THE RISE OF THE CONSCIOUS CONSUMER Concerns for our ocean are driving a new wave of consumer activism, new research for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) reveals. American shoppers are increasingly ‘voting with their forks’ for sustainable . The study was conducted in early 2020 by GlobeScan, an independent research and strategy consultancy. It is one of the largest global surveys of seafood consumers, involving more than 20,000 people across 23 countries. In the U.S., more than 3,600 people were surveyed.

Americans are increasingly concerned about MOST CONCERNING our ocean and the impact of pollution, ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS FOR , and climate change. U.S. SEAFOOD CONSUMERS

Ocean health and the decline Seafood of fish populations is ranked as Consumers U.S. consumers' third highest Climate change 48% environmental concern. Pollution & waste % damaging rivers & streams 44

Health of oceans and % decline in fish populations 38

Air pollution 34%

Loss of animal species 34%

Extreme weather events/ % changing weather patterns 34 Loss/destruction 29% The top action seafood consumers of rain forests are willing to take to help the ocean is Loss of wilderness/ 20% switching to a different brand or product. urban sprawl

64% 49% 55% of Americans believe retailers’ of U.S. shoppers are willing to pay of U.S. seafood consumers agreed and brands’ claims about more for seafood from a certified that in order to protect the ocean, we and the environment sustainable . have to consume fish and need to be clearly labeled by an only from sustainable sources. independent organization.


Relative importance scores Choosing sustainably Safe to eat 7.3 Fresh 6.5 sourced seafood has Taste 6.3 risen in importance as Good for my health/my family 5.9 a purchase motivator Price 4.0 A type of fish I’ve always eaten 3.2 to seafood shoppers Sustainably sourced/environmentally friendly 2.8 since 2018. Easy to cook 2.7 Knowing where a product originally comes from 2.7 Is not genetically modified 2.4 Caught in the wild 2.4 Dolphin/turtle friendly 1.8 Preferred brand 1.7 Sustainability- Independently certified/verified 1.7 focused Clearly marked country of origin 1.7 Fairly traded 1.4 Other 1.2 Sourced locally Ranked higher in Organic 1.1 2020 than 2018 Fishing method 0.8

MSC awareness continues to grow FREQUENCY OF SEEING THE MSC BLUE FISH LABEL among American seafood consumers. Recognition is particularly high among 26% the conscious consumer* (45%) and younger consumers aged 18-34 (41%). Total seafood customers

*Seafood consumers who care about the planet alongside a love of 45% shopping. When purchasing seafood, they value sustainability highly and prefer buying certified products. Conscious consumers*

The survey revealed that younger 41% generations and parents are most likely to have taken action in the Younger consumers past year to protect seafood for the future. Seen occasionally/often

Trust in the MSC label is 16% 12%

% high and has increased % 15 % 18 since 2018, with 73 of U.S. % consumers reporting that 66% 73 they trust MSC claims. 53% of MSC-aware consumers High Moderate Little trust/ would recommend MSC-certified trust trust Don’t know products to people they know. 2018 2020


The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a global, science-based nonprofit on a mission to end overfishing. This survey was conducted by independent research and strategy consultancy, GlobeScan, on behalf of the MSC. Fieldwork in USA was conducted between Jan 31 and Mar 17 2020.