16 Focus ___15 Local/State
TODAY Index 20 pagts, 2 M otions Classified 17-20 C o m ics _____ 16 Focus _____ 15 Local/State ____ 3 . 6 Lottefv _______ 2 Nation/WarkI ____ 7 .0 O b itu a rie s _______ 2 O o in io n a Soorts _ 11-14 Te le visio n _ 16 1----------------------------------------------------- 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Jan. 22. l‘H)0 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Jan. 22, 1990—3 RECORD MANCHESTER Obituaries U.S. Corps Home Aid concert Rita Biancamano The funeral will be 'Rtesday at 11 a.m. in the chapel of He is also survived by a son, Gregory I. Gallo; a She is survived by four other cousins. She was won’t fund Rita (Blake) Biancamano of Hartford, widow of John Weinstein Mortuary, 640 Farmington Ave., Hanford. daughter, Gianna E. Gallo, both of East Hartford; a predeceased by a cousin, Robert Hagenow, formerly of M. Biancamano, died Saturday (Jan. 20. 1990) at home. Burial will be in Temple Beth Sholom Memorial F’ark brother. Dr. Sebastian J. Gallo of Wethersfield; a niece Manchester. set Friday to aid Cemetery. pond work She is survived by her son and daughtcr-in-Iaw. Steven and three nephews. The funeral was today at Zion Hill Cemetery, J G. and Rosemary Biancamano of Manchester. Memorial donations may be made to the Hartford The funeral will be Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the Holmes Hartford. There are no calling hours. She is also survived by three odicr sons and daughter- Heart Association, 5 Brooksidc Drive, Wallincford Funeral Home, 400 Main St., with a Mass of Christian The Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 Main St., East By Nancy Foley in-laws, John M.
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