Leaguer, November 1980
November, 1980 Volume 65 Number 3 The Leaguer USPS 267-840 Texas AD's nominate Lawson for accolade Schools holding transfer rule's fate W. D. "Shorty" Lawson of Abilene As expected, the University has been named Interscholastic League's rulemaking body Texas nominee for approved a proposal which leaves open the National Athletic possibility of drastic change of its con Director of the troversial one-year transfer rule. Year, to be an The 20-member Legislative Council, nounced later this meeting in Austin November 1-2, un year. animously passed a recommendation which Lawson, present would allow students to participate in foot ly Abilene ISD ball and basketball, so long as bona fide athletic director, 'Shorty' Lawson residence is established and the receiving won three state football and two state district is satisfied that no recruitment for baseball championships during his athletic purposes was involved. coaching stint at Abilene High School. As a sports official, he has worked 13 The question now goes before public national basketball championship games school administrators on a referendum and 12 major college football bowl ballot, to be mailed from the UIL office in games. He belongs to the Southwest February. If approved, it would go into Basketball Officials Hall of Fame and effect in the 1981-82 school year on a two- served as president of the Texas Athletic year trial basis. Directors Association, the TAHPER Results of the ballot will be released the Southwest Basketball Officials and first weekend in March. Southwest Football Association. Under current rules, transfer students in He also served as Texas High School grades nine, 10 and 11 are ineligible for one Jack Johnson (left), outgoing Legislative Council chairman, accepts a plaque of appreciation Coaches Association director.
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