[CORNWALL.] HESSENFORD. 770 [POST OFFICE HESSENFORD Is an Ecclesiastical Parish, Formed in of University College, Oxford

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[CORNWALL.] HESSENFORD. 770 [POST OFFICE HESSENFORD Is an Ecclesiastical Parish, Formed in of University College, Oxford [CORNWALL.] HESSENFORD. 770 [POST OFFICE HESSENFORD is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in of University College, Oxford. The school is National 1852 from the parish of St. Germans, in the Eastern mixed, Ultder a mistress; there is another school at diviiion of the county, southern division of the hundred of Deviock, under a master, also National mixed. The Earl of East, union of St. Germans, county court district of Lis­ St. Germans, who is lord of the manor, and Sir J. W. keard, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of CornwalJ, Copley, hart., are the principal landowners. The soil is and diocese of Exeter. The village is 4 miles west from the marl and clay; subsoil, freestone and slate. The chief crops town of St. Germans, situated on the river Seaton. The are cereal, root and potato. The area is 6,000 acres; and church of St. Anne, built in 1832, by voluntary contribu­ the population in 1871 was 968. tions, was in 1871 entirely rebuilt at the cost of the vicar, the Rev. John Turner Fisher: it is a handsome edifice, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles, with small Letters received from St. Germans, which is the nearest tower and spire: the sitting-s are entirely free. The register money order office dates from the year 1832. The living is a vicarag-e, yearly ScHOOLS:- value £100, and residence, in the gift of the vicar of St. National, Deviock, J. A. Lemon, master GermaBs, and held by the Rev. John Turner Fisher, B.A., National,·Hessentord, Elizabeth Thomas, mistress Fisher Rev. John Turner, B.A. [vicar] Coad Thomas, farmer Mathews William, farmer Glanville Miss, Catchfrench Couch Henry, blacksmith May Thomas, farmer Couch Robert, shopkeeper Maynard Henry, farmer COMMERCIAL. .Cock William, shopkeeper Mortimer Richard, farmer Austin Samuel, yeoman Davy William, horse breaker Pearce J ames, boot & shoe maker Bennett J oseph, mii!er Hancock James, farmer Uaby Samuel, farmer Bray John, Copley Arms Hoskin Reuben, grocer & draper Roberts Joseph, bailiff llray Thomas, farmer, Tregone Johns John, miller, St. Martin's Scantlebury John, turner Carpenter Ja~IK~S, farmer Kitt William, carpenter Screech William, farmer Carpenter John, farmer Lightfoot James, Cornish Arms Snell James, dealer in poultry Clogg Richard, farmer Lord Henry, farmer Toll William, road contractor Coad John, farmer Lower Joseph, farmer Wyatt W. H. stone mason ST. HILARY is a township and pari!'h, the village M.A. The rectorial tithes rent-charge is now in the hanrJs of being 2~ miles east from Marazion and 6 from Penzanct>, 25 lay impropriators. At the Church Town is the Parochial in the Western division of the county, hundred of Penwith, school for boys and girls. The- Duke of Leeds, Sir John St. Penzance union and ,.county court district, rural deanery of Aubyn, hart., M.P., C. H. T. Hawkins, esq., J. H. Buller, Penwith, Cornwall archdeaconry, and diocese of Exeter. esq., of Downes, Devon, 11nd Viscount Falmouth are the The town of Marazion is within this parish. The church principal landowners. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil, killas. of St. Hilary, rebuilt in 1853, stands on very high ground: The chief crops are wheat, turnips and brocoli. The area it has chancel, nave, and aisles, with tower containing 3 is 2,786 acres ; gross estimated rental, £4,947 ; rateable bells, and surmounted by a spire, which forms a well value, £4,488; and the population in 1871 was 1,530. known landmark. The previous church, erected in the MARAZION is in this parish for ecclesiastical purposes reign of Henry VII. in the Perpendicular sty le, was destroyed only, and will be found under a separate heading-. by fire on the night of Good Friday, 1853 : the small tower PRUSSIA CovE is a pleasant watering place in this which belonged to a cruciform chnrch of the reign of parish; Church Town, Relubbus, Higher and Lower Downs, Edward III. alone escaped. The present building is Resudgian and Trenalls are villages. in the Middle Pointed style, from designs by W. Wllite, Assi..~tant Overseer, Vestry Clerk, ~ Collector, Philip esq. Two curiously inscribed stones were found in the old Floyd. walls, and are now near the south entrance. The register dates from the year 1671. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £388, with 38 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Duke of Letters• through Marazion, which is also the nearest money Leeds and others, and held by the Rev. Sampson Kingsford, order office Kingsford Rev. Sampson,M.A.Vicarage Laity Henry, farmer, Gears Richards John, farmer, Trenalls COMMERCIAL. Laity Henry, farmer, Retallack mills Richards Joseph & Son, carpenters & Bennett Richard, Jolly 1'inners' inn, Laity John, farmer, Colensoe wheelwrights, Relubbus highway Church Town Laity John, farmer, Retallack Richards Thos. miller &c. Carbis mills Berryman Arthur, farmer, Trewhella Laity Joseph, farmer, Bostrays Roberts William, farmer, Freightons .Berryman Wm. Blight, frmr.Trewhella Laity Ralph, farmer, North Colensoe Semmens Samuel, farmer, Trevarthian Bray Alfred,sbopkpr. Relubbus highway Laity Ralph, jun. farmer, Chyrease Smithem J ames, shopkeeper & smith, Buckett Thomas, Fnlmouth Packet Laity Thomas, farmer, Retallack Relubbus highway inn, & farmer, Carter's downs Laity 'Villiam, farmer, Halamaning Stribley John, carpenter, & lodging Burt James, smith, Penberthy cross Laity William, farmer, Tregurtha house, Prussia cove Curnow Step hen, farmer, Church Town Lory Hugh Line, farmer, Colensoe Tregoning Henry, farmer, Tregilsoe Courtis James, Hawkins' Arm.! inn, Noble Wm. smith & farrier, Relubbus T.rewhella Martin, farmer & seed & & farmer, Relubbus Oats Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Relubbus manure agent, Relubbus highway Dunstan Samuel J ames, farmer, Lower Oats Richard C. carpenter & machinist, Trewhella Matthew, farmer, Enys Penberthy Relubbus Trownson J oel, farmer, Resudgian Floyd Philip, collector &c. Belvedere Osborn J ohn,farmer,North Treveneague V ellenoweth Henry, farmer, Resudgian Hampton J ames, farmer,Relubbus Vean Phillips John, farmer, Tregurtha Vellenoweth William, farmer & wheel- James V errant, farmer, Trelease Reed Samuel, farmer, Tregembo wright, Resudg-ian .James William, farmer, Kestal Reed Sml. Joseph, mine agent & farmer V errant J ames, farmer, Treleaze King Joseph, farmer, Relubbus Vean Richards Harry, ldgng. ho. Prussia cove V errant John, farmer, Carbis King Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Trel- Richards Henry, farmer, Trenewyack VincentRichard, farmer, Nanguskus lase crott Richards John, smith &c. Relubbus Williams Anthony, jun. farmer, Laity George, farmer, Trevabyn highway Penberthy ILLOGAN, or ST. lLLOGAN, is a large and populous and 77 acres of glebe land, in the gift of Gustavus Lambert mining parish, 2! miles north from Redruth railway station, Basset, esq., and held by the Rev. James Gee Wulff, M.A., and I! north-east from Camborne, in theW estern division of Trinity College, Dublin. There are two chapels of ease, of the county, hundred of Penwith, Redruth union and one at Trevenson, near Pool, the o.tber at Portreath; also county court district, rural deanery of Penwitb, Cornwall chapels for Wesleyans and Reform Methodists. There are archdeaconry, and Exeter diocese, situated on the Bristol six parish schools, placed under the control of the School Channel. Illogan contains the villages of PooL, PoRT- Hoard. Therearetwo Sundayschools,oneatChurchTown, REATH, and lLLOGAN CHURCH TowN. At Pool is a the other at Pool. In this parish is Carnbrea Hill, 700 feet station on the West Cornwall railway, and several good above the level of the sea: it is supposed to have been the shops. The rebuilt church of St. lllogan is in the Per- central place of worship for the Druids in this part of the pendicular style, has chancel, nave, porch, organ, 6 bells, county; there are many huge rocks, one called the Sacri­ and contains brasses to the Basset family, some monuments ficing Rock: on this hill is a lofty monument, of pyramidical and sedilia. The tower of the former building is still stand- form, with the following inscription " The County of Corn­ ing in the churchyard, but at some distance from the present wall to the .Memory of Francis Lord De Dunstanville and church. The earliest register dates from the year 1539. Basset, A.D., 1836." At Nance .Farm, overlooking Port­ The living is a rectory, yearly 1value £6i0, with residence reath, is an ancient encampment. Tehidy, the leaf: of .
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