Spoernoc:tv6-3% 5/ 8 at Louisville W 10- 9 Jeff POIerekl2-4 11-4) at LoueaviUe+ W 5- 3 Dave Bierman/5-1 ·SunSet Conl.~ w_ DMsion getr'W tlMUffM u. (TW'f¥)& Fla.} . eight inni,. '1en innings ----'s·tIS..,. - Jeff P...... 's·21 S.w - Ecfdi,e-'-tlt 's·3) S..,. - Jeff pMefek I.... ) Sr;e - E(kk Jent Index Western Kentucky A ll-Americans .. ........... .• . ... .. 20 Alma Mater .. ..... •. .... • .... 19 H iIItoppers Athletic Directory .. .. •. • •.......... 4 Location: Cottege Heights Athletic Staff . ..............• .... 6-7 Bowling Green, Ky. 42101 Big Red . ......... .. .. ... .. • ...... 19 Founded: 1906 Coaches' Records, AII·Time ....• • ..... 36 Enrollment: 12,666 Coaching Staff ......... ..• . ..... 8 ·9 President: Dr. Donald W . Zacharias Head Coach Joel Murrie . • . .. 8 Assistant Joe Ca ro .........•• . ..... 9 Head Coach: Joel Murrie Assistant Joel Lepel .. .... ..• . .• . ... 9 Alma Mater: Florida '75 Assistant Rick Tippin .. ••....••••. 9 Co llegiate Record: 151 ·63 14 yrsl Hilltopper Nickname. • . .. 7 Record at WKU: 151 · 63 14 yrsl Honor Role. .. 20 Office: 15021 745· 3347 Milestones. WKU Baseball .......... .. 32 Best Time to Call: M ornings Opponents, '84 .. ..... .. .... ... 22·27 Assistant Coaches: Outlook. '84 ...... .. ..... ....... 10 Joe Ca ro (Florida '80) Player Sketches . .....•..•. ... 12-19 Joel LepellMankato SI. 'BOI Greg Bartek . • . • . .. 12 Rick Tippin (Southern M iss. '821 Brien Blakely . • . .. 12 Athletic Director: J ohn Oldham John Bri" . .. • . • • . .. 12 Coordinator of Men's Athletics: Rusty Clark , , , , ' , , , ...•..•. , . .. 1 2 Jim Richards John Clem .. .. ,...... ... ... .... 13 Coordinator of W omen's Athletics : Roger Daniel . , . ••.. • ...• , •... , 13 Pam Herriford Dave Delello . • . • . • . .. 13 Trainer: Bill Edwards Tim Delph . ...... •. .. ...•..•.... 13 Associate Trainer: Randy Dee re M ark DeRuzzo ... .. .. , • •..••. • . ... 14 Assistant Trainer: Terrie Castle Dave Gay . .. , .... • . .. .. '.' . •.. ,. 14 Team Physicians: Dr. Bob Goodwin Rich Harg is .. ... ..•.. , . • . • . .. 14 Dr. Jerry Martin Eddie Jent . ...... , ••.••. • .. •.. " 14 Richie Johnson ... • .. •. , . • . • . .. 15 SID: Paul Just George Kelley . • . • . • . • . 15 Office: 15021 745·4295 Chico LaB ute , , ....• • . • . .. ..•.. ,. 15 Home: 150217Bl · 4852 M att Logic ...... .... .•.. ... .•. ... 15 Graduate Assistant: Bob Cefalo Dan Magnuson ... , • . • . • . • . .. 16 Home: 15021 781 · 2804 Mike McClear ..... .. • . , , ...•.... 16 Home Facility: Nick Denes Field Gary Mueller .. .. , , ... • .. • . .. .. ... 16 Colors: Red and White Todd Niva ........ ... ••. • •. • .... 16 '83 Record: 26· 22 Steve Page .. ... "... ... ... ... 17 AII·Time Record: 752·555· 14 1.5751 Keith Reinhart .. ....•.. • ........ 17 Conference: Sun Belt Conference Mike Roy . .. .... • ..•..•. .. .... 17 '83 Record: 6- 10 (West Division) Ru sty Sebastian .... ..• .. •... .... 17 Lettermen Lost: 15 Kenney Sexton . , , . • . • . .. '8 Lettermen Returning: 10 Larry Shikles . • . .. 18 Starters Lost/Returning: 6/ 2 M ike Spearnock ......•..•. ... .... 18 Randy Strijek . • • . • • . • . .. 18 Doug Taulbee . ...... .... .. .... 18 Bill Vonnahme ...... ... ... , ...... 19 Tom Doyle (student trainer) .... •.. .. 19 President Donald W . Zacharias. .. 3 Pronunciation Guide ... , . , . 15 Records - Team .... .. .. .. ... ... ,. 32 Individual . , .•.......... 33-34 Red Towel ......... ... , ... ,', .. 4 Results - AU -Time . , , ............ 34-42 1983 ... .. .... Inside Front Cover Rosters . .... .. " . ... , ............ 11 Schedules - '84 Baseball .. Back Cover Future Football .......... 45 Series Records . .. 28 Statistics. '83 ., ....... , .......... 30-31 Sun Belt Conference ... ... .• .. .... , 42-45 Tournament . .. .... , . ..• ',....... 42 '83 Final Standings . • . .. 44 '83 Statistics .. ... , .. .. , , . , ..... 44·45 'B3 AII·SSC Team ......... ...... 45 Western Kentucky University ... ... " .. 1-2 The University They ca ll it RedTow elTerritory, the Home of other fields. Special professional and pre­ the Hilltoppers. a place to come to for nearly professional curricula for technical ca ree rs 35,000 alumni and 13.000students ... W estern are also available in various fields of study. Kentucky University. Among students in Kentucky, Western Situated on a hilltop in picturesque Bowling graduates annually have one of the highest G ree n. Ky .• overlooking miles of southcentral rat es of success in gaining admission to Kentucky's beauty. W estern Kentucky Uni­ medical, dental, veterinary and pharmacy versity is one of the most beautiful ca mpuses schools, in the nation. w ith 200 acres of the main The University is a state leader in synfuels campus sprawling over the la nd made famous resea rch, and a one-of-its-kind master's op­ bvCoach E.A . Diddle and his 4 2-year coaching tion in coal chem istry inhances WKU's aca ­ legend. dem ic and public service offerings in coal Coach Diddle clutched a red towel in his technology. hand throughout his coaching ca reer, esta­ Other research projects in the areas of blish ing WKU 's red tow el tradition. And resource management and environmental whether irs an intercollegiate athletic event engineering have focused on state and re­ or a continuing education meeting for campus gional needs; and, in the area of publ ic service, visitors. one's likely to see red towels waving W estern's Co ntinuing Ed ucation Center hosts or ha nging .out of hip pockets and residence hundreds of co nferences annually, ha ll windows. The Agriculture Exposition Center on the It's a sign of something Western is proud University's 7a5-acre farm helps serve the of. .. the Western Spirit ... and it shows in all st ate's agricultural community and the Ken­ areas of this comprehensive public university's tucky library and Museum is another va luable mission, state resource. For more than 75 years, W KU has provided Graduates of the University's technology h igh quality instruction, encouraged scholarly progra ms are in great demand, and W KU's research and creative activity by its faculty teacher educa tion program has maintained and students and served as a public service its position as the most outstanding in Ken­ resource ce nter. tucky. As the familiar colors of red and white A faculty and student body who have been symbolize W est ern's strength and pride, they recipients of such prestigious fellow ships for are also refl ected in a strong academ ic struc­ adva nced study as the Danforth, Woodrow ture and tradition of athletic excellence. W ilson, Fulbr ight-Hays and Root -Tilden Western provides educational opportunities Awards, is supplemented at W estern by one for undergraduate and graduate students that of the nation 's most successful athletic pro­ will prepare them for ca reers in the arts and grams, sciences, education, government. service, Red Towel Territory .. it's a place alive with business, industry, health, ag riculture and in the W estern Spiritl 2 President Donald W.
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    TABLE OF CONTENTS MEDIA/TEAM 11 - COACHES 105 Year-by-Year Stats 1 Table of Contents 12 Head Coach Mike Martin 107 Year-by-Year Final Rankings 2 Media Information 16 Associate Head Coach Mike Bell 108 All-Time Lettermen 5 Florida State Administration 18 Assistant Coach Mike Martin, Jr. 112 All-Time Jersey Numbers 6 Quick Facts 20 Volunteer Assistant Clyde Keller 116 All-Time Hitting Statistics 7 Roster 20 Director of Baseball Ops Chip Baker 128 All-Time Pitching Statistics 8 Photo Roster 21 Support Staff 134 All-Time Coaching Records 9 Mike Martin Field at Dick Howser Stadium 22 - PLAYERS 135 - HONORS 2018 FLORIDA STATE 23 Returning Player Bios 136 First Team All-Americans BASEBALL ALMANAC 36 Newcomer Bios 141 USA Baseball Partic./All-Time All-Americans CREDITS 38 Bat Girls 142 Academic All-Americans The 2018 Florida State Baseball Almanac is a publication 143 National Players of the Year of the Florida State University Sports Information Office. 39 - REVIEW 146 National Freshmen of the Year Written, edited and page layout design by Steven 40 2017 Final Stats 147 Rawlings Gold Glove Winners McCartney. 42 2017 Final Results 148 ACC Accolades 43 2017 Box Scores Writing, editing and research assistance: Logan Jones. 60 Miscellaneous Stats 150 - RESULTS Historical research: Bob Perrone and Andrew Brady. 61 2017 ACC Season In Review 151 ACC Players of the Week/Final Standings Cover design, page template and graphic design: Ty 62 2017 ACC Stats 153 Conference Tournament History Osborne, Florida State Athletic Marketing. 156 Year-by-Year Results 65 - OPPONENTS 175 NCAA Tournament Results Printing: FSU UPS Store.
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