Sandpiper Project Proposed recovery of phosphate enriched sediments from the Marine Mining Licence Area No. 170 off Walvis Bay, Namibia. Environmental Scoping Report for the Terrestrial Component March 2012 COPYRIGHT: ENVIRO DYNAMICS cc Project Name Sandpiper Phosphate Project Stage of Report Final Scoping Report submit at the DEA Client Namibian Marine Phosphate (NMP) Enviro Dynamics cc Lead Consultant Date of Release April 2012 Stephanie van Zyl, Norman van Zyl, Carla Saayman, Sheldon Husselmann, Eddy Kuliwoye, Pat Morant, Dr Mark Zunckel, Dr John Kinahan, Dr John Irvin, Contributors to the Report Justine Braby, Japie van Blerk, Brett Williams, Pierre Botha, Dr. Andrea Pulfrich, Andre Theron, Dr. Hardus Diedericks, Theo Potgieter, Gert Maritz Reviewer Patrick Morant Stephanie van Zyl Contact E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: +264 (61) 223 336 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd (NMP) is developing the Sandpiper Marine Phosphate Project in Namibia. The project resource area lies approximately 160 km south of Walvis Bay. The resource area includes a major part of the regionally mapped zone of phosphate mineralisation that occurs on the continental shelf south of Walvis Bay. The intention is to mine these deposits using proven deep water dredging techniques. The material will be transferred to shore at Walvis Bay where minimal beneficiation is required to separate the phosphate sands from other marine sediments. Locality of the marine phosphate deposit off the Namibian coast. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which is required for this project in terms of Namibia’s Environmental Management Act (2007) and Minerals Act (2002) for the marine and land-based activities are currently underway.